Fate's Roar

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Fate's Roar Page 21

by Jalpa Williby

  As some rational thought returned, he stopped her. “Shit, what are we doing?”

  “I don’t care,” Samantha said, bringing her hands back to the task.

  “It’s wrong,” he whispered.

  “It feels right,” she said pulling his boxers off completely.

  It did feel right. It felt so right, it scared the hell out of him. “Are you sure about this? We can stop if you want. No pressure.”

  “Are you crazy? We’re not stopping.”

  When Samantha’s hand wrapped around him, any rational thoughts disappeared. She stroked and teased him. All Shane could do was close his eyes and hang on for as long as he could. He had always prided himself with self-restraint, but with Samantha touching him, he felt like he would explode any second.

  “I can’t. Stop, Sammy.” He grabbed her wrist and brought her hand back up. “I can’t hold out much longer.” Spreading her legs wide with his own, he could tell she was nice and moist for him. As soon as he tried to enter her, he felt the tightness immediately. “It’ll hurt at first, but I’ll make it better. Ready?”

  Samantha nodded in anticipation, wrapping her legs around his hips. His hand played with her breast while the other found her buttocks. Samantha moaned again, and Shane took the opportunity to thrust inside her. She gasped and held her breath while Shane remained still.

  “I’m okay,” she whispered.

  Shane couldn’t move, loving the sensation of being inside her. He had been intimate with so many women, but never like this. It was just physical with them. He’d never experienced anything that went so much beyond the mere physical aspect. He felt connected in every way with Samantha. They were one.

  When he was ready, he slowly began to move his hips. Each thrust brought him more pleasure. Soon, Samantha’s hips began to move to his rhythm. As her breathing became erratic, her moans also increased.

  “Shane,” she whimpered.

  “Let me have it, Sammy. I can’t hold out much longer.” Shane could barely recognize his own voice, his entire being in sync with Samantha. His Sammy.

  She moved her hips faster, arching her back. Shane’s mouth found her breast, and he could tell she was close. His tongue played and when he bit her nipple, she lost all control. As her walls squeezed around him, he moved harder and faster inside her. He wanted to make her his, and the thought of exploding inside her aroused him even further. With one final thrust, he finally let go.

  “Sammy,” he moaned, collapsing on top of her. Unable to move, he was caught up in emotion to a point where his body began to tremble. Too many times, he had dreamed of her…of this. Never did he imagine that his dreams would become a reality—and this reality was so much better than his dreams. His heart was so full of love for her, he thought it would burst. And even if it did, he would be okay with it because he would die a happy man. His eyes filled with tears as he wondered how he was ever going to let her go. She was his, and he was hers. What he wouldn’t do to make her his mate.

  “Shane, are you cold?” Samantha asked, her voice soft.

  Realizing she must have felt him trembling, he blinked away his tears. They were still united, and he was not ready to lose that connection yet. Everything about this was wrong, but at the same time, everything felt so right. They belonged together, and he needed to figure out how to make that happen. Taking a deep breath, he finally forced himself to roll away. While lying next to her, he watched her as she turned toward him. Both were lost in each other’s eyes and preoccupied with their own thoughts, afraid to share them with the other. What was she thinking? Did she regret it? Did he totally mess up their relationship?

  He reached for her and gently brushed her hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear. With his thumb, he caressed her lips that were now swollen from their passionate kisses.

  “Are you okay?” he whispered when he finally found his voice.

  Samantha nodded, and placing her palm on his cheek, she watched him intently. “Are you?”

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked.

  “No,” she replied, clearing her throat. “You were…ummm…well, you were amazing. Thank you.”

  Instantly, Shane tensed up. Why was she thanking him? Was it because he had obliged and satisfied her curiosity?

  “Am I supposed to say you’re welcome?” He rolled off the bed and began to put his pants back on. “Or, should I be thanking you as well?”

