Ruthless Captor: A Mafia Romance (Corrupt Minds Book 3)

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Ruthless Captor: A Mafia Romance (Corrupt Minds Book 3) Page 7

by Camille Alexander

  I didn’t know if it was the wine or the smell of Carbonara, but I was way too relaxed around my prisoner. For a short while, I forgot who she was and why she was in my apartment. I hadn’t heard back from Tony, so I was still in limbo. Truth be told, I was enjoying limbo a little too much for my own good.

  “So, what do you do when you’re not kidnapping defenseless women?” She was scooping salad from a large bowl when she threw the dark at me.

  “A bit of this and a bit of that. What do you do?” Nice little sidestep there, G.

  “I’m surprised you don’t know. Isn’t it customary for the kidnapper to learn as much about the kidnapped as possible? You seem like a bright guy. Did you forget to do your homework, Giani?”

  She was baiting me but it didn’t bite. “I did my homework just fine. I wasn’t expecting any gatecrashers, though. The dead guy a friend of yours?” I could see by her reaction that she was angry and upset.

  “Whatever he was is irrelevant now that you put him six feet under. Tell me, who’s bidding were you doing? Do you get paid a bundle to destroy other people’s lives?”

  “Only those who have it coming. Your friend wasn’t the nicest of people. He got what he deserved. It’s not about the money; it’s about right and wrong.”

  She burst out laughing. “Are you fucking kidding me? Who decides what’s right and what’s wrong? The men with the most money?”

  “That’s rich coming from you, Princess Pisano. You don’t think daddy’s money paved the way for you to have the lifestyle few people will ever see? You fucking rich bitches are all alike. Save the dolphins and the whales, but kill the motherfuckers on your way up.”

  She glared at me with pure hatred, then she threw down her fork, got up, and marched off to her room in a huff.

  “Where do you think you’re going? We’ve only just started our little chat. The truth hurts doesn’t it?” I followed closely behind as she rushed off. “Not so fast, Celina.”

  I grabbed her by her arm and swung her around. She tried to deck me, but I ducked and grabbed her by the waist.

  “Let go of me, you prick!”

  She tried to pull away, but I was too strong. She squirmed and clawed at me, forcing me to grab both of her wrists and pin her against the wall.

  “Stop it!” I told her in a low, threatening voice. She kept trying to knee me in the nuts, so I pried open her legs and put my right leg between them so she couldn’t move.

  “Get off me! Fuck you, Giani!”

  I pushed my mouth over hers. She bit my lip; I felt a trickle of blood slithering down it. I was super pissed but ridiculously aroused, my cock pushing up against her as I kissed her again. That time, she didn’t bite me. She fought back a little then relaxed into me as she kissed me back. Her hands still pinned to the wall, I moved my mouth down to her shirt and zipped it open with my teeth. Her breasts were standing proud in her lacy bra. I put my mouth over her nipple and sucked lightly on it, using my tongue in circular movements. She moaned and squirmed as she let out a shaky breath. I moved my mouth back onto hers and kissed her passionately, hungrily.

  She didn’t seem frightened of me anymore, so I let go of her wrists. She put her arms around my neck as I picked her up and positioned her onto my throbbing cock. She moved against me, making soft noises as we moved together. She was driving me crazy; I had to have this she-devil. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I carried her slowly to the bed. With sudden urgency, she grabbed for my cock and liberated it from its prison. I gasped as she touched me—the memory of her last touch had lingered in my mind, and I was gagging for her fingers to stroke me once more.

  I loosened her jeans and moved down her body to take them off; her panties slid down too. As I moved down, my tongue trailed her silky soft stomach, through her belly button, and into her thick black pussy hair. She grabbed my head as I circled her wet, swollen sex. It was warm and sweet with a faint musky scent that drove me crazy with desire. She moaned as my tongue took possession of her, licking and sucking. I trailed my tongue back up to her breast and pulled her shirt over her head and freed her delicious breasts to lay them bare. I immediately took her perfect mounds into my mouth. I wiggled out of my pants while sucking on her pink, hard nipple.

