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Sofie's Boys

Page 8

by Jenika Snow

  I watched as she took a steadying breath and started to move toward me. The closer she got, the more I wanted her. I started undoing my belt then went for the zipper of my slacks. While staring right in her eyes, I grabbed my cock out through only the flap, not even bothering to undo the button, and started stroking myself from root to tip. She was only a foot from me now, still on her hands and knees, and looking so damn delicious I could have gotten off from the sight alone.

  “How do you feel right now, baby?” I was trying to control my voice, to not show her I was right on the verge of losing it. “What do you feel like?” I watched as her throat worked when she swallowed.

  “I feel cheap,” she whispered, and I grinned.

  “But you fucking like that, don’t you.” I didn’t pose it like a question.

  She nodded.

  “Yeah, you fucking like it.”

  She licked her lips.

  I held my dick in my hands, pointing it at her face. She rose up on her knees. “Open that pretty little mouth of yours and suck my cock.” She looked down at my erection and licked her lips again. “Do what I say now, because you want my dick in your mouth, because you’re so damn hungry for it.”

  When she rose up and braced her hands on my thighs, I held my breath. And then she was leaning forward and opening her mouth.

  I reached out and grabbed a chunk of her hair, pulling her forward and down toward my dick. “Put me in your mouth.” I felt her lips brush the tip of my cock. “Yeah, that’s so fucking good, Sofie.” She opened her mouth even wider and took more of me in. I rested my head back and closed my eyes, letting the pleasure wash through me. “That’s it. Good girl.”

  Sofie started licking at the tip, lapping up the pre-cum that spilled from it. I hummed in approval, my balls drawing up as my orgasm threatened to end this before it really started.

  “Tell me how it tastes,” I demanded.

  “Good,” she murmured against me. “Salty.”

  It turned me the fuck on to hear her say this shit.

  She flattened her tongue and ran it along the underside of my length, right up the thick vein beneath the skin.

  “More, baby girl,” I whispered harshly. “I want you to take all of me in until the tip hits the back of your throat and you fucking gag from it.” She moaned after I said that.

  She started sucking me with fervor, grabbing the root of my shaft with her hand and stroking it in time with her mouth.

  “That’s it. Make me come.” I still had my hand in her hair and kept her head stationary as she sucked me harder and faster. I started lifting my hips in time with her movements, shoving my cock between her lips, loving how the tip hit the back of her throat. The sound of her gagging nearly had me unloading inside her mouth.

  I opened my eyes and lifted my head, staring down at her, turned on by the sight. “Fuck, you look so hot with my cock in your mouth.” I started thrusting in time with her bobbing head and increased my speed. “Christ. That’s so fucking it.”

  I couldn’t hold off, not at this rate. I started breathing heavier and tightened my hold on her hair. She hummed around my length, and a deep groan left me.

  “Fuck,” I growled, knowing I couldn’t stop the orgasm from rising. I just let it happen, let the pleasure wash through me. I pushed her head down, letting my cock be completely engulfed in her mouth, and only then did I let off my load.

  I made her swallow all my cum, made her take every last drop. When I was semi-hard, I pulled her off my shaft and stared at her mouth. Her lips were red and swollen, glossy. And the sight of a little drop of my jizz at the corner of her mouth had my dick getting hard all over again. I reached out and wiped off the drop before pressing the digit to the seam of her lips. “Clean it off.”

  And when she opened for me and licked my finger clean, I thought I’d come again right then. She had this wicked way to her, one that had me losing all self-control, all rationalization. When I was with her, all I wanted to do was fuck her until she couldn’t walk straight, until all she thought about when she moved was how sore her pussy was because I’d pounded the hell out of her sweet spot.

  I was standing and had her off the floor and in my arms a second later. With my hand cupping her nape, urging her to tilt her head back to look at me, I stared at her lips.

  “I hope you’re ready,” I whispered.

  “Ready for what?”

