Emerging Temptation: A BWWM Romance Limited Edition Collection

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Emerging Temptation: A BWWM Romance Limited Edition Collection Page 51

by Peyton Banks

  Julian shrugged his shoulders before turning away from Steven. “I’ve been busy,” he grumbled. Not quite ready to share Kori and Morgan with anyone, he held back saying anything further. If he tried to explain what he was feeling inside for the two of them, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to explain it. None of it made sense, but that didn’t stop him from feeling the way he did. They were his. They belonged to him. All he needed was a bit more time to have them to himself before he introduced them to his world.

  “Busy with what? Are you going to tell me what’s going on? This isn’t like you, J. Listen man, I know you had to deal with your own shit after what happened with your ex-girlfriend. I get it. Mom and Dad get it.” Julian scoffed, and Steven smiled in return. “Yeah, I know it’s hard to believe, but you know how they are. They just worry about you.”

  “You’re the cop. They should be worrying about you instead.”

  Shaking his head, Steven nodded. “Yeah, they do that, too. You don’t think I get my fair share of bullshit? Do you know Dad still texts me every day to ask how my shift was, and if I’m okay? You’re not the only one who gets their special brand of parenting.”

  Julian glanced at Steven and nodded. He worried about his brother, as well. Some people in this world would target him simply because he wore a badge every day. Julian had the easy job, and there were days he felt he was in a living hell with some of the shit he saw. Just thinking about what Steven had to deal with every day made his heart clench in fear. If something happened to his brother, Julian wouldn’t be able to recover. The downward spiral he went through a few years ago would feel like a damn vacation. Nothing would prevent him from getting vengeance on the person who dared hurt his brother. He just hoped that day never came.

  “There’s no need for them to worry about me. I keep telling them I’m okay. I’m over that shit, and I’m never going back to that headspace again.” He took a deep swallow of water. Just thinking about what he’d gone through and the things he’d been willing to sacrifice for someone who never would have appreciated what he would have done for her.

  He was tired of questioning his feelings for Kori. It didn’t matter how long they’d known each other or how they met. She was part of his life now; it was all that mattered. Her and Morgan. Of course, he knew it was best to keep himself separated from the patients, those he helped when out on calls. It was a dangerous thing for people in his position, and Julian knew this firsthand. He’d been broken by it, and it had taken him years to come back to himself.

  Julian also knew in his heart that Kori was made for him. The things he felt for her were nothing like that situation before. It didn’t feel like the nervous, scared energy that flowed through him years ago. This time, all he felt was a calmness in his soul. Peace. The need to protect her was his primary thought. His desire to make love to her filled his waking moments and sleepless nights.

  “Okay, if you say so. Just…” Steven paused, giving Julian a serious look, “be careful. If you need me to run interference with Mom and Dad, just let me know.”

  Nodding, Julian accepted what his brother was telling him. His family’s concern for him was fully warranted. They knew it, and so did he. It was just that Julian didn’t want to have that hovering over his head anymore. “Yeah, I will. This—This is different than before.”

  “Okay. If you say so,” Steven repeated.

  “I do say so.” Just then, his phone vibrated with an incoming text. A smile came on his face as he read her message.

  Kori – Hey. Sorry for replying so late. Put my phone away when Janice stopped by.

  Kori – I know it’s short notice, but would you like to come over for lunch?

  It was what Julian had been waiting for all morning. His fingers flew over his phone screen as he responded to her question.

  Julian – Never apologize. Yes, I’d love to come over for lunch. When do you want me there?

  Her reply was almost immediate.

  Kori – As soon as you can get here. I was hoping you’d say yes, so already prepping food. See you soon.

  “What’re you smiling about? Who’re you talking to?” Steven leaned over, trying to get a glimpse of the telephone screen.

  “Nunya. Mind your business, little brother,” he quipped. “Alright, I’m outta here. Something important I gotta go do.” Julian stood from the bench and pulled another bottle of water from his bag. Throwing it at his brother, he zipped the bag before hoisting it over his shoulder.

