The Book of Magick Power

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The Book of Magick Power Page 26

by Jason Augustus Newcomb

  You should not necessarily expect the communication lines to be as clear as when you call to make an appointment with your dentist. These beings are archetypal symbol concepts, and may communicate to you through images, visions, shapes, colors, feelings or directly with words. At times the being may disappear and you’ll just see a series of evocative images that the being is communicating to you. With some beings you may have a fairly direct conversation, in which the voice of the being (although technically inside you head) clearly seems to be coming from an outside source. At times, it may be difficult to distinguish the voice of the being from your own thoughts. All of these things indicate the nature of your natural connection to these forces. The more naturally you are in sympathy with the energy, the more easily you will be able to communicate with the being. You will also become more adept over progressive experiments.

  It is often very difficult to discern real communication with these forces from mere fantasy. Don’t spend a lot of energy on it while you are in the middle of your experiences as this will tend to cut you off, rather than enhance your experience. The best judgment of your success will be the quality of your experience. Did you learn things you previously did not know? Did you “feel” in communication with something other than yourself? You will receive symbols, words, feelings, in short: archetypal communication. Are you somehow altered by the experience? These are the best methods to determine your success, and should really only be considered after you are done with your work, and recording or reviewing your record. Ideally, you should have an assistant with you to record exactly what you are experiencing as you are going along.

  1. Consult with your subconscious using the pendulum.

  2. Get into the Alpha state using your anchor.

  3. Do opening preparations, including any combination of purification, consecration, chakra opening, Kundalini arousing breaths, circle casting and the pentagram ritual.

  4. Make a statement of your intent, naming the entity you intend to contact out loud, clearly and with conviction.

  5. Potently draw the light of your superconscious into you, until you feel deeply connected with the true source of your power, a deep sense of cosmic strength.

  6. Begin to invoke the appropriate magical energies, using the Creating Magical Atmospheres technique, or using the pentagram or hexagram technique.

  7. Direct the magical energy you’ve accumulated in a spiraling clockwise whirl. Powerfully visualize this energy being charged and directed by your will to experience communion with the entity you’ve chosen. Begin to accumulate the energy into an amorphous shape in front of you, in an appropriate direction in your temple (either in an elemental direction, in the east, or in a section that corresponds to where the planet is currently in the sky).

  8. You can now begin invoking the being. (You may call the beings using their hierarchies at this point if you wish.) You should have a pillow or small chair in your workspace that you can sit in to allow as full relaxation and visualization as possible. You may close your eyes at this point, or just begin to focus on your third eye to develop your visualization. You can use your Alpha state anchor again at this point, taking a moment to deepen and focus your state.

  9. You may use a spell (or hierarchy) to initially invoke the being if you wish, or you can simply “vibrate” the name of the being. In either case, you will need to “vibrate” the name of the entity three times, either at the end of the spell, or in lieu of the spell. To do this you will imagine the name of the entity in shimmering white letters in your heart from the white light above you as you inhale, and as you exhale, you say the name slowly and melodiously causing a vibration as you imagine the white light letters going out with your breath. Send this breath energy into the amorphous shape, and see your telesmatic image developing in the amorphous energy before you. Three times is of course the ideal, but you can do it more times if you need to in developing your vision.

  10. Once you have visualized the being before you, you may feel it entering and mingling with you. This is fine, as long as you make sure that you clearly separate yourself when you dismiss the being. If it seems uncomfortable, end the experience by dismissing and doing appropriate banishings and closing your circle. If everything seems okay, you may proceed.

  11. The being will be there, even if your visualization seems shaky or unclear, and it may quickly start looking quite different from your telesmatic image. Ask this being if it will communicate with you. When it agrees, ask the being to tell you how you can get along with it most beneficially, if it has any advice for you, if it will help you to accomplish your goals, work with you in the transformation of your life, or whatever you would like to know. The answers may come in any number of ways, as described above.

  12. If the being seems hostile, aggressive, or unwilling to communicate, ask how you can relate more positively with it. Please be sure to consider any advice you receive, however strange it might appear, and thank the figure.

  13. When you feel that the conversation is over, dismiss the being, thanking it for its participation, and asking that it will return to communicate more in the future if need be. See the figure dissolving away.

  14. Close your ritual space, performing appropriate banishing rituals for the energy of the being, and the lesser pentagram ritual a second time, and withdrawing all of the energy of your protective circle back into yourself. Do not under any circumstances omit the banishing for any reason. Make sure that all of the energy you’ve invoked has dissipated.

