Salty Sebastian (Smirk Series Book 3)

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Salty Sebastian (Smirk Series Book 3) Page 7

by Jen Luerssen

  Salty Job


  When I invited Kit to come to my lecture, I should have been clear on the no heckling rule. I mean, with anyone else it could have gone unmentioned but I should have known better.

  In the middle of my presentation on online marketing, she actually sneezed the word ‘boring.’ It got a few laughs and I was forced to admit that marketing can be as dry as a Chenin Blanc. Not my best joke, and of course Kit shouted a loud ‘Ha!’ after I said it.

  I rolled my eyes at her and kept going. She must have either felt bad for me or liked the rest of the lecture because she was quiet and attentive for the remainder. Until I made the mistake of opening up the room for questions.

  There were a few hands raised and they all had thoughtful questions about marketing, design, and about my winery. In the back of the room Kit’s hand was straight up in the air from the moment I offered to answer questions all the way through the actual students’ asking me things.

  “The very young woman in the back, I’m sorry, are you old enough to be here?” I call out pointing to a smirking Kit.

  “Hi, yes, of course, I’m a grown woman, sir. My questions are, number one how did your fashion style come about and number two, what was your inspiration behind the Gorilla Chardonnay label?”

  I smile, thanking the universe she didn’t ask something weird. “Well, I don’t really care about fashion very much so that’s probably my style. My mom told me to wear a tie to look professional but she failed to mention that I’d have to iron my shirt, tuck it in and wear shiny shoes. Since I go between my office and walking around a vineyard, I wear muck boots, tennis shoes, or Doc’s. I used to try and tuck my shirts but they never stayed that way so I gave up.”

  “It works,” a female student calls out and then someone wolf whistles. I blush a little.

  “Thank you,” I try to speed up my answer of her second question because I’m feeling uncomfortable. “The gorilla label was inspired by a trip to Vegas,” I say and smile because I realize she asked that on purpose. “I was at a hotel that was also housing a furry convention. I want to make it clear that I was in no way making fun of people within that culture. I met some very kind people that weekend. That weekend changed my life.”

  Kit is smiling and I hope that’s a good thing. As the students file out of the auditorium, I collect my things. When I look up, Kit is standing in front of me giving me a little golf clap.

  “Good show, Salty,” she says and puts her fist out for bumping.

  I reluctantly bump her fist. “I’m not sure I like you right now.”

  “Aw, come on, Sparkles, heckling is good for the soul. It wasn’t that bad, was it?” she asks tucking her arm in mine. “Plus, you got that age dig in and that was funny. You have to hand it to me, my questions were awesome.”

  “I’m not sure what my fashion sense has to do with selling wine but it seemed like a popular question. I felt a little objectified but I can handle it.”

  “Oh, you were more than objectified. You should have heard some of the comments about your ass. There were talks of taking a bite out of it and tapping it. One woman said she wanted to pitch a tent on it and sleep there.”

  “Wow, I feel a little cheap.”

  “Nah, they were also talking about your awesome design work too, so they respected you more for than just your hot bod.” Kit moves her hand down to my ass and gives it a gentle squeeze. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist. I’m a little hot for teacher right now.”

  I laugh and collect the rest of my things and put everything in my backpack. Once it’s full, Kit takes it from me and slings it over her back. “You carrying my books for me, Kit?”

  “Looks that way,” she says and I follow her out.


  After the lecture I had a short meeting with the dean of Agricultural and Environmental studies. Kit offered to wait for me but I told her to go back to the hotel. When I return, I find her lazing in my bed, watching TV, eating popcorn.

  “Why are you on my bed watching TV?” I ask.

  “It’s better than mine.”

  I poke my head into her identical room and shake my head.

  “How? It’s literally the same room,” I say kicking my shoes off and removing my tie. “I’m exhausted and want to lie down, can I join you or should I go to your room?”