  “What the hell? You’re leaving the game?” Steven called out to him just as the guys moved back to the court to start again.

  “Yup.” He threw up a two-finger salute. “Talk later?”

  Shaking his head, Steven got up from the bench, a look of confusion on his face as he stared at Julian. “Yeah. Call me tomorrow.”

  Halfway out the door, Julian didn’t respond. He just kept walking, planning how much time it would take him to get across town to Kori’s house.



  Sitting on the couch next to Julian later that night, Kori couldn’t believe they were sitting here together. It was unlike her to make the first move with a guy, but she wasn’t going to miss her chance with Julian. Inviting him to spend the day with her and Morgan had been a stroke of genius, and the day had been almost perfect.

  When he’d arrived earlier, only an hour had passed since he’d texted her that he was on the way. Opening the door to him standing on her porch, her mouth went dry at the sight of him. Whenever he focused all his attention on her, she felt like prey trapped in the line of sight of a natural predator. Not the kind of predator that would do her harm. Oh no. Kori knew she’d enjoy every single moment of being eaten by him. As she’d stared at him, his lips had lifted in that panty-dropping smile she loved so much. His hands clutched a handful of roses, and a bag from the local toy store hung from his thick fingers. Smiling, she knew he’d stopped to grab a gift for Morgan, which he often did.

  “Hey, Beautiful.”

  “Hi, Julian.” Kori stepped back and opened the door wider for him to enter. “You don’t have to keep buying him gifts.”

  Stepping over the threshold, he laughed. “I like to see him smile.” He held out the flowers to her. “These are for you.”

  If she had lighter skin, her face would be flaming red right now. Her hands grabbed onto the bundle. “Thank you, Julian. You didn’t have to bring me flowers.”

  “But I did.” Julian leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

  His touch felt so good. It took everything Kori had to not moan out loud. When he pulled back, she wanted to drop the flowers, grab his shirt, and pull him back in. Her core pulsed with need and desire. It had been years since she desired someone this much. At least, not since Morgan’s father. He’d been the love of her life, and when he died, Morgan was her only reason for continuing to live each day. When he’d touched her, her body would go up in flames. After he was gone, nothing—and no one—had made her feel that way again.

  Until Julian.

  A loud sound came from the television, jarring her out of her silent musings. Her gaze slid to the man relaxing next to her. His feet were propped on the living room table, his hands folded over his flat stomach, and a smile hovered on his lips as he laughed at the scene playing out on the flat screen.

  Kori wasn’t ashamed to admit that her need for Julian grew more each day. A little less than two weeks after that fateful day, Kori craved anything and everything he had to give. She was tired of waiting for him to make a move, especially when she knew it was what they both desired. If he didn’t do something soon, she’d take matters into her own hands. Smiling to herself, she wondered what his reaction would be if she were to climb on his lap and take those beautiful, pink lips in a kiss.

  When he’d left her home last night, she had the urge to call him back and beg him to stay with her for the night. Give them more time together and allow things to go where they should. As he walked out the door, leaving her p
ulsing with need, she’d almost whimpered in pain. Her feet itched to run after him, her arms ached to wrap around his muscular body, and her sex wept with the desire to have him fill her up. But she didn’t. She let him go without saying another word because that’s what he seemed to want, and who was she stop him? Even after everything that happened, she was still worried about appearing desperate or needy for a man. Especially with Morgan in the back room.

  He glanced over at her, his cerulean gaze capturing hers. “You okay?”

  Kori smiled at the realization that he did that often. Checked in with her. Made sure she was okay, that she and Morgan didn’t skip meals, or that she didn’t overexert herself. Even though they hadn’t put a name on what was going on between them, he never failed to do what he felt was needed to take care of them. She nodded in response to his question, “I’m good. Just enjoying the moment.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Yeah. I’m glad you’re here tonight.” She turned her body, positioning it toward him. “I don’t know what it is about you. Having you here with me and Morgan feels right. With everything going on, it’s nice to have you sitting here with me.”

