calcium content of, 239–40
fiber from, 88, 237
obesity, 7, 72
OFC (Oral Food Challenge), 60
oils, 74, 237
Oliver, Jamie, 133
Oliver, Kristen, 123, 194
omega-3 fats, 83–85, 90–92
benefits of, 179
foods containing, 244
in HKHM program, 114, 115, 120–21
recommended intake for, 243
starting, 173, 174, 179
Oral Food Challenge (OFC), 60
oral ulcers case study, 125–29
Oski, Frank, 102–3
outside time, 193
packaged foods
approved, 230–31
evolution of, 67
ridding home of, 132
Easy Paleo Pancakes, 208
packaged, 230
pantry overhaul, 132–33
parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), 123–25
Paschall, Haynes, 81, 136, 200, 201, 206, 214, 220
peanut allergies/sensitivities, 56
Peanut Butter, Strawberry, and Banana Popsicles, 228
pediatric medicine
integrative approach to, see integrative medicine
prescription medication use in, xv, xvi
Peppers, Scrambled Eggs with Microgreens and, 209
as inflammation triggers, 27, 146
and leaky gut, 35
in produce, 238
pharmaceutical march concept, 111
pharmaceutical reps, 49–51
physical signs/symptoms, of inflammation, 20–24, 142
physical stress, as inflammation trigger, 27, 147
phytonutrients, 89
picky eaters
case study, 79–82
removing dairy with, 168
smoothies for, 200
zinc and, 168
Pina Colada Smoothie, 202–3
plant-based foods, 87–91, 116
plants, calcium content of, 240
plastic containers, 134–35
PNS (parasympathetic nervous system), 123–25
Popsicles, Strawberry, Banana, and Peanut Butter, 228
Potato Soup, 214
Scrambled Eggs and Smashed Potatoes, 208–9
prebiotics, 174, 235
preparation for HKHM, 130–37, 154
blenders for smoothies, 133–34
cooler bags, 135
food substitutions, 133
pantry and refrigerator overhaul, 132–33
purchase staples, 136
resources for, 137
reviewing recipes, 136
storage containers, 134–35
preservatives, 65–66
benefits of, 176
dosing guide for, 241
for GI function, 116, 117
and gut health, 234
in HKHM program, 114, 115, 120–21
starting, 173–76
when taking antibiotics, 234
processed foods
fats in, 74, 83
inflammation from, 73–74
microbiome impacted by, 41
ridding home of, 132
sugars in, 73
pesticides in, 238
see also fruits; vegetables
Protein Balls, Chocolate Sunflower Butter, 227–28
protein powders, 91
proteins, 90–91
Apple Chia Seed, 207–8
Chocolate Banana, 228–29
pumpkin seeds, 101
Quinoa Breakfast Cereal, 207
Quinoa Fried Rice, 215–16
breakfasts, 206–12
desserts, 226–29
dinners, 213–21
lunches, 213–17
reviewing, 136
side dishes, 218–19, 222–25
smoothies, 202–4
reflux (GERD), 20, 105
refrigerator overhaul, 132–33
reintroducing foods, 156–57, 168, 187–91
Quinoa Fried Rice, 215–16
Turmeric Rice, 222
The Right Bite, 201
Rockin’ Cacao Smoothie, 204
runny nose
case study, 17–18
as inflammatory illness, 20
Salmon, Teriyaki, 221
Scrambled Eggs and Smashed Potatoes, 208–9
Scrambled Eggs with Peppers and Microgreens, 209
screen time, 193
seeds, 87, 91–92
calcium content of, 240
fiber from, 88, 237
magnesium from, 101
selective elimination diet, 57, 91
sesame allergies/sensitivities, 56
7 Steps to Healthy Kids, Happy Moms, xxii–xxiii. see also Healthy Kids, Happy Moms (HKHM) program
allergies/sensitivities to, 56
calcium content of, 240
Shetret, Maya, 193
sickle cell anemia, 9
side dishes
packaged, approved, 230–31
recipes for, 218–19, 222–25
sinus infections
case study, 12–13
as inflammatory illness, 20
sleep apnea case study, 12–13
blenders for, 133–34
recipes for, 202–4
tips and ingredients for, 199–201
during Mini Cleanse, 162
packaged, approved, 230
Snap Pea, Zucchini, and Squash Stir Fry, Kid-Approved, 216–17
SNS (sympathetic nervous system), 123, 124
soluble fiber, 87, 88
Chicken Vegetable Soup, 218
Potato Soup, 214
Turkey Kale Soup, 219–20
soy allergies/sensitivities, 56
soy beverage (soy milk), 81–82
sport drinks, 67
Squash, Zucchini, and Snap Pea Stir Fry, Kid-Approved, 216–17
staples, 136
state of gratitude, 194
Stir Fry, Kid-Approved Zucchini, Squash, and Snap Pea, 216–17
stomachaches case study, 51–54
stomach pain, as inflammatory illness, 20
storage containers, 134–35
Stowe, Andi, 210, 211
Strawberry, Banana, and Peanut Butter Popsicles, 228
with diet changes, 131
illnesses triggered by, 4–5
as inflammation trigger, 18, 26–28, 147
and children’s health, 71–72
in common beverages, 236
daily intake guidelines, 236
sun exposure, 193