  She pats the spot next to her. “Bring that sexy ass over here,” she says playfully. I look from the spot to her and that’s when I realize she’s changed out of her dress into something much worse. She is wearing boy short underwear and a very small, very tight camisole. So basically, Kit is in my bed, in her underwear, no bra, and I’m rock hard again.

  “I’ll be right back,” I choke out, grab my bag and head into the bathroom. When the door is closed, I let out a long breath. Why did I think this trip or this friends thing was going to be easy? I brush my teeth and try to think about anything that will make my seemingly permanent erection go away. I change into some PJ pants and think about putting a shirt on but if she’s going to make this hard (haha) then I’ll do my part to turn the tables.

  After thinking about a gross abscess my dad had on his toe when I was a kid, my dick calms down. I walk back to the bed and hop in sitting up against the headboard next to her and steal the bag of popcorn.

  “Hey,” she says and then I hear a gasp and I know she’s noticed that I’m sans shirt. “Whoa there, Magic Mike, get your own,” she says and grabs the popcorn back.

  I laugh and she gives me some side eye. “So, is this what friends do on a road trip?”

  “Well, first it’s a business trip so since we are friends that makes it more fun than normal business travel. B, it only took us like an hour and a half to get here so it’s barely a road trip. Finally, yes, friends hang out in their jammies, watch awesome shows and eat in bed.” She is now sitting cross-legged facing me, with a serious face.

  “What awesome show is this?” I ask as the woman on the screen bites into a heart, blood everywhere. “Not sure if I want to eat while watching this.”

  “It’s Sabrina, and it’s not this gory most of the time. We can totally watch something else. I’m flexible.” She is staring at my chest and it’s distracting. “What should we order for dinner?”

  “I was kind of craving some Pho or I could do Indian,” I say.

  “Ooh, yes to Indian, there’s this place nearby that was my go-to when I went here. They deliver.” She takes out her phone and looks up the menu and hands it to me. “I always get the same thing so just pick what you want and we can share.”

  I choose a few things and we get some beer delivered too. You can’t drink wine all the time and I need a break after the other night. We argue over what to watch and settle on a comedy special. The food and beer come and we lay out a towel on the bed for our picnic.

  “I can see why you didn’t want to do this in your bed,” I tease.

  “Your bed is better, I told you,” she says then tears a piece of naan apart, dips it in some sauce and pops it in her mouth. It doesn’t sound sexy, but it is. “What are we looking for tomorrow at the job fair?”

  “Someone who is enthusiastic, smart, and fits our vibe,” I say and she rolls her eyes.

  “That is the most California thing ever. I get what you’re saying though. If we are lucky, we can find someone who will turn into a permanent employee.”

  “Why didn’t you stay at your other internships?” I ask because she could have had her pick of jobs.

  She shrugs. “I guess it was the vibe,” she says and laughs. “I soaked up as much info as I could at all my jobs, but I really loved what you do at the Monkey and you guys were my first choice. Mikey was a big part of my decision, because of her family and breaking through with a smaller business. I’m not interested in a big production vineyard.”

  “We are lucky to have you,” I say and pat her knee, her bare knee with its soft skin. My hand stays there for a beat longer than necessary. “I know it can be tricky as a w
oman in our business but I’m confident you will excel and take no shit.”

  “Thanks, Salty, that means a lot.” My hand is still on her leg and without realizing it I start caressing her. “I know our situation is abnormal, but I’m so thankful you’re being so understanding and patient.”

  I feel like an ass for feeling her soft skin while she tells me she admires my restraint so I go to move my hand. Instead, Kit leans over, placing her hands on my knees for leverage and kisses my cheek. My free hand goes to her ponytail and I pull her closer. “I’m sorry I was touching your leg.”

  Her breath hitches and I think she’s going to pull away. She doesn’t. Her lips brush lightly against mine and my whole body lights up with desire. “I’m not,” she whispers.

  “Kit,” I say as she situates herself on my lap, straddling my torso, fitting her ass where my legs are crossed. “I want you, but I want you to be sure.”