  “Why are you getting upset, Shane? I thanked you because it was beautiful. It’s a memory I will always keep with me.”

  Shane’s heart stopped beating. Her words sounded so final. She actually thanked him for giving her a great memory of their lovemaking. He had messed up big this time. His love for her had clouded his judgment. His heart shattered into a thousand pieces, knowing nothing would ever be the same between them again.

  “It’s almost dawn. I have to go,” he mumbled, avoiding looking at her.

  “What is wrong with you? You’re pushing me away,” she accused.

  Shane turned to face her. “I’ve been with a lot of females, Samantha—both humans and gargoyles. And every time I’ve had sex with them, I’ve left them satisfied. It never failed…every single one of them thanked me afterward for the wonderful memory. It never mattered to me because they were using me, just like I was using them. But, when you just thanked me just like the other females, it felt dirty. Somehow, it took what we shared away from us. It made me feel like an experiment, somebody who left you satisfied, somebody who gave you a great memory.”

  “Don’t do this, Shane, please,” Samantha begged, her eyes tearing up.

  Shane wanted to scream. He felt completely lost and helpless. This was not how it was supposed to turn out. What was happening? He couldn’t breathe and knew he needed to get out of there. The pain was too raw and deep.

  “I have to go.” He grabbed his shirt and left the room.


  Sammy was upset. He had to see what was wrong. He had to find her. She was in an alley, and she was crying. “Why are you upset?”

  She wanted him to leave her alone, but he couldn’t. Suddenly, he was kissing her—a kiss so powerful, his entire being shuddered. He knew she would always be his.

  Jared was there, and he was angry. He threatened to hurt Sammy. He suddenly changed into his gargoyle form. Shane had no choice but to shift as well in front of Sammy. He had to protect her from Jared. Shane fought him and chased him away. But Sammy was distressed. Her eyes were full of pain and disappointment. She passed out before Shane could explain, and he carried her to Damien and Kelsey. He promised them he would make sure no harm came to her.

  Camille and her brothers were standing before Shane. They threatened to hurt Sammy. They promised to leave her alone, though, if he made Camille his forever mate. Defeated, Shane took The Oath, and he knew he must let Sammy go. It was the only way to keep her safe.

  Shane was in Sammy’s room. He could see her anger and disappointment. She was upset with him since he’d been lying to her all these years. Shane also told her about taking The Oath to Camille. She told him she was leaving for LA, and she never wanted to see him again.

  He’d become Camille’s puppet. He was miserable with not being able to see Sammy. For six months, he went on without her. She continued to succeed in LA while he continued to exist lifelessly.

  Shane gave in and eventually went to see her in LA. She was singing on stage. His beautiful Sammy. He tracked her down to her apartment later. Unable to help himself, he kissed her again, promising her she would always be his.

  There was no life without Sammy. He was willing to give up everything. He decided to go to The Council. He decided to change into a human permanently. He could no longer pretend. He could no longer be with Camille. His heart would always belong to Sammy.

  Suddenly, Damien was there. He said Sammy was missing. Damien and Shane flew to LA to search for her. Camille’s brothers had taken her.

  Rage exploded inside him. Shane confron
ted Camille and demanded to know where Sammy was. He broke The Oath. Camille’s brothers and he fought. Shane must find Sammy, but Master Roman was there. And everything went black.

  There was pain. A lot of pain. He knew he was in bad shape, but she wouldn’t let him die. She brought him back to life.

  Sammy was stuck in the cave with him. She had been beaten up. She forced him to eat when he resisted. She forced him to sit up even if it hurt. He fought for her. He lived for her.

  Jared and his brothers were behind it all. Jared came down to the cave and hit her. Shane vowed to kill him, but he couldn’t shift to a gargoyle. He was stuck in his human body. Desperate, Shane used last resort and distracted Jared. Shane quickly slit Jared’s throat. Sammy and Shane were on the run.

  Shane confessed his love to her. She asked for happily ever after. He promised her happily ever after.

