Chicks, Man

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Chicks, Man Page 12

by J. D. Hollyfield

“True that. Need eyes on her. She sure grew up in college. Gonna have dudes all over her. We need to make sure no asshole tries to screw her over.” That includes me. “Here.” He hands me a bottle of fancy tequila Jim brought home from a client. “Bottoms up. Hurry, before Stacey comes in and stops me.”

  The joys of married life. I grab the bottle, and with a hefty pull, let the liquor slide down my throat, hoping to drown the idea of pummeling Hannah’s nerd toy.

  Thirty minutes pass before Kip and I stumble out of the kitchen. We lost track of time, catching up on work and bullshit. Since he got married, his priorities have shifted. Not that it’s a bad thing. I love Stacey, and she deserves all his attention, but our guys’ nights have been put on hold. Not that I’ve been any better. He informed me Ben was on some Safari donating his time to the poor, and Chase was in Mexico on another solo vacation probably picking up gonorrhea.

  When we head back into the living room, we find Stacey with Cheryl and Jim, while Braydon and Hannah appear comfy sitting together on the loveseat. She laughs at something he says, and I fight not to aim my bottle at his crooked nose. Her eyes find mine, and her demeanor quickly changes.

  “Excuse me. I’m going to go to the bathroom.” She gets up, but doesn’t miss the opportunity to scowl at me as she saunters down the hallway. Knowing this house like the back of my hand, I excuse myself back into the kitchen and take the other hallway that wraps around to the second door leading into the same place Hannah disappeared to. Just as she begins to shut the door, I slide in through the other door, shutting and locking it behind me.

  Hannah whips around and jumps back, startled at my presence. “Jesus! Levi, what are you doing?”

  “The question is, Hannah, what are you doing?” She wants to play dumb, but she knows better. She sees I’m not fooled by this whole boy toy charade.

  “I’m going to the bathroom. What does it look like? Get out.” I do the opposite, taking a few steps closer. She starts to back up, until her back hits the wall.

  “I’m not one for playing games. But maybe this once. Because it’s you, I’ll play along.”

  “What games? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  I cage her in, resting my forearm against the wall. Leaning in so my breath caresses her cheek, I say, “You know exactly what game you’re playing. The one where you play hard to get and pretend there’s zero urge inside you begging for me to rip this cute little dress off you and fuck you hard and fast with my mouth.” I watch the fire ignite in her beautiful eyes, so I continue. “Have my tongue devour you.” I raise my other arm so she has nowhere to go. “Should we pretend you’re not wet for me right now? Pretend you’re not wanting me to spread your silky thighs so I can do what I want to you.” I bring my body up against her, not hiding my erection. “If I tore this strap off your shoulder, exposing your beautiful tits, would your nipples already be hard and primed for me?”

  “Levi.” My name is a soft plea, and I love it coming off her tongue.

  I can’t help but grind slowly into her, the friction causing her eyes to fall shut. “What if my teeth wrapped around you and I sucked you hard into my mouth until your perfect little bud turned a deep plum?” She’s jelly in my arms. I bet if I stepped away, she’d fall to the ground. I’m starting to forget whose game this really is. If I don’t get myself in check, I’m going to fuck her in her parents’ bathroom without a care who hears.

  I lower my arm, allowing my fingers to graze the side of her breast. Licking my lower lip, I bend down so she can feel my breath skate against her lips. “Or am I just making this all up because you have no interest?”

  I’ve rendered my girl speechless.

  Her eyes blink open, but her lips aren’t forming a single word. That’s right. I’ve got her exactly where I want her. “That’s what I thought. You think your boy toy knows how to use that thing in his pants?”

  If she even answers, she’s going to get fucked against this wall, consequences be damned. Why the hell would I even ask that? The thought of that little shit inside her makes me murderous. “Answer me—”

  “Hannah, you okay in there?”

  Her eyes widen.

  “Your little boy toy is beckoning you. Should I tell him you’re busy?” I can’t help it. I’m a selfish bastard sometimes. I grind into her, stealing the words right out of her.

  “Yes,” she moans, not loud enough for him to hear.

  “What was that?”

