Salty Sebastian (Smirk Series Book 3)

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Salty Sebastian (Smirk Series Book 3) Page 1

by Jen Luerssen

  Copyright © 2019 Jen Luerssen

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This book is a piece of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

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  ISBN-13: 9781097773435

  Publisher: Luerssenperson

  Editing: Love Infinity Proofreading

  Cover Design and Formatting: JM Walker at Just Write. Creations

  Photographer: Christopher Correia

  Model: Stephen Marks

  To the rolling hills of Sonoma, you never disappoint.








































  Salty Vegas


  Here’s a fun question for you guys. When you agree to a date in a casino bar in Las Vegas with someone who is at a convention, would you check to make sure you’re attending the same one? Or would you be like me, and assume it’s the same one, even though there are several being held in this hotel alone?

  I pull on the skirt of my super short Vegas dress my dad, Sig, made for me. He’s an amazing designer and insisted I have a “slutty frock” for my trip. My dad, Peyton, unfortunately agreed. They are fantastic parents, despite their interest in their 23-year-old daughter’s sex life. Yes, I have two dads, and I’m over the moon in love with both of them. A girl could not have asked for more loving parents who let me be me. Sig and Peyton Becker met when Sig designed a menswear line and Peyton was one of the runway models. They are both beautiful blue-eyed blonde giants and my hair is dark and I’m barely skimming five feet and an inch. Sig calls me Hasenfürzchen, which means ‘bunnyfart’ in German. I know, I’m a lucky girl.

  Enough about my dads, yikes. Although I am fortunate to have my own personal designer, it can get weird when the desired effect is for you to get laid in Vegas.

  I’m wearing said dress because I meet a cute man earlier today after a grueling three-hour seminar on vine rot. My sophomore year at UC Davis has ended and I thought it would be a good idea to attend this convention so I could make some connections. Yes, I’m 23 and only a sophomore. My dads allowed me to take a few years and travel, do volunteer work, and try to find my passion. After a year in France, it became clear that making wine was my calling. Because it’s my passion, I am willing to travel and expand my knowledge. That’s what this weekend was supposed to be.

  Instead, it’s been a weekend full of seminars I’ve already studied as a viticulture and oenology major. I did make some life-long connections at the Gorge Winery internship I completed last semester. What I’m looking for now is a job. I’ll take another internship, apprenticeship or even work as an assistant to get my foot in the door. The wine business is competitive and chocked full of nepotism, cronyism and a sprinkle of sexism. Even though I’m still a few years from graduation, I need to be out in the field working and getting experience.

  Leaving the seminar, I literally bumped into the cute man, Mateo, and he joked about cell osmosis or something. It was nerdy and I laughed. The seminar was dryer than a Geyser Peak Sauvignon Blanc so I’d laugh at anything at that point. We chatted for about ten minutes and I agreed to meet him at this bar at 11pm. Yep, that late means it’s definitely a booty call/hook-up scenario. I’m on board, obviously, slutty dress and five-inch stilettos at the ready.

  Here’s where, in a normal person’s life, the dude would show up, we’d make awkward conversation until we were tipsy enough, and then do a little bump and grind on the dance floor and then in his room. I, Kit Becker, never have something normal happen.

  I’m mid-sip when I spot Mateo. I mean, I’m not 100% sure it’s him but since he’s making a beeline for me and waving in my direction, the odds are good. The reason I’m not sure is because he is in a full head-to-toe deer costume. Like, make-up on his face, horns on his head, fur, and hooves. Fortunately, I am able to swallow my wine instead of spraying it on the bar.

  Mateo bends his head to mimic um, I don’t know, ramming me with his antlers? When he reaches me, he pets me on the arm awkwardly with his hoof. From the look on his face, he thinks this move is sexy. I have no idea what my face looks like at this point. It may be a strained grimace situation or hysterical shock. I’d love to see myself.

  “Hello, Ms. Kitten. I thought you’d be in your fursona,” he says and I’m sure I’m blushing now because he thinks I’m here for the Furry convention that is also being held in our hotel. He peeks around my back. “Not even a tail? Or is it under the dress?”

  My cheeks are definitely more of a crimson shade now. My knowledge of the Furry community is limited but I do know from a friend that most wear tails or subtle costumes, not the full fur costumes that many associate the community with. I also know from this friend that some wear their “tail” on the inside of their clothes, meaning it’s attached--like, in your butt. Most Furries aren’t in it for the kink, it’s a lifestyle, not a sexual perversion. Sex is a part of it and since we are here in Vegas, I’m assuming the kink part is a little more prevalent.

  “Oh dear. I’m so sorry, Mateo. I’m not anthropomorphized. Just a regular lady,” I say and his hoof retreats.

  “You seem to know about the culture. Just so you know, I am not against dating outside of my species,” he says this with a serious face so I hold back my laughter.