  Camille found them. Shane tried to fight her, but his human strength was no match against her gargoyle strength. Sammy released her arrow and injured Camille. Sammy then killed her by stabbing her through the heart.

  Damien, Rennik, and the other clan brothers found them to rescue them. There was a fierce battle. Even Shane’s father was there, fighting Master Roman. Rennik tried to save Shane from Jared. Jared was about to snap Rennik’s neck. Shane ran toward them to save his best friend. Jared laughed and before Shane could reach him, he twisted Rennik’s neck. When Rennik fell, Jared raised his knife, watching Shane…taunting him. Shane desperately tried to reach them. But he couldn’t get there in time. He couldn’t save him. Rennik died when Jared pierced his heart. Shane yelled in agony. He tackled Jared to fight him. But Jared cut across his body with his claws.

  There was blood everywhere.

  Rennik was dead.

  “I love you, Sammy, I always have.”

  His best friend died protecting him.

  “We’ll live happily ever after?”

  “Yes, we’ll live happily ever after.”

  Rennik was gone forever…

  Shane sprung up, his heart pounding. All of the memories came flooding back. Rennik was dead, and it was all his fault. Everybody was in hiding because of him. Jared had escaped.

  No, he would find him. He would avenge Rennik’s death.

  With his mind, he called for his father. He knew because they were in such a close proximity, his father would be able to sense it. Even when Shane was a child, his father’s powers were strong enough where he could sense when Shane needed him.

  Seconds later, Master Sebastian answered. “I’m here, son.”

  “Father, I must leave.”

  “You remembered everything.” It wasn’t a question.

  “I must find Jared. I won’t rest until I do.”

  “Jared may have recruited others. I can’t be sure,” his father said.

  “This is my fight. I, alone, must do this. I know you understand why I need to go.”

  His father looked down for several seconds. “I love you, my son. And although I do not want you to go alone, I do understand. What do you want me to tell the others?”

  “You can tell Damien the truth. Make sure he doesn’t come after me. Like I said, this is my fight. I want you to tell the others I simply disappeared. You have no idea where I went.”

  “Is that wise? A lot of people will be hurt, especially Samantha.”

  “She must not know. She’s crazy enough to figure out how to find me. No, I’d rather she believes I decided to just leave. She knows I have a restless soul anyway. She would expect something like this from me. I don’t know what my fate holds. There is a possibility I may not return if Jared defeats me. It will be easier on her if she hates me. The anger toward me will help her move on with her life. Please don’t tell her my memories have returned.”

  Master Sebastian bowed. “As you wish. I will keep everybody safe here until I hear from you.”

  “I will leave now. I don’t want to run into anybody.” Shane grabbed his backpack and headed toward the door since there were no windows at his father’s shelter.

  “Wait, hold on, I need to give you something.” His father exited and returned within minutes. He handed Shane a large dagger in a leather carrier. There were tiny jewels that matched his clan colors on the handle of the knife and on the carrier.

  “This was my father’s. Before him, it belonged to his father. This dagger traces back to some great warriors from our family. We were meant to be warriors, Shane. I have faith in you. I sense the warrior blood in you runs strong. I’m proud of you, son.”

  Shane had waited to hear those words from his father his entire life. In the past, he had always managed to disappoint his father with his actions. He bowed, and holding the dagger against his heart, he said, “I’m honored.”

  “Go to Canada. My senses tell me Jared is near Montreal. Since that is where our main base is located, he is most likely there trying to recruit more of his clan brothers,” Master Sebastian said.

  Shane nodded. “Where are we right now?”

  “Virginia. It shouldn’t take you too long to get to Canada.”

  “I’ll be stopping off in New York. I need to see Rennik’s mate.”

  “I understand,” his father said. “May you find your peace, my son.”


  Shane flew hard, his only thought was to find Jared and make him pay. He reached New York and headed straight to find Aisha, Rennik’s mate. He tracked her down in the outskirts of the city. She was alone in the woods, sitting on a tall tree.

