Finding Hope (Satan's Sinners MC Book 7)

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Finding Hope (Satan's Sinners MC Book 7) Page 13

by Colbie Kay

  Hope points to the door. "Poop. Shew." She waves her hand in front of her nose. We lose it. Both of us burst out laughing.

  "I'll start cleaning the wall." Tinsley leaves us.

  After we've finished making sure the living room is shit free, and we're both on the couch resting while Hope naps, I am finally able to see her tattoo. Four nautical stars across her chest. "It's perfect."

  "Thank you." She lays her head on my chest as we lay on the couch. We're perfect.

  We moved back into our newly built clubhouse, which was completed a couple months earlier than we anticipated. Things have been calm for the Sinners since Ghost and Deuce's deaths. It's a good feeling to know I have only my trusted brothers now, and that nothing else will come our way because of fucking Deuce–that shit went on for too long.

  Opening the door to our new chapel, I walk inside and shut the door behind me. It's time for new beginnings. The old clubhouse was Bulk's father's. For most of my life, I thought he was my grandfather. After he retired, it became Bulk's, and it was only right it would become mine after his death. But that was only because I thought we were blood, everyone did. However, I'm not actually Bulk's son, and the club wasn't actually mine to have. Sure, I ran it to the best of my abilities and made the right calls for my brothers, trying to keep everyone protected and safe. this is a new clubhouse, this is mine. This is what I have created for me and my brothers. I run my hand over the SS MC that's engraved into the dark wooden table. I step over to the head of the table and take my seat. My throne as the President of the Satan's Sinners Motorcycle Club. There's a knock on the door and without turning, I yell, "Come in."

  Snake enters the room and takes the chair opposite me, across the table.

  I sit closer to the table and rest my arms on it. My eyes connect with Snake's as he states, "Impressive new clubhouse you got here, son."

  "Thanks, I called you here today because we gotta hash this shit between us out."

  He nods once. "I agree."

  "I need to stop being angry and blaming you for something you had no control over. You didn't know I was your son as much as I didn't know you were my father."

  Snake's eyes drop for a moment. "If I would have known, I would have been here for you. I lost Jacey for most of her life. I didn't get to see either of my children grow up." His tone is filled with sadness. "I did stupid shit when I was younger, I won't deny that, but I'm a good man, Hanger. I would have done what was right. I've loved your mom for over half my life, and it was hard coming to terms that she kept that you could have been mine a secret, but because of the love I have for her, I can't hold it against her."

  "As much as I want to be angry with her, I can't. My kids love their grandma, and I won’t take that away from them. I think all we can do from here is move forward. And with that being said, I want the details of your shit with the mob and cartel. Which cartel and what mob?"

  "The Cortez Cartel and the Russian Bratva."

  I blow out a deep breath and run a hand down my face. "Okay. The Cortez Cartel, I have some insight into their dealings. They're running a trafficking ring in Arizona. I'm assuming so they can cross the border easily, taking girls to Mexico."

  "The Bratva and the Cartel are at odds in the drug industry, and our club is caught in the middle. I don't know about any trafficking, but I do know I had an issue show up at the clubhouse not long after you guys left to move back in here."

  "Whatever shit you got going between them, I'm not getting my club involved with that. Christ, Snake! The Bratva? That's a huge organization, bigger than both of our clubs combined times a hundred or more."

  "So, what did you call me here for?" His tone is angry.

  "Because I needed to know what you know about the human trafficking. And I really did want to hash this shit out with you."

  "I don't know shit about that." He stands from the table. "Don't waste my time again." With that, he storms out of the chapel.

  "Thanks, Dear Ol' Dad." Shaking my head, I stay seated and think about where the Satan's Sinners will go from here.

  The last year has been one crazy, exciting adventure, from getting Hope, to Romeo, to becoming an ol' lady, to marrying the man of my dreams.

  The Satan's Sinners clubhouse was finally rebuilt, and once they moved back in, everything went back to normal, as if nothing had ever happened. We celebrated Thanksgiving there to bring our big family together as one, but Christmas was celebrated outside of the club. Romeo and I sat happily in our home with our daughter, watching as her face lit up with happiness as she opened her gifts.

