Emerging Temptation: A BWWM Romance Limited Edition Collection

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Emerging Temptation: A BWWM Romance Limited Edition Collection Page 80

by Peyton Banks

  Hell, that plan was out the window. She could just hear her mother now. Going off about the sins of having a child out of wedlock. The shame of it. Her mother could be so dramatic. She guessed that is where her sister Onyx got her ability to dramatize every situation.

  Look at her sister’s wedding. Onyx was the only person she knew who could meet the love of her life at her divorce party. A three-month whirlwind romance and then marriage. The best night of Sable’s life even though she wasn’t the one that got married.

  It was the night of the hottest sex she ever experienced in her life. There was something about weddings that upped the sexual tension between two people. And there had definitely been sexual tension between her and Maximilian. It didn’t matter that they had already had a sexual relationship for the three months before the wedding. No, the joy and love in the air had Sable’s libido revving at a high speed. The sight of Max in his tuxedo. The crisp black pants and jacket. The sharp white shirt. The emerald green vest. Sure, the vest was picked to match the groom’s eyes, but the vest brought out the flecks of green in Max’s eyes.

  A tall, muscular man with those bedroom eyes just looking at her. She had no resistance to him. He was so gorgeous. He exuded a level of sexuality that was echoed in her body. Her brain shut down at the sight of him. All her focus was on being naked with him. She closed her eyes and shivered as memories of that night came flooding back.

  Large, strong hands sliding down her body as she laid naked across his bed. The feel of the high thread count sheets against her back, the pressure of his warm muscular body against her front. She was in heaven. She raised up on her elbows and gazed at the top of Max’s head as he licked his way down her body. The moist heat of her skin shivering in the cool air of the apartment. Today, had been an unseasonably warm day, but as the sun had gone down the scent of Fall had perfumed the air. The coolness of it could be felt in the air. Against her skin as Max left a moist trail on her skin from his kisses. Goosebumps appeared everywhere his lips touched her. She became a shivering hot mess of passion.

  She whimpered softly when he reached her ankle. Her knee flexed when he bent her leg up and spread her leg wide. A cool breeze wafted across her pussy as he did the same with her other leg. Embarrassment should have flooded her instead her pussy became wet at being exposed to his gaze. She laid there open to his gaze as he ran his hands up her legs leaning closer and closer to her.

  Her breath hitched in anticipation. Shallow pants escaped her as she waited for the touch that she knew was coming.

  “Ahh fuck,” she moaned as his tongue swept across her slit adding the moisture of his mouth to her pussy.

  “Fuck is right. You are the best thing I have ever tasted.” Sable saw the truth in his brown eyes as she gazed down her body to where his head now rested between her thighs.

  She inhaled swiftly as he began to lick and suck her pussy as if he was a starving man and this was his first meal in months.

  Sable writhe as heat shot through her body from the pleasure of Max’s mouth. Uncontrollable moans escaped her. She threw her head back and cried out.

  “Yes, Maximilian. Fuck yes. Lick my pussy, harder.”

  Max took her words as a challenge and the pressure in her pussy increased. Her hips bucked as he sealed his mouth over her clit and sucked long and hard.

  “My God,” she called out as the orgasm hit her. Her hips bucked hard enough to throw Max off.

  He sat back on his heels with a laugh, her juices glistening around his mouth. Her nipples puckered even harder as she watched his tongue moved sensually out of his mouth and lick her juices from around it.

  “Liked that did you?” he smirked at her as he reached down and grasped the hard, smooth length of his cock.

  She watched as he stroked it back and forth, sweeping the juices that leaked out of the tip of him down along his length. She continued to rest on her elbows and watched. Desire to taste him flooded her mouth.

  “You want this hard cock, don’t you?”

  She nodded, unable to speak as the desire to be filled by him flooded her.

  “Good,” satisfication tinged his words, “I want to give it to you more than anything.” With those words he grasped her underneath her bent knees and pulled her to him until her ass rested firmly on his lap.

  He ran a single finger through the juices soaking her pussy. Sable’s eyes widen as she watched him take his finger and suck the juices from it. He closed his eyes as a moan escaped him.

  “Delicious,” his eyes glowed as they focused on her. He reached down and lifted Sable into a sitting position. Before she realized it, he had her seated firmly on his cock.

  “Fuck a Duck,” she cried out at the feeling of fullness that invaded her body as he went balls deep.

  “Fuck a Duck?” he smirked.

  “What would you say,” she moaned as she swiveled her hips around his cock.

  He moaned even louder as her pussy squeezed him tightly, “Fuck a Duck.” He growled as she moved on his cock.

  He grasped her hips and helped her move up and down on his cock. Before long both of them were moaning in pleasure. Sweat glistened on their skin as the friction of where they met pushed their passion to greater heights.

  “Maximilian,” she shouted as her orgasm overwhelmed her. She heard an echoing shout of her name as Max came, flooding her pussy with his come. He clasped her closely to his chest as their hearts continued their rapid beats.

  “Sable. Sable.” Her eyes snapped open at the sound of Max’s voice.

  “Um yeah.” She gathered up her tablet and looked around at the other people sitting around the table.