  15. Record your experience in your journal.

  Exercise 90 – Evocation with the Magick Mirror

  Time Required: 40 to 60 minutes

  When you wish to communicate with beings of a “lower” nature, such as the Planetary Spirits or Intelligences, Elementals or Demons, you will want to evoke rather than invoke them. You don’t want to have them in your magical circle, invading and perhaps causing obsession. Instead, you will draw them into an area outside you circle. The tradition method of doing this is by evoking them into a triangle. The shape of the triangle is the most stable geometric form, implying a strong limiting force, so the ancient magicians used it as a symbol for containing “evil” spirits. This technique is designed for lower beings, but you could use it for Angels or even Gods as well if you wish.

  Please keep in mind that our primitive metaphysical concepts of “good” and “evil” are for the most part priestly creations for the purpose of governing and controlling the masses. They have no useful place in any kind of transcendental philosophy. The difference between a demon and an angel is simply a matter of their sphere of influence. Demons and Lesser Spirits are those aspects of consciousness whose natures are of a preconscious and unreasoning character. “Greed,” “lust,” “hunger” and any kind of wild primal desires are incarnated in these creatures. They are desires as yet unfulfilled, in relation to the particular sphere in which they work. In other words, a Venusian Demon will represent lust and debauchery, while a Jupiterean Demon is unchecked ambition and overindulgence. But this is the secret of their great power. They are the mighty constituents of the deep places of the subconscious mind, the primal sources of our drives to be and do more. They are seen as evil only by those who are frightened to look at the truth of the darker places in their own unconscious needs.

  The great danger in congress with demons and elementals is of course the possibility of obsession. The fear is that their low ways will somehow rub off on you, causing you to behave in horrible, bestial ways. However, most likely you are already obsessed by legions of “demons” and “elementals,” swarming through your every waking moment. Much of your magical work must be spent in ridding yourself of these unwanted hangers-on in your sphere of awareness.

  The power of evocation is that it allows you to begin a useful relationship with these “beings.” Rather than whispering their demands into your ears with you remaining unaware of their influence, you can draw them out, and command them to obey your Will. In this way, y
ou can actually increase your personal evolution, rather than descending down to the level of a Demon.

  For this technique you will need a magick mirror and a “triangle of evocation.” As I mentioned before, the magick mirror can be made from any number of things.

  This is an image of the traditional form for the triangle. The words along the edges are medieval magical formulae that mean little today, and can be replaced with words that you find more appropriate, or perhaps even omitted altogether. This does not have to be large, somewhere between two and three feet on each side. The mirror can either be placed within the triangle or else can be made a part of the triangle by making the circle in the middle a black mirrored surface.

  You will place this triangle outside your circle, in the appropriate direction from which your being will be evoked. The triangle should have a candle on either side, appropriate incense burning in front of it, and the mirror should be placed in such a way that it does not reflect anything, merely offering a field of blank darkness.

  This technique is very similar to the last, except that you will be visualizing the entity in the mirror, outside of your circle, rather than in direct contact with you.

  1. Consult with your subconscious using the pendulum.

  2. Get into the Alpha state using your anchor.

  3. Do opening preparations, including any combination of purification, consecration, chakra opening, Kundalini arousing breaths, circle casting and the pentagram ritual.

  4. Make a statement of your intent, naming the entity you intend to contact out loud, clearly and with conviction.

  5. Potently draw the light of your superconscious into you, until you feel deeply connected with the true source of your power, a deep sense of cosmic strength.

  6. Begin to invoke the appropriate magical energies, using the Creating Magical Atmospheres technique, or using the pentagram or hexagram technique, but do not bring this energy into the circle. Instead, visualize it circling as a column within the confines of your magick triangle.

  7. Direct this energy into the magick mirror. Begin to accumulate the energy into an amorphous shape in the mirror.

  8. You can now begin evoking the being. You should have a pillow or small chair in your workspace that you can sit in to allow as full relaxation and visualization as possible. Begin to focus on your third eye to develop your visualization. You can use your Alpha state anchor again at this point, taking a moment to deepen and focus your state.

  9. You may use a spell to initially evoke the being if you wish, or you can simply “vibrate” the name of the being. In either case, you will need to vibrate the name of the entity three times, either at the end of the spell, or in lieu of the spell. To do this you will imagine the name of the entity in shimmering white letters in your heart from the white light above you as you inhale, and as you exhale, you say the name slowly and melodiously causing a vibration as you imagine the white light letters going out with your breath. Send this breath energy into the amorphous shape in the mirror, and see your telesmatic image developing in the amorphous energy before you. Three times is of course the ideal, but you can do it more times if you need to in developing your vision.

  10. Once you have visualized the being in the mirror, you can begin your communication. If the being begins to invade your circle in any way, end the experience by dismissing and doing appropriate banishings and closing your circle. If everything seems okay, you may proceed.

