Sofie's Boys

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Sofie's Boys Page 2

by Jenika Snow

  “It just happened.” He didn’t say that to be condescending. He said it as if he understood.

  I swallowed the thick lump in my throat, the conversation turning extremely serious, even though that hadn’t been my intention. We didn’t speak for long moments, those words hanging between us.

  “Listen, this got too heavy for how I planned on this night going,” he said in his deep voice. “Now that it’s out of the way, let’s finish eating.” He leaned in again. “Unless you wanna skip dinner and go right to dessert?”

  And just like that, I was flushed, aroused, and the topic of fucking other people was a distant memory.

  Chapter Two


  We found ourselves back at Ryker’s place. It was a small two-bedroom house, the typical bachelor pad one might expect.

  When he first showed me this place, I couldn’t understand what the appeal was. That was until we went to the back and there was a massive garage sitting on almost two acres of land.

  Then it all made sense.

  Ryker was the type of guy who worked with his hands, did grungy, backbreaking manual labor, because he enjoyed it. Not only did he work on cars and motorcycles as his job, but he also did it during his free time, because he genuinely enjoyed it.

  “Beer?” he asked as we stepped through the front door. He tossed his keys onto the small dining room table and walked into the kitchen.

  Although we’d ordered a bottle of wine at dinner, he’d only had one glass with his meal, and I’d finished off the rest. I had a nice buzz going on, but I still nodded. I wasn’t the biggest beer drinker, but Ryker always had the best craft ones on hand.

  I went over to the living room and sat in his oversized recliner. Although it would comfortably fit two people, because Ryker was such a big guy, he filled up the entire thing. The leather was soft like butter beneath me, and smelled just like him.

  I heard the fridge open and close, the sound of beer bottles clanking together, and then a moment later I sensed him walking into the living room.

  Looking over my shoulder, I appreciated the sight that was all him.

  He set the bottles on the coffee table, looking at me hungrily. Although we did things as a couple, almost mundane experiences that you’d expect a boyfriend and girlfriend to do, we were also both extremely passionate. That meant when we were alone, giving each other pleasure was at the top of our list.

  I was about to push myself up to stand, propel this evening along, but he was in front of me a moment later, dropping to his knees and sliding his hands up my thighs. He kept his focus trained right on my eyes as he unbuttoned my jeans and pulled the zipper down. He curled his fingers around the waistband, taking my jeans and my panties down with them.

  A soft moan left me.

  I lifted my ass to give him better access, and once the clothes were off and tossed to the side, he leaned back so he was sitting on his heels. Ryker slowly trailed his gaze down to my pussy. Although my legs were closed, I had no doubt he could see my slit.

  He wrapped his hand loosely around my leg and lifted my foot, putting it on his shoulder and then leaning in and running his tongue around the delicate bone of my ankle. He kissed and sucked at my skin, moving his tongue and lips up my calf then closer to my inner thigh. With his free hand, he lifted my other leg and placed it over the arm of the chair.

  I felt myself spread for him, felt the cool air move along the most intimate part of my body.

  I had my hands wrapped around the leather, my nails digging in as pleasure instantly consumed me and he’d hardly even touched me yet. He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me down lower so my ass was hanging off the seat of the chair. And then he took my foot off his shoulder and put my leg over the other armrest.

  I was obscenely spread for him, my stomach hollowing in and out, in and out. I exhaled harshly, the pleasure taking over. He kept his face expressionless, but it still spoke volumes.

  He was hungry for me. He’d devour me.

  “I don’t know if I can last until I see you again, baby.” He grunted out those words and leaned in closer, his eyes trained on mine. “If I’m being honest, those days I don’t see you, I jerk off so many times that my dick gets sore.”

  A small sound left me, and I felt my nipples harden.

  He looked down at my pussy, a low growl leaving him. “Look at how wet you are for me.” Ryker slid his hand along my inner thigh, moved it closer to the spot between my legs, and then he was sliding his fingers up and down my slit, gathering my arousal. “Soaked.” He grunted that lone word right before he leaned in to latch his mouth right on my center.

  I closed my eyes and tipped my head back, my mouth opening on its own as I moaned softly. The feel of him flattening his tongue and sliding it up and down my cleft, dipping it into my pussy hole, and then dragging it back up and sucking on my nub was almost my undoing.

  “Look at me,” he demanded, the vibrations from his voice spearing right through my core.

  I forced myself to lift my head, to open my eyes. I stared at him, seeing this almost animalistic look on his face. That’s the most accurate description I could come up with for how he watched me.

  He pulled back just enough so that he could see my pussy, so that I could see how wet I was. And then he stuck his tongue out and flattened it on me once more. He dragged it up and down again, lapping at my clit and moving the muscle around the hardened, engorged bud. He growled deeply, as if he were in heaven right now.

  I gasped at the sensitivity.

  He had his thumbs on either side of my lips, pulling the flesh apart, spreading me out for him. He moved his tongue back down and thrust it into my hole, fucking me there like I wanted him to do with his big cock.

  “Please, Ryker.” I licked my lips, my voice no more than a whisper. He growled low before giving my pussy one last suck, and then he leaned back.

