The Leopard Prince

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The Leopard Prince Page 15

by Elizabeth Hoyt

  He drew his lips down her neck, open-mouthed. “I don’t mind,” he rasped.

  And while she was trying to remember to what he replied, he hooked his hand in her bodice. He pulled down savagely, tearing the fine fabric and exposing her naked breasts. George gasped and felt moisture between her legs. Then he had his mouth on her breast, nipping at it. She actually worried that he would bite her. He seemed animal, fundamental, male to her female. He reached her nipple and did bite, a sharp pinching.

  She couldn’t help but arch her head back and moan.

  He had his hand under her skirts now, pushing and shoving them up as if he were impatient to find her center. She clutched at his shoulders when he reached his goal. He brushed his fingers over her, touching, feeling.

  He lifted his head from her breast and chuckled. “You’re wet for me.” His voice was dark. Sexual.

  He brought both hands under her legs and lifted her, bracing her back against the door; all her weight was on him. She was helplessly spread as he moved between her thighs. She felt the brush of his trousers. And then the brush of him. Her eyes opened wide and met his, gleaming and green like a predator’s.

  Oh, my.

  He rocked his hips, just a little. She felt the intrusion. She imagined that wide head, splitting her lips down there, and she panted, eyes half closed. He rocked again, and his cock pushed in a little farther.

  “My lady.” His breath puffed over her lips.

  With an effort, she opened her eyes. “What?” she gasped. She felt drunken, dazed, as if she floated in a marvelous daydream.

  “I hope you do not mind”—he rocked—“my boldness.”

  What? “No. I, uh, don’t mind.” She could hardly get the words out.

  “You’re sure?” He licked her nipple, the devil, and she jumped.

  She was so sensitive, the feeling was almost painful. I’m going to get him for this.

  He rocked.

  Some other time. “Very sure,” she whimpered.

  He grinned, but a bead of sweat ran down his temple. “Then with your permission.”

  He didn’t wait for her nod but slammed his entire length into her, shoving her up the door and hitting with exquisite accuracy that place. George wrapped her legs, her arms, and her heart around Harry. He withdrew with agonizing slowness and repeated the process, this time swiveling a bit when he crashed into her. The impact sent shards of ecstasy skittering through her.

  She was going to die from pleasure.

  He withdrew again, and she could feel every inch dragging against her sensitive flesh. She waited, suspended in time and air, for him to mate her once more. And he did, his cock thrusting into her and his pelvis rubbing her exposed center. Then he seemed to lose control. He began a rapid pistoning, his movements short and jerky. But just as effective, damn him. And it began for her, spreading in waves that seemed to have no end. She couldn’t catch her breath, couldn’t see or hear, could only moan in primitive abandon and open her mouth and fill it with his shoulder, salty and warm.

  She bit Harry.

  He came, withdrawing from her suddenly but keeping his arms around her as he shook and spasmed his release between them. He leaned into her, his weight keeping her pinned to the wall as they both drew deep, shuddering breaths. George felt heavy. Listless. Like she’d never be able to move her limbs again. She stroked his shoulder, rubbing at the bite mark she’d made.

  Harry sighed against her hair. He let her legs fall to the floor as he steadied her. “I wish I could carry you to my bed, but I fear you’ve just drained me, my lady. That is”—he pulled away enough to look her in the eye—“if you mean to stay the night?”

  “Yes.” George tested her legs. Wobbly but adequate. She made her way to the small bedroom. “I’ll stay the night.”

  “And your brother?” he asked from behind her.

  “My brother does not control my life,” George said loftily. “Besides, I snuck out the servants’ entrance.”

  “Ah.” He had followed her into the bedroom, and she saw now that he carried a basin of water.

  She raised her eyebrows.

  “I should have done this last night.” Was he embarrassed?

  Harry set down the basin beside the bed and helped her remove her gown and chemise, then knelt to take off her shoes and stockings. “Lie down, my lady.”

