Boss's Pet: Billionaire Office Romance Series

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Boss's Pet: Billionaire Office Romance Series Page 33

by Jamie Knight

  “Not a bad looking guy.”

  My head shot around, and I discovered that Jakey was standing next to me. His arms were crossed over his chest.

  “Doesn’t matter,” I whispered, so that only my younger brother would hear. “He wasn’t interested.”

  Jake arched both his eyebrows. “Are you sure?”


  As I turned back to the game, I could still feel the traces of the gentle touch of Ray’s thumb on the back of my hand. And suddenly, I wasn’t as sure as I thought.

  Chapter Seven


  Kane handed me an open beer bottle, but I didn’t notice. He poked my hand with the base, and then patted it with the side of the bottle, but I still didn’t take the beer.

  My eyes and the whole of my attention was fixated on the ladies in the roof-top pool or rather, on Eileen, in a two-piece—a tiny, yellow, string bikini that left very little to the imagination and a lot to look at.

  Her long legs spilled out of it, made even longer by new platform sandals that I had never seen before. Her long brown hair was shiny and pulled back into a high pony-tail. She had only dipped her long legs into the pool so far, so she wasn’t wet, yet.

  The bikini had ties on either side. Ties that I could easily reach out and pull; that would make that little tiny strip of material covering her pussy slide away easily and expose the rest of her body to me.

  I had never seen Eileen in so little and the effect it was having on my body was noticeable and out of my control. I could barely breath and thinking straight was out of the question.

  Something had changed in that girl. She constantly wore heels now, towering above her friends and coworkers and not looking embarrassed. I had caught sight of her over the security cameras today at work wearing an even shorter skirt then the day before. The sight had made my dick very hard and I had dealt with it roughly, but I was in no way prepared to see Eileen in a bikini tonight, especially one so small. Her breasts looked like they would escape the fabric at any moment.

  The girls started playing volleyball with an inflatable beach ball and Eileen dove into the pool fully. The water must have been cold, because I could see her nipples against the fabric of her top that was now a darker yellow due to being wet.

  “Ray! Stop drooling!”

  I blinked, shook my head, and turned to look at Kane. He pushed the beer bottle into my hand again.

  “Sorry,” I muttered and took a swig of the latest microbrew that Ashton had bought. It was okay, but I preferred hard liquor.

  Watching Eileen hop out of the pool, all wet and dripping, to retrieve the beach ball they were playing with, made me realize that I needed a glass of scotch and I needed it soon.

  I took another sip of beer. It wasn’t enough to quench my thirst.

  “What are you staring at?”

  Kane stood shoulder to shoulder with me and stared out the same window. We were both in our swim trunks and t-shirts, but we hadn’t made it out to his new large roof-top pool. We were stick in the kitchen making drinks and hamburgers for the grill. I wasn’t sure why Kane’s personal chef wasn’t doing what we were, but Reese had insisted. She said that she liked to act normal sometimes. Making hamburgers was not normal for me.

  Kane glanced at Eileen, who was stooped down and petting her new pup, and then he glanced back at me.

  “Didn’t you date her? A few months ago around my wedding?”

  I nodded. “Just slightly before that. We were dating around the fundraiser ball.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest and hid the logo that covered the front of his black t-shirt. It was for some kind of car. I was sure it was something that Reese bought him. I didn’t think I ever saw Kane wear t-shirts before he married her.



  Kane snorted a quick laugh. “What happened? Your obviously not over her. You have drool on your chin.”

  I whipped my mouth and Kane laughed again.

  “I didn’t mean literally.”

  My shoulders dropped as I slumped into myself. My feelings were so obvious. I wasn’t over Eileen. I sighed.

  “She dumped you?” Kane nodded knowingly.

  “No. No,” I hurried to explain and keep my reputation intact. “I stopped calling her. We had a good time and I love the way she looks but—” I raised an eyebrow so he would understand my meaning “—we weren’t compatible.”



  Kane nodded and took a swing of his own beer. His face quickly turned to disgust, and he glared at the label.

