Emerging Temptation: A BWWM Romance Limited Edition Collection

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Emerging Temptation: A BWWM Romance Limited Edition Collection Page 32

by Peyton Banks

  “Okay. See you later, Aussie.”

  “Later, Courts.” I tap the top of her car, sending her on the way before walking into the hospital.

  “I thought you had left, too,” Tessa says when I reenter.

  I look around and I don’t see her parents. “Where’d your folks go?”

  “Oh, Dad took Mom to go get something from the cafeteria. I told them they could go home, but Mom insisted on staying.” Her eyes flutter, indicating she’s ready to fall asleep.

  I slide in beside her, carefully placing my arm around her shoulders. She takes the bait and adjusts herself, laying her head against me.

  “When do you go back to work?”

  “Um, I’m taking some time to be there for you.”

  “You don’t have to do that. My parents are retired and active. I’ll be fine.”

  “Yeah, but will they sneak you out of the house and take you to eat bad food at one in the morning? Or hold you in their arms until you fall asleep? Or carry you to the bathroom, wash you in the shower, dress you in a vintage rock t-shirt?”

  “And you’d do all that?”

  “I’d even sleep in the room with you to make sure you don’t have a want or need for anything.”

  “I’m not gonna argue with you, ’cause I don’t have a leg to stand on.” She bursts out in hysterics, and as corny as that joke was, it’s a sign she’s feeling a little better. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist.”

  I gently cup her face, softly stroking her bruised cheek. “I can’t resist you,” I mutter.

  She tilts her chin, giving me access to her mouth, which I take, gently. Our tongues dance against each other, deepening our embrace.

  “Ow,” she says, halting all activity.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “No. It’s fine. The stitches kinda pulled when my mouth opened wider. Trying to take all your sugar.”

  I smile in response and in a sense, relax a little. The door comes open, and it’s the nurse with her discharge paperwork.

  “Okay, Ms. Gordon, a copy of all your documentation is located here in this folder. If you or your family have any questions, you’ll find our contact details on the inside pocket. I just need to get your signature here and take your last set of vitals. Also, your meds have been called in to the pharmacy as you indicated.”

  Tessa takes the pen and goes over the information before placing her signature on the identified lines. The nurse positions the mobile cart and measures her temp, blood pressure, pulse, and pulse oxygen, then wraps up.

  “Okay. Everything’s normal, and you are good to go. I will go get a transport tech, and the medical equipment company will be by today with your wheelchair, crutches, and a shower chair. Remember to wrap that leg in a trash bag or something to protect it from the water. Do you have any other questions?”

  “Um, nope. No questions. Thank you.”

  “No problem. You make sure you get some rest.” The nurse exits.

  Tessa maneuvers the bed to a full upright position. “Austin, can you help me put on my clothes? My bag is in that little closet over there.” She nods towards the location.

  I walk to the temporary clothing storage to remove her duffle bag, sitting it on the edge of the bed. She rummages through her belongings, pulling out a fitted t-shirt and a pair of sweats.

  Meanwhile, I search in the cupboard for her shoes and come across the hospital bag with her clothes from the accident. The blood has set and stained the blouse she was wearing. Small shards of glass have also permeated the material and fall when I hold up the plastic bag.

  “Austin, what is it?” she calls to me as my stance remains still.

  “Uh, I was looking for your shoes and discovered this. But I’m just gonna toss it. You don’t need a memory like that.”

  “No. Bring it here. It’s a part of me now, and I have to deal with it. Face it head-on.”

  I hesitate to hand her the bag until she gives me an angry eye. Not one to cause drama, I give her what she is asking for. She carefully examines the materials by taking them one by one from the container. Tears roll, and I grow frustrated with myself for not standing up to her.

  “Give it here, Tessa,” I calmly demand, holding out my hand.

  “No, Austin. I need to come to terms with what happened.”

  “Yes, and I agree. But not now. Take time to recover first.” I take the bag from her grip.