  11. The being will be there, even if your visualization seems shaky or unclear, and it may quickly start looking quite different from your telesmatic image. Ask this being if it will communicate with you. When it agrees, ask the being to tell you how you can get along with it most beneficially, if it has any advice for you, if it will help you to accomplish your goals, work with you in the transformation of your life, or whatever you would like to know. The answers may come in any number of ways, as described above.

  12. If the being seems hostile, aggressive, or unwilling to communicate, ask how you can relate more positively with it. Please be sure to consider any advice you receive, however strange it might appear, and thank the figure.

  13. When you feel that the conversation is over, dismiss the being, thanking it for its participation, and asking that it will return to communicate more in the future if need be. See the figure dissolving away.

  14. Close your ritual space, performing appropriate banishing rituals for the energy of the being, and the lesser pentagram ritual a second time, and withdrawing all of the energy of your protective circle back into yourself. Do not under any circumstances omit the banishing for any reason. Make sure that all of the energy you’ve invoked has dissipated.

  15. Record your experience in your journal.

  Exercise 91 – Distorted Image Magick Mirror Technique

  Time Required: 40 to 60 minutes

  This technique is essentially the same as the last, except that you will position the magick mirror in such a way that it reflects your face when you sit to begin your visualization. The image of the being will form from the visual distortions created by staring continuously at your reflection in the mirror. This is a simplified form of the technique made popular by Poke Runyon and his Ordo Templi Astarte. This technique will be greatly assisted if the light is very dim in the room where you are working, perhaps just illuminated by the two candles on either side of the triangle. You should also endeavor to stare at your own reflected image fixedly relaxing your eyes and allowing your third eye to develop the telesmatic image. You can focus your attention on one of your eyes, or at your nose or the center of your forehead. Just keep your eyes on the same point, and let yourself go with the flow.

  1. Consult with your subconscious using the pendulum.

  2. Get into the Alpha state using your anchor.

  3. Do opening preparations, including any combination of purification, consecration, chakra opening, Kundalini arousing breaths, circle casting and the pentagram ritual.

  4. Make a statement of your intent, naming the entity you intend to contact out loud, clearly and with conviction.

  5. Potently draw the light of your superconscious into you, until you feel deeply connected with the true source of your power, a deep sense of cosmic strength.

  6. Begin to invoke the appropriate magical energies, using the Creating Magical Atmospheres technique, or using the pentagram or hexagram technique, but do not bring this energy into the circle. Instead, visualize it circling as a column within the confines of your magick triangle.

  7. Direct this energy into the magick mirror. Begin to accumulate the energy into an amorphous shape in the mirror.

  8. You can now begin evoking the being. You should have a pillow or small chair in your workspace that you can sit in to allow as full relaxation and visualization as possible. Stare at your reflected image in the mirror. Begin to focus on your third eye to develop your visualization. You can use your Alpha state anchor again at this point, taking a moment to deepen and focus your state.

  9. You may use a spell to initially evoke the being if you wish, or you can simply “vibrate” the name of the being. In either case, you will need to vibrate the name of the entity three times, either at the end of the spell, or in lieu of the spell. To do this you will imagine the name of the entity in shimmering white letters in your heart from the white light above you as you inhale, and as you exhale, you say the name slowly and melodiously causing a vibration as you imagine the white light letters going out with your breath. Send this breath energy into the amorphous energy in the mirror and your reflected image. Three times is of course the ideal, but you can do it more times if you need to in developing your vision.

  10. Eventually, your image will begin to blur and transform into the image of the being, and you can begin your communication. The being will be there, even if your visualization seems shaky or unclear. If the being begins to invade your circle in any way, end the experience by dismissing and doing appropriate banishings and closing your circle. If every
thing seems okay, you may proceed.

  11. Ask this being if it will communicate with you. When it agrees, ask the being to tell you how you can get along with it most beneficially, if it has any advice for you, if it will help you to accomplish your goals, work with you in the transformation of your life, or whatever you would like to know. The answers may come in any number of ways, as described above.

  12. If the being seems hostile, aggressive, or unwilling to communicate, ask how you can relate more positively with it. Please be sure to consider any advice you receive, however strange it might appear, and thank the figure.

  13. When you feel that the conversation is over, dismiss the being, thanking it for its participation, and asking that it will return to communicate more in the future if need be. See the figure dissolving away.

  14. Close your ritual space, performing appropriate banishing rituals for the energy of the being, and the lesser pentagram ritual a second time, and withdrawing all of the energy of your protective circle back into yourself. Do not under any circumstances omit the banishing for any reason. Make sure that all of the energy you’ve invoked has dissipated.

  15. Record your experience in your journal.


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