Boss's Pet: Billionaire Office Romance Series

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Boss's Pet: Billionaire Office Romance Series Page 9

by Jamie Knight

  “I’m very much the same girl,” I said, taking my glass of whiskey and swirling the amber liquid around a bit. “But you have to give me a few minutes to adjust to everything. I sure as hell wasn’t expecting your PA to know about a video of me fingering myself and neither was I expecting a non-disclosure agreement. Then on top of all that there’s Sloane who wants to kill me. She says everyone thinks I’m responsible for Simon losing his job.”

  Kane took the stool next to me and sipped his drink.

  “I’m sure Melissa explained to you that you can walk away whenever you want. No harm. no foul.”

  He turned slightly and gazed out the window.

  “As for Sloane, I’ll handle her if need be. She’s nothing but a vicious little girl, but her father is a good man. Sometimes owing favors isn’t a good position to be in. If my sources are correct, you filed a police report.”

  I nodded.

  “I did, but like I explained to Melissa, Simon has vanished.”

  “He’ll be found. I promise.”

  I drummed my fingers against the bar top.

  “You wouldn’t get angry if I changed my mind about all of this, would you?”

  Kane sighed, turned to me, and set his glass on the bar. His broad shoulders drooped a few inches as he spread out his hands in an open gesture.

  “Angry, no. Disappointed, yes. You wouldn’t have to worry about your job or your career. I’m not out to destroy lives, unless your name is Simon.”

  He gave me a cheeky smile, one that made me giggle like a silly school girl.

  There was no malice in his words or in his demeanor, and I honestly believed if I walked away, he would accept it with no questions asked.

  “I won’t change my mind,” I informed him. “As crazy as it is—I want this. I want us. Whatever us means.”

  He picked up his glass and swirled the liquor around and around before taking a small sip.

  “Tell me what you hope to get from this situation, Reese.”

  My fingers found their way to my necklace, and I stroked the star pendant as if it were a safety blanket.

  “If I’m honest, I’m not sure.”

  “If you’re honest, you would tell me how much you hate whiskey.”

  I smiled.

  “Am I that obvious?”

  “You might think I don’t know you, but I do. I know everything about you.”

  “And that’s what scares me most. You see through the façade I present to the world.”

  “You have no need to be scared or try and hide who you are from me.”

  He reached out and pressed his fingertips against mine as I clutched the necklace.

  “Is this a special necklace?”

  “Sort of.”

  “Tell me.”

  “You’ll think I’m crazy.”

  “I promise I won’t.”

  Telling him about my paranoia with luck and superstitions would be enough to make him run for the hills, so, for now, I would give him the cliff notes version.

  “I’m a little superstitious. This is a good luck charm.”

  “Does it work?”

  He continued to run his fingers up and down mine, coming dangerously close to my breasts with each stroke.

  “I met you, so I guess it does.”

  I looked deep into his chocolate colored eyes. He held my gaze.


  His lips quirked into a small smile.

  “I think people create their own luck through hard work and determination. I’m not sure if I buy into superstitions, talismans, and good luck charms, but if it makes you feel better who am I to judge.”

  I was glad I hadn’t gone into how much I allowed the pursuit of luck to control my life. If I had, he would have thrown me out on my ear, or had me committed to the nearest nut house.

  “What do you want to happen between us, Reese?”

  He wrapped his fingers around mine and lifted them to his lips. One by one he slowly sucked each fingertip.

  How did he expect me to concentrate and answer his question? I closed my eyes and groaned at the sensuality, imagining he was sucking on my nipples, on my clit. When he was finished sending my hormones into a frenzy, he placed my hand on my lap.

  “What would the girl from Friday night and this morning say she wanted?”

  I opened my eyes and saw his smiling face. He was purposely trying to send me insane with lust by teasing me to the point of insanity. I struggled to get my pulse and breathing under control before answering his question.

  “I’m the same girl.”