  George lay back on the bed. For some reason she was shy now when she hadn’t been before during their wild lovemaking. He took a cloth and dipped it in the basin, wringing it out; then he stroked it down her neck. She closed her eyes. The wet cloth left coolness and goose bumps in its wake. She heard him dip and wring out the cloth again, the trickle of the water somehow erotic in the room’s stillness. He washed down her chest, over her breasts, and across her belly, leaving a trail of cold heat.

  Her breath was coming faster now, anticipating what would come next.

  But he started again at her feet, trailing the cloth up her calves. Gently, he spread her thighs and washed the inner curves. He wet the cloth, and she felt the coolness against her mons. He stroked the cloth deliberately between her folds and her breath caught. Then his weight left the bed.

  George opened her eyes and watched Harry strip his breeches down. Nude, his eyes on hers, he took the cloth and rubbed it across his chest. Dip. Wring. He washed under his arms. Across his belly.

  Her eyes dropped and she licked her lips.

  His penis jumped. George looked up, and her gaze met his. Harry dipped the cloth in the water. He lifted his manhood to wash the heavy sac underneath. Another dip in the basin and he drew the wet cloth up his cock, pulling the cloth around, leaving the skin glistening. He scrubbed the rag in his pubic hair and then threw it to the floor. Harry advanced on the bed, his penis stiff. George couldn’t take her eyes off him.

  He placed one knee beside her, making the bed dip. The ropes holding the mattress creaked. “Are you going to finish your fairy tale, my lady?”

  She blinked. “Fairy tale?”

  “The Leopard Prince, the young king.” He brushed his lips over her collarbone. “The beautiful princess, the Golden Swan.”

  “Oh. Well.” She scrambled to think. Harry’s mouth was wandering to the underside of her left breast. “I think we’d got to when the father king told the young king to get—” She squeaked.

  He’d reached the nipple. Her breast was already tender from their play before.

  Harry lifted his head. “The Golden Swan held by the nasty witch.” He blew cool air on the wet nipple.

  George gasped. “Yes. Of course, the young king sent the Leopard Prince after it.”

  “Of course,” Harry murmured to the other nipple.

  “And the Leopard Prince turned into… ahhh…”

  He had sucked that nipple into his mouth.

  He let it pop out. “A man,” he prompted, and blew.

  “Mmm.” George went under for a few seconds. “Yes. And the Leopard Prince held his emerald crown in his hand…”

  He was trailing kisses down her abdomen.

  “… and wished for…”


  Was he licking her belly button? “A cloak to make him invisible.”

  “Really?” Harry propped his chin on her lower belly, his arms resting across her pelvic bones.

  George craned her neck to see him. He was lying between her spread legs, his face only inches from her… And he was looking gravely interested in her story.

  “Yes, really.” She let her head drop back on the pillow. “And he put on the cloak and went and stole the Golden Swan without the nasty witch even knowing. And when he got back”—what was Harry doing down there?—“he gave the Golden Swan to… Oh, my Lord!”

  Harry finished leisurely licking up through the flanges of her woman’s place, then kissed that spot. He raised his head. “Is that part of the fairy tale, my lady?” he inquired politely.

  George tunneled her fingers in his silky hair. “No. I’m through telling the story for now.”
She pulled his head back down. “Do. Not. Stop.”

  She thought he may have laughed, as she seemed to feel a vibration, but then Harry lowered his mouth, placed it over her nubbin, and sucked on it.

  And, frankly, after that she no longer cared.

  “WHAT DO YOU DREAM ABOUT at night?” Lady Georgina asked him a long time later.

  “Mmph?” Harry tried to focus his mind. His body was a dead loss. His limbs were leaden, almost liquid with fatigue, and he was struggling to stay awake.

  “I’m sorry. Are you asleep?” His lady obviously wasn’t. He could feel her fingers stroking through the hair on his chest.

  He made a heroic effort. “No.” He opened his eyes. Wide. “What did you say?”

