The Cowboy Way

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The Cowboy Way Page 13

by Stevens, Melissa

  "Harmony suggested those. She carries them in her shop too. She carries a lot of things that are locally made."

  "Like what?"

  The conversation was drifting, but they'd have time to talk about what changes would be good and what wouldn't as she became more familiar with the ranch and the way it operated. It didn't all have to be done tonight. Tonight she was more interested in spending time with Levi and getting to know more about him and why he did things.

  "Earrings, a few things some local artists have made, I'm not sure what all really, only that she's the one who pushed for me to use local. Said it was a big selling point. It would help bring in business as well as help support the community."

  "She's right. There's a big push, especially by the younger generation to support your local community and buy local, the other half of that is the group that is about going green and cutting your carbon foot print. I'm not sure how much of that group you'll get, but it doesn't hurt to advertise to both, especially since you're catering to their desires, even if not because they're who you're trying to attract. You might get some of them for the animals or you might not, you never know."

  "Okay." He looked confused and she didn't want tonight to be focused around work so she fell quiet for a few minutes, focusing on her food and letting him do the same.

  Her plate was almost empty when she pushed it away. "How about we go find something to watch?"

  "Sure. Why don't you go find something while I clean up the kitchen?"

  "I can help clean up."

  "I can handle it. It won't take me but a few minutes. I'd rather you go put your feet up. I'll be right there."

  She sighed, not thrilled that he wouldn't let her help but went anyway.

  Chapter 33

  Time with Mariah seemed to fly. She picked up small nuances of both ranch business and the guest services he was trying to get off the ground quickly and even joined him at the meals while their guests were there. She was magic with the guests, seeming to know before they could ask what they wanted or what would make them even happier with their stay.

  Before Levi realized it, the ranch guests were leaving and he and Mariah were loading up into his pick-up to make the drive to Los Angeles. He crossed his fingers and hoped the trip would go smoothly, as he knew from experience that being trapped in a small space with someone for hours on end made tempers flare. He'd heard of more than a few relationships that had ended with on a long drive. So far, his time with Mariah had seemed like a dream and he wasn't ready for that to end.

  * * *

  They were both exhausted and in desperate need of a shower by the time they pulled into the small visitor's lot at Mariah's apartment complex at midafternoon on the second day after leaving the ranch.

  "Sorry, we only have one allotted space per apartment and my Miata's in it."

  "No problem. I can park here while we get things ready then move close to load."

  "Thanks again."

  Levi shot her an unhappy look. She knew he was tired of hearing her say thank you, but she kept doing it.

  "Let's just get our things and go inside. I'm dying for a hot shower."

  "I'll let you go first while I look around and decide what I want to take and what I can get rid of. That will give me an idea of how many boxes we'll need."

  "Sounds good." He reached behind the seat and grabbed the small duffel that had his things then climbed out and pulled Mariah's bag from the same area.

  "I can take that."

  Levi didn't bother to answer. She kept telling him she could carry something, he never let her but she kept trying. Eventually she'd catch on that he wasn't carrying her things because he didn't think she could, but because where he came from women didn't lift and tote unless there wasn't a guy around. It was a sign of respect. One that had been drummed into him, literally, by his father and grandfather.

  He followed her to her apartment and waited while she unlocked the door. She stepped inside and groaned.

  "Sorry about the mess. I'd forgotten how bad it was. I was running late the day we left." She went to the fridge, pulled out a pair of Pepsi cans. "Want one?"

  "Sure." Levi took the soda, popped the top and took a drink while he took in the room. There was a bit of clutter scattered about, but he'd seen much, much worse in the dorms when he'd been in college, not that dorm rooms were much smaller.

  "Here, let me show you the shower. I'll work on picking this place up once you're in."

  She squeezed past him in the small kitchen and led him to the bathroom that wasn't much smaller. How did someone live in such a tiny space without going completely insane? He wasn't sure which was worse, the tiny personal space or having so many people living, working and existing right on top of each other. How did you ever get a chance to go out, look at the stars or the pasture and get your head on straight when you never had more than a moment alone.

  "Here's a clean towel, take your time, I'll be here when you're done." She opened the bathroom door and set the towel on the counter and stepped out of the way to let him past. He stepped into the bathroom, closed the door and glanced around. The bathroom like the rest of the apartment was tiny, leaving him barely enough room to set down his duffel. He shook his head and peeled out of his two day old clothes. He couldn't wait to wash off the grime of the road, maybe it would help him feel better about the teeny box Mariah had been living in. He didn't know how she'd survived it, he would have gone crazy very quickly.

  Chapter 34

  Mariah couldn't believe the mess she'd left her apartment in or that she'd forgotten how bad it was and Levi had seen it when they'd arrived. She shook her head, thankful that she was obsessive about keeping the small bathroom neat and she could let him shower while she picked up the worst of the mess.