  Everyday Hope gets to experience something new. Winter was playing in the snow, spring it was rain, and now summer, she loves running through the green grass and swimming. Of course, she can't freely swim, but she wears her floaties and kicks her arms and legs, giggling the entire time. I love hearing her laughter. She's beautiful, and nothing like I imagined. She's better, she's real, and she's here with me, living a happy and full life.

  I have Romeo to thank for it all. If it wasn't for him, I'm not sure I would have ever found her. Today, we’re celebrating her third birthday, and just as Romeo lights her candles, there's a knock on the door.

  I answer it and standing on the doorstep is my lawyer. We hired him not long after we got Hope. We needed to get a DNA test in order to prove she was biologically mine. Once we had that, he could get all of the paperwork situated, but it's taken months, longer than I thought it would. I've been waiting for his call, so to see him standing here is an unexpected surprise–not the only one today though.

  “Hi, Mr. Winters.”

  “Hello, Tinsley. Sorry to drop in on you like this, but I know it’s Hope’s birthday, and I wanted to hand deliver my own present." His gray mustache lifts with his lips, and he pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

  "Come in." I open the door further, letting him enter the house and join the full crowd we have over. We step into the dining room where everyone's gathered, and Romeo stands straighter beside Hope in her high chair.

  Mr. Winters hands me an envelope. I open it and start looking everything over. I come to the birth certificate, and not only do I see mine and Romeo's names listed as parents, but her first name is listed as Hope, and she has our last name. Pulling it out as tears fill my eyes, I tell him, "It's official! She's your daughter." I don't think my smile can get any bigger.

  "Seriously?" Romeo rushes over to me and takes the certificate from my hands. His smile rivals my own. "She's mine!" Everyone in the room begins to clap and congratulate us. Romeo turns to Mr. Winters and shakes his hand. "Thank you!"

  "You're welcome!" His attention moves to Hope. "Happy birthday, Hope." He turns and walks out the door.

  Romeo cups my cheeks with his hands. "We’re officially a family of three. We have been, but you know what I mean." We both laugh, and I nod while Romeo softly presses his lips against mine.

  "Make that a family of four," I tell him as his forehead rests against mine.

  "Family of four?" He pulls back with furrowed brows until it clicks and his eyes widen. "We're having a baby?"

  I nod and bite my lip.

  "Holy fuck! And I thought this day couldn't get any better!" He picks me up and spins me around before placing me back on my feet. We both walk over to Hope, each of us standing on either side of her.

  I bend down and tell her, "We’re having a baby."

  "Baby," She says and places her hands on my cheeks, pushing on them.

  I laugh. “I think we have her approval.” We get another round of applause and congratulations.

  Chatty pulls me into a hug. “I’m so happy for you, T.”

  “Thank you.” I grin against her shoulder. I have everything I ever dreamed of and more. Romeo gave me a love I never knew possible. Hope completed me like I always dreamed she would. Our family, which is full of crazy ladies and tough bikers, gave me a family when I didn't have my own–except for Chatty. They showed me a loyalty s
tronger than anything I'd ever seen, and they've shown me a protectiveness that knows no bounds. I'm grateful to be a part of this world they live in, and I'll love each and every one of these people who helped me when I needed it the most.

  My vengeance is done. I am me again because I found hope. My Hope. I’m living my dark fairytale, and I will always be the Juliet to my Romeo.


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  Tainted Souls

  (An Assassin’s Love Novel)


  Colbie Kay and KB Bennett


  Excerpt Tainted Souls


  I walk down the brick road in our village with Stryker, mon meilleur ami, my best friend. He pulls his wagon, filled with fruits and vegetables, behind us. We have to drop the goods off to Mr. Bernard so Stryker's family will get paid for the day.