  “What do you dream about at night?”

  Rats. He suppressed a shudder. “Nothing.” He winced. That wasn’t what a gently born lady wanted to hear. “Besides you,” he added hastily.

  “No.” She tapped him on the shoulder. “I’m not fishing for a compliment. I want to know what you think about. What you want. What you care for.”

  What he cared for? At this time of night? After he’d loved her, not once, but twice? “Ah.” He felt his eyelids drifting shut and struggled to open them again. He was just too tired for this. “I’m afraid I’m a simple man, my lady. I think mostly about the harvest.”

  “What do you think?” Her voice was intent.

  What did she want from him? He stroked her hair as her head lay on his chest and tried to think, but it was too great an exertion. He let his eyes close and said whatever came to mind. “Well, I worry about the rain, as you know. That it won’t stop in time this year. That the crop will be ruined.” He sighed, but she was quiet beneath his hand. “I think about next year’s planting, whether we should try hops this far north.”


  “Mmm.” He yawned gigantically. “For ale. But then we’d have to find a market for the harvest. It would be a good cash crop, but would the farmers have enough of their own to keep them through the winter?” She traced a circle on his breastbone, her touch almost tickling. He was waking up now as he thought about the problem. “It’s hard to introduce a new crop to the farmers. They’re set in their ways, don’t like innovations.”

  “How would you convince them, then?”

  He was silent a minute, considering, but she didn’t interrupt. He had never told anyone of this idea. “Sometimes I think that a grammar school in West Dikey would be a good idea.”


  “Mmm. If the farmers or their children could read, were educated even a little, innovation might be easier. And then each generation would be more learned, and they in turn would be more open to new thoughts and ways of doing things. It would be an improvement measured in decades, not years, and it would affect not only the landowner’s income, but also the lives of the farmers themselves.” Harry was wide awake now, but his lady was silent. Perhaps she thought educating farmers a foolish idea.

  Then she spoke. “We’d have to find a teacher. A gentleman who was patient with children.”

  Her we warmed him. “Yes. Someone who likes the country and understands the seasons.”

  “The seasons?” The hand on his chest had stilled.

  He covered it with his own and rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb as he talked. “Spring, cold and wet, when the farmers must get the seed into the ground, but not too soon or it’ll frost, and the ewes are all lambing at once, or so it seems. Summer, long and hot, tending the sheep under the wide, blue skies and watching the grain grow. Fall, hoping for the sun to shine so the harvest will be good. If the sun shines, the people celebrate and there are festivals; if it doesn’t, they go about with thin, fearful faces. And winter, long and dreary, the farmers and their families sitting by a little fire in the cottages, telling tales and waiting for spring.” He stopped and squeezed her shoulder self-consciously. “The seasons.”

  “You know so much,” she whispered.

  “Only what goes on in this part of Yorkshire. I’m sure you could find many who would think that little enough.”

  She shook her head, her springy hair brushing against his shoulder. “But you’re aware. You know how the people around you think. What they’re feeling. I don’t.”

  “What do you mean?” He tried to see her face, but her head was tilted down against his chest.

  “I get caught up in silly things like the cut of a gown or a new pair of earrings, and I lose track of the people around me. I don’t think about whether Tiggle is being courted by the new footman or how Tony is doing all by himself in London. You wouldn’t know it to look at Tony, he seems so big and strong and in control, but he can get lonely. And Violet…” She sighed. “Violet was seduced this summer at our family home in Leicestershire and I didn’t know. I never even suspected.”

  He frowned. “Then how did you find out?”

  “She confessed just this morning.”

  Her face was still hidden, and he tried to brush the hair away from her eyes. “If it was a secret, if she didn’t want to tell you before now, it would be hard to know. Children of that age are very mysterious sometimes.”

  She bit her lip. “But I’m her sister. I’m the closest one to her. I should have known.” She sighed again, a small, sad sound that made him want to shield her from all the world’s worries. “He’s pressing her to marry.”