  She picked up a couple magazines and several catalogs and dropped them in the trash. No point in moving it when she'd end up throwing it away in a couple days anyway. He would only be in there for fifteen minutes or so, twenty tops if he took his time and got dressed too. She didn't have a lot of time to make this place presentable so she did as much as she could as quickly as she could, tossing as much as she put away. Tossing things she knew she didn't want to move made cleaning up so much easier and faster than she'd thought possible.

  By the time the bathroom door opened and Levi emerged wearing fresh jeans and t-shirt she had the apartment at least presentable and she'd spotted some things she could get rid of and a few she wanted to take back to Wyoming.

  "Feel better?" she asked as he padded barefoot into the living room.

  "Much." He stretched his arms over his head, rolling his shoulders back and she was reminded how difficult it had been being stuck in the car for hours on end. But they'd made it. They were here and now she glanced around the room, they had their work cut out for them and a limited amount of time to get it done.

  "What do we want to do first?"

  "First it's your turn in the shower, then I'd like to get something to eat."

  "Are you telling me I smell?" She shot him a teasing smile.

  "I would never do that. But I feel so much better now that I'm clean, I want you to feel better too." He took a deep breath. "You'll be more open to getting back in the truck and finding somewhere to eat once you've showered and changed."

  He was right.

  "All right. Give me a few minutes." She retrieved clean clothes from the dresser in one corner and hustled into the bathroom.

  Twenty minutes later she joined him in the main room.

  "You were right. I do feel better. Almost better enough to get started tonight."

  Levi gave her apartment a scan, his gaze landing on her bed, then the kitchen then back to her. "Is this your entire apartment?"

  She nodded. "Yep. It's small but it's home."

  Levi shook his head. "The cabins at the ranch are bigger and they're only meant for a few days stay. This place isn't big enough for a week, much less to live in full time."

  She scanned
the place, realizing she'd gotten used to living on the X-bar-Z. She couldn't think of single room, with the exception of bathrooms and closets that weren't larger than the apartment she'd spent the last three years in. It was all she could afford here, and that just barely. She'd thought it was part of paying her dues to get to the job, the career she'd really wanted. Now she knew she'd been fooling herself but she wasn't going to justify herself. He didn't need her to and she didn't need to, not to anyone.

  "It was home," she said with a shrug. "But not anymore. I've found somewhere better to be, with people who don't forget me as soon as I'm out of sight." It was true. Harmony had been texting her and sending her pictures of Little Levi for the last week, and they hadn't slowed when she and Levi had left Hawthorne, if anything they'd gotten more frequent.

  Mariah had made a few other friends as well, including Stephie and Lila who both worked in different positions for Levi and the ranch. They'd all been chattering away at each other, keeping Mariah busy while Levi drove and keeping her wondering what they were talking about when it was her turn behind the wheel.

  "But it doesn't matter now. We're here to get my things and take them back to Wyoming. I'll have plenty of room, both in the house and out."

  He turned and watched her a moment, as if he wasn't sure whether or not to believe her.

  "What do we want for dinner?" He stepped close and lowered his head to drop a soft kiss on her lips. "I'm starved. I put off eating until I could shower and feel a little better. Now that's done I think my belly button's about to rub a blister on my backbone."

  Mariah laughed. "What do you want? Diner? Chinese? Thai? Mexican?"

  "Mexican sounds good."

  "You want American Mexican food or the real thing?"

  Levi shot her a frown. "The real thing."

  "Come on. We better take my car, it'll be easier to maneuver in traffic." She grabbed her purse with her keys inside on her way out the door, locked up behind them then led him down to where her car was parked. She went to the driver's door, only noticing once she was standing in the open doorway that Levi had stopped several steps away. "What?"

  "I'm not sure I'll fit in that thing." He watched her a second before letting a grin spread across his face, it wasn't until that moment that she realized he was teasing.

  "Very funny. If you don't fit I'll just shove you in, like a sardine."

  Levi chuckled, went to the passenger’s door and folded himself into the car. Mariah sat in her own seat and glanced over at him. He didn't look comfortable. She leaned forward and triggered the lever under the seat to make it slide back, giving him a little more leg room.

  "Sorry. I know it's not comfortable, but the restaurant's not very far away. It will be easier to find parking for this than your pickup."

  "It's not ideal, but I'll survive." He shifted in order to get a little more comfortable, while Mariah put on her seatbelt, started the car and backed out of the space. She tried to come up with something they hadn't already talked about, but was coming up empty.

  "How many boxes do you think we'll need and do you think we can get them in here?" Levi twisted in his seat to look at how much space was in the rear.

  "A dozen should do it." She maneuvered the heavy dinner time traffic with practiced ease. "I don't need to keep any of the furniture, it was all cheap and second hand anyway. I much prefer what's in Wyoming. I do want to take my clothes, some paperwork and a few odds and ends of stuff.”

  "Are you sure? We can take more with us if you like. I can pack a lot into the back of the truck, then we can fill this thing with boxes. I planned to rent a car dolly and tow it back. That way we can take turns driving like we did on the way here and make the trip a little easier. Though, depending on how long it takes us here, we might not have to be in so much of a hurry on the way home.”

