Finding Hope (Satan's Sinners MC Book 7)

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Finding Hope (Satan's Sinners MC Book 7) Page 7

by Colbie Kay

  He nods. "I won't."

  "You ever come near my club or Tinsley again, you will be fucking dead, got it?" I yell at him as Bam Bam drags me out of Richie’s apartment. With the door still open, I hear the rest of the conversation.

  "I got it. I’ve moved on anyway."

  "Don't go too far, Richie. We may be back with more questions. If you decide to leave, we will find you. There's no hiding from us."

  "I won’t, I swear."

  "So what now?" Chayser asks when he and Demon join us in the hall.

  “Romeo needs to take his feelings outta this.” Bam Bam stares at me.

  "I’m good.” He releases me, and I continue, “I'll have Hacker see what he can find on this Roland Pierce guy." We head down the stairs and outside where the sun is beginning to set. "Let's go back to the compound since we're losing daylight."

  We ride back to the outskirts of Phoenix and park our bikes inside the gate. Each of us goes our separate ways, and I meet Pretty Boy outside the door. "She doing okay?"

  "Yeah." He laughs. "She was pacing around the room cussing up a storm for a while after you left."

  "She still pissed?" I ask, chuckling.

  He joins in. "Yeah, she is."

  "Have a good night, Pretty Boy. The others can catch you up."

  "You too, Romeo."

  Turning the knob, I enter the temporary home I'm sharing with Tinsley, and call her name out, but she doesn't answer.

  She's nowhere to be seen until I reach the bathroom. Slowly, I open the door, and there she is with her eyes closed, soaking in a hot bath full of bubbles with one leg hiked up on the side of the tub. I sit down on the edge. Lifting my hand, I run it along her smooth as silk skin until my hand is covered with bubbles.

  Her eyes pop open. "Hey."

  "Hey," I repeat.

  "Did you find out anything?" Her expression and gaze are hopeful.

  I nod, but then my brows furrow. “I gotta ask you a question, Tin.”

  “Okay.” She starts to move, but I hold her leg in place.

  “Did you message Richie?”

  Her shoulders sag. “I did.” She glances down before lifting her eyes to mine. “I didn’t want you guys involved in this, and I thought I could handle it myself. I thought I could get him to tell me where Hope was, or what happened to her.”

  My hand moves up her leg closer to her pussy. “Don’t do it again. Don’t ever fucking hide shit from me again.”

  She gasps, “I won’t.”

  She doesn't try to stop me or move her leg. "We got a name for who takes the babies after they’re born, and it is a black market business." I leave out the part about her baby because I don’t want to get her excited just yet. I want to know more before telling her.

  "Looks like you're making progress." She breathes out while her eyes roll with the first touch to her center.

  "Looks like we are," I agree. My eyes stay glued to her parted lips, and my cock jumps with each stroke of my fingers through her slit.

  “Romeo,” She mewls my name once I focus on her clit. Her hands grip the edges of the tub, and her head lolls back as she opens her thighs wider for me.

  “Tin,” I say her fucking name because she’s so goddamn gorgeous. My finger twirls around her hard little nub faster and faster until her toes curl and her thighs tighten with her orgasm. “Fuck! You’re beautiful.” I stand and quickly remove all of my clothing before sinking into the hot water with her. There’s no going back after this.

  My eyes travel over Romeo's naked body before he sinks down into the bathtub. He could be an Adonis statue with how fit and sculpted his body is, from his thick thighs up to his tapered waist, each of his abs is perfectly carved, creating an eight-pack. His tattooed pecs, so toned and defined, as are his inked arms. But the size of his cock makes me swallow hard, and my eyes widen in shock at the massive size of that thing.

  He sits down into the hot water, and I pull myself closer, straddling his lap. Dipping my head, I kiss the side of his neck, moving to his plump lips. My hands come out of the water to feel along every muscle he displays, and then one wraps around his neck as the other lays against his cheek. The touch of his hands on my body, exploring me, just like I was his, lights my body on fire.

