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Tank Page 3

by Trixie Brewster

  “Something with a little less tit, and a little more dick hanging out. You know something for my kitty spank bank.” Damn it, this woman had no fucking filter. I wondered if I could surprise her with dirty talk when we were both naked. She would probably give as good as she got.

  “I could give you a private dance.” I waggled my eyebrows at her, and Angie laughed. Her laugh was full of merriment and beautiful. Molly was going to get whiplash if she kept jerking her head from looking at me and looking to Angie.

  “Holy shit. Tank, you met your match. Angie can do this all night long. But you need to keep your dick in your pants. Not something I want to have nightmares about.” Molly had both her hands on her hips.

  “Well, Molly, it has been fun. But I need to head back home.” Angie gave my sister a hug.

  “Do you really have to go?”

  “Yeah, I have to work in the morning. You know taking apart the classroom and getting it ready for next year's bunch.” She shrugged her shoulders as she said it.

  “Fine, just remember not to cry over other people’s kids.” Okay, I was lost.

  “Why would you cry over other people’s kids?” I questioned her. It didn’t make any sense to me.

  “Well, if you must know. I had those kids for eight hours a day for nine months. I got attached, and then they are moving on.” I felt like there was more to the story than that. I mean, why would a teacher get emotional over kids moving to the next grade. “Bye, Girly, call me soon. Tank, I will probably see you around.” She waved us off as she left.

  “Don’t you get any ideas about Angie. She will eat you alive.” I looked at Molly, shocked she would think that.

  “Please, she wouldn’t be able to handle all of this.” I motioned to myself.

  “Trust me, Hale Stevens, you couldn’t handle Angela Veets.” I looked back at the door. I always did like a little challenge from a woman. I had no doubt that Angela Veets would be a challenge. Molly just signed her friend's warrant, and I planned to be the bounty hunter that took her pussy out.

  Chapter 4


  My phone was ringing by the time I got back home from work. Yes, teachers have to work in the summer, and no, I don’t get paid for it. Sucks but it is what it is. The caller ID said it was Korey calling me.

  “Sup, my homie,” I answered, my response was Korey laughing and sobbing at the same time. Damn, these pregnancy hormones were getting to her.

  “Korey, you alright?” I try.

  “Yeah, do you think you can die from not having any sex?” Well, that was off the wall. It was my turn to laugh.

  “Well, I am proof that you can’t. Why is the Brick-master not giving you any?”

  “He said his cock was raw. He told me he needed to take a break from having sex with me!” She cried and screamed in my ear at the same time. I pulled the phone away from my ear as she cried into the phone. “Angie, he probably thinks I am too fat and ugly to fuck anymore.”

  “Whoa, whoa now hang on a second. Brick said his dick was raw? Korey, how often was he giving it to you? Damn woman that has to be a new record for a man to pull the reigns on it.” I was impressed with my friend. She was able to get a man to admit he couldn’t handle his woman. “Color me impressed. All wise one, I need pointers.” Korey laughed for a second before she gets quiet.

  “Whatcha thinking about?” I know she is thinking about something.

  “Okay, so I was only getting it once in the morning, then at ten for a brunch session, then at lunch, the at three and twice after he got home. See that is not too much sex, is it? I asked the doctor, and she said it was normal for me to want so much sex, something about my hormones or something like that. God, I hope I didn’t break his cock.” Korey cried out. Probably for the loss of her fiancé’s beloved penis.

  “Give it a week, and it will be fine,” I tell her. Hopefully, she can go a week without getting any.

  “The gender revel and shower is this Saturday. Angie, I will kill someone if I don’t get any.” She growled out. “I am so fucking frustrated, sexually frustrated.” Well shit, I guess that answers my question.

  “How about using a vibrator? Surely that can hold you over until Brick gets his penis back in commission.”

  “Cock, not penis. Penis doesn’t do it justice. Maybe I will get a vibrator. I threw my old one away after I moved in with Brick, I didn’t need it anymore.” Lucky bitch. I loved Korey, but damn my sex life was severely lacking some major dick. Not that I have had any in it before anyways. But a girl could dream.