  “Listen, your fursona is amazing and I’d love to have a drink,” I say gesturing to the empty stool next to mine.

  He glances around, and I feel for him. He’s not the only Furry at the bar, but there aren’t many. Conventions are supposed to be safe places so I get his hesitation.

  “I’d love that,” he responds finally. “Please excuse me for a minute.” He turns and walks toward the bathroom. I get a full view of his back and dang, his ass is amazing in the fur leggings he’s wearing.

  I turn back to my drink and adjust my skirt. Am I actually considering sleeping with a man who identifies as a deer? Yep. That’s how long it’s been. He seems nice enough and I’m not one to judge.

  As I’m draining my drink, the man to my right leans in. “Hey, Snow, if you need a loyal Huntsman to slay that stag for you, I’ll be right here.”

  I laugh and turn to t
he guy. “Snow, huh? I think the Huntsman was loyal to the evil queen, not the fair young lady.”

  “Hm, maybe, but if he’s a proper huntsman then he’d be willing to slay any prey in his sights,” he says smiling a bit wickedly. I turn fully to him and examine him. His smile is disarming and awfully toothy. He has dimples hiding in his scruff and friendly crinkles around his eyes. I’m not immune to his looks, of which he is fully aware.

  “I’m feeling more like a girl in a red hood and you may be the wolf,” I say playfully. Yes. I’m now flirting with a stranger while my date is in the bathroom washing his hooves.

  “Oh, Snow, you are all woman, and I’m no animal.” He leers at me and a chill trickles down my spine. “You want to dance?”

  It’s a normal question in our weird banter and I pause, not sure I want to be rude to Mateo. My pause ends when my huntsman glides his hand up my thigh. “Yes,” I say and my voice is high and breathy. This night is random and I’m just going with the flow. His hand glides up to where mine is resting on my abdomen and he takes it, pulling me up and out of my seat.

  “Let’s dance,” he says and I feel it to my toes.

  Salty Morning After


  My head is throbbing and it’s so fucking bright in here. My palms go to my eye sockets and I feel a little relief. It’s Vegas so here I am with a classic hangover, a strange woman draped across me, in a room that’s not mine. I take inventory and bits start coming back to me. After a long boring day of wine seminars and the workshop I ran, my plan was to have a few drinks, go to my room, spank one out and pass out watching Game of Thrones. Instead, I witnessed a beautiful woman handle an awkward situation with grace and respect.

  When I saw a woodland creature headed toward the woman on the bar stool to my left, I perked up to give them my full attention. You would have too, don’t lie. It was clearly a misunderstanding and the woman with the most flawless porcelain skin, green eyes, and delicate features showed Herculean restraint as the poor guy stroked her arm with his hoof. When he walked away, I felt compelled to throw my hat in the ring, so to speak.

  We danced and then had a drink with Mateo, who was a delightful guy but really looking for a woman who was also an anthropomorphic enthusiast. He left us and my Snow and I continued to drink and dance. We never exchanged real names because, Vegas. Our dancing became more sexually charged as the evening wore on until she invited me to her room. I didn’t hesitate, because I’m not an idiot. A gorgeous, funny woman asks you to her room, you go.

  We started in the elevator. She stood in front of me and I went to work on her neck, so long and elegant. On the dance floor we had already been making out a bit and she tasted like peaches and wine. The back of her neck was soft and she immediately responded by arching her back slightly, but enough to graze my hard dick with her ass. I’d had an erection off and on all night because of her in that dress. It looked like it was made for her. It fit and enhanced her perfectly. Her hair was in a stylish ponytail and I wound it around my wrist and gave it a tug. She groaned and ground her ass into my crotch harder.

  Once we were in her room, our clothes were off quickly and we were all over each other. I lost track of how many times we went at it but it was more than my usual and it was off the charts amazing.


  I open my eyes and glance at the clock on the side table. Shit, it’s almost noon. I could sleep all day but I have a lecture at 2pm. My hand slides down Snow’s bare back to her round and squeezable ass, where I do just that, give her a little squeeze.

  “Mmhmmsmmm,” she hums and I smile. I’m sure she has a headache too. We drank a lot of wine and I’m twice her size. She raises her head to look at me and smiles. “Oh, I was a naughty kitten.”

  I huff out a laugh because she’s funny. “I’d say, but in the best possible way.” I lightly smack her ass and she rolls over and out of the bed.

  Her hair is wild and all over the place, her eyes are a puffy, but mesmerizing green. Her cheeks are a little red, and she is unabashedly naked. I’ve never seen a more beautiful sight. “Okay, Huntsman, time to go,” she says snapping her fingers. She’s smiling and light when she says it so I take no offense.

  I stretch myself long in her bed, taking my time. Her gaze burns as it takes all of me in. “You sure you want me to leave?” I ask because I’m definitely down for some morning (technically afternoon) action.

