The Book of Magick Power

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The Book of Magick Power Page 23

by Jason Augustus Newcomb

  17. Take some real outward actions toward getting what you have just projected, knowing that you are going to succeed. Don’t omit this last step.

  Once you have your charged talisman, you can hold onto it, give it to the person you created it for, or destroy it physically, setting it free to do its work on the astral plane. If you decide to destroy it, the easiest way to do this is simply by setting it on fire.[1] If you do this, just make sure that you are consciously setting it to work astrally rather than just destroying it. When you are destroying it, just hold onto the image of the talisman and its purpose, imagining that it is rising up into your superconscious.

  Exercise 81 – Creating Artificial Elementals or Servitors

  Time Required: 30 to 40 minutes

  An artificial elemental or servitor is a talismanic creation that has a sort of consciousness of its own that it can use to creatively accomplish your desires. You can generate these artificial beings quite easily, sending them out into the world at your convenience to do whatever you wish. The nice thing about a servitor created in this way is that you can develop a relationship with it, directing it to accomplish your desires, and allowing it to do this in whatever way it can best accomplish your goals. These creatures are somewhat more flexible than talismans, and you can develop their use over time if you create one for long term use. When creating a servitor you must decide its purpose, name it, establish how long it has to accomplish what you want, and when it will disintegrate. You always want to create an end for your artificial creatures, even if that end is the day of your death. You shouldn’t leave it floating around in your life if you don’t need it. You can of course, dismantle your servitor early if you no longer want it. If your servitor is no longer serving you well, you should definitely dismantle it, disintegrating it in a ritual, and sending its energy back into the universe. You are in fact not creating anything. These servitors exist as parts of us, and you are really just activating some particular aspect of your being into temporary autonomy. You do not want to leave these energies activated, unless you are really aware of what you are doing and its consequences.

  For your first few artificial elementals, you should probably create short term ones, ending them upon the completion of their tasks. Then, once you are getting good at creating them, you can create long-term elementals to serve all of your needs.

  I keep a general servitor for each of the elements, who I can easily call upon to accomplish various tasks related to the elemental forces. If you create long term servitors such as these, you will want to occasionally “feed” them by recharging them in a ritual similar to the one in which you will charge them. For long-term elementals, you might want to have a physical home for it such as a statue, figurine or picture of your elemental. This will give you a reference point for working with it over time. You will simply place this object in your circle when creating the elemental, and identify it as the home of the elemental in your ritual.

  The technique I am about to outline is somewhat different from the one in The New Hermetics, but you will probably find either effective. I consider this to be a somewhat superior revised method, but you will have to decide for yourself.

  1. Decide the general and/or specific purpose that your elemental will serve.

  2. Come up with a name for your elemental. It might be appropriate to choose a name that has something to do with its purpose, such as a “word of power” or anything else that has to do with its function.

  3. Decide the amount of time it has to accomplish its mission and the date on which it will terminate.

  4. If it is a long-term servitor, obtain an appropriate material base, an image, picture, sculpture etc. that can be the home of the servitor.

  5. Consult with your subconscious using the pendulum.

  6. Get into the Alpha state using your anchor.

  7. Do opening preparations, including any combination of purification, consecration, chakra opening, Kundalini arousing breaths, circle casting and the pentagram ritual.

  8. If you are using a material base, sprinkle a small bit of water on it to purify it, saying some words of purification appropriate to your purpose. As you are doing this, imagine that that it is cleared of all previous energy, a blank slate.

  9. If you are burning incense, you can then pass your material base through the incense smoke, using appropriate words of consecration. You may omit this if you are not burning incense, placing the object on your altar.

  10. Make a clear statement of your intent, either out loud verbally, or thinking it through clearly in your mind. This must include the servitor’s purpose, its name, how long it has to accomplish what you want, and when it will disintegrate.

  11. Begin to invoke an appropriate magical atmosphere, using the Creating Magical Atmospheres technique, or using the pentagram or hexagram technique, filling your circle with appropriate energy.

  12. Once the desired force is all around you, close your eyes and begin drawing power from your superconscious and your subconscious by imagining energy coming up from your groin and belly and light coming down into your from above. Draw these two forces into the area of your solar plexus, feeling a strong dynamic power collecting there. This is the base for the consciousness of your elemental. Think again of the purpose and name of your elemental as you gather this force within, allowing yourself to move into a sort of one-pointed ecstatic consciousness, as you project your desires into this energy.

  13. Hold out your hands in front of you, about 20 inches apart, and send this energy out of your solar plexus into the shape of a sphere between your palms.