  “Leonard Wentworth. He’s a penniless nobody. He seduced her simply to get her to wed him.”

  He smoothed his mouth over her forehead, unsure of what to say. Did she see how similar her sister’s situation was to her own? Was she afraid that he, too, would demand marriage as a forfeit for their lovemaking?

  “Our mother…” She hesitated, then began again. “Our mother is not always well. M’man has many illnesses and complaints, most imagined, I’m afraid. She spends so much of her time looking inward for the next disease that she doesn’t often notice those around her. I’ve tried to be a mother to Violet in her stead.”

  “That’s quite a burden.”

  “Not really. That’s not the point. Loving Violet isn’t the problem.”

  He frowned. “Then what is?”

  “I’ve always despised M’man.” She spoke so low, he stopped breathing so he could hear her. “For being so withdrawn, so uncaring, so very selfish. I never thought I was like her, but maybe I am.” She finally looked at him, and he saw crystal tears in her eyes. “Maybe I am.”

  Something in his chest twisted. Harry bent his head and licked the salt from her cheeks. He kissed her gently, softly, feeling the tremble beneath his mouth, wishing he knew the words to comfort her.

  “I’m sorry,” she sighed. “I don’t mean to lay all my woes on your shoulders.”

  “You love your sister,” he said. “And I would bear your woes, my lady, whatever they might be.”

  He felt the brush of her lips against his collarbone. “Thank you.”

  He listened, but she said no more, and, after a while, her breath evened out into sleep. But Harry stayed awake long into the night, staring at the dark and holding his lady.

  Chapter Twelve

  Lady Georgina’s rump, smooth and soft, nestled against his morning bone-on. Harry opened his eyes. She’d spent the night again. Her shoulder was a dim outline in front of him. His arm was draped over her hip, and he curved his hand, cupping her belly.

  She didn’t move, her soft breathing slow in sleep.

  He tilted his head forward so that her hair tickled his nose. He could smell that exotic scent she wore, and his cock throbbed, like a trained dog sitting up at his master’s signal. He searched through her hair until he found the back of her neck, warm and damp with sleep. He opened his mouth to taste her.

  She mumbled and hunched her shoulder.

  He smiled and inched his hand down, slowly, slyly, until he felt her bush tangling about his fingers. He touched her pearl. That bit of female flesh had been his greatest discover
y as a young man. The revelation that women held such secrets in their bodies had been heady. He didn’t even recall the face of his first lover, but he could remember his awe at the way women were made.

  He flicked his lady’s pearl now. Not hard, barely a feather touch, really. She didn’t move, so he grew bolder and pressed down gently. Sort of petted. Her hips twitched. Harry licked the back of her neck and could almost taste what he’d licked last night—the place where his fingers played. She had liked that, his lady, when he’d kissed and licked and sucked her there. She’d arched her back and moaned so loudly he’d wanted to laugh out loud. Now he slowly stroked, playing with her sleek, soft folds, and felt her wetness build. His cock was almost aching, as hard as he could ever remember it. He lifted her upper leg and draped it over his hip. Her breathing hitched, and he felt a smile break his face.

  Harry took his prick in hand and guided it to that warm, wet place. He flexed his arse and slid in, so tight, so smooth, he wanted to groan in pain and in pleasure. He shoved again, gently but steadily, and slid farther in. One more time, and the hair around his cock met her bum. She was panting. He lowered her leg and finally had to groan aloud. So perfect. Harry reached around and found her pearl again. He pressed. Christ, he could feel her squeezing around him. Instead of thrusting, he ground against her, pressing that part of her until she squeezed again.

  “Harry,” she moaned.

  “Shh,” he whispered, kissing the back of her neck.

  She was pushing back against him. So impatient. He grinned and ground some more.



  “Tup me, Harry.”

  And he thrust hard, in surprise and in pure lust. Good God, he never thought she’d know that word, let alone say it.


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