  “Fuck, this is swill. What is Ashton thinking?! Want a whiskey?”


  I followed him into the living room to their built-in bar. This was a new penthouse apartment that Kane and Reese just bought the day before to be closer to the office. Boxes were everywhere, since they were still unpacking. Kane liked the upscale tile and architectural features. Reese liked the rooftop pool that looked over the New York City skyline.

  Kane grabbed two glasses and joined me in a scotch. We both swirled our drinks around their glasses and downed a sip of the amber liquid—smoky but smooth.

  “Did you try to teach her?”

  My body stiffened at his question. “Teach her?” I frowned. “In my experience it is usually a straight forward thing. Either a girl likes being tied up or she doesn’t. I’m not going to force anyone to be a pet.”

  He frowned at me. “No. Of course not. But some girls don’t even know that kind of thing is out there. Maybe you could show her your world.”

  Could it be that Eileen was just that inexperienced? How in the world could that be possible? She was twenty-eight and I knew that she wasn’t a virgin before our one night. But I didn’t really ever see her date anyone before or after me. And she had told me when we were dating that she rarely dated. She had trouble finding men tall enough who were interested in her. I had figured at the time that she was joking.

  Could I teach her? Could I teach Eileen to be a pet?

  The idea had merit and I had to do something. The tickets from Uncle Ronnie had showed up at my office this morning. Two first-class tickets to Vegas, one without a name—for my pet. A pet I didn’t have, and we were supposed to leave for Las Vegas in two days.

  Reese came bounding into the living room pulling Maria in her wake. “Kane? Can you re-inflate the beach ball it fell on one of the ornamental cacti and now its flat.”

  Kane nodded and downed his scotch. “Who’s winning?” he asked.

  “Mandy, Sloane, and Eileen.” Maria and Reese started back towards the kitchen and the back patio.

  “All the tall girls?”

  Reese stopped in her tracks. “Yes, but it’s really Mandy who is holding up that team. That short girl can jump!”

  Kane laughed and followed the women out the door. I made my way around the kitchen counter, downed the rest of my scotch and went to put my glass in the sink. That was when Eileen wandered inside. Her innocent looking face was pulled into a frown.

  “Everything oaky?” I found my voice and asked her.

  She looked up quickly and met my eyes. Her lips moved up into a shy smile. “It’s fine, boss. Just looking for a bowl that I can put some water in for Mr. Pugsly?”

  I opened the cabinets in front of me and searched around for something that would help. Most of Kane and Reese’s dishes weren’t unpacked yet, but I did find a lone, white cereal bowl. I pulled it down and started filling it from the tap.

  “Did you come up with that name for your pug?” I asked Eileen hoping to break the awkward silence with some normal chit chat.

  She grinned. “No, someone at the shelter is very clever. It suits him though. He’s like a little gruff gangster of a dog.”

  Carefully I handed the full bowl of water over. Eileen leaned over the counter to take it from my hands; the way she was positioned the tops of her breasts were exposed to me—full, round and perfect. My eyes dr
opped to her cleavage, scanning her skin. I knew—by memory—what her glorious tits felt like in my hands, but I hadn’t seen them due to her uncomfortableness with her body. She had insisted that the lights be off.

  Maybe that uncomfortableness was changing. This was certainly more of her skin then I had ever seen before. The thought gave me hope.

  As our hands touched around the water bowl, I froze a bit and Eileen had to scoot over the counter more. Her full breasts bounced slightly and the fabric of her bikini top slid down. One perfect pink nipple popped up as a feast for my eyes.

  I let go of the water bowl and she pulled back, careful not to spill anything on the counter. My dick was hard as a rock and I was glad for the island between us.

  “Thanks, Ray.”

  I looked up into Eileen’s face. Her nipple was still exposed but she didn’t seem to realize it. I had to say something, but I didn’t want to embarrass her. But if I didn’t say anything her embarrassment would be even worse.

  “Eileen?” My voice came out as a croak.

  “Yes, Ray?”

  I couldn’t find the words, so I just nodded my head towards her breast. Eileen looked down and saw the exposed nipple. To my surprise, she didn’t shriek or turn bright red.

  “Oh damn,” she laughed, holding the water bowl in one hand and pulling up her top with the other. “Guess I gave you a bit of a show there, huh?” She laughed again like she wasn’t embarrassed at all.

  I couldn’t think of anything to say back, so I just stood there, frozen, and smiled.

  “You coming out to play soon, boss?” she asked as she turned towards the patio door.

  “You bet.”

  As I watched her sweet ass walk out onto the patio, I had a crazy idea. Maybe I could convince Eileen to be my pet for one night, just for The Leather and Lace Ball. She already seemed to be changing into a much more confident woman, perhaps a sex show in front of a crowd was no longer out of her world view. It seemed crazy, but I didn’t have another option.

  One thing was certain, no one else would do. I needed Eileen and I would have her, even if I had to bribe her to do it.

  Chapter Eight


  Yesterday while I was at work, Mr. Pugsly had eaten an entire bag of elbow noodles. It was old and forgotten in one of my bottom cabinets and I didn’t even realize it was still in there until I can home to a dog with a bellyache and a half-eaten plastic bag on the floor.

  In a panic, I called the vet, who assured me that Pugsly would be fine. He just needed to drink lots of water, and I should make sure he wasn’t constipated. The little fellow seemed a bit sluggish for the rest of the night and wasn’t very social when I took him to Reese’s pool party, so I felt nervous to leave him home alone today.

  The problem was that McKenzie Tech didn’t allow dogs in the office. I probably could have asked for an exception for the day, but since my old boss, Linda, was fired for framing Reese, my department answered directly to Ray and, well, I didn’t want to talk to him. We were doing better being around each other, but things were still too painful.

  So, I begged Jakey to take the pug to work with him. Since dad owned the law firm, no one was going to give Jake trouble for having a dog in the office. My little brother wasn’t thrilled, but I begged and begged him till he gave in.

  But still, I was worried about my new companion. Was he feeling okay? Had Jake taken him on a walk?

  I shifted in my desk chair and stared around my cubical. Work just couldn’t keep my attention today. I shook my head and tried to focus on the numbers on my screen. After a few seconds, I accepted the fact that I wasn’t really reading them. I needed to know that Mr. Pugsly was okay.

  I dialed Jake and he picked up after a few minutes.

  “Davies and Sons. Jake Davies speaking.”

  I twirled the cord to the office phone around my fingers and tried to picture my younger brother at work and acting all serious. The thought seemed funny somehow.

  “How’s my baby, Jakey wakey?”

  Some unfamiliar laughter filled the phone and Jake grunted.

  “Sis hold on. Let me take you off speaker phone.”

  I giggle to myself some. Jake should really know better.

  A few clicks later, Jake was back, and he sounded clearer, but he wasn’t speaking to me. “I’m sorry, Ronnie. Give me just a second. This is my sister.” Then he started to talk to me. “What do you want?”

  “Sorry, Jake, but you should know not to answer the phone on speaker phone. That’s just dumb on your part.”

  “Agreed. Le Le?”

  “I called to see how Mr. Pugsly is doing. Is he still feeling bad?”

  “Your dog is fine. He’s sleeping in the dog bed you insisted I bring for him and is stinking up my office. I need to go. I’m helping a client with his will.”

  “Wait!” I screamed so he wouldn’t hang up.

  “Yes?!” Jake sounded annoyed but he was still using his professional lawyer voice.

  “Did he drink enough water today? Did you take him for a walk yet? Has he gone potty?”

  “Yes and no and no.”

  “Can I speak to him?”

  “What? You can’t be serious.”


  “I’m with a client.”

  “Pretty please?”


  The sounds of the room got louder as Jake pulled the phone away from his ear. He explained what he was doing to his client, who started laughing again. I could tell it was an old man by the way he cackled. Hopefully I was brightening his day.