  “I was wondering when you were gonna find me,” she said before he landed next to her.

  “Aisha,” Shane said, but was unable to say anything further.

  Turning toward him, she said, “Thanks for coming to see me.”

  “I’m so sorry, Aisha. I don’t even know what to say.” Shane looked down, unable to see the pain in her eyes.

  “He wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. You know that, right, Shane? He loved you like his own brother.”

  Shane looked away, staring far into the distance. “I know, and that’s why it hurts so bad.”

  “I miss him so much. I’m lucky to have the last few years with him. I’m lucky that he chose me to be his mate.” Aisha quickly wiped away the tears that had slipped out.

  Shane reached for her and pulled her into his arms. “I promise you, Aisha, I won’t rest until I get Jared. I will do that for Rennik, and I will do it for you.”

  Aisha hugged him tighter. “I know you will. Don’t underestimate him, though. If something should happen to you, then Rennik lost his life for no reason.”

  “You were an amazing mate for him, Aisha. I’m glad he found you. I know you completed him,” Shane whispered.

  Aisha cried in Shane’s arms, and he held her close, promising her he would avenge her mate’s death. As both were lost in their own pain, they tried to draw comfort from the other while mourning somebody they loved.

  He flew into Canada the next night, making sure Aisha didn’t tell anybody that he was pursuing Jared. The last thing he needed was for Jared to be forewarned. Shane needed to use the element of surprise.

  During his flight, his thoughts drifted. He couldn’t help but wonder what Samantha thought about him. He was a complete ass to her after they had made love. Truth was, he was terrified. He knew their relationship would change. He couldn’t bear the thought of letting her go. And he certainly didn’t want her to see their lovemaking as a casual act. But he was cruel to her afterward. And as usual, Shane was incapable of looking within himself to understand his feelings. Because he couldn’t understand why he felt the way he did, he took it out on her and pushed her away.

  He sighed, shaking his head. Right now, he had to focus on his mission. Thoughts of Samantha would distract him, so he tucked them away in the back of his mind.

  Following his scent, Shane was able to track Jared down at a club. He knew Jared liked to party, so he wasn’t surprised that he was in there. Knowing Jared was in his human f
orm, Shane shifted and put on the clothes he had brought in his backpack. Tucking the dagger his father had given him under his shirt, he used his powers to convince the security guards at the front door to let him in.

  As soon as he entered, Shane knew immediately it was a gay club. Somehow, he wasn’t too surprised to find Jared there. Now, he needed to figure out how to get to Jared without being detected.

  Shane saw him instantly across the room. Jared should have been able to notice Shane’s scent, but he was preoccupied with another human male. Jared had the guy against the wall, and both were tangled in some sort of make out session. Satisfied that he had found him, Shane quietly slipped back out. He needed to get Jared alone somewhere, so he could finally finish this off once and for all.

  An hour later, Jared left the club, but he ended up going home with the same human male Shane had seen with him. It took everything out of him not to charge at Jared right then and there. Instead, Shane kept a safe distance, making sure Jared didn’t pick up his scent. It was imperative Shane maintained his patience.

  By the time Jared left the human male’s apartment, it was already past four in the morning. Shane knew there wasn’t much time left in the night. When he saw Jared going straight back to the main headquarters, there was nothing more Shane could do that night.

  Heading to the woods, Shane quickly hunted. He wanted to make sure he kept his strength up when he finally faced Jared. He found a secluded place before the sun rose.

  As soon as he was awake the next night, Shane flew toward the headquarters. He kept a safe distance because he didn’t want any of the gargoyles to know he was there. When he was finally able to pick up Jared’s scent, he followed it until he could visually see him.

  Jared was flying miles ahead of him, and it looked like he was heading out of the city. Shane continued to track him, his senses on high alert. Jared was going into a rural area and into the deep woods.


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