  Oh, she knew, but she was playing this innocent little thing right now.

  I smirked. “Ready to get fucked.”

  Because we were just getting started.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I had her in my room before she could utter a word, and then I leaned in and captured her mouth with mine, grabbed the back of her head, tangling her hair in my hand, and kissed her until she was breathless.

  I ground my hard cock against her belly. “You feel that?” I murmured against her lips. “You see what you do to me? Getting me off then making me hard all over again?”

  She nodded, and I took hold of her upper arms, pulling her away from me, looking down at her naked body, and groaning like a feral animal.

  Right now, I loomed over her, my body all muscle and masculinity, her a little petite female who was about to get devoured by me. I lifted my gaze over her breasts and along her puckered nipples, finally settling on her mouth. She licked her lips, and I held in my groan at the sight. I started walking forward, causing her to move backward, until the mattress stopped her from moving anymore. And then I gently pushed her down. She sat on the bed and looked up at me, her dark hair framed around her face, her big blue eyes wide and trusting.

  “Lean back.” My voice was dark and almost foreboding.

  She placed her hands behind her and leaned slightly back. The position had her breasts thrusting out, and my mouth watered. I leaned down so my mouth was an inch away from hers. Our breathing mingled, coexisted, and my arousal increased. I could feel her need for me as if it was my own.

  “Tell me what I want to hear.” I was being a sadistic bastard right now, but I needed to hear the words come from her. “Go on, Sofie. Tell me what I want to hear.” My voice was low and strained, and I was having a hard time even getting the words out.

  She took a deep, steadying breath before she spoke. “Fuck me. Fuck me hard, like I like.”

  I let a slow grin spread across my mouth. Satisfaction filled me, and my cock jerked in response to her words.

  I straightened, keeping my focus on her, and started taking my clothes off. Once my shirt was off and tossed to the side, I went for my pants, never taking my gaze from her, never letting it waver.

  And then I was getting on the bed, climbing over her, and forcing Sofie to lean all the way back. She moaned when I placed my weight fully on her, letting her body sink into the mattress, letting her know who was the stronger one here.

  I held the side of her face and stroked my thumb along her cheek, just staring into her face, marveling that she was here, that she was mine. “Touch me,” I said softly, breaking out of the hardened dominant role and just needing to feel her touch. She grounded me, stabilized everything that I was.

  She brought her arms up and wound them around my neck, her upper body rising up slightly and her breasts pressing to my chest.

  I moved my other hand over her hip and down her thigh, softly squeezing her flesh. My body, my skin… hell, the very marrow in my bones was alive with pleasure, and it was all because of Sofie.

  When I moved my hand inward, so close to her pussy, I felt her tremble underneath me. “You like that?” I asked softly.


  Trying not to go full-on caveman on her was a hard fucking job. I moved my fingers over her pussy, her slick heat causing every muscle in my body to tighten in response.

  “You know why we fit together so well?” My voice had gotten harder, and I let my fingers smooth up and down her slit.

  “Because I’m soft to your hard,” she responded instantly.
  We both knew this wasn’t in a literal sense. She needed my dominance like I needed her submission. But this wasn’t just about us fucking. Before her, I’d kept myself celibate, focusing on building my career, my empire. Then she came along, and I knew she was the one for me.

  She was The One.

  “That’s right, baby.” My voice was husky and had an edge of unrestrained aggression laced through it. We both needed this.

  Give it to her.

  “I want you,” she begged.

  “Shhh, baby girl. You don’t ask. I give. Understand?”

  She nodded and closed her eyes, moaning softly, a nonverbal plea for more.

  “Look at me, Sofie.” When she was looking at me once more, I moved my finger up to her clit and started rubbing slow circles around the bundle of nerves. “Wider. Spread your legs wider for me.”

  Her chest was rising and falling frantically, but she did what I said. When I looked down, I saw her nipples were tight, hard. The areolas were a deep pink, her arousal evident right under her skin.