  “See the problem is solved. Get a vibe. Get off several times a day, and hopefully, no one will die at the hands of crazy pregnant Korey this Saturday.” Korey laughed at my little joke. But I was serious, she probably would kill someone or at least attempt to if she didn’t get her sexual frustrations taken care of.

  “Can you just see me waddling into a sex store and getting a vibrator. God, that would be priceless.” I chuckled at her joke and started to laugh harder, picturing Korey in a sex store in her condition.

  “God, woman, you made my day.”

  “Thank you. I will be here all week.”

  “Don’t give yourself a big head. Now get off of here and get to the adult store and get your cum fix. I see you in a couple of days. Love ya, girl.”

  “Love ya too.”

  I picked up the invitation I got last week, I opened it up and read it again

  Join: Korey Baker and Brick

  To celebrate their little bundle of joy.

  Gender reveal and baby shower

  Where: Brick and Korey’s house

  When: June 8, 2019, at 7pm

  Time for me to go shopping for the bundle of joy. I wonder when they will do the gender revel maybe a burnout with one of the bikes or a cake that when it is cut revels blue or pink. Korey hasn’t specified what she wants, but I am pretty sure it would make Brick proud of having a little boy.

  Getting to the baby aisle in Target, I already knew I was going to get a case of diapers size two. I found the diapers and dropped them in my buggy then went to the next aisle to get some pacifiers and bottles, then I saw the bibs. There were so many different ones to chose from. I got distracted when I heard a ruckus from the baby clothes area. Curiosity got the best of me. Making my way to the baby clothes, I hold back a laugh at what I saw.

  Four badass bikers going through baby clothes and laughing at the different phrases. Tank was with them. Was it wrong that I thought my best friend’s brother was hot, like lick my lips, mouthwatering, bite-able sexy? The man was over a foot taller than me, but damn was he hot.

  “Look at this one. ‘Dad’s little stinker.’ Korey doesn’t know what she signed up for.” One of the guys laughed. He was cute but didn’t hold my attention like Tank did. I noticed one of the guys I recognized. He went by Snake, and he had a problem keeping his hands to himself.

  I wasn’t going to say anything, really, I wasn’t. Oh, who was I kidding? “You better hope Korey isn’t having a girl. Brick will shit a brick if he has a little girl.” All heads turned to me. I couldn’t help but laugh at their shocked faces. Snake gave me a smile and took a step in my direction.

  “Well, if it isn’t the pretty teacher. You going to let me hit that?” He looked like he won the fucking lottery.

  I let out a giggle and laid into him. “Really, now tell me why I would let you get your one eyes snake anywhere near me? I am sure it has seen more action than a Vegas whore working the Red-Light District.” Oh, I wasn’t done with him either. “Besides, I hate needles, and I don’t want to know what type of shots I might need afterward.” I saw a flicker of hurt cross his eyes before his smile took over. I would have felt bad, but he threw that out the window when he opened his mouth.

  “Yeah, but it would be worth it.” He waggled his eyebrows, and I shook my head at him. He strutted off back to his little gaggle of bikers. They looked so out of place, but I could see why Korey loved them all like brothers. They didn’t have to b
e here buying gifts for her little soon to be terror. Yet here they were in the baby isle scaring mothers, while they shopped.

  I found a section of baby clothes that was unisex and started to go through them to find a cute one for Korey. “Am I going to see you at the party this weekend?” I jerked my head up to see Tank leaning against the end cap. He had a pack of diapers under one arm and a few outfits dangling from his fingers. Damn, this man didn’t have to work hard to look hot. He just was.

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He shook his head and raised his blue eyes to mine.

  “The little teacher isn’t scared of the big bad bikers?” He had a panty-melting grin on his face. My mind raced, and I came up blank for a witty comeback. Damn, he left me speechless with that smirk.

  “Why would I be? I dealt with Brick at parent meetings. Besides, it’s a baby shower.”