  I whispered her name while she caressed my cock. I was burning with the desire to be inside her soft, warm core. I couldn’t wait any longer, and with one smooth motion, I plunged my cock deep inside of her. She gasped as my shaft caressed her most intimate sex; she was wet and warm. We moved together in a frenzy of desire as we forgot for a moment who we were and where we were. The moment was all about want and desire. Celina grabbed onto my hard ass, pulled me in deeper, then threw back her head in an explosive orgasm. The mere sight of her pleasure, and the feel of her clit contracting around my cock, ripped an orgasm out of me I didn’t think possible. Our bodies jerked and quivered together for the longest time until we were utterly spent and satisfied.

  I came to myself as I watched her lying there with her beautiful breasts heaving, her perfect alabaster skin glistening with sweat, and her lips full and red. She had the most beautiful bedroom eyes I’d ever gazed into. And that’s when it hit me like a dump truck. What the fuck did I just do? Was I out of my mind? When the time came to kill this Pisano woman, how was I going to pull the trigger on the beauty who made me feel invincible? My desire for her was so strong, it could move mountains.

  With the realization, I pulled out of her, left my clothes on the floor, and got out of there as fast as my wobbly legs would carry me. I slammed the door and locked it. You fucking idiot!



  I watched as he walked away from me, his perfect ass disappearing out the door. I heard the key turn in the lock, and then, it was quiet. I was alone in the room, feeling like a whore. Never had I felt so cheap. I got off the bed and turned on the shower in the bathroom. My clit was still throbbing after the orgasm I had—swollen and wet. I could feel his sperm running down my legs—a subtle reminder of the war I just lost.

  I sat down on the floor of the shower as the spray of the water pelted my skin. How did I go from livid to fucking in one smooth transition? I was kidding myself if I thought at any point that I had the power. The battle was over and the war was lost. It meant squat to him. Why else would he leave me lying there, discarded like a used condom? So this is what it feels like to be used and utterly humiliated. I care little for it, Celina.

  It was my own fault. My game of seduction to gain his trust had backfired. I could either sit on the shower floor feeling sorry for myself, or I could get over it and try a different approach. Back to “bitch on wheels.” I scrubbed myself clean, got dressed, and climbed into bed. If I was going to be on top of my game, whatever that would be, I needed sleep. Despite my emotional aftermath, I fell asleep soon after I closed my eyes.



  So, I fucked my prisoner. Big deal. She asked for it. In fact, she was gagging for it. I had no reason to feel like a dog. I kept repeating the bullshit over and over to myself, hoping it would stick. I wasn’t so sure it would. After a warm shower, I climbed into bed. The dishes could wait; fuck it, I’d probably throw them in the trash. I didn’t want any reminders of the colossal fuck up I made.

  Yet, no matter how hard I tried to justify my actions, I felt guilty. You’re full of shit, Giani! You wanted it just as much as she did. Good luck shooting her now, you idiot.

  My phone rang. It was Tony.

  “Hi Tony, what you got for me?”

  “It ain't good. I wish I could lie to you and tell you everything’s going to be fine. Don Pisano is on the warpath. He’s digging under every rock, using everyone he has, to look for his daughter. If I were you, I’d get rid of her yesterday, pal.”

  His words did nothing to improve my already frayed nerves. I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair, bunching it in my fist. I couldn’t just shoot the woman. I wasn’t a murderer. A hit was different; it was a job and I did
it. The Coli’s knew never to ask me to hit a woman. Not that they were those kinds of people, but if they were, I’d find another profession.

  “Thanks, Tony. I’ll take care of it.”

  I ended the call and stared up at the ceiling. Despite my empty man sack and the delicious pasta dinner in my belly, sleep eluded me.

  Chapter Seven


  There was no point in feeling sorry for myself. I was tougher than that. All the years on the streets, and those spent dodging beatings from my mother’s loser boyfriends, taught me one very important thing—fuck or get fucked. It was time to pull my head out of my ass and dig myself out of the crater.