  Again, I take advantage.

  “Yes!” she says louder, her voice strained. This time, I steal her lips and kiss her savagely. She’s mere seconds away from falling apart in my arms, and I’m loving it. Before I pound her through the wall, I break away. I keep my composure, even though my heart is beating like a rapid drum.

  “I think this game may end up being enjoyable after all.”

  Before she has a chance to answer, I sneak back out the way I came.


  “Levi Dent’s office. I’m sorry, he’s in a meeting. Can I take a message? Angela Salem. Dinner confirmation. Will do. Bye-bye.” I slam the phone down. Another dinner confirmation? I hate him. No I don’t. This is just to get a rise out of me and it’s not going to work. Yes it is. No it’s not!

  This game he thinks we’re playing? Well…it’s stupid. And I refuse to give in. I’m not letting him bait me with random women rubbing their dates with him in my face.

  I check the time as the conference doors burst open, the team exiting for lunch. My eyes find Levi instantly, his easy-going smile causing a warmth in my belly. Screw him. It’s just hunger pains. I skipped breakfast.

  “Great work everyone. Take lunch. We’ll reconvene in an hour.” He shakes hands with Samantha from legal and stalks over to my desk. I swear, if he says anything cocky, I’m going to take my umbrella and stab him in the—

  “Morning, Hannah. You look very nice today. Any chance William Sullivan called while I was tied up?”

  What? I look nice? And who? “Uh…no.” But a bunch of hussies called, confirming their dick ride later. Ugh! Pull it together. “I forwarded all other messages to your email.”

  “Perfect. Thanks. Enjoy lunch.” And with his easy-going, kind attitude and everyone-loves-me persona—including me—shit—he closes himself in his office.

  What in criminy hell was that? I want to bang on his door and scream, I’m not playing this silly game. He can stop tormenting me with his stupid laid-back attitude. Because no one is feeling laid back! I grunt, slamming my fists on my desk, followed by another grunt, because that kind of hurt.

  If he wants to be immature about this, so be it. I won’t fall for his trickery. He won’t get me to admit he’s winning the game I’m not playing, or that I want to disassemble every woman who calls and scream from the rooftops I saw him first. Wait…what?


  “Levi Dent’s office, how can I assist you? No, he’s in meetings all day. Wednesday? Same. I’m not sure what his evening schedule looks like, I only tend to his office hours’ schedule. I will. Melissa with two s’s. Got it. Bye-bye.”

  I hate him.

  “Levi Dent’s office, how can I assist you? His personal line? He doesn’t have a personal line. How do I know, because he would have told—I mean—no! This is a business. Not a dating hotline. Get lost!”

  I slam the phone down. I really, really hate him.

  “Levi Dent’s house of whor—oh, hi, Daddy.” Oops.

  “Hey, baby. How’s it going up there? I miss you. We’ve been in the bullpen really working on this Miller case. Everyone still treating you fair?”

  Everyone but Levi.

  Not that his laid-back, everything-is-fake normal treatment is bad.

  Okay, I take that back. It’s horrible! I’m on day three of having him give me this…this…blah! How do I even define it? The normal Levi? Gone is that man-handling aggressive side I dream about, the one where his hands dominate me, owning me. In its place is the nice, gentle Levi who asks if I
need coffee before he runs out, or tells me to have a nice lunch and my shirt is pretty. Fuck that! Fuck him. I hate him.

  “Baby, you still there?”

  Mentally, no. “Yeah, Daddy. Sorry. Just busy learning the cases and sitting in on mock trials. I don’t want to disappoint you.”

  “Sugar, you can never disappoint me. You make me proud every day.” His kind words have an opposite effect. Doing a commendable job should make me feel great, but I don’t feel like I am. At least when it comes to the person I’m working for.

  “Hey. Earth to Hannah.”

  I turn to Braydon as he shoves a gross amount of cheese battered fries into his mouth. “What?”

