So Much Trouble: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection (So Wrong It's Right Book 4)

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So Much Trouble: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection (So Wrong It's Right Book 4) Page 162

by Jamie Knight

  My mom was right — I never should have trusted a man. All it did was lead to heartbreak. I let him break my heart by thinking there was more between us than there actually was. I need to focus on the firm and only on the firm. I hope I can still save it. Thankfully, we’ve been getting all those new clients. I just need to make sure we keep them, and maybe then everything will be okay.

  I’m going to block Daniel from contacting me, and I won’t take any money from him. He’s not going to take my firm over. I won’t let him. I’ll sue if I have to. I don’t care. There’s no way I can feel worse than I do now. I’ve been a fucking fool. All because I decided to trust Daniel Davies. Never again.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven - Dan

  Two Weeks Later

  Gemma hasn’t reached out to me since she ran out of my house. I have no idea what happened. One moment, she seemed to be doing fine, and then she was running away like my home had the plague. It just doesn’t make sense.

  One thing I do know is that we are over. I tried calling and texting the next day, but she never replied. If I didn’t get the message last week, it’s been made loud and clear by week two of no contact. Gemma is gone, and now I have to accept that.

  I thought I’d be less bothered by the end of our relationship. Whenever things ended with my other pets, I never felt this kind of sadness. Sure, I liked them, but it was always more business than anything. I allowed myself to get vulnerable with Gemma, and that’s probably my fault. I should have stuck to the way things were.

  This whole time I thought I’d only want her if she wanted me, but I was lying to myself, really. I started this entire thing and pursued her, and I kept sending clients her way and doing whatever I could to help out her firm. I got way too invested.

  But I’m done. She doesn’t want anything to do with me. All hope is lost, and I’m too tired to try again just to get rejected.

  “Hey, Dan.”

  I look up to see Jake standing by my door. He’s actually just the guy I want to see, so I wave him in.

  “Oh, Jake. There’s actually something I was hoping you could do for me.” I’m about to pull out a check, but then I realize my brother came to see me. “Um, but first, why did you come to my office?”

  Little brother shrugs. He drops down into the chair in front of my desk and slouches. “I just wanted to check-in. You’ve seemed different these past couple weeks.”

  Sighing, I run a hand through my hair. “Oh, well, Gemma and I broke up.”

  I don’t know if that’s the proper word for it. We never officially transitioned to regular dating, but we saw one another quite a lot. Something we’re no longer doing.

  “I need you to deliver this final check to her.” Pulling it from my checkbook, I slide it over the desk to him.

  I know the contract says I don’t have to pay her, but I do care about her wellbeing, and I know she was counting on this money for her firm. I must have messed up in some way for Gemma to leave the way she did, so the least I can do is make sure she’s taken care of.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Jake asks while picking up the check and glancing at it casually.

  My heart starts to feel like it’s squeezing, so I turn my chair away from Jake a bit. It’s easier to look out the window then really admit this stuff face to face.

  “It’s just that I thought she was the one, you know. I told her things I’ve never told anyone else… but I was wrong. I must really be a fool.”

  “No, I wouldn’t say that. Relationships end, it’s what they do, but maybe if you opened up to Gemma more. I know some stuff with our parents, especially Mom, made you wary of forming attachments, but things were going so well between you guys. Have you tried talking to her?”

  I nod my head. “It’s not going to work. She doesn’t want to talk to me, and I’m not about to make her.”

  “Could you at least be open to the possibility of love with Gemma or someone else in the future? You sound so glum, I’m a bit worried.”

  Putting my hand to my face, I rub my temples. This conversation needs to be over. Misery is uncomfortable. I really want to be alone.

  “Jake, it’s over. Completely. With Gemma or with anyone else. I’m tired of trying, and I know it seems like I haven’t. Gemma’s the first person I’ve had something resembling a romantic relationship with, but that didn’t work, and all the other women never made me feel anything deeply. It’s just not meant to be.”