  The first step was to find out, for myself, what the word was through the grapevine. I made plenty of snitch connections for life while I was a young Turk, and now was the time to call in a few favors. I called one of said snitches and waited while the phone rang for an eternity.

  “Yeah!” Regino’s voice was all but drowned out by the club music thundering in the background.

  “Reggie, can you hear me? It’s Giani!” I yelled into the phone, hoping he would hear me.

  “G! Is that you, man?” I could hear he’d had a couple.

  “Reggie, where are you?”

  “I’m at a club downtown. The action is sizzling hot, man. You should swing by. Loads of quality pussy, bro!”

  “As good as that sounds, I can’t right now. Let’s meet for breakfast. I’d like to talk to you about something.”

  “Breakfast! No fucking way! I’ll see you at twelve for brunch. Deli?”

  “Deli’s fine.”

  He hung up. Reggie was an animal. No one could drink and party harder than he could, which was probably why there were no secrets on the street he hadn’t heard about from some pickled blonde or wasted gangster showing off. When it came to snitching, Reggie was in a class of his own.

  Regino was a scrawny, dark-skinned Italian stallion. He wasn't much to look at, but he had the gift of the gab. What he lacked in looks, he more than made up for in charm, so much so he was catnip with the ladies—not that his standards were too high, but he liked it that way. “Fuck a pretty chick and she’ll dump you in a hurry; fuck an ugly one and she’ll be yours for life,” was Reggie’s mantra, and he lived it.

  I called Vinny. We hadn’t spoken much since my “mishap,” and I needed someone who knew me well.

  “Hey, G. How they hanging?”

  “Hi, Vin.”

  “What’s up, G? You sound a little down, sniper buddy. Wanna talk about it? Or we could go out and bang a few hotties. Which do you prefer?” He laughed at his own joke; he did that a lot.

  “I could use a drink.”

  “Come over to my place. I’ve got more than enough happy juice.’

  “Cool, be there soon.”

  Moping around the apartment wasn’t my style. I put on my jeans, a pullover, sneakers, and my leather jacket. Time to let loose a little.



  Vinny lived in a swanky loft apartment on the New Eastside of Chicago. The complex overlooked the ocean where the sailing community docked their yachts. Vinny had long bucks, but he was a very humble guy; one of the reasons we got on so well. I hated nouveau riche pricks who flaunted Daddy’s money—trust fund tools with more money than common sense. Vinny made his money the old fashion way—hard work.

  He started off working as a bouncer at one of the most exclusive clubs in Chicago. He was a tank, and very few, if any, upstarts would challenge him. If Vimmy said it was time to go, you went. He had a bloodhound’s nose for sniffing out trouble, and soon, he had a few other bouncers working for him at the club. The club scene grew old; Vinny had bigger aspirations than babysitting troublesome clubbers for a living.

  One night at the club, a young man smuggled in a knife and without pomp and ceremony, went for some guy’s throat. The guy acted squirrely the whole night, so Vinny kept an eye on him. When the youngster followed his victim to the bathroom, Vinny followed closely, just in case. He entered the bathroom just in time to stop the young thug’s knife-wielding hand from slashing the object of his anger’s throat. Turned out the young man who was attacked was the son of a mafia boss who was eternally grateful to Vin for saving his rich, entitled brat. Bada Bing, Bada Boom, Vinny became the muscle for the mafia. And a damn good one, too.

  I was relieved to see that Vinny was alone except for the pretty, young, country waitress fast asleep in his bed. He had a satisfied smile on his face as he pulled the bedroom door closed and motioned for me to join him at the bar counter in his living room. It was quite a setup but it made sense. Vinny couldn’t really drink in bars too often because of who he was and who he worked for. Being mafia muscle was like having a target on your back in hunting season, doable but fucking risky.

  I made myself comfortable on a bar chair as he took out one of his best bottles of whiskey and poured us each a tumbler.

  “I see you got yourself a bit of Candy for your sweet tooth, Vin.”

