The Shikari 3: The Order

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The Shikari 3: The Order Page 14

by Dora Blume

  Mike’s mouth dipped next to her ear, “I got you, love, always.” Mike kissed her, feverishly and with reckless abandon. She felt the flush of her cheeks as that kiss stole her breath. She wanted to feel Ely’s mouth as his fingers moved inside her.

  She leaned back against Ely to capture his mouth in a sloppy kiss. His tongue slipped between her parted lips, stroking along her tongue. His hand palmed her clit as his fingers circled inside her. She moaned against his mouth as he circled her in time to his tongue. “Oh, God, Sloane you’re so fucking wet,” Ely breathed against her mouth. Mike moved up, his eyes on fire with desire. Ely said the magic words. Mike dropped in front of her and began pulling her pants down, his eyes focused on hers as he went. Ely cupped her breasts, and she ground back against the bulge she could feel in his jeans.

  Mike followed her pants with her panties. His eyes were hooded with desire as he stared up at her. Sloane reached her hands down to tug at his shirt. “I want to feel you.” It took Mike two seconds to ditch his shirt. Ely did the same. She felt the hard muscles of his chest as he pressed against her. His hands moving back to cup her breasts. Mike lifted her leg and slipped it over his shoulder. She let out a flurry of little noises as his mouth met her core. His tongue slid between her folds and flicked her clit. She leaned back against Ely. She turned her head searching for his mouth. He kissed her hard as Mike continued to lick and suck at her clit. Her body was trembling as her muscles flexed with the pleasure Mike was giving her.

  “Mike, you are driving her wild,” Ely said as he held her tightly against him. Ely rolled her nipples between his thumb and forefinger. That motion sent a ripple through her. Mike felt it and sucked her clit into his mouth. She couldn’t hold off the building tension. She cried out Mike’s name as her orgasm crashed through her. It was good Ely was supporting her weight with his calloused hands because she wasn’t sure she could stand on her own anymore. Mike flicked his tongue against her as she rode out the spasms of pleasure. He stood, licking his lips. Watching his eyes as he enjoyed the taste of her was the hottest fucking thing Sloane had ever seen. She didn’t think she would find that so fucking hot. His mouth found hers, and she put every bit of that desire into their kiss. She could taste herself on him. She sucked at his tongue and lips as she showed her appreciation.

  “You liked that didn’t you, love?” Mike’s eyebrow rose. Sloane pulled his mouth back against hers to show him how much she liked it. She felt Ely’s cock against her. His tip waiting against her entrance. Sloane broke the kiss to reach behind to stroke Ely. She wanted him to know she was ready for him. He slid his cock down her folds before thrusting inside her. Sloane cried out at the fullness and Mike captured her cry with a hot kiss. He ravaged her mouth as Ely thrust deep and quick inside her. Another orgasm was already building, coiling her muscles. Mike’s mouth moved to one nipple and then another. She pulled Mike by his waistband and unclasped his belt, yanking it from the loops as Ely continued to thrust inside her. She wanted to give Mike the pleasure he’d just given her. She pushed his pants down to set his cock free. It sprang to attention, and she licked her palm before stroking the length of his cock. He let out a low growl and threw his head back, lost in the pleasure of her touch.

  She bent forward wanting to replace her hand with her mouth. She licked up his shaft before sliding her lips over him. She hollowed her cheeks and sucked. “Oh, Christ,” Mike breathed out. Fighting the smile she continued to bob as Ely thrust inside her from behind. Her rhythm became erratic as Ely drove her to the brink. “Ely, you’re driving our girl crazy,” He smiled.

  Sloane could hear their mouths meeting. She wanted to watch them kiss in their passionate state, but she didn’t want to let go of Mike’s cock to do it. There was something about knowing they were attracted to each other too, that sent her over the edge. She shook as her orgasm hit. Ely pumped in her once more before he quivered. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her in place as he spilled himself inside her. Mike was close behind, she sucked him hard and felt him swell a second before he released himself against her throat. She swallowed him up as he ran his hands down her hair. Ely lifted her and brought her to the lounge chair where she had been lying before all this started. Ely rested behind her and Mike in front of her. Mike kissed her hard as Ely’s hands slid down her body appreciatively. They were all relaxed in each other’s embrace.