  “You’re looking a little pale. Do you need a drink of water?”

  “No…no, I am alright.” She stood up moving towards the smartboard. She worked hard to ignore Max sitting at the table, looking all sexy as she started her presentation. Right now, she needed to concentrate on the plans she had in place for the upcoming snowstorm and areas that the city could improve access in case of an emergency.

  She grew hot at the thought of him. How his body felt pressed against hers in the throes of passion. The thoughts of him were starting to affect her. She grew hot. She paused in her talk, looking up, her gaze meeting Max’s. The room started to spin. She watched as two version of Max stood up from his chair, moving around the table towards her.

  “Sable...Sable,” far off Max called her name.

  She opened her mouth to answer him, but no words came out. She swayed as things started to fade to dark.

  “Max….” She called out as she gave into the darkness.


  Max caught Sable before she hit the floor. He was able to lay her down gently without any harm coming to her as the other council members cried out in surprise.

  “Stand back,” he ordered the members that were crowding around them. “She needs some air.”

  “Should we call an ambulance?” The Mayor’s voice was filled with concern. Max looked at him sharply. The Mayor was a handsome man who was only a few years older than Max. He was single and plenty of women found him to be charming and articulate. Max stamped down the jealousy that threatened to overwhelm him. He focused his concern on Sable.

  Relief flooded him when Sable gave a soft moan and her eyes fluttered open. Feelings he had been denying for months spread throughout his body. It wasn’t simple lust. None of what he was experiencing was simple.




  A loss of control over his life. Nothing pleased him more than to see the brown of hers even though her pupils were dilated and an air of confusion surrounded her.

  “Wh—what happened?” she murmured attempting to sit up.

  “Whoa there, beautiful,” Max gently held her down on the floor not letting her up. “You fainted. I want you to rest here a minute before you attempt to move. How do you feel?”

  “I feel fine.” She attempted to sit up again. This time Max allowed her t
o slowly move into a sitting position.

  He placed a hand on her back while holding onto one of her hands. He used the excuse that she may faint again when she was in a more vertical position to maintain his hold on her. Admitting to himself that he missed touching her skin would be a sign of weakness. He couldn’t give into the soul deep craving for Sable. Or the dull ache in his heart at not being a part of her life. Giving into any of that would be a sign that he made a mistake in agreeing to break things off with her weeks ago.

  When she was in a sitting position. He tenderly brushed several strands of her braids over her shoulder. He was close enough to see that the ends were decorated with hand-blown beads that he had purchased for her when they had attended a Fall Festival together. He thought she would have thrown them away when things ended between them.

  True, they had a good thing going, but it was consuming too much of his time. He was finding himself looking forward to meeting up with her after a hard day’s work. To spending his free time with her over simple things like.

  Making a meal together.

  Going for a walk.

  Doing laundry.

  Cleaning up whichever home they were at.

  He had even thought about taking her to the family dinners that his huge extended Greek family held every Sunday. At that point he knew things were getting too serious for his taste. He could see his days as a carefree bachelor coming to an end if he spent any more time with her. The next date that Max had with Sable he mentioned that maybe they should stop seeing each other all together. He ignored the shock look on her face at his suggestion. He didn’t say anything as her eyes studied him. He just braced himself for the histrionics that women tended to throw when a man decided to end things with them.

  “Are you saying that you want to break up?” she quietly mentioned.

  “Well if that is what you want to call it.” He stood up and paced around her living room. Stopping to look at the crystal vase sitting on her side table. A vase that just a few days ago had been filled with the fresh flowers he had sent her before moving on to study a family portrait hanging on her wall. It was a picture of her parents, her and her five sisters. A family full of girls. He smiled as the memory of some of the antics she told him about that her sisters and her had gotten into.

  “Fine.” He spun around to face her. There was no emotion showing on her face so he didn’t know her true feelings. This blank mask wasn’t what he expected.

  “Fine?” he echoed.

  “Yes fine.” She placed the glass she just took a sip from down on the table and folded her hands in her lap, watching him calmly.

  “That is all you can say?” incredulous didn’t even begin to describe his feelings at how calmly she was taking him breaking up with her.

  A look of confusion crossed her face. “Yes, what is wrong with me saying fine?”

  “Well honestly I expected more of a reaction out of you,”

  Max didn’t know how to take her calmness. It was something he didn’t expect. Nor did he expect the look of amusement on her face at his words.

  “Oh, I get it. You thought I should break out in uncontrollable crying at your words. Wail in denial at you dumping me? Beg you not to leave me?” She giggled as she took a sip of her drink. “Should I fall to my knees and exclaim that you were the best fuck that I ever experienced and that I wouldn’t be able to continue life without your cock being shoved deep inside of me? I couldn’t live without any further invites to ride the cock express?”

  “Well—yeah.” Confused didn’t even begin to describe what he was feeling.

  “I see somebody thinks highly of his cock and himself.” Her eyes ran over his body. “Look sweetie. Your cock is fabulous.” She admitted with a sigh, “But as long as I have Tracy’s dog, I will survive without your man meat.”