  “G, the girl is a marvel. It must be all the fresh country air cause, man, the girl is insatiable. I’m glad you called, bud. Gave me a reason to take a breather and rehydrate.”

  “What? Is this even possible? A woman has finally tamed Vin’s Python. I’ll mark this day on my calendar as the day that hell froze over.”

  “The jury’s still out, but I may have met my match. And a skinny little waitress of all people.”

  “It’s always in the last place you look, buddy.”

  “Okay, enough of this. What’s going on with you? You look like shit, G.”

  “Thanks for the confidence booster. I really appreciate it.”

  “Level with me. I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s happening.”

  “I did a stupid thing, Vin.”

  “Okay, who’s the pregnant floozy?”

  “I wish it was that simple.”

  He looked at me with one of his serious expressions before he spoke. “Are you in danger, G?”

  “I’m afraid so. I fucked up big time, and now, I don’t know how to get out of the hole I dug for myself. And every day sees me deeper in the shitter.”

  He poured a stiff drink and slid it to me from across the counter. “I’m listening.”

  “I’ve got the Pisano woman at my apartment.” That part was out.

  “What the fuck did you say? How did that happen?” He stared at me as if I had punched him in the face.

  “Tony gave me a heads up a few days ago. The Pisano’s put out a hit on Dominick and his wife. They’re not happy about the merger; everyone’s on edge. Anyway, Tony got wind of it and told me, so I dusted the hitman.”

  “I’m following you so far. What about the woman?”

  “Wrong time, wrong place, Vin. She drove past and saw him falling against his car, jumped out of her car, and ran up to where he’d fallen. I didn’t know how much she saw, so I couldn’t just let her go.”

  “So, let me get this straight. You wacked a Pisano soldier, then you kidnapped the Pisano heiress. Is this what you do when you sit around the house, bored out of your bracket? Come up with new ways to get your ass killed?”

  “Trust me, this is the last thing I wanted. I was hoping to die old, rich, and between the thighs of a young, nympho stripper. Any ideas how I’m going to get my balls out of the bicycle spokes here, Vin?”

  “This is heavy. Does Tony know about this?”

  “Yeah, I had to tell him. He was just as complimentary as you, funny enough.”

  “Who else knows about this?”

  “I’m seeing Reggie tomorrow morning. I’ll probe him for a few secrets. Say what you will about the little guy, he knows his stuff when it comes to intel.”

  “Yeah, he does have his fingers in all the pies around town. Just be careful, G. The man’s got a big mouth.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know. Now pour me another one for the road.”

  “Take the whole bottle. I insist.”



  Morning came with a ho and a hum, but I still felt like crap. Another day in my manmade hell hole, run by a horny henchman. My nails were chipped, the gel was peeling, my hair was a halo of straw, and I had debilitating Italian couture withdrawal. Why didn’t he just kill me already? What was he waiting for? My surname wouldn’t inexplicably change—my father certainly wouldn’t find it in his big mobster heart to forgive and forget. The only options were to let me go, change his name, and put a whole lot of gone between Chicago and his tight ass. Or he could kill me, and no one would be the wiser.

  So much for my glass half full approach to life. There had to be a way for me to get the hell out of his apartment alive. Come on, Pisano, think! There had to be something my lightning-fast mind retained from binge-watching the crime channel over the years. A survival hack somewhere in the recesses of my brain. There’d better be, or I’d end up swimming with the fishes.

  Okay, to recap. The bat shit crazy, she-devil approach was useless. The “get naked and fuck him into submission” was a bust. What now, genius? I had nothing—sweet Fanny Adams. All I could do was wait and attempt to hold on to my marbles. Other than that, I was completely at the mercy of my captor. I refused to say his name.

  I thought of my mother as I sat there like a pathetic statue. She would go to pieces if anything happened to her only child; my father would go on a killing spree of note. Viola and Stella would have a mini-breakdown, and then hunt down the perp like bloodhounds hunt a wild boar. I wondered who’d come to my funeral—would there be a long procession of wailing family and friends? There was no end to the shit that mulled through my mind as I sat there like a caged bird.


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