  “Are you?” He eyed me hotly.

  “I promise I am. I want someone to fulfill my fantasies and make me feel special.”

  “I can do that and more,” he said with sincerity.

  “Now it’s my turn to ask the same question,” I said. “What do you hope to get from this? From us?”

  A shadow crossed his face. He turned and gazed out the window again. My question had wandered to a place he didn’t want to go.

  Silence stretched between us, and I didn’t think he would answer, but then, he said, “For now, someone to have fun with. After that, who knows.”

  There was more to it, I could see from how he wasn’t looking me in the eyes that he was hiding something.

  Had someone hurt him in the past?

  Was that why he was so guarded?

  I wouldn’t push him, but I hoped, in time, he’d open up to me.

  “Fun sounds like something I can do,” I said with a smile, trying to lighten the mood.

  I couldn’t wait to find out what hurts he was hiding. And perhaps to help heal them.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Good.” Kane grinned at me, his chocolate eyes hot on my skin. “Now show me you’re the same girl who broke Simon’s nose. The same girl who got herself off before my eyes, and the same girl who videoed herself masturbating.”

  He was challenging me—testing me. And if this was a test, it was one I intended to pass. It was time to stop acting like a wimp and time to pull on my big girl panties.

  I leaned forward on the bar and let my suit jacket open a bit to reveal a small bit of my cleavage. “Weren’t you going to punish me for disobeying you, Mr. McKenzie? For not coming to your office when you ordered me to?”

  Kane ran his eyes over my bare skin and then down the full length of my form. He seemed to stop and appreciate that the way I was leaning made my ass stick out more. “Don’t think you won’t get punished, Reese. Maybe not in the way you’d hoped, but it will happen.” He took another sip of his whiskey.

  I turned to him, placed my hands on top of his out-stretched thighs and ran my palms over his taut muscles wishing I was touching him skin on skin. “Tell me about my punishment.”

  In a flash, he grabbed my hair and yanked my head back, and I couldn’t say I minded the slight pain I felt at having my hair pulled.

  “Your punishment comes later. My pleasure comes first. Get down on your knees and show me how sorry you are for disobeying me,” he ordered, still holding my hair.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I eagerly fell to my knees and waited for further instructions.

  He stood up and undid his belt. My heart palpitated so fast, I was dizzy and short of breath. Impatient, I reached up to help him undress, but he swatted my hands away.

  “The only thing you can use on me is your mouth.”

  I eyed the growing bulge in his pants and couldn’t stop my hands from going where they wanted. I ached to touch him. To feel his heavy warmth against my palms. I grabbed at the silk of his slacks.

  “I said no hands.”

  He grabbed my wrists and held them tight. I liked having him cuff and restrain me. Having him control me.

  “You have a lot to learn.”

  “But I want to touch you, feel you,” I said in a voice much too whiny for a grown woman.

  After releasing my hands, he grabbed another handful of my hair and tugg
ed hard.

  “You will listen, and you will obey, is that clear?”

  When I didn’t answer, he gave my hair another tug. My eyes watered at the sting, but his rough handling only made me want more.

  “I asked you a question? Is that clear?”

  I nodded and looked up into his chocolate brown eyes. “Very clear, Mr. McKenzie, Sir.”

  “Good answer, pet,” he said and released my hair. “Now we’re getting somewhere.”

  He pulled down his zipper and reached inside. In a flash of movement, he took out his cock. The low light in the restroom on Friday didn’t do his huge appendage any justice. I didn’t know how the hell he would fit inside of my mouth never mind my pussy, but I was desperate to try both.

  He stroked his length gently using just his fingertips, as his cock hardened. He was so thick and long. Leaning back a bit, Kane put his cock in my face and enjoyed the wide-eyed look I gave him.

  “Fuck me,” I whispered, hypnotized by him. “Please fuck me. Make me yours.”

  Never in my life had I begged a man the way I begged him. He had me going out of my mind.