  “It’s a BYOB baby shower, plus there will be a party afterward.” Why did I get the feeling that he was trying to scare me off? We met a strip club for crying out loud last week.

  “BYOB, huh? Maybe I can bring some Rum and make it a party then.” I gave him a small smile.

  “So, the teacher parties…Interesting.”

  “Teachers have lives too. We aren’t all boring.” Gee what was with people who thought teachers didn’t have lives outside of school. When I tell people what I do for work, they look at me like I shouldn’t be at a bar, or like I don’t have any fun. Just because I chose to be a teacher doesn’t mean I forfeit the right to have a life.

  “I noticed.” He gave me a heated look and pushed off the end cap and walked off. I felt my body temperature rise with that look. Damn, I needed to get a hold of my freaking body. You need to get laid. And what better man to start with than Tank. The thought skittered around my head as I looked down at the outfits. I couldn’t mess with my friend’s brother, wasn’t that breaking the girl code or something. I just needed to get that thought out of my mind and remember that he was Molly’s brother and not available. Hell, for all I knew, Tank had a girlfriend or wife at home. He is off limits so far off-limits.

  Chapter 5


  We needed this, we needed a distraction from our day to day lives. Since taking out the Grimm’s life has been dull. The parties are a good distraction. But after a while, it feels like routine. Go to work, get off the job, go to clubhouse, get hammered, get laid. Rinse and repeat.

  Sure, it was a baby shower, but hell, it was a nice reprieve from my life. There was something to look forward to. Our President was about to have a child, the next generation was being ushered in. Korey was fantastic for Brick, she kept him centered and busy. Really busy, we all knew that he was getting laid, hell, since Korey got pregnant Brick didn’t have to worry about when he was going to get some.

  I was still trying to get the memory out of my head. I walked into the Chapel to get something, and what I walked in on was not something I wanted to see. Brick had his pants down at his ankles, and Korey was bent over the fucking table where we hold church with her dress pulled up. They didn’t even stop. Korey told Brick, “You better not stop.” Like the smart man I was, I backed out and forgot all about what I was going after.

  Earlier this week, Brick, complained that his dick was raw. Hell, he was a lucky SOB getting laid so damn much that his dick was raw. Fuck if I had a woman that made my dick rubbed raw from fucking me so much, I would be fucking strut around like a damn rooster.

  We were told to be on best behavior, why because pregnant Korey wasn’t getting any and she might kill us. She didn’t look pissed from where I was standing. I oversaw grilling the burgers for the guests. My brothers were already drinking the beers that Kelsey stocked. She was playing bartender in Brick’s backyard.

  I was scanning the yard for a particular redhead that was going to be here today. I was going to let her know precisely what I wanted from her. I have jacked off so fucking much that I may have permanent callouses on my dick. All I have been able to think about is Angie and her fucking tight, curvy little body. I wanted to see her come undone under me. Hell, I just wanted to fuck her against a wall and give it to her hard. Just thinking about what I wanted to do to her had my dick hard.

  I was so far in my head that Blaze snuck up on me. “You know Brick told us to best behavior because of my sister. But I think it’s cause that hot little teacher that is gonna be here.” Looking over at Blaze, I thought about it.

  “Man, I don’t know. She seems to be able to hold her own.”

  “How the fuck would you know, man? You hit that?” Blaze's eyes burned with hunger that I couldn’t help but be a little worried about. Blaze was one of those men that women just laid down for. Blond hair, blue eyes, soft face, and built like a wrestler. The women just flocked to him. If he set his sights on Angie, I would lose my chances with her.

  “Nah, but don’t mean I ain't going to try.” Blaze nods his head. Letting me know that he isn’t going to be chasing her tail.

  We turned our heads when we heard a commotion by the house. A few catcalls were going on. I knew it was Angie. I don’t know why or how but I just knew it was her. Closing the grill lid, I went on a mission to get the handsy prospects away from what was mine. Some of these guys didn’t understand how to treat a lady, but they would find out tonight. As I got closer, I could see the red hair and a very pissed off looking Angie.