  14. Then begin to accumulate the planetary and/or elemental energies you’ve invoked that are swirling around in your circle into this sphere of energy between your palms. Gather all of the energy there, seeing and feeling your personal forces and the invoked forces swirling together between your palms. Your hands can be around the material base if you have one.

  15. Once you have fully gathered all of this energy, you will feel like you are holding a comet in your hands. Tell this baby elemental its name, its purpose, how long it has to do it, and when it will disintegrate.

  16. At this point, you can shift the energy into some shape, such as an animal, human, some sort of geometric for or something that matches its material base. If you have a material base, you will now tell the elemental that this is its new home.

  17. Once you have given the elemental its name and task, you must send it off to do its work. Imagine the elemental rising up into the light of your superconscious, up and out into the astral plane.

  18. Close your ritual space, preferably by performing appropriate banishing ritual for the energy of the spell, and the lesser pentagram ritual a second time, and withdrawing all of the energy of your protective circle back into yourself. All of your spell energy should already have been discharged toward you task, so this should place the balance of energy back to equilibrium.

  19. If you have consecrated a material base for your elemental, you can keep it wrapped in an appropriately colored cloth, or place it somewhere special in your home.

  20. Take some real outward actions toward getting what you have just projected, knowing that you are going to succeed. Don’t omit this last step.

  Once you have created your elemental, you should try not to bother it as it is doing its work, unless you wish to give it further instructions. If you think about your elemental too much it will be continually hung up by your attention and not be able to do its job effectively. So, for the most part, you should just forget about your elemental until it finishes its job. If however, you need to communicate with your elemental, all that you need to do is go into the Alpha state and call it by name, imagining its color and form manifesting before you. You can then tell it whatever you want, then send it back off on its way. If it is a long term elemental and you have an image, you can just take out the image and communicate directly with the elemental that way.


  Moving Ob

  with Your Power

  “Having learned to create astral forms, the next step is to influence forms already existing, and this will be at first very difficult. Phantasmal and fleeting as the astral is in general, those forms which are definitely attached to the material possess enormous powers of resistance, and it consequently requires very high potential to influence them.”

  -Aleister Crowley[1]

  Telekinesis (also sometimes called psychokinesis) is the ability to move objects by means of psychic force. This is an area of magical and psychic development in which I have personally only had very modest success, but I wanted to include a brief chapter on it for the sake of completeness. I have at least a little bit of repeatable positive experiences with all of the exercises in this chapter except for the last two. I include these latter because I have it on fairly good authority that they can work, if they are fully explored over a long period of time.

  Telekinesis seems to have an extremely seductive sway over many people, almost to the point of unhealthy obsession. It is a very obvious sort of “miracle,” and many people want to develop this ability at any cost. I have known of several people, obsessed with the desire to develop telekinesis, supposedly for some philanthropic reason such as “helping mankind.”

  However, telekinesis has few really practical applications, since it seems to take a great deal of effort just to move a tiny object even a small amount. And in the end, it seems like it would be far easier just to move the object with your hand. There’s a story about a young yoga student who spent many years trying to develop the ability to walk on water across a river. After decades of work, he eventually managed to do it. Just at that moment his master rode by him in a rowboat, saying “Wouldn’t it have been easier to use a boat from the beginning? By now you could be enlightened!” In fact, from a spiritual perspective this story could really be applied to almost any of the techniques in this book.

  But I am particularly reminded of this story whenever I play around with developing telekinesis. Over the next few pages I will outline a few experiments which should show you that it is possible to have a telekinetic effect on matter, and then give you a few practical applications for you to try. After that, we will discuss the abilities of levitation and teleportation, with a few practical suggestions that I’ve collected from others, even though I have never really experienced either myself.

  I must warn you that telekinesis seems to be a rather fleeting and undependable phenomenon, at least for me. I have managed to succeed with these experiments on several separate occasions, but not necessarily every time I’ve tried. It may just be that I am particularly weak in this department and your success may be greater. However, I tend to think that this occasional lack of success may come from the impracticality of the experiments themselves. The subconscious is willing to go along with it a few times and produce the necessary phenomena, but once you have succeeded the subconscious balks at repeating it over and over again. You are also challenging the natural order of things with telekinesis, and the world seems to like remaining coherent as much as possible.

  There are three basic techniques for telekinesis. That is to say, there are three ways to look at what you are doing, and these will give you the methods you can use to attempt moving matter. These three are attempting to establish identification with the object, attempting to manipulate the object through subtle astral energies, and simply using your imagination to will the object into movement. Of these three, the use of energy seems the easiest, and the others can somewhat be used in conjunction, so we will focus primarily on the generation and use of energy in this chapter. We will also add a bit of imagination and identification along the way, which you can use as much as you like at your own discretion. As Crowley says in the above quote, there is a tremendous amount of resistance to overcome, even in the simplest experiment, so do not feel disappointed if it takes you a few efforts to succeed, and results are inconsistent, even with these rudimentary experiments.