Sunflower Butter Chocolate Protein Balls, 227–28
Supplement Roadmap, 191
supplements, 107–22
Allen’s work on, 107–11
benefits of, 120–21
for bone health, 98, 100
and conventional medicine, 24
determining need for, 111–13
dosing guide for, 172, 241–42
fiber, 87
5 Rs of Gut Healing using, 153, 155, 172–86
foundational, 114, 115
and gut as foundation for health, 116–19
in HKHM program, 116–18, 120, 121, 163
ingredients in, 113–14
length of time for taking, 185
to reestablish normal GI function, 113, 114
start guide for, 115, 174
starting, 163, 172–85
vitamin D, 98
artificial, 73
calcium content of, 240
for smoothies, 201
sugar, 71–72, 236
Sweet Potato Fries, 218–19
athetic nervous system (SNS), 123, 124
symptom tracker, 157–58, 233
before and after Mini Cleanse for Kids, 157, 163
after removing dairy and gluten, 169
for food sensitivities, 57
for monitoring changes, 155
in reevaluating progress, 169
Tacos, Lentil, 220–21
Teriyaki Salmon, 221
Thrive Market, 136
tree nut milks, calcium content of, 239
tree nuts
allergies/sensitivities to, 56
calcium content of, 239–40
triggers of inflammation, 25–28, 49–64
case study, 51–54
celiac disease, 58–60
estimating contributions of, 148
food allergies, 56, 59–60
and food allergy testing, 54–56
food intolerances, 57–58, 61–62
food sensitivities, 57, 59–60
histamine intolerance, 58–59, 61–62
identifying, 145–47
Turkey Chili, 214–15
Turkey Kale Soup, 219–20
Turmeric Rice, 222
ulcers, 125–29, 178
USDA Food Pyramid, 68–70
Utzinger, Cindy, 126
for bone health, 98, 99, 167
calcium content of, 239
Chicken Vegetable Soup, 218
daily recommendations for, 237
fiber from, 88–90, 237
for GI function, 116
on Healthy Eating Plate, 70
magnesium from, 101
and nutrients in kids’ diets, 112
pesticides in, 238
for smoothies, 200–201
see also individual vegetables
vitamin D, 97
benefits of, 180
for bone health, 97–99, 167
in HKHM program, 114, 115, 120–21
recommended intake for, 244
sources of, 245–46
starting, 174, 180
from sun exposure, 193
vitamin K, 98, 99, 167
Warrick, Adri, 136, 201
water bottles, 134–35
water consumption, 193
weight-bearing activity, 97–99, 167
wheat allergies/sensitivities, 56
wheezing case study, 21–22, 25–26, 28
whole food supplement
benefits of, 181
in HKHM program, 114, 115, 120–21
options for, 235
starting, 174, 181
Whole Tulip, 201
Why Is My Kid Doing That? (Utzinger), 126
Willett, Walter C., 96–97, 101
benefits of, 184
foods high in, 248
for GI function and health, 114, 115
in HKHM program, 120–21
and picky eaters, 168
recommended intake of, 248
starting, 173, 174, 184–85
Zucchini, Squash, and Snap Pea Stir Fry, Kid-Approved, 216–17
about the author
SHEILA KILBANE, MD, is a board-certified pediatrician trained in integrative medicine. She is the founder and medical director of Infinite Health, her private practice in Charlotte, North Carolina. Her team of professionals is trained and dedicated to using the best of both conventional and integrative medicine to identify and treat the root cause of children’s illnesses.
Based on years of working with thousands of pediatric patients, Dr. Kilbane developed the 7-step program she shares in this book. Her method helps children with chronic or recurrent illnesses achieve significant improvements or complete resolution. An online companion course to this book is available through Dr. Kilbane’s website, for families who do not have access to an integrative pediatrician.
Dr. Kilbane is on a mission to transform pediatric healthcare and get one million kids off medications they may not need. Her favorite part of working with families is seeing the light come back into parents’ eyes once their child is out of crisis mode—that’s when belly laughter can find its place in the home once again.
To help spread the word about how profoundly nutrition impacts children’s health, she presents at medical conferences and online summits, and guest blogs and regularly appears on wellness podcasts. She consults with healthcare professionals around the globe as they learn to incorporate integrative medicine into their practices.
Dr. Kilbane splits her time between Charlotte, North Carolina, and Seattle, Washington. She loves just about any outdoor activity with family and friends, and especially enjoys her eight nieces and nephews.
Healthy Kids, Happy Moms Page 24