  Sloane sighed in contentment. She was both happy and annoyed that she hadn’t gotten a vision. Happy because she didn’t want to miss a second of what they’d just done. Annoyed because she had no clue as to what was about to happen with the Shikari. She needed to get to the archives to find the power-boosting potion Shaundra had made for her. For now, she was going to enjoy the safety and comfort of her men’s embrace.

  Ely kissed her shoulder, sweeping his finger down her arm. “No luck?”

  “No, I guess it’s going to take more than phenomenal sex to get a vision,” a little of the frustration she was feeling leaked out in her voice.

  “Maybe there’s nothing to see because the future hasn’t been decided. Maybe someone has to make a decision before you’ll be able to see something of the future.” Mike cupped her cheek before kissing her softly.

  “There has to be something to see. I just think I’m blocked for whatever reason. Is there a potion or something that works the opposite of a power boost. Maybe someone slipped me something that would weaken my powers.” Sloane absently ran her fingers up and down Mike’s arm.

  “It’s possible, but who would do that to you?” Ely asked. Sloane remembered that Ely had only been with them since the end of Colorado. He didn’t know about their suspicion of Bryant, her father.

  “My father wouldn’t want me to see what was happening if he was in on it.” Her voice rippled with the betrayal she still felt toward him. She hadn’t entirely believed her father’s story about her mother. She still thought he may have been involved. How was it that demons knew of her mother’s knowledge? Her mother had passed the knowledge onto her. She had told Sloane that even Bryant was unaware of much of what she knew. Sloane wondered why her mother wouldn’t trust Bryant enough to tell him. It was in that little detail that Sloane had become suspicious of her own father. There had to be a reason her mother hadn’t trusted him.

  “You think your father would have slipped you something to weaken your powers?” The shock was evident in Ely’s voice.

  “Yeah, I do.” Sloane met Mike’s gaze.

  “Well, let’s see if we can whip you up a power boost since the most recent method didn’t work.” Mike winked and kissed her before standing. Holding out his hand to her, he pulled her up from the chair. His hands wrapped around her waist, and he pulled her flush to him. Bending, he grabbed up their clothes, throwing items to each of them. They all dressed quickly.

  “You know how to make the power boost?” Sloane narrowed her eyes at Mike.

  “No, but I can ask a few others who might. Plus, Jessie was friends with Shaundra. She might be able to help with the boost.” Mike held his hand out for her. She took it and followed him into the house.

  Mike went to the kitchen. Jessie came rushing out of the bedroom. “Hey, love, where’s the fire?” he asked. Jessie’s eyes were wide as she looked frantically around her.

  “My mom just texted. They’re going to be there in twenty minutes. We have to go, like now.” Jessie stopped, her hand bracing on the knob.

  “Whoa, calm down, love. We can make it there in time,” Mike replied. He placed his hand over hers before she raced out of the door.

  Erik entered the room. “You guys ready to hit the road. We’ve got less time than we thought.” Erik’s eyes met Sloane’s.

  “You know me, I’m always ready to go.” She gave Erik a sardonic smile.

  “Yeah, I’m not sure I want to hear about that.” His eyes went to each man standing beside Sloane. “I’m pretty sure I could hear you from outside.” He shook his head and took Jessie’s hand.

  “We’ll foll
ow you to Roscoe’s. You all know your places.” Erik looked between them again.

  “This isn’t our first rode-o,” Ely commented in an attempt at a southern accent. Sloane let out a laugh and Jessie followed. “Jus’ tryin’ to keep the mood light.” He did it again and the whole room erupted into laughter.

  “Okay, cowboy, we have to go.” Sloane grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him out the door before he tried his accent again. It really was awful.

  “Jess, are you sure you’re ready for this?” Erik asked in a low voice.

  “It doesn’t matter, I have to save my mom.” Erik held the door open for her. Sloane smiled at her brother. She could see her brother’s adoration for Jessie. She hoped they would get to spend a long time together in peace when this was all over. They both deserved that. Ely tugged at Sloane’s hand.

  “Come on, beautiful, we’ve got a battle to win.” His smile was playful as he held the car door open for her. Mike stopped next to the driver’s side to watch the exchange.

  “Mmm, I do love a good battle.” She stopped next to Ely. “Are we going to make it before they get there? Part of the plan was making sure Jess and Erik had a seat inside.” Sloane met Mike’s eyes.

  “It’s going to be damn close. I’ll do what I can to give us every advantage, but I’m not sure we’ll make it there before them.” