Accidental Acquisition

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Accidental Acquisition Page 7

by Evangeline Anderson

  She took a deep breath, inhaling the soft, floral fragrance that perfumed the air. God, she was feeling more and more relaxed as he continued to work the pink oil into her skin. She was even beginning to see a faint aura of rainbow light around the objects and people in the room. Was that normal?

  It occurred to her to wonder if everything was all right, but she felt so calm and relaxed, she didn’t see how anything could be wrong. And besides, the rainbows were pretty.

  “So you were trained to do massages after your first Mistress died?” she asked Kalis, still engrossed in his story.

  “Mmm-hmm. My second Mistress bought me at auction, as I said. And since she had no interest in the Blood Circuit and only wanted a big, strong-looking bodyslave to enhance her status during business dealings, she had me trained as a pleasure slave instead,” Kalis told her.

  “But…that must have been a big change,” Jillian objected.

  “Oh, it was,” Kalis agreed amiably. “Went from fighting for my life every night to learning the best way to pleasure a female’s most delicate places. But I’m Kindred, you know—pleasuring a female comes naturally to me. I actually enjoy it—unlike some of these unlucky bastards,” he added. “There’s nothing sadder than a male who must serve a Mistress he hates. Luckily, I’ve never been in that position.”

  “But you’re not telling me you like being enslaved, are you?” Jillian objected.

  “No. More like I’m resigned to it, now,” Kalis said, meditatively. “What I like is having a Mistress to serve who I respect.”

  Jillian shot another look at Mistress Douchenbag, but the other woman had her mouth open slightly and a faint snore was issuing from her nose.

  “So I take it you don’t respect Mistress Douche-bag over there?” she murmured.

  “Afraid not,” Kalis growled. “Let’s just say we’re not a good fit.”

  “Why not?” Jillian asked.

  “Well, she bought me to guard her store after my second Mistress had to sell off her staff, due to gambling debts,” Kalis said. He was finished with her feet and working his way up her calves now. “And so I fucking well protected it—pardon my language, little Mistress,” he added. “But when she saw me change forms, she went damn near crazy with fear and she’s been trying to rid herself of me ever since.”

  “Change forms?” Jillian asked. “I don’t understand.”

  “I’m a B’varren Kindred—we have two forms,” Kalis explained. His big hands were on her thighs now, his thumbs digging into the tender flesh just under her buttocks. “Mistress, would you care to spread your legs for me? Females carry so much tension in their hips and thighs—I can’t properly work you unless you’re open for me.”

  “O-open for you?” Jillian stuttered.

  Despite how calm she’d become, her heart started beating quicker. She had a million questions about what he’d just said—this “other form” business was especially confusing. What in the world had Mistress Douchenbag seen that had her so desperate to get rid of the big Kindred?

  But now her questions seemed to fly right out of her head as his big hands caressed and kneaded her upper thighs and ass. God, it felt so good. She could feel her pussy getting wet and hot as he stroked and caressed her intimately. His big hands on her felt so good and his warm, masculine scent was invading her senses. It was also hot to have him leaning over her like this—it made her feel vulnerable, but in a good way somehow…

  “Open for me, Mistress,” Kalis growled softly, interrupting her forbidden thoughts. “Let me massage you thoroughly.”

  Somehow, Jillian found she was doing as he asked, spreading her legs to let him get his big hands between them. She could feel her pussy lips parting at the same time and wondered if he could see them and the pink inner folds of her pussy. Could he tell how wet she was getting?

  If he could, Kalis didn’t say anything about it.

  “That’s good,” he rumbled, kneading her inner thighs gently but firmly. “So good of you, little Mistress, to open yourself for me and let me massage you so thoroughly.” As he spoke, he was gently kneading her inner thighs and she could feel his fingers brushing lightly against her outer pussy lips as he did. Though he was careful not to touch inside her, even the slightest touch of his long fingers against her pussy sent shivers of desire down her spine.

  “I…I don’t even know you, though,” she whispered, shifting her hips and arching her back restlessly. She almost wished he would touch her more intimately…but that would be wrong, she reminded herself. He would only be doing it because he had to—because he was a bodyslave—not because he wanted to.

  “Oh, I don’t think it’s strictly true that we don’t know each other,” Kalis said, interrupting her forbidden thoughts. “I think if you search your mind and your memories, you’ll see you know me more than you think.”

  “What…what do you mean by that?” Jillian asked him.

  But just then, the flute music stopped for a moment and a soft gonging sound reverberated through the rose-gold relaxation grotto. Mistress Douchenbag and the other two Yonnites stirred and began moving around on their respective massage tables.

  “Oh, is it time to turn over already?” Mistress Douchenbag complained. “I swear my back was barely massaged at all!”

  “Never mind—the second side is always better than the first,” Mistress Sollasolew said cheerfully. Wake up, Hendris,” she added, reaching out to poke at the bald Mistress with just a fringe of purple hair around her crown. “Second side time!”

  “Mmmph. All right, all right.” The third Mistress stirred and turned over onto her back, revealing a shaved pussy and large breasts which wobbled all over the place as she moved. Mistress Douchenbag and Mistress Sollasolew were flipping over also. And then Jillian heard Kalis murmuring in her ear,

  “Would you care to turn over as well, little Mistress, so that I can pleasure you?”


  “Pleasure me?” Her lovely eyes went wide and Kalis could tell she was disturbed by the suggestion.

  He frowned.

  “Have you never been pleasured during a massage before, little Mistress? The way I was trained, a massage must always end with a pleasurable release for the female.”

  “You mean have I ever had a massage with a happy ending?” She sounded incredulous.

  Kalis shrugged.

  “If that’s what you’d like to call it. I can make it very happy for you, if you’ll let me,” he promised.

  “You mean if I make you!” she exclaimed. “This kind of sexual subjugation—making you touch me because you have no choice—is horrible! It’s just as bad as those sleazy massage parlors where those poor women—”

  “Can you please keep it down?” Mistress Douchenbag exclaimed irritably. “I’m trying to concentrate on being pleasured over here!” The bodyslave assigned to her was bending over her, sucking her nipples as he stroked her pussy with one hand. “If you break my concentration and I can’t orgasm, I will not be happy with you, Cousin Jillian,” she added pointedly.

  “But this is wrong—” Jillian protested. “You shouldn’t make—”

  “You’re not making me do anything, little Mistress,” Kalis interrupted her. He came around to the head of the table and squatted down to get on eye-level with her. “Mistress Jillian,” he murmured, looking into her eyes. “You seem to think I don’t want to pleasure you—that I’m only offering because I have no choice in the matter.”

  “Well, aren’t you?” she demanded.

  “No.” Kalis shook his head firmly. He wished he dared to kiss her—her lush mouth was so close and her eyes were so large and lovely… But the two of them weren’t there yet, he acknowledged to himself. Maybe if she could remember dreaming of him, as he had dreamed of her, they would be. But so far, she had yet to say anything about any kind of Dream Sharing.

  His very nearness seemed to have calmed her, somehow though. Maybe she was inhaling his Bonding Scent. However, she still looked troubled.

sp; “I don’t understand,” she whispered. “Are you saying you want to touch me?”

  “Very much,” Kalis admitted, hoping he wasn’t going too far. This little female was different from the other Mistresses he’d served. She didn’t just order him to pleasure her. Instead, she seemed to think he ought to have the right to touch her or not—which only made him want her more.

  Yet, it was clear that casual touching—especially when it was sexual in nature—was foreign to her nature. The Yonnite Mistresses scratched their sexual itch as easily as they would fulfill any other bodily need. If you were hungry, you ate—if you were thirsty, you drank—if you were horny, you had your bodyslave go down on you. It was that simple for them…but not for Jillian Marks.

  Still, he knew that she desired his touch—or at least the way he had massaged her earlier had aroused her. He could tell by the way her soft little pussy was so wet when she spread her legs for him to massage her inner thighs, and he could still smell the warm scent of her feminine desire, which made his shaft fucking hard.

  But none of that would matter, if he couldn’t convince her that he wanted to do this.

  “Little Mistress,” he murmured, looking into her wide, uncertain eyes. “I want to touch you—want to pleasure you. Not because anyone is making me—because you’re beautiful and kind and…” He took a deep breath, wondering if he dared to say it. “And because I dreamed of you,” he murmured at last. “Jillian, I’ve been dreaming of you for the past two years.”


  “I’ve been dreaming of you for the past two years…”

  The words hung in the air between them. Jillian stared at the big Kindred, not at all sure what to say.

  Those eyes, she thought, looking into their silver-green depths. Where have I seen them before? Was it in my dreams?

  But surely not. She knew the Kindred had some kind of superstition about sharing dreams with the man who you were destined to be with, but that was all it was—just a superstition, right? Still, the way he was looking at her…

  “You’re not just saying that to get me to take you back with me to the Mother Ship, are you?” she whispered.

  He shook his head.

  “No. I’m saying it because it’s the truth. Been dreaming of you, little Mistress—waiting for you.” He shrugged. “Sorry if that’s a lot to take in.”

  “It kind of is,” Jillian admitted breathlessly. “I mean, what are you saying? That we’re, uh, meant to be together or something?”

  “I’m saying, why don’t you relax and let me massage you some more?” he rumbled softly.

  Jillian caught her bottom lip between her teeth.

  “Massage my back…or my front?” she whispered.

  “Which do you want me to do?” he murmured, his silver-green eyes going half-lidded. “I don’t want to take more than you’re ready to give, but pleasuring you would be my privilege, little Mistress.”

  “How…how would you touch me?” Jillian’s eyes strayed to where the other three Mistresses were getting their nipples sucked and their pussies stroked by their bodyslaves. God, she couldn’t believe she was even considering this, but there was something about the way he was looking at her—it made her feel so hot and wet and ready she could barely stand it! She’d thought the sexual side of her was dead after Brad, but nope—apparently it had just been asleep and now the big Kindred had woken it up in a big way.

  “I’ll touch you however you want me to,” Kalis rumbled. “We could start with me just massaging your breasts. Would you like that?”

  Jillian considered—would she like that? If someone had asked her when she woke up that morning if she would like to get an erotic massage from a huge Kindred warrior she’d never met before, her answer would have been a definite “no.”

  But for some strange reason, she almost felt like she knew Kalis now. She had seen his past in her head so vividly while he talked to her and massaged her and right now he seemed to be staring into her soul with those deep silver-green eyes. And she felt so relaxed when he touched her. He might be registered as a deadly weapon, but he had been nothing but gentle and considerate with her.

  Still, should she do this?

  “All right,” she heard herself whispering. “We…we could try it, I guess.”

  Kalis’s eyes were half-lidded again.

  “Turn over then, little Mistress,” he murmured in that deep, rumbling voice of his. “So I can pleasure you.”


  Biting her lip, Jillian did as he said and turned over to bare her breasts and pussy. Oh God, she couldn’t believe she was doing this…

  Kalis poured some more of the pink oil into his palms and came to stand at the head of the table. Jillian closed her eyes as he leaned over her but she caught the look of desire on his strong features before she did.

  “Just relax, little Mistress,” he murmured. “I swear I’ll be gentle.”

  Jillian tried to do as he said, but she felt like she had at the beginning of the massage—uncertain and tense. She expected the big Kindred to go right for her breasts, since that was what they had agreed on, and she wasn’t sure if she would like it or not.

  Her nipples were extremely sensitive and she hoped he wouldn’t start yanking on them and pulling them, the way Mistress Tagalong’s bodyslave was doing. He seemed to be seeing how far he could stretch his Mistress’s rubbery peaks before they snapped back into place—that did not look pleasurable to Jillian in the least.

  But, to her surprise, the big Kindred started working on her neck and shoulders again. This time, because she was face-up, he was able to work the pressure points under her ears and on the side of her neck much more easily. He cradled her head gently in his big hands and massaged all the knots of tension until Jillian felt herself melting like butter under his gentle touch.

  “Ohhh,” she moaned softly. “That feels so good, Kalis.”

  “Thank you, Mistress,” he rumbled softly. “Just relax—I want to take my time with you.”

  He finished with her neck and then moved on to her shoulders and arms. Only after Jillian once more felt limp with relaxation did he finally slide his long fingers down her chest and palm her breasts. His touch was gentle but firm and at first he just massaged her full globes without even touching her nipples. Then he began to slowly circle her areolas with his fingertips.

  Jillian felt her nipples stiffen at his slow, gradual approach and she felt her pleasure building. She began to shift on the table, pressing her thighs together as he continued to slowly circle her peaks. God, when was he actually going to touch her? By now she was aching for him!

  Kalis seemed to sense her need.

  “Slowly, little Mistress,” he murmured and she finally felt him stroke the sensitive tips of her nipples. Sparks of sensation shot through her body, from her breasts straight down to her pussy, which felt more wet and swollen than Jillian could ever remember.

  “S-slowly?” she gasped, arching her back, wanting more of his hands on her.

  “Mmm-hmm,” Kalis rumbled. “We must build the pleasure slowly so that your release will be more intense.”

  Jillian realized he was talking about her orgasm. God, was she really going to let him touch her until she came? To be honest, she was already halfway there, she admitted to herself. Her sensitive nipples had been an irritation to her in the past, because no man she’d ever been with had been gentle enough with them. But Kalis seemed to know exactly how to touch her tender peaks to bring her intense pleasure without going too far and hurting her.

  “Oh…” she whispered, as the tension tightened in her lower belly like a wire about to snap. “Oh, Kalis…”

  “Gods, little Mistress, love to hear you say my name,” he growled softly. “Are you ready for me to massage lower?”

  “Yes!” Jillian arched her back and opened her thighs invitingly. “Oh God, yes!”

  Part of her couldn’t believe she was acting like this—where had all her common sense and inhibitions gone to? She was a
grown woman—not a horny college student having a one-night stand with some sexy guy she barely knew! What was wrong with her?

  But that part of her that was screaming for common sense seemed very far away as Kalis’s long fingers traveled down the length of her body and he cupped her pussy mound in one large hand.

  Jillian was glad that she kept everything neatly trimmed down there. The area might not see much action—okay, no action at all—but she liked to keep things neat and tidy.

  Now she felt herself spreading her thighs wider, her outer pussy lips opening under his palm as though to invite the big Kindred inside.

  “Gods, little Mistress—you’re already so hot and wet,” Kalis growled softly. “Would you like me to massage your pussy now?”

  “Y-yes,” Jillian stuttered. “God, yes—please!”

  “As my lady wishes. And should I continue to stimulate your sweet peaks?” he asked in that deep, sensual voice of his.

  Unable to speak, Jillian only nodded. Oh God, she was getting in way too deep here and part of her knew it. But somehow she couldn’t seem to stop—it just felt too good.

  But it was about to feel even better. Kalis poured some more of the pink massage oil over her mound and then began to slowly, sensually massage it in. At first he concentrated on her pussy mound and the outer lips. But gradually, he began to slip his fingers into her wet depths, gently exploring her.

  At the same time, he leaned over her and sucked her right nipple into his hot mouth. He began teasing it with his tongue, circling the tender peak as he was circling her aching clit below with one gentle fingertip.

  “Oh…oh, God!” Jillian moaned breathlessly. She had forgotten there were other people in the room—forgotten that she really shouldn’t be doing this. All she could feel was the pleasure building inside her from the way Kalis was touching her. It was almost as though the big Kindred already knew her intimately—knew instinctively exactly how she liked and needed to be touched.


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