The Cowboy Way

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The Cowboy Way Page 2

by Stevens, Melissa

  He finished unloading the suitcases, told Billy Patton, one of the hands, which cabin each went to, and then parked the truck. He was on his way into the dining hall when Ms. Stein stepped out. He glanced behind her to see if any of the others were with her, but she seemed alone.

  "I'd like to see my room now, if you don't mind." Her voice was sweet and polite.

  He'd noticed it earlier, but hadn't had time to think about it, his mind had been going a million miles a minute with ways to keep his passengers entertained over the drive.

  "No problem. I just sent your luggage over." He glanced to where he'd lined it up to find her unique purple plaid bags gone along with a couple others. "It looks like it's on its way and should be there when we get there. This way." He led her down the path to where several small cabins had been built along one side of a pasture. They were set back in the trees so they weren't immediately noticeable and each one had a little bit of privacy, but not so far back that each wouldn't look out over the grassy pasture.

  The cabins had been an expense he hadn't wanted to pay but he knew it was better. This way each guest would have their own space, their own safe space to retreat, and they wouldn't be underfoot in the main house. He had considered giving guests rooms in the family home, lord knew there was enough space, but then they would have no private time and neither would he. He didn't know if he would survive without his own space to retreat to when he could.

  "Watch your step," he said as they stepped off the gravel and onto the narrow path that led to the cabins. The path was a little uneven, but probably easier than the gravel in her shoes.

  "I put you in the first cabin. They're all pretty much the same, just decorated a little different. There's also a phone in the cabin and a list of extensions next to it should you need anything." He stepped up on the narrow front porch and opened the door, stepping aside to let her in first. "I hope you find everything up to par and please don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything." He took a deep breath. "Dinner is at six and we've got nothing planned until then, though the dining hall is open for refreshments and drinks all day, until nine."

  "Is there a key?" She turned at watched him with wide eyes.

  "Oh, yes. On the dresser. Each cabin has a dead-bolt as well as a flip lock." He reached around and flipped the bar that was more effective than a chain, then flipped it back. "Though the only things you have to worry about out here are the occasional deer or wolf."

  Her eyes seemed to widen even farther. "Wolves? You have wolves?"

  "Yes, ma'am. Though they don't come too close to the buildings often, only if someone's left food out."

  "I'll be sure not to do that." She turned slowly, as if taking in the room then went to the dresser and picked up the key. "Thank you."

  "No problem. Just let me know if you need anything else."

  "I will."

  Levi pulled the door closed behind him and went back up to the dining hall to see if the others were ready for their rooms, wondering again how she'd come to be grouped with four older men. Was she one of the men’s daughter? Or maybe a lover? He shook his head and pushed the thought away. It was none of his business either way.

  Chapter 6

  Mariah heard the door close behind her and a wave of relief washed over her. She immediately collapsed onto the bed, kicking her shoes off and lifting her injured ankle up onto the bedspread. The short walk from the dining hall had her foot throbbing all the way to her knee. She'd hoped after resting it while she ate, it would be better but from the nearly overwhelming amount of pain she felt now, it was a worse injury than she'd feared.

  A quick check of the clock told her she had a couple hours until dinner. At very least she needed to change clothes, but after traveling all day a hot shower would be nice. Swinging her feet off the edge of the bed sent another bolt of pain up her right leg and she decided in that moment that as nice as a shower would be, a hot bath would be even better.

  Losing the heels helped. Her ankle still throbbed, but not as badly, and walking on it wasn't quite as difficult without her shoes. Hopefully after a nice bath, and if she stayed off it for a couple hours, then it wouldn't be anything to worry about. She went into the attached bathroom, the only separate room in what looked like a studio cabin. The place looked much like a hotel room, bed, desk, chair, and bathroom, only stand alone. Once she had water running, and had adjusted the temperature, she sat on the closed lid of the commode, waiting for the tub to fill and wishing she had some kind of bubble bath or bath salts to add to the water.