  “I’ve been talking to you for the past five minutes and you haven’t even touched your food.” After a long morning of complete bull crap calls, I debated on unplugging my phone. But then I worried it was a job violation since it is my job to answer his calls. My mood is as sour as my stomach watching Braydon shovel the greasy food into his mouth. And to make matters worse, Levi sent an email saying he was working remotely today. Not that I wanted to see him, which only consists of him zipping back and forth past my desk. But even so, in those short spans, his cologne lingers, which I shamefully inhale, basking in the memory of—

  “Well, like I was saying, the gala is tomorrow, and if you don’t have a date, I’d love to go with you. I’d go myself, but it’s only for the top employees, and well, I wasn’t invited. But! I’m headed there. Really been putting in my time. I think your dad sees my efforts. If you ever have the chance, you should put a good word in for me. I can decrypt those accounts just as efficiently as the next guy. Not even sure why what’s his name is so loved. Saw he put a plus-one for his extra gala ticket. Can’t imagine what train wreck would want to put up with him for a night. I bet I could beat him in a court—”


  “Sure, I can go with you?”

  “Sure.” As in anything for you to stop talking. Levi’s bringing a date? Having to hear women call confirming dates is one thing. Having to see one on his arm is a whole other ballpark.

  That’s it.

  He wants to play?

  It’s on.

  We pull up in the limo Dad arranged. The valet opens my door to assist me out of the car. My dress, a silver couture gown, spaghetti straps, and silk material, flows to the ground as I step out. The chill hits my open back, and I shiver, wrapping my arms around myself. Braydon climbs out behind me, not taking notice of my coldness, and starts forward.

  “Holy cow, this is some fancy shit.”

  “Yep. Sure is.” I shrug off his excitement. Normally, I pass on these things. Growing up, instead of playing with dolls and dress up, I was catching frogs and making dirt castles. Even today, the glitz and glamor isn’t my thing. But tonight? I had a war to win. Which meant I finally allowed Mom to play her part and dress me to the hilt.

  Remembering his manners, Braydon secures my hand and escorts us down the red carpet inside the lavish hotel until we’re met by my parents, Kipley, and Stacey.

  “My, my, look at you,” Stacey gushes, taking my hands in hers and spinning me. “You’re like a true Hollywood star.”

  “Okay. More like a washed-up, D-list celebrity.”

  “Shut it. Take the compliment.” We go in for a hug, and I repeat the same embrace with my brother and parents. Dad begins making small talk with Braydon, while my traitorous eyes search the ballroom. I don’t see him. Maybe he won’t show. Save me the—

  “Good evening all.”

  My shoulders tense, and I can’t stop my eyes from squeezing shut. Even his voice ruins me. I open my eyes and inhale a deep breath for strength. I can do this. Whatever hussy he has on his arm won’t have any impact on me. It won’t—are you kidding me!—affect me.

  “Well, look who the cat dragged in. Didn’t realize you knew how to wear a dress.” Rebecca laughs, pulling Levi close to her, her arm draped over his. The phony smile I worked so hard on keeping falters.

  “Rebecca,” Levi warns, taking a step forward. “Hannah, you look lovely tonight.”

  Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out.

  “Thanks, Levi. You too.” I’m furious at myself for allowing my voice to sound weak. I refuse to let him see he just won. He hurt me with this one. His eyes spear into mine, waiting for something. A white flag? To congratulate him? Forcing myself to reel it in, I search for my date. “Ah, Braydon. Would you be so kind to escort me to the bar?” He doesn’t miss a beat, probably because free booze is the best booze, and grabs my hand, leading me away. The tightness in my chest doesn’t let up, even with the building space between us. Braydon doesn’t waste time and orders multiple shots of tequila. After we consume a second shot, my heart still hasn’t stopped racing.

  “Got to use the bathroom. Be right back. Don’t lose our spot.” He bends forward, slapping a quick kiss to my cheek, and takes off toward the restrooms. I signal the bartender for another round, grabbing my phone to scroll through my social media while I wait.

  “You should probably slow down on those shots. The night’s still young.”

  His voice at my back is like a million needles taking aim at my heart. I don’t even bother to face him when I speak. “I’m sure we won’t stay long. Have other plans. Ones that don’t consist of staying in this stuffy dress.” It was low of me. And a complete lie. I don’t even know why I said it.