  Reaching down, I take his long, thick length in my hand and line the head up to my entrance. I begin to slowly lower myself onto him until I'm seated as far as I can go. I give myself a moment to adjust to his size while our kiss becomes needy and hungry…desperate. We’ve both been enduring, craving each other for so long, and yet, we also tried to refrain from giving into temptation. He possesses me. Every feeling, every touch, every taste, is more than anything I've ever felt in my life. I don't think there's any way I can keep my heart from getting involved in this obsession I have with Romeo. I begin to rock my hips and move up and down, setting my rhythm.

  "Fuck, Tin! You feel so goddamn good." His hand wraps itself in my hair and he pulls my head back. His mouth latches onto one of my breasts as he licks and sucks my flesh. My nipples harden impossibly tighter, and I cry out from the sensations ravaging me.

  "Romeo." I moan, picking up speed. A second orgasm rushes through me like a tidal wave. My breaths come out labored as my head drops to his shoulder. He places his hands on my hips and takes control, driving into me. I bite down on his shoulder to keep from screaming out, but God, he feels amazing.

  "Fuck, yes! So fucking tight." He's spurred on, and each meticulous stroke changes to erratic and uncalculated. I feel him jerking inside of me, drawing closer and closer to his own release. "Come again, Tin. Come with me." Between his words and each hit to my g-spot, I’m thrust to the edge of another orgasm. He pushes and pushes harder and faster. "Now!" He groans as his hands keep me seated, and both of us release into a blissful pleasure. I moan his name once again as he roars mine.

  His arms wrap around me to hold me as tight as he can. Our bodies are molded together in the now cool water. I lay my head on his shoulder and try to catch my breath.

  "This water's fucking cold now." Romeo laughs. "We need to get out."

  "Yeah, we do." I sit up, fearing it’ll all be over now. He gets out first and then holds his hand out to help me. He grabs towels for us, and we dry off before going to lay in the bed. He tugs me to him, and my heart jumps giddily because he still wants to hold me instead of rolling over and falling asleep.

  Laying with my head on Romeo's chest and his fingers running up and down along my spine, I feel happy. Happier than I have in a long time. Maybe this will be more than just a one-time to get it out of our system thing.

  "Tin?" Romeo whispers my name.

  "Yeah?" I gaze up at him with my chin resting on his chest. Reaching up, I trace my thumb over his bearded jaw.

  His tired eyes stare into mine. "I didn't tell you everything before. I was going to keep it to myself until I knew more, but I made you a promise, and I won't break that. I just didn't want you to get too excited."

  My brow furrows. "What did you find out?"

  His hand runs along my cheek, and he pushes my hair behind my ear. "She's alive."

  I quickly sit up with the sheet wrapped around me. "Hope? She's alive?" My stomach drops, but my heart pounds so fast and hard that it could come right out of my chest. "I wasn't imagining it?" Tears pool in my eyes. "I really heard my baby cry?" I cover my mouth as the first sob rips through me.

  "Yes." He nods with a small smile.

  "We have to find her!" The tears begin to spill, and I cover my face with my hands as more sobs wreck me.

  Romeo's arms surround me, and he peppers small kisses along my shoulder. "I'm going to find her, and I'm going to take out anyone who stands in my way. You'll have Hope back before we go home. I promise."

  I nod against his shoulder. "I can't believe it. I wanna know where she's at. What she looks like. Why would they do this?" I have so many questions and not many answers to them.

  "It's all about money, Tin. From what we're finding out, a lot of pe
ople are involved."

  I pull back. "Why did he pick me?"

  "I think it was simply because you were at the bar, and he set his sights on you. He doesn't just get girls pregnant. He also finds women that are already pregnant and convinces them to sign the papers too."

  I shake my head. "This is crazy, Romeo."

  "I know."

  I lay back down on his chest and imagine what Hope would look like until I fall fast asleep.

  The next morning, we wake, and since Romeo doesn't have any new information, he wants to spend the day with me. "Can you take me somewhere?" I ask after we are both dressed.

  He comes up behind me and snakes his arms around my waist before kissing the crook of my neck. "Sure, where?"

  I spin in his arms and wrap mine around his neck. "I want to go see the man that helped me."