  This being said, you also do not want to try overly hard, straining yourself psychically or physically. Instead, you must just remain relaxed and focused, holding on to the idea that you can do this, that it is possible, and that you will succeed. Too much stress will hinder rather than help your results.

  Exercise 82 – Building Magnetism in the Hands

  Time Required: 2 to 5 minutes

  The simplest way to get into the right mental place to move objects is to imagine that your hands are becoming highly charged with astral, magnetic energy. This exercise will help you to develop this sensation.

  1. Go into the Alpha state using your anchor.

  2. Continue drawing the light down from your superconscious, and contain it in your belly, your Manipura chakra, collecting it like water in a pan.

  3. At the same time, begin to breathe energy up from your Muladhara root chakra, containing this energy in your belly as well.

  4. As you begin to feel this dynamic energy in your belly, bring your hands together as in prayer, and start to rub them vigorously for about 30 seconds, keeping your body relaxed, and continuing to collect energy.

  5. Separate your hands slightly, feeling the tingle of energy between them. Move them closer and further apart without touching them, until you discover a sort of bouncy magnetic resistance between them.

  6. As you do this, some of the energy in your belly will automatically start moving out into your arms and hands. This is natural, because you’ve moved your point of attention, the energy has simply followed. Now consciously start directing this energy up through your body and out to your hands, continuing to gently bounce them magnetically against each other, slowly separating them further and further apart.

  7. All the while, continue collecting more and more energy in your belly, sending all of this energy out to your hands. After a couple of minutes, you will feel a strong magnetic force in your hands and fingers, even separated a foot or more from each other. You will then know that you are ready to begin.

  You can also use this same exercise to concentrate elemental or planetary energies into your hands, simply by gathering this energy into you with your breath, rather than merely the vital force.

  Exercise 83 – Telekinetic Pyramid

  Time Required: 5 to 10 minutes

  For this experiment, you will need a small perfectly square piece of paper (a post-it note works great!), a long needle and a small piece of clay.

  You will first need to construct your Telekinetic Pyramid: (see Diagram 20)

  1. Take your piece of square paper and fold it twice along the diagonal lines of the square, in the same direction each time. Fold it very tight so that the lines are crisp.

  2. As you unfold it the second time it will naturally have a pyramid-like shape. You can tighten it a bit further at the center, to emphasize the central point further.

  3. Take the needle, and poke the un-sharp side into the clay, so that the point of the needle is sticking out.

  4. Press the clay onto a hard surface in front of you, so that the needle sticks straight up, and balance the center of the paper pyramid on the point of the needle. This is your telekinetic pyramid.

  Now that you have constructed this simple telekinetic device, you will try to get the pyramid to spin on the needle using your power.

  1. Place the device in front of you, in such a way that you can comfortably place your hands around it without any strain. It doesn’t take much energy to make it move, but it should be still until you direct your attention to it. If it is dancing around on its own, this means that there is a draft in the room, or that your breath is disturbing it. You don’t want either of these to mess up your experiment.

  2. Once you’ve found a suitable place, you are ready to begin.

  3. Consult your subconscious with the pendulum.

  4. Get into the Alpha state using your anchor, and build up the magnetism in your hands, as above.

  5. Cup your hands around the pyramid, and direct it to star
t spinning. Just will it to move, gently relaxing your attention on turning it with the magnetism of your hands. It may be helpful to imagine that the pyramid is just an extension of your own consciousness, identifying it as a part of yourself, and directing it that way. Do not strain. Once it starts turning one way, try to direct it in the other way.

  6. Record your experience in your journal.

  You can also try using just one cupped hand, or pointing at it with a finger, your outstretched hand, or directing your magnetic energy through your magick wand.

  Exercise 84 – More Simple Telekinetic Testing

  Time Required: varying

  Use exactly the same technique as above on the following:

   Float a tiny piece of paper (the little circle left from a hole punch is perfect) in a small glass of water, and cup your hands around the glass. Try to move the paper in various directions.

   Cup your hands around a lighted candle and try to influence the movement of the flame. You can move it side to side, and make it bigger or smaller. For this experiment it might be useful to draw in red Fire energy to influence the flame directly, instead of mere magnetism. It is said that you can actually also cause an unlit candle to catch on fire in this way. I’ve never had any success, personally.


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