  Looking around the room, she found small artesian soaps and shampoos lined up next to the sink, a small cellophane bag leaning up next to the mirror beside them. A closer look revealed the bag to be from the same company as the soaps but it was bath salts.

  Mariah opened the bag and took a careful sniff, then leaned back just in case it was too strong. It wasn't though. The contents, which looked to be sea salt, were lightly scented with lavender and mint. Perfect. She dumped the entire bag into the flowing water and soon the room was filled with lavender and mint scented steam.

  Careful to keep weight off her injured ankle, she stripped out of her suit, hose and underwear, hanging the suit neatly on the bathroom door so it might not need to be cleaned yet, then sank into the steaming water. She couldn't help the deep sigh that escaped as she tilted her head back against the wall and let her eyes drift shut.

  Maybe this place wasn't so bad after all?

  Chapter 7

  Levi checked with Lewis for the fifth time since he'd gotten back from picking up the clients, making sure dinner would be served on time and nothing would go wrong. He'd checked the dining room to make certain everything was in place there and already talked to his hands, Tyler and Billy about making sure the horses were ready on time the next morning and double checking that they'd laid out the bonfire for after dinner tonight.

  He had no doubt this would get easier as he got more used to the routine, the steps of hosting guests at the ranch, but this was the first time and he was nervous as hell. He'd just stepped in the kitchen door when Lewis's voice caught his attention.

  "Git, just you git!"

  Levi looked up to see Lewis waving a long handled wooden spoon in his direction. "What's up?"

  "You're what's up. You comin' in and out is drivin' me nuts and distractin' me from getting dinner on the table. Unless you want burnt biscuits or lumpy gravy you just git out of my kitchen and let me be."

  "All right, all right." Levi held his hands up in front of his body in surrender as he slowly backed out of the room. A quick check of his watch let him know it was five thirty, so he headed into the small room to one side of the entry of the dining hall and opened the double doors. Inside was the bar. In his research he'd found that some people expect drinks before dinner, so he'd added the bar to his plans, and stocked it well. He'd even gone so far as to learn to make the most common drinks and stocked an iPad behind the bar, hooked to the wi-fi so he could look up the recipe to anything ordered. Now, he looked around the room and felt a surge of pride. He loved the way the bar had turned out. Dark colors, stained wood and leather. It was a masculine room that, unlike some of the softer colors in the cabins, fit right in with the X-bar-Z that he'd grown up with.

  He needed to stop stressing about how things were going and making sure everything was perfect because not only was he making himself crazy, but his help as well, that would lead to nothing good. Stepping behind the bar he added a scoop of ice to a low ball glass, then a couple fingers of Jack Daniels American Honey. He took a sip, rolled it around on his tongue then swallowed. Letting the slightly sweet, honey tinged flavor flow down his throat soothing the slight burn of the whiskey.

  Not seeing a reason to stay behind the bar when he was the only one there, he made his way to one of the overstuffed chairs and had a seat. He'd been there several minutes, one foot propped up on the ottoman as he sipped the drink in his hand, before anyone else arrived.

good. I'm glad to see you have a bar," Chandler Sheppard said as he stepped into the room, his eyes scanning the place before coming back to Levi.

  "I'd be happy to get you anything you'd like, Mr. Sheppard." Levi pushed himself to his feet.

  "Chandler, please."

  "All right. Call me Levi."

  "What is that you're drinking?"

  Levi told him.

  "I'll have one of those. I've not tried the American Honey yet."

  "All right." Levi made his way back behind the bar and as he was handing Chandler his drink the other three men came in chuckling as they talked amongst themselves. "What can I get you, gentlemen?"

  They each placed a drink order and before Levi could get them all made and served, Mariah came in. He glanced up, taking her in with a glance. Her face was flushed and he wondered if her ankle was still bothering her. She'd changed clothes and now wore a loose blouse that was nearly see-through, jeans covered with sparkling stones and painted on, over a pair of boots that looked more at home on a dance floor in Nashville than on a ranch in Wyoming, but it was a big step up from the business suit and heels.