  Her eyes tear up a little and I tug lightly on her hair. “I want you too. I can barely breathe I want you so much. I know I said friends, and I mean it, I want to be friends, but more too. Not sure what that looks like, but my view right now is stellar.” I feel her legs tighten around me as she grinds into my lap.

  “Ah, okay,” I say. “I agree, we can just go forward without knowing what we’re doing and see what happens.”

  She nods and then attacks my mouth forcing me to lean back on the stack of pillows behind me. I cradle her face in my hands and turn her face so I can kiss her deeply. Every feeling I had that night years ago comes rushing back. It’s like we never parted. She fits into me perfectly as she tries to get as close to me as she can with clothes on. I can feel the heat of her through the fabric of her panties and my pants. I know she feels my hard dick because she purposefully glides across it a few times.

  “Take your pants off,” she says quietly but with authority. Like I’d say no anyway.

  I raise my hips off the bed and she pulls them off in one swift pull. I’m not wearing underwear so my dick bobs out when she takes off my pants. She straddles me again but lower, taking my dick into both of her hands. “Yes,” I say because what else?

  She smiles at me as her hands move gently up and down together. The slow drag of her hands is as torturous as it is the best thing ever. Her one hand drops to my balls and she tugs and squeezes them lightly. My head goes back because I can’t watch or I’ll come all over her hand right now. Because I close my eyes, I miss watching her lick me from root to tip. My head pops back up and my eyes open in time to see her mouth surround the head of my erection. Her tongue swirls around the tip as her mouth provides light suction. She continues to tease my balls with one hand and the other is wrapped around the base of my dick.

  “Kit, that feels incredible. I like you wrapped around me.”

  Her eyes lock on mine as she picks up her pace taking a lot of me into her mouth and throat. I’m completely at her mercy and not just physically.

  “Do you want to come down my throat?” she asks and I almost do right there.

  “Please,” I beg, there’s nothing I want more right now. Her fingers that were cradling my nuts are now pressing on my perineum, one brushing my asshole. My hips rise to give her more access because I will never say no to a woman who wants to massage my prostate. Her mouth pops off me as she laughs wickedly. Between the vision of her gorgeous self bobbing up and down all over my dick, and the warm pressure of her finger now fully inserted, I’m about to explode into pieces.

  “I’m coming,” I warn and she picks up the pace, locking her lips on the tip of me and I’m gone. She milks me for every last drop and my eyes roll into the back of my head.

  When I come back down to earth, I watch her roll off the bed and go to the bathroom. I’m unable to move so I just stare at the ceiling and enjoy the quietness of my mind. When she returns, she climbs up next to me and snuggles into my side. I pull her in close and tuck her head under my chin. We still fit like this too.

  “We fit,” she says and I laugh.

  Salty Pleasure


  I know, I messed it up. I’d like to see you try to resist a hot guy in only PJ pants with abs and just a light sprinkling of chest hair and the happiest of trails. You wouldn’t be able to, especially if that hot guy looked at you like you were a whole five-course meal, not just a snack on the regular. I pay attention to Sebastian and I notice his reaction to me, especially of the boner variety and that dude has had one for almost 24 hours straight. He thinks he’s hiding it, but thankfully, it’s hard to hide.

  Am I confused? Sure, but confusion falls to the wayside when he’s there, with that look. I’ll admit me setting up camp in his bed was a recipe for disaster. He was so fucking sexy at the lecture and all those women drooling over him. I may have gotten a tad possessive. You might give me shit for trying to lay claim, but sometimes that’s the move.

  After my epic, boner exploding head, we fell asleep. I know, so lame, but I was okay with it. If we had sex, I’m not sure how I’d feel about it. He and I have explosive chemistry and the sex between us is intense. Before we go there again, I need a minute. I know we banged it out in Vegas so it seems weird to hold out now. Vegas was weird though like we knew we’d never see each other again, so it was freeing.

  Now there’s so much else between us. The attraction is still there and I really like him. This is why I stopped resisting. What can it hurt to try? At the worst, we have sex and then it fizzles out and we have an awkward work situation. At best, well, I can barely visualize it because it’s too much to hope for.