  We stared at each other for a prolonged moment, the electricity and chemistry bouncing between us.

  With his hands back on my inner thighs, keeping me spread, I was at his mercy.

  “What do you want?” His voice was a rough tenor, sounding slightly husky, very serrated.

  “I want you,” I said honestly, because there was no point in sugarcoating all of this. I was here, spread for him, all but begging to be fucked. I wanted him desperately, and I knew he wanted me too.

  He let go of me and stood, and I watched with a no doubt heated gaze as he went for the button and zipper of his jeans. But he didn’t take his pants fully off, and instead pulled his cock out of the fly, stroking himself from root to crown over and over again, pre-cum lining the tip.

  He looked between my legs the entire time.

  “Fuck me,” I pleaded.

  He didn’t give me what I wanted though. As he still stared at my pussy while he masturbated, I knew he’d withhold from me. He liked that, loved having it build. This was about prolonging it, making me wait until I saw him the next time. And God, did that anticipation feel so good when we finally came together.

  “Touch your pretty cunt for me,” he ordered. “Make yourself come for me.”

  I didn’t hesitate as I reached down and ran my fingers through my cleft. I was soaking wet, my inner muscles clenching rhythmically as if they wanted something thick and long shoved deep inside of me. I moved my fingers up to my clit and framed the little bundle of nerves, moving the digits around it, feeling that pleasure climb higher and higher. And still, Ryker just stood there, moving his palm over the shaft, his gaze bouncing between my pussy and my face, back down to between my legs, and then looking back in my eyes.

  He was breathing harder, heavier, his broad chest rising and falling. I knew he was close to getting off, knew he was forcing himself to hold off until I came.

  I slipped my finger down and teased my pussy hole right before I shoved the digit inside. I thrust my breasts out and gasped, the sensation so pronounced I couldn’t keep the sound to myself.

it, Sofie. Fuck yourself.”

  I opened my mouth on a silent sound as I did just that, pushing my finger in and out of my body, feeling my muscles pulling at the digit, trying to draw it in farther. I watched as he stroked himself, stared at the pre-cum that lined the hole at the tip. There was so much of it, the clear fluid dripping from the crown. He was so worked up for me—that was evident.

  He ran his palm over the tip of his dick, gathering the pre-cum and using it as lubrication. And as we touched ourselves in front of each other, I found that completion almost instantly. All I could do was close my eyes and tilt my head back, crying out as the orgasm finally claimed me.

  I was vaguely aware of him grunting, felt his body heat as he moved closer. I opened my eyes and looked at him, saw he was standing between my legs now, still working himself over, but clearly very close to getting off.

  “Come on, Ryker,” I said in a sultry voice. I saw his neck muscles strain, knew he was close because of the fierce look on his face. A second later, he came.

  He let out a deep rumble as jet after jet of milky white semen shot out in arcs from his cock and landed between my legs. Fluid covered my pussy, painting it, proving he’d been just as worked up as I was. Despite the fact we’d had sex several times in our three days together, his load was massive, so much cum that I didn’t stop myself from reaching down and rubbing it all over my cunt.

  I smoothed it in like it was lotion, needing his scent covering me.

  “That’s it. Fucking rub my cum into your skin.”

  I continued to do just that, my mouth slightly open as I panted, aftershocks of pleasure moving through me.

  When both of us were spent, he tucked himself back in his jeans and helped me to stand. Ryker pulled me in close, my pants and panties still off, his hands now cupping my ass. He squeezed the mounds until I was rising on my toes to get closer to him.

  “Mine, Sofie. You’re fucking mine and I love you.” He slid his hand up my back and cupped my nape. He leaned in and claimed my mouth, making me taste myself on his lips and tongue.

  He made me take his kiss.

  And I did, because when it came to Ryker, I was helpless to do anything else.

  Chapter Three


  I carried in the two cups of coffee, my bag slung over my shoulder, and my heels clicking on the marble floor. I tried to look at my watch to see how late it actually was, happened to get a glance, and internally cursed as I picked up my speed.

  Although I was sleeping with the boss, in a serious relationship with him, that didn’t mean I could be late whenever the hell I felt like it. But thanks to my alarm not going off, coupled with city traffic, I was hauling ass this morning.

  I pushed the button to go up on the elevator then stood there as I waited for the doors to open. I replayed the last three days in my head, still tingling all over from Ryker. Although we hadn’t slept together last night, not in a sexual sense, we’d gotten in his bed and just lay there. He’d kept his arms around me, the conversation easy and relaxed. I’d forced myself to leave at a decent time, knowing I had to get up for work, but here I was, still late.

  I should have just slept over.

  But I also couldn’t lie and say I wasn’t insanely excited to see Jareth. Even though he was my employer, I didn’t actually see him during work hours. It was a rare occasion when our paths crossed at the office, and when they did, we always kept it professional. Hell, no one at work even knew I was with him. That’s how discreet and professional we kept that shit.

  So it wasn’t technically “breaking the rules” when it was Ryker’s three days and I was at work with Jareth.

  But today was the start of Jareth’s three days, and that meant after work I’d head straight to his place, stay with him for the next seventy-two hours, and then leave and have the next day to myself.