  He asked what she wanted and added that to the drinks he was making. He had them all served with a few minutes to spare and took his glass of whiskey to check and make sure Lewis didn't need any help getting dinner on the table while his guests chatted and visited among themselves.

  Chapter 8

  "Here, let me help you with that." Mariah was surprised to find Mr. Sheppard pulling out her chair as they sat down to dinner. As his assistant she'd shared many meals with him, granted they were working meals, but he'd never shown anything more than professional courtesy, certainly not courtly manners like this.

  "Thank you." She flashed him a smile and sat down, he eased her chair in, and then sat beside her, the others seating themselves on the other side of the table.

  They were all together at one end of the table, Levi, their host at the head of the table, the food laid out in front of them looked and smelled delicious. Mariah's stomach rumbled as if asking what was taking so long.

  "I hope you enjoy tonight's dinner. Help yourself to as much as you'd like, there's plenty. The beef was raised here on the ranch and nearly everything else was locally sourced," Levi said as they started helping themselves to portions of steak, mashed potatoes, a couple green vegetable dishes she couldn't see well yet and a salad. "After dinner, if you're all not too tired, we have a bonfire planned. S'mores makings will be available if you're so inclined. I'll try not to keep you up too late, as we've got a trail ride on the schedule for tomorrow and you'll want to be well rested for that."

  "Sounds great," Mr. Sheppard said.

  "I can't wait," Jeremy sounded excited.

  "I'm not sure I should go," Conner spoke up. "I've never been on a horse before."

  "I've never even seen one in person," Howard said.

  Mariah kept her mouth shut. The last thing she was going to do was admit she hadn't ever seen one up close either.

  "No worries. We've got gentle horses just for people who've never ridden before. You'll be fine."

  Mariah wasn't so sure but she wasn't going to rock the boat. She still didn't know why she'd been brought along and she wasn't going to give Mr. Sheppard a reason to fire her if she could help it. No. She'd suck it up and do whatever was asked, as long as it was within reason.

  * * *

  She'd been wrong. This place wasn't just as bad as she'd feared. It was worse. Mariah had spent the last three and a half hours on the back of an animal who was determined to do anything but what Mariah wanted.

  Oh, at first the beast had been sweet, nuzzling against her hand to be petted and taking bits of carrot and apple from her hand. Then the ranch hand, Tyler she thought his name was, warned her the horse wasn’t as sweet as she seemed but she was the best one they had for novices. Mariah wasn't sure the kid looked barely old enough to drive and Mariah had been sure he should have been in school instead of wrangling demon beasts but she'd not said anything.

  Mariah had listened to the directions about how to control the animal. She'd asked her name and everything. Rosebud. Ha. As if the beast she was now trapped on top of was sweet, dainty or smelled even remotely sweet. She'd been charmed at first and game for pretty much anything. Now, her butt hurt, her back hurt, her legs hurt. Hell it would be easier to list parts that didn't hurt than the ones that did. She wanted nothing more than to get off this beast and never have to get back on.

  The only bright spot to the morning had been some amazing views and some great pictures she'd snapped with her phone. She'd wanted to send Lizette some selfies, but there hadn't been a signal. She'd have to try again after lunch. Which Levi promised would be served as soon as they got back to the dining hall, and by her estimation, they were maybe half an hour away.

  She still hadn't figured out why she was along on this trip. She didn't fit in with the people Mr. Sheppard, Chandler he insisted she call him, at least for the trip, had chosen to come along, not any way she could figure it.

  They were all company executives and she was just Mr. Sheppard's assistant. They were all of a similar age, more than fifteen years older than her. She didn't share any interests with them as far as she knew, aside from being employed by Sheppard Entertainment that was.