  “Tracy’s dog?” He looked at her thoroughly confused now. He had no idea why she was talking about somebody’s dog. He stood there as she left her seat and walked over to the front door. He was shocked at how unemotional she was being. Such a passionate woman in bed, but outside of it she was calm, cool and collected. The only time he seen her this way was while she was performing her duties as the Emergency Management Coordinator.

  He walked out the front door, turning to look at her. She really wasn’t looking heartbroken at them parting ways. She leaned against the door as he stood on the other side of her doorstep.

  “Yeah Tracy’s dog. Woman’s best friend. I would read the reviews on Amazon. They are eye opening.” She closed the door gently in his face. He stood staring at it for a few minutes before turning and walking away. He ignored the feeling that he just left the best thing to happen to him in his life behind.

  He shook his head at the memory. Not his woman. He gave her up. He gave her the power to move on. With someone like the Mayor. He had seen the desire the Mayor hid in his eyes. The Mayor wanted Sable. But Max knew he wouldn’t be able to handle the hot passionate woman that was Sable.

  A feeling of possessiveness overcame Max. The Mayor couldn’t have Sable. She belonged to Max. Sure he was stupid to let her go, but he was quickly learning that he wasn’t ready to let her walk out of his life.


  Embarrassment flooded Sable. She needed to get far away from Maximilian. She couldn’t believe that she had fainted in front of him. What confused her even more was the look of caring in his eyes. It was far different from the look of panic they contained when he dumped her or the bewilderment at her lack of emotional response to the dumping.

  It took every ounce of her self-control not to cry and wail at him in denial that night like he expected. Her heart was broken when Max ended things between them, but her pride demanded that she not give him the satisfication of showing him how badly he hurt her. Pride was the only thing she had left and she was going to hold on to it with both hands.

  Or at least she thought it was the only thing she had left. Her hands unconsciously went to her stomach. Guarding the life that now resided there.

  She raised her gaze to the green flecked brown eyes staring down at her with concern. The last thing she needed was to be drawn back into his world. To experience the heartbreak of losing him for the second time.

  “I’m fine,” she informed the crowd hovering around her. She used Max’s hold to get herself off of the floor. Retaining his grip for a few seconds after she was standing to ensure that she wouldn’t collapse to the floor again. When she was steady on her feet, she dropped his hand. She ignored the tingling in her body that his touch caused.

  “Are you sure? We can have an ambulance here in a few minutes to transport you to the hospital,” the Mayor offered. Sable shook her head in denial. Why couldn’t she have fallen for someone like the Mayor? He was just as handsome as Max. Okay, so he didn’t have the body full of muscles like Max. And being in his presence didn’t make her pussy wet like Max. But he was charming and charismatic like Max. Well, maybe not like Max.

  Max commanded the loyalty of his subordinate. Even men that moved on to a different department spoke of Max’s leadership and how much they grew under his command. That was the first thing she heard when she accepted the position as the Emergency Management Coordinator and she discovered that Max and her already had history. Next time she hooked up with a man at her sister’s wedding she vowed that she would ask a few more questions. Such as, “Is there a possibility that we will be working very closely together in the future?” That simple question could have prevented a lot of heartache in the following months both in her personal life and professional.

  One simple hook up. What was supposed to be a simple hook up turned into a relationship, that led her to her current situation. Max hovering over her, looking panty dropping hot as usual. Her weakness.

  Max had a way of smiling at her that caused the dimples in both of his cheeks to show. His eyes crinkled around the edges, making her heart beat double time. His smooth deep voice affected her whole being.

  She spent the last few
weeks avoiding him. Trying to move on without him in her life, something she discovered was harder to do than she thought. After all, how do you move on from someone you work with intimately on a regular basis? Fainting at his feet is not the way.

  Watch. Now he was going to be expecting her to get all feminine and thank him. Probably waiting on her to bat her eyelashes at him and give him a sickening sweet smile of thanks before falling on his crotch in gratitude. Just the thought of it was enough to make her stomach roll. Oh yeah, he was about to get something sick from her, but she guaranteed that it wasn’t going to be sweet. Breakfast was never sweet the second time around. Especially when it consisted of saltine crackers and water.

  She pulled away from Max and rushed towards the nearest restroom where she lost her breakfast. She came out of the stall to find Max standing near the sink waiting for her with several wet paper towels.

  “Thank you.” She took them from him and wiped her face. She also accepted the glass of water he held out to her. She swished the water around her mouth several times before spitting it out and then wiping her face again.

  She ignored the look of concern on Max’s face. They were no longer in a relationship. He didn’t have the right to ask her questions that her boyfriend or even a lover did. He made it quite clear that they were nothing.

  “You do realize that you are standing in the middle of the Woman’s Restroom. This is not the best place for the Police Liaison Officer to be found.”

  She stared at her reflection in the mirror. She didn’t look as pale as she had before. Some of her color was coming back. Her gaze met Max’s concern one in the mirror. He just shrugged.

  “Your wellbeing is more important than me being somewhere I’m not supposed to be.”

  “I have yet to understand how such a rule breaker moved up so quickly in the ranks of the police department? Especially when you used to be a member of SWAT before you took this position.”


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