  All of this is running through my head when I stretch out alongside him this morning. Last night, after I washed my hands and rinsed my mouth out I thought about making a beeline for my room, but the look of bliss on his face lured me back. I slid right into the nook of his shoulder and fit perfectly there. I even said ‘we fit,’ like a dork. He laughed but not at me.

  I curl back into his warm body after my stretch and skim my fingers over his navel and then the line of hair that leads to my favorite part of him. Maybe the second, he has pretty eyes. Ha! Just kidding. He moves a little and I can tell he’s awake because the arm I’m half laying on moves and his hand brushes my ass. I get chills and press myself in further, placing a kiss above his heart.

  He turns toward me and pulls me in so we are front to front and I drape a leg over his hip. My eyes meet his and they are drowsy from sleep but also fiery with lust. I think he’s going to kiss me but instead, he pulls me in and flips himself over me, leaning on his forearms. He drags his nose down the length of mine and then angles in to kiss the crook of my neck.

  My skimpy camisole is being pulled down as his mouth follows and he takes the tip of my breast in his mouth. I arch off the bed it feels so good. He pulls the camisole down and then grabs my panties and pulls them off too. I place my feet flat on the bed and he pushes them apart until they are where he wants them. You better believe I’m sitting back and enjoying whatever this is, he is totally in control.

  He wastes no time as he opens me up with his fingers and tongue. Again, I arch off the bed trying to get closer when it’s impossible. His mouth latches on to my clit as his tongue moves back and forth over it. I’m in what I think is ecstasy until he adds a few fingers inside of me. The sensation from his mouth, paired with the talented fingers push me over quickly. My thighs are like a vice on his head and he doesn’t stop. I’m just coming down from my orgasm when I start inching to another. One of his fingers has breached my other hole and now I’m just lost in sensation and his fucking face and hands. I ride out the second wave and it’s long. My body is completely melted into the mattress as he strokes the side of my torso, up to my breasts and down my abdomen. It’s like he’s petting me into submission, but I’m already there.

  I feel his hand smooth over my lower abdomen and I know what he’s focusing on. My body tenses slightly.

  “This is new, I like it.” He kisses the tattoo of a fat bumblebee lazily flying over my stomach.
“I like the one on your shoulder too.”

  “I got a few new ones since we met,” I say turning over so he can see the flowers and the other bee.

  “I like this one the best,” His flat palm grazes over the peacock all the way down to my butt cheek where it ends. “Oh shit, we need to get going,” he says and smacks said butt cheek.

  I look over at the clock and he’s right. It’s time to find a new intern. A sliver of disappointment threads into my heart. I’m not sure why, but I thought we would have more time to talk about stuff. I’m not ready to share him with the masses. When I look up, I get to see his gloriously naked backside disappear into the bathroom. I sigh, knowing we are going to have to talk soon and things might change.


  The job fair is crowded but manageable. We have a small table along the wall in between a dairy farm and a company that researches food growing and modification. All we have is a small clipboard with a sign-up sheet for interviews and a small box to accept résumés.

  By noon we have all of our interview times filled and have accepted over 50 résumés. Winemaking is a cutthroat business and even though we are a small vineyard, the experience to be had would be hard to find elsewhere, especially since they have me to learn from. *Pats back.*

  After lunch, we do like a speed dating series of interviews. Each one lasts no more than twelve minutes over two hours. I came up with four solid questions to ask and by 3pm we’ve narrowed it down to two candidates. We text them to come back to talk to us again. I know who my favorite is but I’m not telling Salty. I have a feeling we agree.

  Devonté, an extremely tall young man with beautiful caramel skin and wild hair that makes him even taller responds right away. I laugh because I can actually see him across the large room striding over to us. The other prospect, Evan, also responds quickly but he is stuck in class for another 30 minutes. I respond letting him know that will be perfect. I feel a little bad though because unless he says something ridiculous or hates us, Devonté is getting the intern job.


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