  “Surrender to me,” I groaned and leaned down to kiss and lick at her throat. “Put your hands above your head.” Once she obeyed, I leaned back and just stared down at her. She was like an offering.

  My offering.

  I reached out and used my thumbs to gently pull her pussy lips apart until they were stretched wide. And then I was moving lower, blowing a stream of hot breath along the most intimate part of her, loving how she shook for me because of it.

  I kissed her inner thighs, ran my tongue over her skin, and loved how she clenched her hands in the sheets. “I fucking love you, Sofie. I love you enough to share you.” I don’t why I said that, but the words were already out before I could even try and censor them.

  She gasped, and I didn’t know if it was from my touch or my words.

  “Say you love me. Say it.” I added pressure to her inner thighs, my hands like vices on her flesh.

  “I love you.” Those words were nothing but a little breathy moan from her.

  She made a small noise for me, and I wafted another stream of warm breath over her perfect pussy. She arched her neck when I ran my tongue up her slit.


  “Please what, baby?” I kept moving my tongue up and down her center but had my focus trained right on her face, watching her expressions, seeing her pleasure.

  “Fuck me already.”

  I growled low. “You don’t give the orders, Sofie. I do. You know that, baby girl.”

  She thrashed her head back and forth. “I know, but I ache for you, Jareth.”


  Every muscle in my body was strung tight, ready to explode. When I ran my tongue along her pussy hole, drawing circles, she gasped. And when I pushed the muscle into her, Sofie’s back arched and she cried out.

  “Like that? Is this how you want it?”

  “Yes,” she moaned. “God, yes, Jareth.”

  While fucking her with my tongue, I rubbed my finger back and forth over her clit. I licked and sucked on her, and then moved my mouth to her clit. The flavor of her exploded on my tongue, making me hungry for more. I sucked on her, humming around that tiny bundle of nerves until she arched even more for me, thrusting her breasts out.

  “Look what I’m doing to you,” I murmured against her pussy. When she lifted her upper body up and looked down the length of her, I growled low in appreciation.

  I leaned only an inch back, just enough so that she could fully see what I was doing to her. And then I stuck my tongue out and moved it in small circles around her clit, my gaze never leaving her. I licked at her like she was a fucking ice cream cone on a hot July day and there was no way I was going to lose one drop.

  Moving my tongue lower, I teased her pussy hole right before thrusting inside her. She parted her lips on a soft moan, and I felt her open her thighs even wider, letting me in even more.

  “Do you want to know how you taste?” My words were muffled against her slick, smooth flesh. I didn’t wait for her to respond. “You taste like fucking vanilla and honey, like my future and everything I call mine, Sofie.” I could have eaten her out all fucking night, but instead I gave her pussy one last lick and moved up the length of her body, kissing every inch I could reach until I got to her mouth.

  I forced my tongue in her mouth, making her taste herself, making her take everything. She moaned when I began a slow grind against her, and the hard, aching length of my cock pressed right between her slit.

  “Go on, baby girl,” I murmured against her mouth. “Rub that sweet little pussy on me.”

  When she started lifting her hips and thrusting her cunt against my length, I could have lost it right then and there.

  Our rhythm became tandem, and as the seconds ticked by, our kiss deepened, and the grinding pressure increased until I had to break the kiss and inhale sharply. I buried my face in the crook of her neck and started pumping my dick against her harder and faster.

  Sliding my hands up her arms, I circled my fingers around her wrists, holding her arms to the mattress as I found a rhythm that had us both groaning.

  She gasped when I thrust my cock especially hard against her. She was fueling the fire inside me, teasing me to the very brink without even doing anything more than taking what I had to give her.

  I had my lips on her neck, licking and nipping at her flesh, all the while continuing to pump against her. She was saturated for me, so wet I could feel her juices covering my shaft and making a perfect lube for my thrusting.