  She couldn't help the small smile that spread across her face at his words.

  "What?" He watched her with an intrigued look.

  "Home. I like that." She glanced over and found him smiling.

  "I'm glad you do. I'm hoping you'll stay for a very long time."

  "I'm getting there."

  Chapter 35

  Four days after they'd arrived in LA, Levi was glad to see the last of it in his rear-view mirror. It had been a hectic four days as they rushed around to get everything taken care of, but Mariah was confident she'd done it all. She wouldn't have to come back if she didn't want to.

  The drive home would take longer than the trip out, not just because they had more time, though that would help, but he didn't like to go as fast when towing. He didn't want to take the risk, not with Mariah with him. He glanced across the seat where she seemed engrossed in her phone.

  "What you doing?"

  She looked up then back down at her phone for a second before flashing him a smile.

  "I was checking my email."

  "Anything interesting?" He was tired of the quiet and didn't feel like listening to the radio. He'd rather talk to the beautiful woman he was still surprised wanted him.

  "A letter from Sheppard Entertainment."

  "Oh? What does it say?"

  "Not much, it's pretty much a form letter. They regret my decision to leave, but if I'd ever like to come back, my employment record is in good standing." She took a deep breath and looked up at him. "Not a peep about anything that happened at the ranch. I wonder if Sheppard even knows I've left or if they've told anyone why they returned early."

  "Does it matter?"

  "I'd like to know he'll never do it to anyone else."

  "That's why you're pressing charges. It will go to trial. You might make a point to notify the company and the press when it's time for the trial. If you want to make sure he doesn't do it again, it might need to be a big media thing." He took a deep breath and let it out. He didn't want that for her, but if it was what she wanted, to make sure the asshole who'd tried to hurt her couldn't hurt someone else later, then he'd stand by her and be whatever support she needed. "They may try to turn it on you, but we have facts and witnesses on our side. Doc Landers treated you, not just for the ankle but where he'd hit you too. My staff was there for everything. This is not a he said, she said situation."

  Mariah sighed, stared out the passenger window for a few seconds then looked back at him. "Thank you for that. We've got a little while before the trial, I'll figure out how I want to handle this before then."

  "Think about it. That's all I'm saying."

  "I will." She unbuckled her seatbelt, slid into the empty middle seat and buckled in there. He lifted an arm and wrapped it around her, keeping his eyes on the road. "Thank you again." She sighed with contentment as her head tilted back against his shoulder and her eyes drifted shut. Moments later her breathing had evened out telling him she'd fallen asleep.

  He glanced down at the dark lashes feathered across her cheeks and a swell of emotion came over him. He couldn't dismiss it. He loved that she felt safe enough to sleep beside him, especially after what she'd been through. He loved that she'd agreed to move into his house and take over the bookkeeping for the ranch, meaning he didn't have to anymore. It was one job he particularly hated. It had taken a bit, but he'd also realized he loved her. Her sweet voice, the way she stood up to him when she didn't agree. He loved everything about her. Now he just had to figure out how to get her to love him back. He wanted her to not only move into the house, but into his bedroom. He was even considering how to convince her to marry him, but was it too soon?

  Chapter 36

  Exhausted relief ran through Mariah as Levi pulled the pickup into the parking lot of a mom and pop motel in the middle of nowhere Utah. They'd been on the road longer than she cared to think about and she wanted nothing more than a shower and a soft bed.

  "I'll go in and get us a room, you can stay here." Levi pulled the truck to a stop to one side of the entrance so the truck and trailer wouldn't block it for anyone else.

  "All right." She sank back in the seat and enjoyed a
moment of not having the constant vibration of the truck running. She could sleep in the truck, but that constant movement kept her from sleeping well.

  It seemed like only a couple minutes had passed before Levi's door opened again and he climbed back up in the cab.

  "We've got a room. It's on the back side where we can park this out of the way."

  "Sounds good to me." She didn't bother moving, or even opening her eyes. He would get her where they needed to be and tell her when it was time to get out and go in.

  The truck started beneath her and a few minutes later it eased to a stop again.

  "What do you need for the night?"

  "Just my suitcase, the one I brought from the ranch." She was still half reclined in the seat with her eyes closed. She was ready to get back to the ranch where she could rest and spend time with her friends and Levi. His door opened and she heard rustling as he pulled their bags from behind the seat.

  "Come on, darlin', this isn't getting us to bed any faster."

  With a sigh, she sat up and scooted across the seat to where he waited for her. "I don't know why I'm so tired. I've just sat here all day while you drove."

  "You're walking away from a big part of your life. Heading for something totally different. It's a big change and you're allowed to be tired." He helped her down from the high seat of the pickup. "Besides, we've done a lot of work over the last few days, getting all your furniture moved out, the stuff you wanted to keep packed and cleaning out your apartment. That's on top of all the small things like changing your address. I'm not surprised you're exhausted."

  "You don't seem to be." She shot him a critical look.

  "I'm more used to physical labor than you are. I spend most of every day lifting or carrying something."


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