  “Just because my hands are full doesn’t mean to get my way. Now move.” Angie was forceful with her words. The new prospect, I had already forgotten his name was in the way.

  “C’mon darlin’ you know how a sweet butt is supposed to act.” The man drawled out. Before Angie could respond, I turned the prospect around and let my fist do the talking. One hit from me is all it took for him to go down like a brick house.

  When I looked over at Angie, I wasn’t expecting the smile that she had on her face. Maybe a look of repulsion or a scream. But never was I expecting a fucking smirk. “Thanks.” Was all she said as she stepped over the prospect. I took the boxes and bags from her hands and led her to the house. “I think you need to teach your men how to be a little more respectful.” Well damn, the little woman knew what I was thinking. She was damn right that these new boys needed to be taught a lesson.

  “I would have to agree about that one. Don’t worry, it will be dealt with.” He would lose his patch as far as I was concerned. We may be bikers, and we may toe the line, but we never disrespected women like that.

  “Good, I think he needs a time out. Oh, I know, make him clean bathrooms with a toothbrush for a month.” My eyes widened as I looked over at her serious face. Shit, she could give us ideas on how to haze the prospects. She looked up at me and smiled.

  “And make sure you tell all the guys to piss on the floors, too.” Before I could say anything, Brick was at the door.

  “Tell who to piss on floors?” Brick looked from me to Angie and raised his eyebrow at me in question.

  “Well, Angie here was giving me pointers on how to break in the new prospect. He wouldn’t let her pass and kept asking her if she was sweet butt.” Angie crossed her arms over her chest and leveled Brick with a look that could kill.

  “So, you want my men to piss on a floor?” Brick asked with a smile.

  “Yes, so he can clean the bathroom with a toothbrush. Serves the ass right if you ask me.” Angie deadpanned. This woman was full of fucking surprises. I lowered the box in front of my crotch as my dick got hard. This woman’s mouth, her sass, the sway of hips as she walked was all it took. Damn, one fuck might not get her out of my system.

  Brick barked out a laugh and shook his head. Korey came up beside him smiling and holding her belly. “What did I miss?” Brick filled her in on what Angie suggested, and Korey threw her head back and laughed.

  “It makes sense now.” Korey looked at Angie.

  “What makes sense?” She asked, wrinkling her brow in confusion.

  “Why your classroom was so calm each time I was there.” Kore
y looked over at me and smiled. “Tank, you think your size intimidates people. Well, Angie here can stop a full out tantrum with a look. Tell me that isn’t intimidation at its finest.”

  “Seriously?” I asked Angie. I have seen a few tantrums in the stores. There is nothing worse than a kid screaming while the parents do nothing about it.

  “It’s called the teacher look.” She raised her eyebrow and had a stern look on her face. It was cute, but a little scary. It was a look that said, I don’t think so. My hard dick thumped against my zipper, looking at her. Clearing my throat, I looked away from Angie and tried to think of something else to make my dick go down.

  “I’m going to go put these up,” I told them and walked away.

  I watched Angie from my spot behind the grill. She fit in with my brothers comfortably. She bantered back and forth with Blaze. He was laying it on thick, the fucker, but she wasn’t at all affected by his charms.

  I focused on getting the burgers finished and putting the cheese on them. The club girls brought out the sides and condiments. The party was in full swing. We still had to do the gender reveal. I was hopeful that the brothers wouldn’t get to damn drunk before we found out what Brick and Korey were having.

  “Impressive, you can cook and throw a mean punch.” Smiling as I let her light and airy voice slide over me.

  “Glad you think my limited skills are impressive.” I looked over at her and winked. Pursing her lips, she gave me a small smile.

  “I sure do hope they are as good as they smell.”

  “If you don’t like it, I got some more meat you can taste.” Her skin flushed that beautiful color.

  “Why Tank are you asking me to suck your dick?” I could see the challenge in her emerald eyes.

  “Not asking, just merely suggesting.” I tease. She surprises me by leaning into me before she knocks me on my ass with her words.


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