  I’d have no fucking trouble shoving my dick in her; that was for sure.

  She started lifting her hips slightly, pushing against me. Identical moans left both of us.

  “Please, Jareth. Please. Fuck me.” The breathy moans spilling from her had my cock growing impossibly harder. “I need you to be inside me.”

  I let out a muffled sound of pleasure and reached between our bodies to take hold of my cock and place the tip at her entrance. The bulbous head pushed at her hole, wanting in, needing to feel that strangulating hold she’d have over him.

  I knew she’d come for me soon. I could feel it, practically taste it. There was no more waiting, not just for her, but for my own sanity. I thrust the head inside her and leaned back enough to look down at where we were joined. She lifted her hips and arched her back, and I pushed another couple inches into her giving, hot, and tight pussy.

  My hands were on her hips now, holding her stationary as I sank into her inch by slow, agonizingly slow inch.

  And when my balls were flush with her round ass, I groaned and stilled my movements. She panted, her breasts shaking slightly as she held her hands above her head like a good girl.

  Looking back down at where we were conjoined, I reached out, pressed my thumb against her clit, and ran small circles along the swollen little bud. She kept shifting beneath me, trying to get some friction. I rested one hand on her waist, soothing her.

  “I’m in control,” I reminded her, and she stilled. I started slowly pulling out of her then, knowing it teased and tormented her. “Touch me.” I needed to have her hands on me while I claimed her.

  Sofie curled her fingers around my forearm, her other hand on her breast, tweaking at the nipple as she watched me.

  And then when just the tip was at her entrance, I shoved back in hard.

  “Yes,” she cried out and ached her neck, her eyes closed and her nails digging into my arm.

  “Open your eyes and look at me when I get you off.”

  And just as she looked at me, I felt her pussy clamp down on my dick as she came.

  I growled low and started fucking her then, slamming into her and pulling back out. Over and over. Faster and harder.

  The sounds of sloppy, hot sex filled the bedroom.

  Her cheeks were pink, her pupils dilated, and her breathing erratic as she came for me.

  “You are so fucking beautiful when you get off for me.”

  “Jareth.” She cried out my nam
e as she threw her head back and clearly rode out the pleasure.

  I watched her breath catch as her orgasm peaked, and I inhaled sharply, the sight such a turn-on there was no way I could hold off.

  The pleasure-filled tremors were never ending in their onslaught as another climax peaked inside her, and then exploded like a thousand tiny pieces of glass.

  “Seeing you like this, so fucking unhinged because of me, makes me want to fill you with my cum.” My voice was strangled, and I gritted my teeth, wanting her to be completely sated before I found my own release.

  “Then do it. Fill me up.”

  I cursed after she said that.

  My hands were on either side of her head as I slammed into her and retreated.

  Slammed into her and retreated.

  I did the same motions over and over again, sweat dripping from my hairline and chest and landing on her breasts. The full, heavy weight of my balls slapped against her ass repeatedly when I pounded into her. I grabbed her calf and lifted it over my shoulder, and then leaned back slightly. My focus was on where our bodies were joined once more.

  “I love seeing my cock going into your sweet little pussy. This is mine.” I pushed the remaining inches into her and pulled back out. I did this with measured, steady movements. My focus was on her the entire time. I couldn’t tear my gaze from Sofie, even if I’d wanted to. Head downcast, gaze trained right on her, and this feeling of being drugged consuming me, I knew I might look insane.

  With my arms braced on either side of her and my muscles strained, there was no way I could control myself anymore.

  She pushed herself up and looked down at where I fucked her, a gasp-moan leaving her at the sight. I watched my cock tunnel in and out of her pussy hole. She was stretched wide around my length. I moved faster into her, pulling out and pumping back in. The sound of our wet skin slapping together filled the room, driving my need higher.

  “Perfectly made for me,” I said to myself, my voice cracking on the end as ecstasy stole my sanity, a telling sign that I was about to go over the edge.


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