  This V relationship was like a well-oiled machine, where I was at the point, and Jareth and Ryker were split off from me but still connected.

  Once I was at work, I smiled as I passed cubicles and headed toward my office. Although I had my own space, it wasn’t anything grand, nothing like an executive or even a junior executive suite. But it worked for me, gave me privacy to get work done, and if I wanted to get crazy during Jareth’s time, I’d email him some extremely inappropriate and not-safe-for-work messages.

  I set a coffee down on my assistant’s desk, and she mouthed a thank you as she held the phone to her ear.

  “Just give me the day’s rundown when you’re done,” I whispered, and she nodded.

  I took my coffee and headed into my office, closing the door with the heel of my shoe and walking to my desk. I tossed my bag on the table, went around to sit down, and booted up my computer. As I waited for it to warm up, I looked out my window while I sipped from my paper cup, the vanilla chai latte almost too hot to drink.

  I was lost in thought when I heard the ding that told me I had a new message. Focusing on the computer, I moved the mouse around until I could click on the little icon that had an envelope with a red 1 hovering above it.

  I opened up my email and immediately felt my belly tighten in excitement. It was from Jareth. My throat went dry as I thought about what he had written to me. I didn’t even have to see him for my body to light up, for arousal to lick across my skin and settle deep within my core.

  To: Sofie Blackwell (Stein Enterprise, Assistant Media Director)

  From: Jareth Stein (Stein Enterprise, CEO)

  Miss Blackwell, it’s come to my attention that you’re twenty minutes late. I’ll need to see you in my office during your lunch hour, to go over the employee handbook and the rules of conduct.

  Although his email sounded foreboding, even reprimanding, I knew it wasn’t anything but sexual. It had nothing to do with punishing me, and everything to do with an excuse for him to see me. And he certainly wasn’t wasting any time on his first day.

  I set my coffee down and placed my hands on the keyboard to type out the reply.

  To: Jareth Stein (Stein Enterprise, CEO)

  From: Sofie Blackwell (Stein Enterprises, Assistant Media Director)

  Dear Mr. Stein. My apologies for not being professional and being to work on time. I’ll be in your office promptly at noon to go over the employee handbook so I’m updated and versed on what’s expected of me.

  My body positively tingled at the very thought of what we’d do in his office, how exactly he’d put me “in my place.” Now I just had to go about the rest of the day, or at least until lunchtime, trying not to let the dirty images of Jareth and me together consume my thoughts.

  I stood on the other side of Jareth’s office door, the mahogany smooth, the grain dark. Everyone had gone to lunch, including his personal assistant, and even though this wasn’t a new relationship, I felt the tendrils of those butterflies moving in my stomach, the nervousness that came with the first date settling in my body. I lifted my hand and brought my knuckles down on the wood, three sharp raps that sounded dense.

  “Come in, Sofie.”

  I could hear the deep tenor of his voice, and it slammed right into my center. The command would’ve had my toes curling if not for the stiletto heels I wore—the kind Jareth loved.

  I blew out a slow breath, gripped the cold, brass handle, and opened the door. He stood by his floor-to-ceiling window, overlooking the city, his hands shoved in the pockets of his slacks, his broad shoulders seeming to take up my entire view.

  “Close the door behind you,” he said in a calm, even voice, but there was a hint of authority laced with it. He turned and watched me, saying nothing else as he stared at me for long moments. I always felt like I was under a microscope when I was around him, his gaze so penetrating it was almost… intimate.

  My feelings for him were different than what I felt for Ryker. Although I loved them equally, desired them so passionately I couldn’t even breathe at times, Jareth was a dominating lover. He liked to control in the bedroom, to control every aspect of his lif

  Ryker, on the other hand, was focused on making me get off, as if he needed it before he could find his own release.

  Jareth withheld my pleasure, because it got him off.

  Maybe that’s why I’d fallen in love with them both. Maybe having two very different men who catered to my twin desires, my dual needs, was what I needed to feel complete.

  “Come here, Sofie.”

  I smoothed my hands down my pencil skirt and started making my way toward him. When I got to his desk, I stopped. And then I just breathed out slowly as I waited for him to make a move, to make a command.

  It got me off when he told me what to do, because although it might seem like he held the power, the truth was I held it all.

  “You were really late this morning,” he said matter-of-factly.

  I really wasn’t, just twenty minutes or so, but I didn’t correct him. I didn’t dare. Instead, I nodded and clasped my hands behind my back in a purely submissive move.

  “Why were you late?” He took a step forward, his hands still in the pockets of his slacks, his focus trained on me.

  Jareth was older than me, twenty years to be exact. At twenty-four, I’d never thought I’d fall in love with a man my father’s age. Hell, I didn’t think I could fall in love with two men at the same time either. Funny how life worked.

  “My alarm didn’t go off and there was traffic,” I said so low, so soft, my voice was almost a whisper.

  He took another step closer, and I forced myself not to move one back. I felt his body heat slam into me, felt my pulse race and between my legs become wet. I did take a step back then, and another, and another, until I felt the wall stop my retreat. And the entire time, Jareth followed me.


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