  I’ve been kidding myself. I’m not meant for a real relationship. The first time I tried, it crashed and burned, and I definitely don’t want to go through that again. And after Gemma, I don’t feel like keeping any woman as a pet. What’s the point anymore?

  “I’m going to stay single from now on. None of it is for me.”

  “I see,” Jake nods, “and I understand. If that’s what you want, then it’s what you want.” He doesn’t seem happy with my decision, but I’m not going to change it. He stands. “I’ll make sure to get this check to Gemma before the end of the day. Is there anything else you need me to do?”

  I glance back at Jake. “No, that’s it. Do you know where her office is?”

  “Yeah, I promise it’ll get to her.”

  “I know, I know.” I need to stop thinking about it. The check is in Jake’s hands, and he will make sure it’s taken care of. Gemma is no longer my concern. She doesn’t want to be. “Thanks. I’ve got some work to catch up on, so I’ll talk to you later?”

  “Yep, we’ll talk later.” Jake doesn’t seem satisfied with my answers, but he leaves.

  I know he’ll make sure to take care of the check. I didn’t want to just show up to see Gemma since she’s not answering my calls. And it would have been weird to have my secretary take care of it. Jake is the best option. This means I can focus on work. We have an abundance of it, so I can keep myself busy and forget about Gemma. Once she’s out of my head, I’ll be back to my old self.

  All I need is some time, and everything will be back to the way it was, just like it should have been from the beginning.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight - Gemma

  Maybe I shouldn’t have gone total ghost on Daniel. I’ve been thinking about it ever since that night. I’m sure he’s tried to call or text, but I wouldn’t know since I’ve blocked his number. I just don’t know how to feel. I don’t know if he cares about me, or if he’s only using me for some other reason. We both hid specific details about ourselves. Maybe genuine trust was never really there. I thought we were on our way, but who knows? If I were with him, I’d just be wondering if he was going to betray me, and that’s no way to be in a relationship.

  A clean break is better. This way we can both move on.

  “Hey, Gemma. I have those applications you wanted me to look at,” Pearl walks over with a small stack of papers in her hand. “I picked the ones I thought were best and made a couple of notes on them. I feel like one of these guys will be a great fit in the office.”

  “Sounds good,” I nod.

  I should be excited that we can afford to hire another person. Even without that final deposit from Daniel, we are doing well.


  I said I wouldn’t think about him.

  “I’ll take those.”

  I hold out my hand, and Pearl hands the stack of papers to me.

  “Is everything okay? You seem a little down.”

  “Do I?” I sit up straight in my seat. I don’t need my sour mood running my work. “I just had some issues with my…” I don’t even know what to call Daniel. He was never technically my boyfriend, but I can’t exactly call him my sugar daddy. And it felt like it was more than that. At least on my end.

  “No worries. I totally understand. I hope things work themselves out.”

  Pearl gives me a sweet smile before walking away. Things should get back to a good place as long as I focus on my work. No more being distracted by men. Especially Daniel.

  I get back to it, typing away on my computer. I hear the door open and look up t
o see a somewhat familiar-looking man walk in.

  “Hi, how can I help you?” I ask, looking over his face harder. Does he have the same jawline as Dan?

  “I actually have something for you.” He pulls out an envelope and hands it to me. Hesitantly, I take it. Looking at the envelope, I see it has Daniel’s name on it.

  “Who are you?” I don’t recognize him. I’ve passed by Daniel’s secretary before, and he is not her. Clearly.

  “I’m Jake Davies. Dan’s brother.”

  All the pieces fall into place. This is another Davies, that puts me immediately on the defensive. I cross my arms over my chest.

  “I don’t want anything to do with Daniel anymore.”

  The man shrugs. “I know. He just thought you’d want the rest of your money.”

  I furrow my brow before ripping open the envelope and see that the check is for an obscenely large amount of money.

  “He doesn’t owe me this. I broke our contract.”

