So Much Trouble: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection (So Wrong It's Right Book 4)

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So Much Trouble: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection (So Wrong It's Right Book 4) Page 72

by Jamie Knight

  Leo smiled and nodded. “So, you choose Emma to be your fake fiancée?”

  “Not exactly. I had decided a fake fiancée would be a way to put my mom off the warpath. Sure, she might be a bit upset I hadn't told her the second I got engaged but figured she would get over it. I didn't know who to ask to be my fake fiancée but ended not having to choose anyone, Emma offering herself for the job.”

  He grinned again. “Looks like someone has a crush.”

  “So, it would seem.” I drained my glass. “You haven't heard the bad part.”

  “Oh, sorry, please, continue.”

  “Well we were hanging out, getting to know each other, one thing led to another and -”

  “You didn't.”

  “We did, twice.”

  “Oh, dear.”

  “You haven't heard the worst part,” I said again.

  “There's more?”

  “Indeed, last night, Emma said that she is falling for me.”

  “How do you feel about her?”

  “The same, I think.”

  “You think?” Leo asked, raising his eyebrows.

  “It's been so long; I can't be sure.”

  “Get sure, and if the answer is yes, then bloody well tell her. No good ever comes from holding it in.”

  I thought about what Leo said. He had been in the same situation I was in, and it turned out great. I could only hope for the same for Emma and me. My nerves were high, but I had to tell her. It was the right thing to do.

  Chapter Fifteen - Emma

  The dinner was over. Things had gone off without a hitch and I was packing up my supplies as well as the leftovers.

  “Hey,” Ms. Howell said, coming into the kitchen. It was her place after all.

  “Hey,” I said, keeping focused on the task at hand.

  “That was really great.”

  “Thanks,” I said and smiled at her. Ann was a bit imposing, but I wanted to like her.

  She leaned against the counter and crossed her arms over her chest. “I'm serious, I have a lot of clients who would be interested in hiring you for their events.”

  “So do I,” Carina agreed, as I took the current load of equipment out to the table, “though in my case it's moms.” Carina was setting up a special school right here in L.A. I admired her spirit.

  “Wow, really?” I looked at both of them. “I'll make up a portfolio when I get home tonight and email it to you both.”

  “That's perfect,” Ann said.

  “What's perfect?” handsome Noah asked, coming in from the lounge where he, Jim, and Leo were trying Jim's new whiskey.

  “You!” I giggled, throwing myself at him in an attack hug, kissing him passionately.

  “Whoa,” Noah said, backing off, “what was that for?”

  “You're my hero!”


  Given his new heroic status, it was only appropriate that he help me with loading my stuff into the back of my hearse.

  “Wow. There really is a lot of room back here,” he said.

  “I know right? There used to be runners built into the floor to help put the coffin or casket in, but I had a mechanic take them out after I inherited it. Same place I got the paint job. They gave me a good deal,” I explained.

  “Coffin or a casket?” he asked.


  “Aren't they—”

  “No, they are not the same, it is a common misconception and understandable really. The main difference mostly has to do with shape and lid style,” I explained.

  “Such as?”

  “Well, I have never heard of an open coffin funeral nor has there been a last or indeed the first nail in a casket. It really doesn't work that way,” I said, giving the best explanation I had ever heard.

  “Oh, okay, I think I get it.”

  “Faster than most people,” I admitted.


  “Your welcome,” I beamed.

  Part of me was still pissed at Noah for leaving last night without so much as a goodbye. There was another part, however, a rather large one, that still wanted him to fuck me senseless.

  We drove back to my apartment, Noah following my hearse in his hot rod. He had helped me get the stuff down to my car, so it only stood to reason that he would help me take it back up. This in no way meant that anything was going to happen. I wasn't even sure if he was interested anymore. I tried to tell myself that I didn't care, mostly as a way of staying sane.

  The paranoid part my mother had installed in my wiring was screaming at me not to let a strange man into my place. I simply reminded myself that while I didn't know him super well on a personal level, something that would surely come with time, he was hardly a stranger. He had taken my virginity for goodness sake and knew me in lots of other ways, all of them being really good. More than enough to convince me Noah wasn't dangerous to me, or anyone else really, despite his commanding size and power, which at the moment were being put to use in my assistance.

  Taking all five boxes at once, Noah baked slowly away from the open back door of the hearse, careful not to drop anything.

  “I got it,” I said closing the door.

  “Just don't let me bump into anything and it should be all good,” he explained.

  Doing my best to shepherd him to the apartment, there barely a wobble from the boxes despite Noah not actually being able to see over the top of the mighty pile. Gracefully, he got the boxes to the kitchenette without incident and, without even needing to be asked, organized them by sized, opened them, and started unloading.

  “You really don't have to do that,” I said.

  “I don't mind,” he said and just kept on trucking.

  I quickly got in there to help before he could do it all himself. I wasn't sure why, but he seemed keen on punishing himself or making amends for something. It was quite an efficient way to do it, both of us working on it that is, and everything was put away in record time.