  There was more movement sounds and then some snuffling as Jake put the phone to Mr. Pugsly’s face.

  “Hey, Honey!” I chimed. “How’s my good boy? Are you feeling better, good boy?”

  My pug snuffled and grunted a bit like a pig. He seemed to be fine or at least he was breathing normally, that was all I could really tell over the phone.

  Movement caught my eye. I turned slightly to see my coworker and friend, Mandy looking around the wall of my cubical. She was smirking at me.

  Mandy was my best work friend other than Reese. When Reese worked in accounting, we were like the three amigos—constantly getting coffee together and taking our lunches together. When Reese moved on to bigger and better things, Mandy took her cubical so we could be closer. She was short in stature, so she had to get up and come around the wall to see what I was doing. I could easily peek over the wall, especially when I was in heels.

  Pugsly arooed into the phone and my heart skipped a beat. My new man was happy to be talking to me. I was so pleased that he recognized my voice after we had only been together for a few days.

  “That’s my good boy!” I explained, clapping my hand to my heart in delight.

  Mandy giggled at me and made her way over to my desk. She hopped up onto the desktop and let her short legs swing. I never officially asked, but I think Mandy was under five-foot tall.

  There was more nose into the phone and then my brother’s voice rang out again: “Happy?”

  “Yes! Thank you, Jakey Wakey!”

  He groaned. “I hate you and I have to go.”

  “See you tonight?”

  “Yep.” Then he hung up.

  I swiveled in my chair and looked at Mandy perched on my desk. She had her mouth clamped shut like she was holding back laughter. I raised one eyebrow and she exploded with giggles, putting a hand to her stomach and shaking with laughter.

  “What was so funny about that?” I asked her, trying to keep my face serious.

  She snorted slightly. “I’m just picturing your giant, lawyer brother’s face when you called him that.”

  I leaned back and twirled a pen in my fingers.

  “Yep, he had a client with him too. Jake needs to learn how to let things go to voicemail.”

  Mandy giggle again and then wiped her eyes.

  “So, how’s Pugsly?” she asked.

  “He’s fine. The pasta must not have been too bad fo
r him. I wish I could take him to work here though.”

  “Why don’t you just ask Ray? I’m sure he would allow it one to two days. Or, hell, ask Reese. She would okay it in a second.”

  I frowned and pulled at my short skirt. It was riding up my thighs.

  “I don’t want to go over Ray’s head like that. Just because he treated me like crap doesn’t mean I want to treat him that way. He still deserves respect as my boss. Even if he is an awful person.”

  Mandy nodded. She crossed her short legs and leaned back into the wall of my cubical.

  “You know, my step-brother is coming out in a couple of months. Maybe I could set you two up.”

  I froze at her words and slumped in my seat some.

  “Mandy, stop. I don’t need a man. I don’t want to date anymore. I have Mr. Pugsly and he will have to do for a companion.”

  My small friend looked at me with wide brown eyes. “You’re not really serious, are you? Eileen! You’re a beautiful girl and I know you want a husband. Don’t give up just because you had a few bad dates.”

  “I had, like, fifty bad dates! I could write a book on bad dates.”

  I flung my hands over my head. The movement of exasperation sent the pen in my fingers flying. Startled, Mandy and I watched the pen fly across the room until it was out of sight. A few seconds, later we heard someone cussing a few cubicles over.

  I covered my face and slumped down into my seat more.


  Mandy started laughing again. I gave her a glare.

  “See, even talking about dating makes me a mess. I need to just give it up.”

  She nodded slightly. “Okay. Okay. I won’t set you up with my step-brother. But, Eileen…” She leaned in a bit and lowered her voice. “What are you going to do about sex?”

  That was something I hadn’t really thought about in this major life changing decision of mine. It wasn’t that I wanted to remain celibate, but truth be told, I hadn’t been having much sex in the first place. That’s what happened when one didn’t date much.

  I rolled my chair over to Mandy and leaned down towards her.


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