  I thought if Dan contacted me, it would be to yell at me or something. Not this.

  Jake smiles. His smile is unnervingly similar to his brother’s. “I’m sure he knows. Maybe he just wants to make sure you’re taken care of. Sometimes my brother can be too nice for his own good.”

  I look down at my desk, feeling kind of bad. Dan was always lovely to me. There were times I felt like I didn’t deserve it, but he always reassured me that he wanted to make sure I felt good.

  “Well, thanks. Or tell him I said thanks.”

  Jake raises his eyebrows. “You know, you could tell him yourself.”

  “I —”

  He waves a hand. “It’s complicated, I’m sure. Things tend to be that way with Dan,” he sighs. “Just think about it, okay?” I nod. “Maybe I’ll be seeing you.” Jake waves and then leaves.

  I wonder if I had it all wrong. Daniel told me about his brother. He’s just like he described. He didn’t have to say much to make me reconsider. And that’s what I’m doing. Reconsidering.

  Dan was going to introduce me to his family. We’d been planning the whole thing together. And he opened up to me about some of his childhood issues, and his mother and father. Why would he do all that if it was just a joke to him? Maybe everything I saw was a coincidence. Cecil did go to Daniel’s firm for a little bit and then suddenly came back to me. I wonder why that is? Maybe that was just leftover paperwork, and everything else was a coincidence.

  My mom’s sensibilities are still a part of me. I don’t want to end like her — cold-hearted and bitter. I loved her, but I don’t want to turn out that way.

  Oh shit!

  That detective said she was going to present her case against Daniel soon. I was going to talk to him about it, but then I got upset. He doesn’t deserve to be smeared like that. I need to warn him. This is my final chance. I’m not going to let the man I love be destroyed like that.

  “Pearl! I have to head out for the day. You don’t mind closing up, do you?”

  “Of course not! I’ve got it. Take care of what you need to.”

  I look at the check on my desk. I should take that with me. I should put it in a new envelope since I destroyed the one Daniel sent it in.

  I open the bottom drawer of my desk and see a package. I don’t know where it’s from immediately, but then remember that Daniel brought it over as a present. It was the day we first met. I guess he wanted to cultivate some goodwill. I never even opened it. I grab an envelope and take out the gift. I have a little bit of time, so I rip open the brown paper packaging and find a copy of Pride & Prejudice. It’s one of my favorite books. I’m no Elizabeth Bennet, but I did have some preconceived notions about Daniel that I let color my view of him. I also had a little pride in not being vulnerable. It’s crazy how he got me the perfect book before we even knew one another.

  That has to mean something.

  I grab my purse, placing the book and check inside before heading over to Davies & Sons. I’m going to make things right.


  I get to the top floor, and on my way to Daniel’s office, I pass by Maggie’s desk.

  “Hey, Maggie.”

  She turns around, and her face lights up. “Hi, Gemma! How are you?”

  “I’m good. You?”

  “I’m doing great. Loving the new job. So is Mr. Kitty.”

  Maggie’s cat comes over to sniff the hand I have resting on Maggie’s desk. He gives me a quick snuggle before going back to his resting place.

  “That’s great. I’m so happy for you.” I twist my mouth to the side because I don’t want to overstep, but Maggie could help me out. “Could I ask you a personal question? About Mr. Davies?”

  She shrugs. “Yeah, I guess.”

  “Do you think he’s a good boss?”

  Her smile gets more full, so she is almost beaming. “He’s the best. I mean, he got a late start getting my accommodations, but then he went above and beyond, making up for it. I was honestly so surprised. He got me that poster and a cat book and lets me bring in Mr. Kitty. He didn’t have to do any of that. Mr. Kitty isn’t an official support animal, but Mr. Davies works so hard to make everyone feel welcome. I’m not the only one he’s like this to. I really could not be happier.”

  “Would you tell that to a detective?” I must sound like an absolute crackpot, but I have to make up for my own mistakes.