  “Do you have any more of those eclairs?” Noah asked when it was all done and dusted.

  “Um, yeah, a couple,” I said, going to the fridge.

  Part of me wondered what exactly he had planned. He probably just liked them and wanted more. Though there was still a chance, small as it was, that this was a pretense to get back into my pants. A notion to which I was in no way opposed, my pussy actually tightening at the thought.

  “Would you like some wine with them?” I asked, serving the eclairs up onto two plates.

  “Red or white?” he asked because, of course, he did.

  “Red, I think,” I said, going back to the fridge to look.

  I liked wine of a flavor level but didn't know much about it in terms of the fancy talk of the silver bucket spitting crowd. I just bought what tasted good and what I could afford.

  Pouring out two glasses of wine, I took the glasses and the plated eclairs over to the table in two trips to avoid any unfortunate incidences. A trick I picked up while working as a server in high school. I always liked being around food. Even if I wasn't the one making it. I was tempted to lay out silverware too, but decided it would be overkill.

  “Do you think I could stay the night?” Noah asked out of nowhere as we had our eclairs and wine.

  “Um, okay,” I said, a bit confused.

  He had never actually asked to stay over before he just did, the last two times at least, and apparently not that long always being gone when I woke up.

  “I just don't want to assume anything,” he said, showing more humility than he had before.

  “It's fine, really,” I said.

  “I was thinking,” he said.

  “Always dangerous.”

  “That's what Leo said. Anyway, I was thinking I don't want to just assume things and instead of going to the gala for a one-night event, how about we make a long weekend of it.”

  “O-okay,” I said, surprised but also pleased by his change of heart. This was unexpected and pleasing.

  Chapter Sixteen - Noah
br />   We finished our sweet treat and without a word, Emma took the dishes over to the sink and headed towards the bedroom. Not needing to be told once, I got up and followed her.

  “Can you undo me?” she asked, turning her back to me.

  “Sure,” I said.

  I went over and unzipped the back of the black party dress she had worn for the catering job. I wasn't sure about her wearing heels with it considering how long she had to be standing. Though if it bothered her, she didn't say anything.

  “Thanks,” Emma said, stepping away and taking down the straps of the dress.

  “No problem,” I said, putting my hands in my pockets.

  Taking the dress down and off, Emma started on her bra. She seemed to be having some trouble which wasn't surprising really.

  “May I?” I asked, stepping up.

  “Sure,” she said, taking her hands away from the clasp.

  In one swift, smooth motion, I had her bra unclasped and off. Putting it aside, I gently reached around and gently massaged her tits.

  “Sorry,” I said, stepping away, worried that I didn’t ask permission.

  “It's okay. It felt good,” she said casually, going over to the dresser.

  Slipping into an oversized sweatshirt, Emma went and got into one side of the bed, leaving me a good deal of room. Something of an impressive feat considering how small the bed was. Taking this as my cue, I stripped down to my boxers and slid into the bed beside her, careful not to touch her, even by accident. It wasn't that I suddenly found her disgusting. Quite the opposite, which was exactly the problem.

  I didn't know where we stood, and I didn't want to take advantage of the situation — not again. I might have asked to stay the night but hadn't really thought it through before I did so. I was trying to let her know that I was serious without necessarily needing to say it. It wasn't until I was there that I realized that it might have been a mistake.

  “Come on, I don't bite,” Emma said, patting the bed beside her.

  “Seriously?” I asked, making sure.

  “Of course, come here,” she said, lifting her arm to make room.

  Accepting the invitation, I moved over to her, our bodies pressing softly together. I could feel her warmth through her sweatshirt and suddenly felt very calm and comfortable. I put my head on her shoulder and, to my surprise, she gently stroked my hair. It could have been because she didn't know what else to do or possibly because it was instinct, but it didn't feel like that. I didn't know people, let alone women, very well, but what I felt coming from her at that moment was pure affection.

  “You did really well today,” I said, trying to be encouraging.

  “Are you surprised?”

  “Not at all.”

  “Both Ann and Carina said they knew people who might want to hire me for their events.”

  “Now that is a bit of a surprise,” I admitted.

  “In a good way, I assume,” she said.

  I leaned into her. “Oh, the best. It's not that I didn't think you were good enough, it's just that things don't usually go that fast.”

  “Not usually, no.”

  “It was an unusually good opportunity.”

  “Which was all thanks to you,” she pointed out, leaning down and kissing me on the cheek.

  “I just saw the opportunity, you're the one who rose to the occasion.”

  “With a little help from my friends.”

  “Oh, no.”

  “What's wrong?” Emma asked, genuinely concerned.

  “No way are you are a Ringo. You are at least a Paul if not a George.”

  “What about John Lennon?” Emma asked.

  “A four-chord wonder who faked it until he made it,” I said.

  “Wow, that's a hot take.”

  “It is just how I feel. He never wrote a bar of melody I couldn't play backward.”

  “That's a point,” Emma said, considering it.

  “I also think The Smiths would have been better as a trio.”

  “The hell you say!”