  Our village, Lèonie, sits in Corse-du-sud on the island of Corsica. We live by old French ways; we do not have technology, electricity, or any of the conveniences that other parts of the world have. We used to be part of France, however, that changed about a hundred years ago. We are now independent, our own country. Even without all of the gadgets many have, our village is beautiful. Most of our homes are small cottages made of cobblestone that our men built with their own hands. Our roads are not paved, unlike some in the newer areas of our country. In fact, ours are made of dirt, and the horses and carriages stir up dust as they pass by causing Stryker and me to cough, pulling me from my thoughts as we do.

  Stopping in front of the vendor, we greet him in unison with bright smiles. "Hello, Mr. Bernard."

  “Stryker. Izabelle." The older man looks at us, returning our smiles with one of his own. Mr. Bernard walks around his wooden stand to help Stryker unload the wagon.

  While waiting for them to finish, I step over to the stand next to his. My eyes catch sight of one of the handmade bracelets that are hanging on display. My small fingers reach out to lightly trace the beautiful colors. "Do you want that, Izzy?" Stryker asks from behind me, startling me out of my daze. I must have been staring at it for a while if he is done.

  "Non." I shake my head no. "I do not have any money."

  "Izabelle." Mr. Bernard yells to get my attention and waves me over. Leaving the stand and bracelet behind, I walk over to him. "I know you just had your eighth birthday, so take this." He hands me a shiny red apple and a few coins. He always gives Stryker and I apples when we bring him the fruits and vegetables. They’re our favorite, but the coins he only does on our birthdays as he does for the other children in our village. "Tell your mama and papa I said hello."

  Grinning widely, I take the apple and coins in my hands and respond, "I will. Merci, Mr. Bernard." I thank him and shove the coins into the left pocket of my dress.

  "Are you ready?" Stryker questions, coming to stand beside me.

  Shifting my gaze to Stryker, I say, "Oui," for yes in our native tongue.

  We walk back across the brick road, passing several more vendors. The fields begin about a mile before the cottages can be seen. I grab onto Stryker's arm. "Let's go into the fields." I run until I'm in the thick overgrown grass, but I keep running and laughing all the way.

  "Izzy!" Stryker yells behind me as he tries to catch up.

  "Come on," I shout back, giggling. I don't stop until I'm high up on the hill, my little legs burning from the climb. Stryker can never catch me when he has to tug the wagon.

  "You know the only time you beat me is when I have this wagon." Stryker huffs when he finally makes it to the top.

  Laughing, I reply, "I know." I plop down into the green grass, cross my legs, and cover them with the skirt of my dress. Taking a bite from my apple, the sweet flavor hits my tongue. It tastes so good.

  "Is that a new dress?" He sits beside me.

  "Oui. Mama made it for me for my birthday." She’d picked a light pink fabric with little white flowers since pink is my favorite color. I beam because I think it is beautiful.

  Stryker takes a bite from his own apple. After swallowing he tells me, “It’s a pretty dress, Izzy.”

  “Merci!” Excitement fills my voice as I look out across our village situated beneath us.

  I love coming to sit here. Our whole village can be seen from high up on the hill. I stare down at the fields below. Men work, pulling the ripe foods from their plants. We are surrounded by green. The same green that matches Stryker's eyes, the brightest green I’ve ever seen. Gazing up to the clear blue sky, I point to a cloud and ask, "Doesn't that look like a bunny?"

  "I don't see a bunny." Stryker laughs again, but he points at his own cloud. "That one looks like a dragon."

  "A dragon to match the castle." I stare off into the distance at the compound that sits on the highest peak, even higher than we are. It’s separated by a river of water from our village and has its own name of Cordon. Guards stand in towers protecting it, they stand by the gate, and at the boat to pass over the river too. Only special people are allowed in and out. A tall brick wall surrounds the castle, so no one can see it except for the top level.

  "That's no castle, Izzy. Bad stuff happens there," Stryker scolds me harshly. He’s right. That’s where my brothers have been taken, but I don’t remember them because I was too young. Lots of kids have been taken there.

  I drop my head, tears well in my eyes, and I fidget with the hem of my dress. I don’t like when Stryker uses that tone of voice. "I know." He is only two years older than me, but he tries to protect me. Even though I know he’s not being vicious, it still upsets me when he is harsh.