  “There’s no place else I’d rather be. You know that, right?”

  Her eyes went wide at his declaration. No, she didn’t know that until he spoke the words, but she couldn’t help but feel her heart expand at the feelings coursing through her.

  “No. I’d hoped, but—”

  “Sweetheart, there’s no hoping. There are only facts. If you know nothing else, you should know that I’m here because I want to be close to you. You came into my life when I least expected it, and I’m not willing to walk away from what’s happening between us.” He placed his feet down on the floor and reached out to her, “Come here, baby.” Grabbing her waist, he lifted her body and placed her on his lap, her ass settling over his thickening rod.

  “Julian,” she squealed in laughter. “I’m too heavy.”

  He shook his head, “You’re not. Don’t say that shit again. You’re absolutely fucking perfect. Every inch of you was made to fit me just the way I need.” One large hand reached up to trail a finger down her face, his thumb rubbing over her bottom lip. His eyes looked at her with passion and hunger, and Kori wanted to respond, but now that the moment of truth was here, she held back.

  “Why do I want you so bad?”

  His thumb continued to caress her bottom lip, while his other hand bracketed her hip. “Because you know this is meant to be. I know it’s only been a couple of weeks, but I feel like you’ve been part of my life much longer. When I leave you at night, I force my feet to move toward my truck.” His hand moved from her lip and trailed a path down her neck and to her breasts. His fingers rubbed against her nipple, causing the flesh to pebble. “It’s a constant battle to hold myself in check, to not take you beyond where you’re comfortable. Sweetheart, you have no idea how much I want to bend you over and shove my cock inside you. At night, lying in my lonely ass bed, I dream of fucking you, of stroking my hard dick inside your warmth. Do you dream about feeling me inside you, bringing you to pleasure over and over again?”

  Panties soaking wet, Kori’s breath was labored as she felt her body responding to his words. Hips moving and shifting on top of his thick rod, Kori ached to feel his thickness pressing inside her. It had been years since she felt anything close to this, and she wasn’t ready to stop. “Yes. Yes, I dream of you every night.”

  A smile came over his face as he grabbed her around the waist, shifting her body down, so she was lying back on the couch. “That’s what I hoped you would say.” Leaning down, his lips captured hers in a sensuous kiss.

  Kori’s arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer as he placed his large body between her legs. She could feel her channel slicken as her body responded to his touch. As his hips rocked into her, his thick bulge bumped against the swollen nub between her thighs. She whimpered and moaned as her body writhed beneath his. His lips blazed a path from her lips down to her neck.

  “Off,” he demanded, bunching her t-shirt up over her breasts.

  Scrambling to do what he asked, she decided to be bold and removed her bra at the same time. Why try to even pretend that wouldn’t be his next order? As soon as she was exposed to him, he grabbed one breast in his palm.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful.” Dropping his head, he sucked the other breast into his mouth. His tongue laving and flattening against the flesh as he suckled her.

  Kori grabbed his hair, pulling him closer, pushing him away. She didn’t know what she wanted right now, but she was positive that she didn’t want him to stop. Julian’s hand traveled down her stomach, unsnapping her jeans, pushing down her zipper, and dipped into the material. His fingers met her bare flesh, and her legs widened in acquiescence. “Fuck. Julian. Yes,” she pleaded. His fingers brushed over her nether lips, spreading them open before running one finger along her hardened clit. “Feel so good. Don’t stop.” Her voice a mere whisper as she felt overwhelmed by the sensation rolling through her body.

  “That feel good to you, baby? You like my fingers playing with your pretty pussy?”

  Words failed her. All she could do was nod her head as her mouth opened in a silent scream. His fingers teased and played but never entered. Her channel clenched in need as if seeking something that should be inside. It was almost painful to not have him fucking her right now. Then finally, he did it. His fingers moved down, and he dipped one, then two fingers, inside her sex. “Oooohhhhh,” she moaned deep.