  “That’s a shame. The dress fits you like a glove. You should stay in it longer. Allow others to enjoy you in it.” I clamp my eyes shut and inhale for strength. My eyes open, and I snag the shot, taking it down. Then I whip around.

  “Shouldn’t you be over there complimenting Rebecca’s dress?” I snap.

  “I already did. Now I’m here complimenting you. You really do steal the show tonight, Han.”

  The nerve. My hands begin to shake. “You’re a grade-A asshole.”

  His relaxed smile falters and his eyes light like a Christmas tree. “Watch it.”

  “No, you watch it!” I raise my voice, causing a few attendees to stare our way. Levi grabs my arm, and without causing a scene, drags me away from the bar down a less busy hallway. “Let go of me!”

  “Not a chance.” He doesn’t stop until he reaches for a door, finding it unlocked, and pushing me inside it. I stumble forward, and when I spin around to give him hell, he’s already on me. “Wanna take that asshole comment back?” He leans forward, stealing the space between us.

  “No. How could you bring her here?”

  “How are you pretending he’s the one you want?”

  He’s not. “Braydon? Because he’s not a liar.” I want to say more, but I trip backwards into a chair, grabbing for something to steady my fall, which ends up being Levi’s large bicep. “And he doesn’t flaunt woman after woman at me—Jesus, stop walking, I’m going to fall!”

  “He’s a little shit box who has no idea what he has. And I’m not a liar. I made a decision based on what I thought was best for you.”

  My nostrils flare like a bull. “You have no right to tell me what’s best for me!”

  He reaches out and latches around my waist, crashing my body firm against his chest. “He had no right to be at the lake. That place is for family. He had no business being there with you when I wanted you there for myself.”

  My breathing stops. My words escape me.

  “Cat got your tongue? I threw him at your father because that way, you’d be all mine. Ever since you tricked me—and yeah, I’m putting it out there, you tricked me, I can’t stop myself from wanting you. Needing you all for myself. Would I have gone into that closet if I’d known it was you? Fuck no. Am I glad I did? You bet your ass. Because at least I’m adult enough to admit it. Unlike you, who continues to hide behind the truth.”

  “I’m not—”

  “You can’t even admit it now. Even after I’ve admitted how I feel. Jesus. Maybe you do need to grow up, Hannah. Maybe then you’ll be able to admit what’s happening
between us—”

  “What do you want me to admit! That I’ve fantasized about you since I was seven years old? That I’ve always wondered what you smelled like, felt like…God, moaned like? I tricked you because I saw an opportunity to scratch an itch that would’ve never been fully satisfied had you known who I really was. I was no one to you. But without actually seeing me? You felt me. And yeah, you’re right, I’m hiding from what this is. Because unlike you, it’s going to hurt a lot more for me when it doesn’t work out. People like you, they don’t end up with people like me.”

  “Says who?” he growls.

  “Says reality. Says Rebecca.”

  He hooks his hand around my neck and smashes his lips to mine. He doesn’t allow me to fight him, his strength and determination too overpowering. His tongue breaks the barrier of my lips as he kisses me with fervor, the faint taste of champagne on his tongue. I feel angry, dizzy, needy, confused. My hands fight him, pulling at his hair, urging him closer, pushing him away. I don’t know what I want. I’m scared.

  “Stop fucking denying this.”

  “It’s what I’m doing to protect myself.”

  “From what, Hannah? The possibility that this may be something really amazing? Hell, I didn’t plan this either. You think having to one day explain to my best friend the things I’ve done with his sister? Your father? I’m taking a risk too. But at least I’m willing to. At least I’m fighting for it. You’re just hiding.”

  “I’m not hiding.”

  “Then what are you doing? Tell me, ’cause I need to know what your next move is here.”

  I struggle with the honesty lingering on the tip of my tongue, but it’s the only answer I can give. “I’m scared.”

  He wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. “I am too. But I want this. You do too. I’m not asking for forever. I’m asking for right now. Let’s see right now where this leads. Maybe you realize the infamous Levi Dent is nowhere near the attractive stud you pictured him to be and end this. Maybe I realize what I already know. That you’re too good for me, and I cut you loose. But for now, let’s try.”


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