  She cries into my chest. “It’s all over now,” she sobs. “Everything I worked for in the past year is gone. The summer jam showcasing the kids, and the traveling burlesque show for adults will never even get off the ground. Now my bigger studio is just a dream, and what’s worse is I may never dance again.”

  “I’m sure you’ll dance again. I’m gonna make sure that you do. And all your goals, well, they’re just on pause. It will come back to you, just wait and see.”

  “Tessa Marie, why are you crying?” her mom says when they come back in.

  “I was having a pity party of one, but Austin got me right. I’m free to go, just waiting on the transport tech to come wheel me out.”

  “Oh, well, I’ll go pull the car around to the front. Let me get your bags,” her father says, and he gathers all of her belongings.

  She puts on the sweats, and I cut them along the seam for an easier fit for the cast leg. Slipping on her house shoe that Courtney bought, completes her ensemble.

  The patient tech enters with the wheelchair. “Ms. Gordon are you ready?” he asks.

  She nods, and I scoop her into my arms, carrying her to the chair.

  “Wow, I think I left something over there,” she jokes.

  I laugh and follow them to the main entrance where her father is patiently waiting. Once outside, I again lift her and help position her in the car.

  She fastens her seatbelt and looks to me with those beautiful brown eyes.

  “You’re coming straight over, right?” she questions.

  “I have a few things I need to go get done first, then I’ll be there. Mr. Gordon, will it be okay if I stay the night?” I never want to be disrespectful.

  “Of course, son. Even if you weren’t dating my daughter, you know you and your family are always welcome and we’d expect a slumber party.”

  “Thank you, sir. Okay, Tessa. I’ll see you in a little while. Go home and rest.”

  “I’m sure I’ll be sleep when you get there. If you want, you can just stay—”

  I lean in to kiss her before she can even think about finishing that sentence. Our lips part, and silence falls to hers.

  “I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  She nods in agreement, and I step back to close the door. Her mom smiles and enters the car. They leave, and I wave as they exit the parking lot. A heavy sigh escapes my lungs, and I slowly saunter back inside to grab me a coffee and wait for my Uber to come get me and take me to my truck.


  As I stand under the hot shower, allowing the water to massage my tired muscles, I think of things I can do to help Tessa through this long recovery process. The doctors said she’s gonna be in that cast for at least six to eight weeks. I know during that time frame the end of summer dance is scheduled and the tour was to have started. Even though she won’t mind, Courtney can’t keep covering the classes, so I sent her a text earlier seeing if there is anyone else who can pitch in.

  I know Tessa’s biggest concern is obtaining financing to buy the building down the street from her current location so she can have space for more students and an expanded list of services. The dance tour was her way to see that dream come true. With this injury, she’s feeling hopeless. I shut the water off, grab my towel, and wrap it around me before brushing my teeth and packing my personal items in my toiletry kit to take with me. Stuffing a few pairs of jeans, sweats, and shirts into a small suitcase, I prepare to leave. My phone rings, breaking my thoughts.

  “Hey, Austin. It’s Janelle, Tessa and Courtney’s friend.”

��Oh, hey, Janelle. How are you?”

  “I’m good. Courtney gave me your number when I asked how I can help out. She said you may know of a few things.”

  “Yes, actually. I’m looking for someone who can pitch in with her classes along with Courtney.”

  “Sure. I know the routines and help plan the lessons. I’ll be glad to.”

  “Great. I’m thinking of something else, too. Would you mind if I save your number so I can text or call you when I get things worked out?”

  “I don’t mind. Can you please tell Tessa we got her back and not to worry? I know this sucks major ass for her.”

  “I’ll be glad to share that with her. I have a few calls to place and will tell Courtney to do some stuff, too. She’ll also be in touch. In fact, get all the performers together. I’ll share the details with my sister. This will work.”

  “Okay. Will do. Talk to you soon.” She disconnects.

  I make calls to a few people I know to see if they can aid me in my quest.