  She climbs back on the bed and kisses me deeply. “I’m sure,” she says and jumps back off the bed and skips to the bathroom.

  I hear the shower go on and weigh my options. I desperately need to pee and I really don’t want to leave. The door is ajar but I knock anyway.

  “Come in,” she answers.

  When I step in, I find her still naked, bent over the sink brushing her teeth. The view of her intricate peacock tattoo cascading down her back is better than the one I had last night and it’s stunning. My dick, already half alert is now at full mast. Her eyes drop, she spits, rinses and hands me a wrapped toothbrush. “If you’re going to join me in the shower, use this first.”

  I take her offering and brush my teeth. “Will it kill the mood if I pee?”

  She laughs. “Only if you do it in the shower.”

  “Noted,” I say and quickly take care of my bladder.

  The showers in this hotel are roomy and unlike most hotels, aren’t god awful. Snow is rinsing her hair when I hop in and she looks like a water nymph. She hands me conditioner and turns her back to me. I squirt some out and work it into her long, silky locks while massaging her scalp. She starts to hum and then even louder when my one hand wraps around to her front and massages her clit.

  “Jesus, your hands are magic,” she pants out. Her one hand is holding her up against the wall and her other is creeping around to grab my erection. She pulls me into her thighs and works it so I glide between them. The water and her warm skin feel amazing wrapped around me and I want in.

  “Stay here, I’ll be right back,” I say and jump out of the shower. I barely got wet so I don’t bother with a towel as I run back into the room to grab a condom from the box we were using last night. I’m back in the shower in less than 30 seconds and she is rinsing her hair again. “You with your head back and arched is a sight to behold.”

  “You bending me over and sticking that big dick in me might be a better one,” she says cheekily.

  I step into her space and spin her and bend her slightly at the waist. “You have good ideas, but I’m going to stick my tongue in you first.”

  She sighs and pushes her ass back as I run my tongue down her colorful spine and kneel behind her. I love to go down on a woman, especially in this position. It’s a vulnerable position and you can learn a lot about someone who shies away from it. This woman relishes it and it makes me like her more than I should considering this is a Vegas one nighter and I don’t even know her name.

  I devour her until she shakes with her release. While she is barely keeping herself upright, I slip on the condom and enter her from behind, anchoring her with my arm around her waist. Both of her hands are plastered to the wall and her head is turned, her cheek resting on the tile. I kiss up her shoulder at the head of the peacock as I thrust into her, then bite her earlobe gently. She cries out and I feel her squeeze around me already. My thrusts become wild and uneven until I follow her, emptying myself into her.

  Our breaths slow and we clean ourselves up, kissing and fondling as we go. I’ve never felt this connected to someone so quickly. I feel a pang of regret that this has to end. It does, because we probably live far from each other and that thought depresses me enough to want to keep our encounter perfect in its anonymity.

  We exit the shower and dry each other off. I’m hard again and this time she takes a knee and gives me the best blowjob of my life.

  Finally, I get dressed and collect my watch and wallet. “I had a great time, Snow.”

  “Me too. Time for your walk of shame, Huntsman,” she says with a wry smile. />
  I laugh and head to the door. “Take care, Snow, see you in the woods.”

  She smacks my ass as I leave. “Not if I see you first.”

  Two Salty Years Later


  Two years later

  I’m exhausted. I’ve been working my ass off trying to figure out how I’m going to run my winery, Thirsty Monkey, without my partner and winemaker, Mikey. I just spent the weekend in Virginia meeting and informally interviewing two candidates. Neither of them is a good fit. The wine was undrinkable at one candidate’s winery and she pretended it was. I can’t get with that kind of dishonesty. The second’s wine was passable but he was visibly drunk the whole time.

  When I pull into the parking lot at the Monkey, I feel an overwhelming sense of calm and homecoming. I love my winery and Mikey and I spent years making it something special. Seawitch, our winery golden retriever bounds over to my car and slobbers all over me once I climb out.

  “Hey girl, you take care of everything while I was gone?” I ask her and she sneezes on my shoe.

  Mikey, strides toward me with a smile on her face. I haven’t been doing a lot of smiling since she decided to take over her family’s business. Not that I blame her, it’s a huge and successful winery, a job of a lifetime really. I know her decision was difficult and that a huge part of it is her feeling of devotion to her parents. Still, it hurts that she would leave our venture behind.

  I grab my bag from the trunk and meet her. “Any luck?” she asks and I give her a look. “I guess that’s a no.” She looks disappointed and I feel a tiny bit of guilt.

  “They were both a mess in different ways but equally unhirable.” I carry my bag to the main building where my office is. I need to get right to work trying to find new candidates. Not to mention the work I had to ignore while on this useless trip.

  She follows me into my office and closes the door. I drop my bag on the couch and plop down on the small love seat, not in the mood to hear anything she has to say, which is unfair but it is what it is.


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