  His laugh was humorless as he wrapped a hand around his shaft. “You don’t deserve to get fucked. Remember, that’s something you have to earn, and you haven’t earned that particular pleasure yet. I don’t know when you will or even if you will.”

  My breath left my body in a huff and my shoulders deflated some. “What do I have you do to earn it? To prove it?”

  “Please me, pleasure me, and don’t question me.”

  With my eyes firmly on the slow and mesmerizing movements of his hand over the length of his cock, I asked, “What if I don’t like what you want me to do? What if I say no?”

  “You can always say no to me, Reese. I’m not a monster with insane expectations. Nor am I a BDSM master. I don’t live the lifestyle, and I don’t expect you to either, but I always have my partners use a safe word. It lets both of us know your limits.”

  I’d never had the opportunity to use a safe word before. Immediately one popped into my mind. “Supercalafragalisticexpialadoshus.”

  Amusement filled his eyes.

  “I don’t think Mary Poppins would approve. Care to explain your word choice?”

  “It’s not something I’m ever likely to blurt out during sex, is it? I might cry stop or no more and not mean it, but when I say supercalafragalisticexpialadoshus, we’ll both know I’ve reached my limit. Melissa and her take charge briskness made me think of it.”

  He grinned, and I saw a sweet softness in his eyes. Kane’s exterior showed the world how tough he was, but beneath it all was a man with a good, kind heart. A man who would never hurt me or push me past my boundaries for the sake of his own satisfaction.

  “That will work, then. Ready?” he asked.

  A little dab of precum appeared at the end of his dick. I wanted to taste it, to lick it off with my tongue.

  “More than ready. I’ve been ready since the second I saw you at the art gallery.”

  “I’ve been ready for longer than that. You have no idea how long.” He wrapped his thick fingers around his shaft and inched forward where he tapped the flared, velvety head against my still closed lips. Instinctively, I opened my mouth, inviting him in, but he didn’t accept my invitation. Instead, he ran the damp tip around my lips.

  I knew he was teasing me. Doing his best to frustrate me even more. It was working. My body seemed to buzz with how turned on I was.

  In pure exasperation, I reached beneath my skirt and grazed my fingers over my sopping folds, and a hiss of satisfaction fell from my lips.

  “I didn’t say you could do that, did I?” he scolded, pulling back.

  “You didn’t say I couldn’t,” I replied circling my middle finger over my stiff and swollen clit.

  “You haven’t listened to a word, I’ve said, have you?” He tapped his cock against my open mouth but didn’t slide in. “For taking matters into your own hands, you don’t get to come for the next week at least.”

  I stopped moving my fingers and leaned back on my haunches. Glaring up and him, I said, “You’re kidding, right?”

  Without replying, he released his cock, which now bobbed deliciously in front of me. Keeping his eyes on me, he reached up to his tie. He undid the knot and slipped it from around his neck. “Place your hands behind your back.”

  My breath caught. He was going to fulfill one of my fantasies by binding my hands. Without questioning his request or hesitating for a second, I did as he asked. He stepped behind me and wrapped the silky material around my wrists before securing it in a tight, unyielding knot. I tested the give—there was none.

  Fear mixed with excitement accelerated my heartbeat, and my entire body thrummed and buzzed. Things were about to get intense and I felt ready for anything.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Hands thoroughly bound behind my back, I watched Kane circle me as I sat on my knees. He looked like a predator ready to devour his prey. His tall form strode confidently; his bare cock still hard and ready.

  “Before you leave, I have a gift for you,” he explained with a grin. “One that means you won’t be able to play with yourself even if you’re tempted.”

  “I don’t believe you’re not going to allow me to come for the next week.”

  “Believe it.”

  The thought of not having two or three orgasms a day was almost incomprehensible, but if I wanted to be with Kane, I’d do everything he ordered even going without my daily stress relief. How difficult could it be?

  He moved in front of me and sat on the bar stool. I shuffled forward, positioning myself until his cock lined up with my lips.