  "Hey, I wasn’t trying to be mean. I'm sorry." I peer up at him with watery eyes. "Don't cry, Izzy. You know I hate when you cry." He sticks his hand in his pocket and pulls something out. "Give me your hand."

  I hold my palm out and try blinking the tears away as he drops the bracelet I was ogling into my hand. "Stryker!" I gasp.

  "I wanted to give you something for your birthday. Happy eighth birthday, Izzy."

  I throw my arms around his neck while beaming with an ear-to-ear smile. "Merci, Stryker! I love it. You are mon meilleur ami, my best friend."

  “And ton protecteur, your protector.” He pulls back from our hug. “Let me help you put the bracelet on.”

  “Oui.” I nod, still grinning. I hand it back to him and hold my arm out for him to put it on.

  When he clasps the bracelet around by wrist, Stryker’s eyes meet mine. "You are ma meilleure amie also, Izzy."

  I glance down at my wrist, turning it so that I can see the beautiful pink, purple, and white colors. "It is a little big." The bracelet falls down my wrist and onto my hand. "I will be careful not to lose it." I lift my hand to my chest, showing him how much I cherish the present he gave me.

  "We should probably get home now. We've been gone too long." Stryker takes my apple core along with his and throws onto the ground. He stands and dusts his pants off before holding his hand out to help me up.

  Stryker yanks me to my feet, I dust my dress off, and we start heading back down the hill to go home.

  Burning wood crackles in the pot belly stove as the smell of Mama's bubbling stew and her fresh baked bread wafts through the house when I walk through the door. My stomach growls as I sit next to Papa at our wooden table, and I glance at him with a grin. He smiles back and nods.

  Together we start to pound our fists on the table and chant. "We are hungry. We are hungry." I can't help but giggle. Papa is much better than me at teasing Mama.

  "Here. Here." Mama comes out of the kitchen carrying the bread on a tray with some freshly churned butter. Her laughter s
ounds just like bells. I love Mama's laugh. Papa and I laugh with her. Her shining eyes drift to me. “How was your day with Stryker?” She asks, setting the bread and butter on the table.

  “It was good!” I exclaim. “Look at what Mr. Bernard gave me for my birthday.” I pull the coins out of my left pocket. “He said to tell you and Papa hello.”

  Papa cuts in, “Did you tell him ‘thank you,’ Izabelle?”

  “Oui, Papa.” I nod. “After the wagon was unloaded, we walked into the fields, up onto the hill, and watched the villagers.”

  “Where did you get that bracelet?” Mama asks while pouring each of us a glass of water that Papa pulled from the well.

  “Stryker bought it for me,” I reply with a giant smile. “Isn’t it pretty?” I hold my wrist up for them to see, and the bracelet falls down my arm.

  “It’s beautiful,” Mama says and turns her attention to Papa. They give each other a funny look and then grin. Mama starts filling our bowls with stew. After she takes her seat, we hold hands, and Papa starts saying grace.

  Before Papa says amen, there's a loud bang on the front door. "No!" Mama gasps and covers her mouth. "Samuel, they can't!" Mama shakes her head fast, and tears start falling down her cheeks.

  Papa walks to the door, opens it, and several men charge through the opening. One of them grabs me out of my chair, and I scream and cry. "Papa! Mama!" I try to fight his hold on me, but it does no good.

  "Wait! Please! She just had her eighth birthday! She’s too young!" Papa pleads at the men, but they don't listen.

  "Please!” Mama begs. “You already took our two boys!" She cries and comes after the man carrying me out of the house. "Izabelle!" She screams. “What have we done for you to take all of our children?” Mama’s question goes unanswered.

  I hold my arm out, her fingers barely touch mine. "Mama, Papa!" I continue to scream. Men grab both my parents. I try to see through my tears to get a clear memory of them, but it's too blurry. I keep my eyes on them until I can no longer see my Mama and Papa. A brown bag is thrown over my head, and I'm taken away from my village, my family, Stryker, and everything I have ever known.


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