  After orchestrating my plans, I hop into my vehicle and head to the Gordon residence. Tessa has already sent me a list of things to bring to her. She emphasized her plea with an eggplant emoji, a plus sign, and a pair of lips. I’m gonna chalk that up to the meds she’s on. But I do accommodate her request and make a few stops along the way. I knock on the door upon my arrival, and her father opens it.

  “Wow, she sent you all over town, didn’t she?” he jokes while assisting me with the bags.

  “Not really. Just a long list of items to keep her mind, body, and spirit at peace while she’s here. Her words, not mine.”

  A chuckle comes out before he replies. “She’s just like her mother. Be prepared, that ‘honey-do’ list will be growing as your relationship continues. Hey, baby. Look who finally arrived.”

  Tessa’s room is almost just like it was when I was last here a few years ago. The only thing different is the missing high school memorabilia and pictures of her dance idols that are now currently mounted and framed at her place now.

  “Hey, babe. Thank you for getting all this stuff. My parents got me a little refrigerator for us to put our stuff in. They even bought the futon in here so you can sleep comfortably.”

  “Oh, I thought I would sleep in one of the spare rooms.”

  “Why? My parents already know we’ve had relations, and given my current state of physical impairment, they know nothing will be going on in here.”

  “Point made. Okay, I will sleep on the futon. Let me put the cold stuff in its place.” Opening the door to the mini refrigerator, I store the popsicles and ice cream in the freezer compartment and the juices and water in the main cubicle, as well as the yogurt and fruit.

  “Okay, you two. We’re gonna go lie down and try to rest. The wheelchair is in the closet in the hall along with the crutches. Austin, here is a sheet set and two blankets and pillows. If you need anything, Tessa can tell you where it is located, and you can help yourself. Tessa don’t forget to take your medicine for the pain if you need it. Goodnight.”

  They leave, and I go sit next to her on the edge of the bed.

  “How are you feeling, really?”

  She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. “Heartbroken.” She peers up at me. “Like shit. I have no idea what to do at this point. That pretty much covers the range of emotions. Not one thing to be positive about.”

  “Tessa, I know it’s hard now, but it will get better. Trust me.”

  “How, Austin? No tour equals no extra income, which means I will possibly lose the building I want to purchase. My classes will remain at capacity, and I will have a waitlist that will never move because I can’t accommodate. Plus, I can’t dance, so why am I worried about teaching anyway? At least Janelle and Court called me on three-way and devised a plan where they can cover the classes I have now. That will at least help. My income will remain, I can keep the space I have, and pay my mortgage. I offered to pay them, and they said no. Those bitches.”

  I snicker at her comment. It’s all in love between them. They always use that word as a multi-purpose filler. It’s like the word ‘dude’ for guys or ‘bruh’.

  “Well, at least they offered to help. What can I do? You know dancing isn’t my thing, but I’ll do whatever you need.”

  “Can you just hold me until I fall asleep?”

  “Now, that I can do.” I take her into my arms.

  She lays her head on my chest, wrapping her arms around my waist. “This makes me feel better,” she mutters.

  I place a kiss on the top of her head and gently rub her arm, providing her with the comfort she needs. She’s just about sleep when my phone buzzes, alerting to an incoming text. I grab it and see the plan I put in motion is in full swing.

  “Is that your job?” she sleepily slurs.

  “No. Just one of the guys seeing if I’m okay.”

  She gets as comfortable as one can with a full leg cast on. Seeing how her arms are like vice grips around me, I pull the throw blanket over us and turn the sound down on her television, and she falls into a deep slumber. Now my only task is to focus on getting this all put together without her knowing.

  The night was a little rough for both of us. When she had to go to the bathroom, I was happy to oblige. I’d either carry her or she hitched a ride on my back. The latter came after I tripped over an imaginary rug and nearly dropped her. Not to mention I bumped her head on the door jamb. Major boyfriend fail. Your girlfriend is already dealing with a broken leg, and small stitches on her face, and you go hitting her head against the frame and nearly crashing her to the floor. Let’s just say she cursed me out thoroughly for that. So loud her parents woke up to see what the commotion was about. So, this morning, I made sure to get up extra early and fix breakfast for everyone.