  Rosebud came to a stop and Mariah looked around, realizing she'd been so lost in her thoughts she'd not realized they'd arrived back to the barn they'd left from that morning.

  "Here, let me help you down," a hand said.

  She glanced around and found everyone dismounting, so she tried to do the same, just swing her leg over and step down, pretty much the reverse of how she'd gotten up, only instead of the hand giving her a boost up, she assumed he would keep her from falling that last few inches. Only that didn't happen. Her legs froze, her muscles screaming and wouldn't let her swing her leg back over the horse's rump.

  "Um. I'm having some difficulties here."

  "It's okay," the hand, not the kid from this morning, but a different one, this one a little older than the last. "It happens sometimes when you're not used to riding." He slipped her boot from the stirrup then went around the horse and did the same to her other foot. "Can you lift this leg up in front of you and slide it over? Be careful to stay in the saddle but turn so you're facing the other side."

  She tried what he said, picking up her right leg and bringing it across the saddle in front of her. It took several tries and she finally had to bend forward, grab a handful of the leg of her jeans and pull her foot up on top of the saddle. That accomplished, she sat for a moment trying not to cry out as every muscle in her lower body screamed at her. The hand, Billy she thought his name was, had come back around the other side of the horse and was waiting for her. With a deep breath she lifted her calf over the horn on the saddle and twisted around until she was sitting facing Billy.

  "Now what?" she looked down at him, sure she was going to fall off the horse and break at least one leg, if not both. She never should have agreed to come on this trip, much less get on a horse for hours.

  "Now just slide off, I'll catch you," Billy said.

  She didn't know about that. She didn't know if he could be trusted. On the other hand what choice did she have? She was stuck up there and it looked like he was her only way down. Hell, if he missed at least he was standing close enough she'd likely land on him, breaking her fall.

  "All right. Here I come." She leaned forward and her butt slid on the leather of the saddle, slowly at first then faster. The next thing she knew she was falling faster than she knew how to stop and biting her lip to keep from crying out in fear. She managed not to scream as she fell, but couldn't stop the squeak of surprise when Billy's hands clamped around her waist and slowed her to a stop just as her feet touched the ground. He started to release her, but her legs wouldn't support her. A whimper escaped as she reached for him to keep from falling. She hated that sound of weakness, but hadn't been able to stop it.

What's wrong?" Levi stepped close.

  "She was having trouble dismounting, so I helped. I caught her as she slid off, but it seems her legs don't want to support her," Billy said, his hands still on her waist keeping her upright.

  "This happens sometimes with people not used to riding. Give it a minute and you'll be all right." Levi's gaze was on her face as he spoke. "But you'll want to soak in some hot water, with Epsom salts this afternoon, it will help with the soreness."

  "I don't want to miss whatever's planned." She didn't really care what was planned, only that Mr. Sheppard thought she did. What she wanted more than anything was to sit with her bottom half soaking in a bubbling hot tub for the next six months, she was sure it would take that long for it to stop hurting.

  "There's nothing big planned. I scheduled a slow afternoon to give people a chance to recover from the ride. There will be another bonfire after dinner though. I've got a friend of mine coming to tell stories by the fire. You won't want to miss that."

  "Sure." She knew she didn't sound as enthused as she should, but she didn't know if she could stir that much enthusiasm about sitting around another smoky fire watching the guys eat sugar they'd charred over the flames.

  "Can you stand yet?" Levi asked.

  "I don't know." It wasn't until Billy took a step back that she realized he'd been slowly loosening his grip, making sure she could stand on her own, before he'd released her. "Well, I guess I can."

  "Do you need help to get to lunch? Or would you rather skip lunch and go back to your cabin?"

  "I can make it, just give me a minute." She clenched her teeth and started for the dining hall. It was slow going at first as her knee and hip joints seemed to have frozen straight, and every step sent fire through her injured ankle, but after a few steps her knees and hips seemed to be moving better and she picked up her pace.


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