  “Indeed, I did,” I conceded.

  “How do you figure that?”

  “Have you ever heard Johnny Marr sing?” I asked.


  “More of the talent with a quarter of the ego,” I pointed out.


  We lay in silence for a bit. I felt her breathing slowly. It was like she was content.

  “I'm sorry I left last night,” I said, suddenly comfortable enough to bring it up.

  “I-It's okay.”

  “No, it's not, it was a mean thing to do. I mean after all you've given me the least I can do is stay until breakfast.”

  “It would have been nice,” Emma agreed.

  “I also can't help but think you might have felt used.”

  “A bit, yeah,” she admitted.

  “I know this is supposed to be all be pretend, but it doesn't feel pretend to me.”

  I felt her take in a deep breath. “Me either,” Emma said, “if I'm honest, I would like to be with you all the time.”

  “I feel the same way.” I turned to look her in the face. She was blushing, with her eyes wide.

  “Then why didn't you just say so?”

  “I've never been really good at relationships. I guess I was trying to keep a distance so I wouldn’t hurt you, even by accident. That didn't go very well, did it?”

  She reached over, running a single finger over my forehead and into my hair. “Why are you scared?”

  “Fair question. I think it is because things were really great with Gina, too, until things went off the rails. She was my last serious relationship. It ended really badly. She is still convinced that I will see the error of my ways and go back to her. I won't, just in case you're wondering.”

  “Will the same thing happen with me? With us?”

  “You don't seem like the cheating type,” I joked.

  “Please, I need to know.”

  “I can't say for sure. I can't see the future, but going by the present, I would say no, it won't happen that way.”

  “How can you know?”

  “I don't know for sure. There is something different about you, Emma. I've never felt this way about anyone, which is part of why I don't want to make promises I don't know if I can keep.”

  “You don't have to promise anything. Just be here now,” she said, pulling me closer.

  “I can do that.”

  I kissed her lightly and lovingly on the lips.

  Chapter Seventeen - Emma

  It happened so suddenly I don't think either of us saw it coming. To be fair to Noah, he kissed me, but it was likely out of affection. I was the one who introduced the tongue action. I just couldn't resist him. I need to fuck. I literally ached for it and wanted to communicate this to him as clearly as possible. It might have been a mistake, but I was beyond the point of caring.

  Noah didn't seem to mind either, returning my affections in kind. In a weird way, I was proud to be able to keep up with him. I had always been a good student when given the opportunity to learn. I had actually gone into the interview at the cafe with the manual memorized. I hadn't been there very long, and there were already murmurs of management.

  Without looking, I got my hand under the blanket, into his shorts and around the shaft of his rock-hard cock.

  “Okay?” I asked, stroking Noah’s dick.

  “Yes,” he moaned.

  “I'm gonna suck it, okay?”

  He nodded, being beyond words at that point. Gently moving the blankets away, I shifted his boxers and slipped his cock most of the way into my mouth. I'd never really sucked cock in that position before and was surprised how much easier it was. I could get him almost all the way in without gagging once. I made a mental note to only suck him that way or at least as often as possible.

  I loved the filling of his big, hard, warm cock in my mouth. It was actually pretty comforting. I pulled back a bit and worked his shaft with my hand as I sucked the
rest, making sure to massage his balls with my other hand. I would have liked to be able to cup them, but they were just too big for both of them to fit into my hand.

  As I worked his cock, my ass facing toward him, Noah carefully lifted the bottom of my sweatshirt and, pulling my panties aside, started fingering me from behind. Plunging first one finger and then two deep into my wet, aching, little pussy. My soft, pink, pussy lips hugged his fingers in greeting as he started to lovingly work my clit until I was on the edge of orgasm.

  We came at the same time. Noah unloading into my mouth as I quivered against him, his fingers still deep inside me.

  “Your turn,” Noah said.

  Gently removing my sweatshirt and panties, he lay me out on my back. Starting at my neck, he worked his way down my trembling body towards my desperate little pussy. I opened my legs in welcome as Noah got down to my pelvis. He didn't lick at first. That wasn't really his style. He was a lot more thorough than that. Instead, he kissed his way down my pelvis, continuing down one thigh to my knee and then back up the other, working from my knee to my pussy. He continued to smother the outside with kisses, making me moan and clutch the back of his head, sure that if he stopped, I just might die.

  He didn't stop though, his soft kisses turning to long, lingering, loving licks along the length of my pussy, making me melt with pleasure, every muscle relaxing at once. Picking up speed, Noah gently parted my lower lips with his fingers and licked along the inside, flicking my clit with the tip of his tongue at each pass. This brought out a near animal moan from deep in my lungs that might have scared me had I not been making it.

  Certain I was ready, Noah slipped two fingers inside of me, working my pussy as he rotated his tongue in a hard, circular motion right on my clit, making me want to scream. I covered my mouth with my hand to keep from scaring my neighbors, tears of joy running down my cheeks like tiny waterfalls.

  Kissing his way back up my body, we made out passionately as he held me.


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