  “Mmm, smells good. All this and fresh coffee, I’m sure she’s not that mad.”

  “She made me sleep on the futon.”

  “Isn’t that where you were sleeping all along?”

  I scratch my head when I realize I just told her father I’d been in bed with his daughter. “Umm, how many pancakes do you want, Mr. Gordon?”

  He presses his lips together, and before he can speak on what happened, Mrs. Gordon walks in, saving me…I hope.

  “Good morning. I hope you were able to get a little bit of sleep, Austin. Tessa was really giving it to you last night.”

  Unbeknownst to her, she just added even thicker tension and some nerve-rattling between me and Tessa’s dad.

  “Well, yeah. I got a few hours after her last trip to the bathroom. How many pancakes would you like? Also, I never got your answer, Mr. Gordon.” I place two cups of joe on the table along with the coffee tray they have next to the machine.

  “We’ll both have one each.”

  I plate up breakfast and set it in front of them.

  “Austin, that’s a lot of food. The only time George cooks like that is when guests are coming in from out of town or he got lucky the night before.”

  Mr. Gordon nearly chokes on his hot beverage, and I create an excuse to leave the room. I know we didn’t do anything but sleep, but her dad is a ruthless, albeit retired, lawyer. I’m not trying to have him questioning me.

  “Uh, I think I’ll go see if Tessa’s up and wants to eat.” I scurry off to her room. I enter her area, and she is sitting on the side of her bed just about to attempt a one-legged hop to the bathroom.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Um, going to go freshen up and grab a yogurt.”

  “Come on, I got you.”

  “Naw, Mister Butterfingers, I’ll manage.”

  “Oh, come on.” I gaze at her in defeat. “It was just a moment of fatigue, that’s all,” I say with my shoulders slouched, silently pleading for her to not hold this over my head.

  She smiles and gestures for me to turn around. Tessa hops onto my back, and we carefully stroll to the bathroom. I sit her on the counter, and she begins to brush her teeth. I figure I’d better tell her
what happened with her dad, so she is prepared.

  “Tessa, um, I let it slip that I slept in the bed with you last night. Your dad didn’t look pleased.”

  “I think you’re panicking for no reason. My dad is okay with you being here and knows we’ve slept together before. He likes to intimidate people. Blame it on the attorney in him. If that freaked you out, you couldn’t be a witness in front of him.” She rinses and washes her face before climbing aboard the A.L. Express, and we rejoin her folks at the table.

  “Morning, Mom and Dad,” Tessa announces.

  She eases into her chair when I crouch, and her dad assists.

  “You look like you’re well-rested,” her mom says.

  “Yeah, Austin is sweet for being here, and I thought it was best if I let him sleep on the futon instead of in the bed with me.”

  “Wow, together for what, five days and already sleeping on the couch,” her mom comically retorts.

  Mr. Gordon laughs, and suddenly I feel I am being too rigid about sleeping in the bed with Tessa.

  “Austin, any plans for today?” Mr. Gordon asks while I place Tessa’s yogurt in front of her along with a few pieces of bacon.

  “I do have an errand or two to run. I thought maybe Tessa would like to go just to get out of the house.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. You would have to wheel me around everywhere, and I’d be an inconvenience.”

  “No, you won’t. Plus, the air would do you some good.”

  “Your mother and I have a few things to go get to help make your room a little cozier, so I think you should go.”

  “Okay. I guess that solves it. Well, let me get my trash bag ensemble together and hop in the shower. Austin, will you help me?”

  I look to her parents to get a read on their faces. It’s not that I don’t want to or am afraid they will say no, I just don’t want to lose their respect.

  “Son, if you think we are stuck in the old days, then you are not the same boy we met across the street nearly eighteen years ago. Hell, you’ve already slept with her, why would we object?” Mr. Gordon says…sternly, might I add.


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