  “Let me taste you, Sir. Slide into my mouth,” I begged. “I’ve imagined sucking you off so many times these past few days.”

  He gripped the base of his cock and casually jerked himself off. “You really are a dirty little thing, aren’t you?”

  I nodded in agreement.

  “The dirtiest and under your guidance, I’ll get even dirtier.”

  His lips curved into a self-satisfied smile.

  “There’s the girl I’ve been waiting for.”

  He rimmed my mouth with the head of his cock, coating my lips with the essence of his pre-cum.

  “Please don’t tease me,” I murmured against him, “let me taste you. Please give me what I need.”

  “Are you going to do everything I ask?”

  “That and more.”

  “Will you trust I know what’s best for you?”

  He pressed his cock-head into my lips before pulling it away quickly.

  I hesitated. “That’s a big ask.”

  Kane frowned. “If you don’t trust me with your body, your heart, and your mind, I don’t know how long we’ll last. Sex will only get us so far.”

  I gazed into his eyes and, for an instant, I saw a shadow of insecurity and doubt. Somewhere beneath the bravado was a sensitive man who needed me—needed us.

  “I trust you,” I admitted.

  And I did. I trusted Kane more than I’d ever trusted anyone. Feeling that way about someone I barely knew was odd, but my heart and my body wanted him.

  He eased his magnificent dick into my mouth inch by delectable inch. Oh, my… He tasted glorious and wickedly delicious. And most of all big—enormous.

  “You like that, don’t you?”

  He grinned, eyes fixed on his cock filling my mouth.

  I nodded, closed my lips around him and sucked hard. Deep-throating was something I’d watched but wasn’t something I was sure I could do. Eager to please and learn, I took his cock until the tip hit the back of my throat.

  He held on to either side of my head, and instructed, “Open your mouth as wide as you can.”

  I did as he asked, and he slid his cock deeper and deeper until I coughed and sputtered, but I didn’t want him to stop, and I didn’t back away. I was enjoying the control he had over me way too much.

; I was at his mercy. He knew what he was doing, and I was confident he wouldn’t push me past my comfort zone. At least not yet.

  With his cock still deep in my mouth, he released my head and reached down to my blouse. He ripped it open, and the small white buttons flew everywhere, pinging off the hardwoods.

  Roughly, he reached into my bra and pulled out my breasts. My nipples crinkled in the cool air, and Kane massaged, squeezed, pulled, and pinched them. There was nothing better than having my nipples tortured and teased. I pushed myself into his hands silently letting him know I wanted more.

  Thankfully, he took the hint and tugged my nipples harder. Pleasure groans and moans sounded in my throat. Kane totally got me and could read what my body wanted and needed without me so much as uttering a word.

  Looking up, I met his gaze. His eyes shone brighter than a thousand diamonds in the midday sun.

  “That’s it,” he growled, sliding his shaft in and out of my mouth. “Take me all the way.”

  My mouth watered uncontrollably, and arousal trickled down my thighs.

  “You want to taste my cum, pet? Swallow it down?”

  He pumped in and out of my face harder.

  “Mmmmm,” I hummed against his pulsing cock.

  In a flash of movement, he withdrew. “Not today. Kneel back and present your chest to me.”

  Yes! He would mark me as his. Claim ownership. I licked my tongue around my swollen lips and knelt back. With his eyes hooded and his lips slightly parted, he gripped his cock and slowly stroked.

  There was no way I’d ever be able to have sex with another man as long as I lived because the only man I’d ever want from here on out was Kane. His dominance had claimed me forever.

  Mesmerized, I watched his balls draw up as his body prepared its release. Seeing his face contort with pleasure was one of the most erotic images I’d ever witnessed, and it was an image that would stay with me for the rest of my life.

  His neck muscles corded, and his movements became fast, almost frantic. He moved his hand in a blur of movement, and then in a roar, he erupted.


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