  "Okay." His lips descend upon mine before he breaks away to pull out his phone. He lets the guys know we're going to eat, and they all want to go. We all meet at the bikes.

  It's about a forty-five-minute ride from the compound, but I'll never forget the restaurant that Chatty picked me up at. We walk into Gregory’s. It looks a little different in the front than it did when I was hurt and pretty much out of it.

  "How can I help you?" A woman behind the register asks. She’s pretty with long blonde hair pulled into a high ponytail, and thick black glasses sitting on her tiny nose.

  "Hi." I step up in front. "Is there a man here…? I'm sorry, I don't know his name, but he’s older, and when I met him, he had a beard that was kind of salt and pepper colored, which matched his hair."

  "You're talking about my dad." The woman smiles brightly. "He's in the back. I'll go get him."

  "Thank you." I return her smile.

  A few minutes later, she returns with the man, who is wiping his hands on the white apron he's wearing. His eyes connect with mine. "Oh my." He freezes.

  "Hi," I say awkwardly and begin to fidget with my nervousness.

  "It's you." He races around the counter and places his hands on my cheeks.

  "It's me." I nod with a grin and watery eyes matching his. "I wanted to come and see you, and to thank you again for helping me."

  He sighs happily. "I've thought about you every day. I'm so happy you came here." He looks behind me at the guys. "Are you being taken care of?"

  I nod. "Yes."

  "Good." He kisses my cheek. "Sit. All of you and order whatever you want. It's on the house."

  Romeo steps up. "You don't have to do that."

  "Yes, the night I found her was one of the scariest moments of my life. I thought about what if it had been my own daughter.” He glances at the woman behind the counter who is staring at us. His gaze returns to me, and he squeezes my hand. “And to see her here now and happy, that fills me with so much joy. I don’t know her, but she deserves so much more than being thrown out in a back alley, and I'm happy she has men to protect her."

  I bite my bottom lip to keep my emotions at bay. "Thank you," I tell him once again. We take seats at a nearby table and order our food.

  I continue talking with Gregory as we get to know one another.

  After we finish eating, each of the guys pulls out their wallets leaving hundreds of dollars on the table.

  We ride straight back to the compound. I take off the helmet and hand it to Romeo. With a beaming smile, I tell him, "Thank you for taking me."

  "No problem." He steps closer and wraps his arm around my waist, drawing me into him. "You wanna go get a drink instead of sitting in the room?"

  Biting my bottom lip, I glance toward the clubhouse. "Yeah." I nod and add, "It's been a good day. Let's keep it going."

  "Atta girl." He pushes my chin up with his finger and lays his lips against mine for a moment before he pulls me along toward the door of the clubhouse. We step up to the bar, and Romeo orders two jack and cokes. A few minutes later, the prospect sets them in front of us, and we find an empty table. I feel his eyes on me as I look around the bar at all the people. The atmosphere reminds me so much of the Satan’s Sinners’ old clubhouse, and yet, it’s none of our people. I think I’m getting a little homesick, and I miss Chatty. "What's going through that pretty head of yours?"

  My gaze drifts to him. "Wondering how much longer." The corner of my mouth lifts for a moment and drops back down. “I think I’m just a little homesick.” I don't want to dampen our good moods, so I deflect, "You know my story. So, who art thou Romeo." I do my best Shakespearean imitation.

  He sits back in his chair and finishes off his drink. "Another round and I'll tell you."

  He returns with two more sets of drinks. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you're trying to get me drunk."

  "You might be right." He smirks, winking at me before downing half the first new glass. "Hmm. My story. I was born and raised in Kansas. The only child to my African-American asshole of a father and my Caucasian mother, who was too stupid to leave him."

  I'm not sure I should have asked from the sounds of it, but I stay quiet as he goes on. "My real name is Jason Whitlock, and I lived in a small town where I got made fun of because I was the mixed kid. My mom and dad finally had enough of me getting into fights, so they moved us about an hour away to Wichita when I was ten. Right before my fourteenth birthday, I heard my mom and dad fighting one night. I had a gun and wanted to scare him."