  “Oh yeah, that’s the sound I like to hear.” His fingers pumped inside her a few times, getting deeper with each stroke. The sound of wetness could be heard over her moans and low cries. “You’re so wet, sweetheart. I can’t wait to get my dick inside you. Once I slide inside all this warmth, I’m never going to leave.” He fell silent for a moment as he continued plunging inside her. “Fuck. I need to taste you.”

  Kori found her voice after that declaration. “Wait. What? No, Julian. You don’t have to.”

  Glancing up at her, he winked. “Oh, yes. I do.” Lifting his hand, he slowly placed each digit in his mouth, licking her essence from his flesh. “You taste amazing. I can’t wait to drink straight from the tap.” Grabbing her jeans, he removed them from her body and flung them over his shoulder. “Time for Daddy to have his dessert.” Julian placed her legs over his shoulders, situated his body, and dipped his head. He swiped at her slickened pearl with his wet tongue, a moan releasing from his mouth.

  “Oh, Julian,” she whispered into the room.

  He didn’t speak; he just went back to doing what he wanted. Grabbing Kori’s legs, he shifted them back, widening her even further. “Mmmmmm,” he moaned, causing strong vibrations to travel through her body. She wanted to get closer to him but knew that wasn’t possible. His lips were pressed as close to her body as he could get them.

  Kori moaned his name again, the sound echoing in the room, urging him to keep going. He thrust his tongue inside her passage, licking and slurping her juices as they flowed from her body. His tongue moved up, took her swollen clit into his mouth, and slid a finger into her slick channel. The orgasm began to build, causing her body to clench tight as he continued teasing her clit with his tongue. He added another finger, and her moans grew louder. She pushed her hips higher, against his mouth. She could feel the rush of ecstasy coursing through her as her body began to pulse and shake with her release.

  Julian continued driving his fingers inside her as he sucked her flesh inside his mouth. Her mouth opened in a silent scream as her head seemed to explode with fireworks. Tingles traveled along her skin, her toes curled, and her fingers grasped at the air, almost involuntary clenching with every pulse. As she fell over the cliff, the one lingering thought in Kori’s head was that she couldn’t wait to return the favor.




  Kori’s flavor on his tongue is what he imagined the mythical food of the G
ods would taste. He could worship at her Venus mound all day. His cock throbbed in anticipation, but it would be disappointed. Tonight wasn’t for him. Everything he did was for the woman writhing and moaning underneath him.

  Julian wanted more of her. Hell, if she wanted to give it to him, he wanted all of her. As she broke apart from his mouth on her pussy, he could feel her clenching muscles pressing against his tongue as he pushed the wet appendage inside her quivering channel. Grabbing her tight, he held her body tight as her hips lifted higher, her body hurtling toward release.

  Giving her one last lick, he couldn’t help but smile against her flesh. She was better than he dreamed. He placed soft kisses on her mound, traveling up to her stomach, and her breasts, before capturing her mouth with his in a deep kiss. As she wrapped her legs around his waist to pull him closer, Julian knew what she wanted. Hell, he wanted the same thing. To be balls deep inside her body, fucking her into the couch as if their lives depended on it. And in some ways, they did. Grabbing one leg, he hiked it up even higher, his hand rubbing along her soft skin. Damn, he’d never get enough of this woman.

  “Fuck me, Julian.”

  He stopped moving and lifted his head to stare down at her. Although he’d wanted to hear those words from her, it didn’t seem right. Yes, he wanted to fuck her, but it was more than that. Kori deserved more than to be rutted on the couch as if he had no care for her at all. This was the woman he wanted to build something with. She wasn’t a booty call or a fling. Kori was going to be his wife one day, whether she knew it or not. One day, he’d answer her plea and fuck her to within an inch of her life. Today was not that day.

  “Baby, tonight was about making you feel good. I wanted to taste your juices on my tongue. Feel you come apart in my arms.” Brushing some stray hair from her face, he nipped her chin with his teeth. “You’re beautiful when you cum. Did you know that?”


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