  “Oh, I see. That’s what this is about. I already spoke to the other lady. I told her all the same things, but she seemed to only want to get dirt on Mr. Davies. She seemed really frustrated when she left. What do you think that’s all about?”

  “I’m not entirely sure, but I want to make sure Daniel gets to keep his good name. Could you give me a minute, and I’ll get back to you?”

  “Okay,” Maggie looks confused, but nods.

  “Thanks,” I smile before heading to Daniel’s office. Maybe there is a way to stay ahead of this detective. We’ll just need to be proactive.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine - Dan

  “Could you send over the Lutz case. I want to get a head start on it.”

  “Yeah, no problem.” Jake stands in the doorway to my office for a second, looking at me like he expects more.

  “Do you need anything?”

  His shoulders fall, and he looks at me exasperatedly. “You’re not going to ask how my meeting with Gemma went?”

  “Jake, I —”

  Before I can finish my thought, Gemma is at my office door. She and Jakey give each other a little smile, then she turns to me and waves a bit.

  “Hello, I hope I’m not interrupting.”

  I basically freeze in place. I haven’t seen or heard from her in two weeks. I thought I’d be able to steel myself against my feelings, but seeing her so suddenly, everything I feel rushes into my heart. It races in my chest.

  “I had a feeling you’d be stopping by,” Jake comments. I look at my brother, but he steps back before I can ask him anything. As he leaves, he mouths, ‘Don’t mess this up,’ before closing the door.

  How could I mess this up? It’s not like I’m the one who went no contact for two weeks. I’m a lot angrier than I expected, but it is valid. Gemma dropped out of my life with zero explanation like the past couple months between us meant nothing.

  “How can I help you?” I keep my voice stern and try to maintain control.

  It doesn’t matter what Gemma wants. She made it clear she’s done with me, and I told myself I was done with her. I need to stick to my guns.

  “I don’t need your money,” she says, reaching into her purse and taking out an envelope.

  Of course, that’s what this is about — her pride. I don’t need her to accept the check. That’s entirely up to her.

  “You could have just refused it when Jake dropped by,” I say, taking the check from her. Did she just want to drop the bomb in my face herself? “What are you doing here?”

  She stands up straighter and looks me in the face. “Do you have a Moon Investments, LLC?”

Her question surprises me. I didn’t know she knew about that. She must have seen the files when we were at my house.

  “Uh, yes. I do.”

  She’s rather clever, so I’m sure the name piqued her interest. I’m guessing that is what upset her. I don’t understand why? She was resistant to my help when we started seeing each other, but I thought she’d warmed up to the idea.

  “Why did you do it? Start this Moon Investments?”

  I sigh. “I did it to help your business.”

  Her face changes in an instant. Her nostrils flare. “Oh, so I was a charity case to you? You didn’t think I could do it on my own?”

  I don’t know what she’s doing. Is Gemma upset? What exactly is she hoping to get out of this?

  “What are you talking about? Isn’t this what you wanted? When you came to me, you had that contract. I was just doing those things.”

  “But,” Gemma prompts me.

  “But what? Sure, I was doing it in secret, but it’s what you wanted, right?”

  “Why in secret?”

  “Because I —”

  I don’t know if I’m ready to finish that sentence. It’s been such a rollercoaster these past couple weeks, and Gemma is here, looking at me with so many questions. I’m starting to freak out.

  “Because you what?”

  I don’t answer, hoping this whole thing will just be dropped. Am I ready to lose Gemma because I can’t admit my feelings out loud?

  “What is it, Daniel? Tell me why,” she demands.

  “Because I love you!” I blurt out. “Because I’m not used to giving into a woman, I’m not used to even loving someone like this. I didn’t want to admit what I was doing because it would mean that I was vulnerable, and I like being in charge.”

  That was a lot to admit. I’m surprised it all came out, but it did, and Gemma doesn’t seem angry.

  “So, you didn’t have a secret company to take me down as the competition?”


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