  His teary eyes meet mine, and all the oxygen in my lungs evaporate. He continues, "I watched him kill her, kill my mom, Tin." A tear trails down his cheek, but he quickly swipes it away, and his eyes dart around the room to make sure no one is paying any attention to us. He sits up straighter and begins drinking the third glass while I'm just finishing my first. "Anyway, without even thinking, I raised the gun, shot him three times, and watched his body fall. The cops arrested me, and I spent the next four years in juvie on a manslaughter charge."

  I clear my throat, shocked by his words, but I still ask my next question, "How did you end up a Sinner?"

  "A friend in juvie told me about them. He wanted to prospect, but got into a fight with another kid and got a shank to the neck, so I went instead. They took me in and taught me the ways of the MC life. It took longer than it should have to get my patch, but I held on and had to pay for what could have happened. Are you ready for that, Tin?"

  I cock my brow. "Ready for what? The MC life? Aren't I already in it?" I question and laugh a little.

  "Nah, all you've done is sit in that room of yours, doing what I now know was research and coming up with sneaky ass plans."

  I grin. "Yeah, but I did the books too. Thanks to you guys, I have a job I love."

  "You did." He nods with a smirk.

  I ask the question I’ve been dying to know, but I never quite felt comfortable asking. "What's the deal with Demon and Stilettos?"

  His forehead furrows. "What'cha mean?"

  Shrugging, I reply, "I mean, that's the only place he won't give up. He trained me to do the books everywhere else, except there."

  It's his turn to shrug. "I don't know. Demon is a hard one to figure out, but I've been in Stilettos with him, and I've seen him look at Dancer, the bartender. That brother isn't scared of anything, but I swear the way he gawks at her, she could bring him to his knees. I think he knows it too, and that scares the fuck outta him."

  I shake my head. "It's crazy." The conversation is so easy with him, and I love it. I’m finding out that there’s a lot I love about Romeo. Holy. Shit. Did I just admit to myself that I love him? So much for my heart staying out of this.

  "What is?" He questions before I can drift too far into my own thoughts.

  "The way you guys love. With your brothers and their ol' ladies, it's like this unwavering, possessive, all-consuming love. I'd never witnessed anything like it until I came into your world."

  He nods and finishes off another drink. "That's exactly what it is. When the right woman comes into our lives, it's her and only her. We will kill to protect her, and we would die protecting her. Get
ting the title Ol' Lady means a hundred times more than the word wife does. And that's what I mean, are you ready for the MC life? Are you able to handle the shit that happens? Can you deal with the fact people die by our hands? We aren't good guys, Tin, I'm not a good guy. It's not a pretty world we live in, and it's never gonna be sunshine and roses. It's hard, and it's scary. It's death and destruction."

  I swallow a big gulp of my drink but don't let him see how fazed I am by his words. "It's like a dark fairytale."

  He laughs. "That’s what I’m trying to tell you, Tin. There's no fairytale in this story. This is real motherfuckin’ life. Can you handle our life? Because I’ll tell you right fucking now," His cold eyes bore into mine, “If you can’t, then once we have your daughter back, run.”

  Ignoring his last statement, I begin to argue that it is, in fact, a twisted fairytale. "But it is a fairytale, a twisted, dark one, but still a fairytale. Every girl wants her white knight to ride in and save her. She wants that happily ever after with the man of her dreams. This is the same except we're trading the horse for a motorcycle, white for black, and swords for guns to fight until death. Was Giovanna the one for you?"

  "At the time I thought she was, but no. I was blind and stupid. I couldn't see what everybody else saw, and I didn't want to believe what my brothers tried to tell me. I realized after that, it wasn't what I tried so hard to make it. I wasn't in love with her, it was lust, and I definitely didn't love her enough to make her my ol' lady."

  "I get that. I mean, I thought I loved Richie, and I would have married him because I wanted this certain life, which in the end was all a lie. I've never had the kind of love like I've seen with your brothers and their women, but I want that. I want someone to love me like that." Tears blur my vision. "If I'm being honest, it makes me jealous seeing them and their kids. Even Chatty, as crazy as it might seem–and I'm very happy for her–but she has the life I was supposed to have. The one I had hoped to have with Richie. I think that's a part of why I stay in my room all the time."


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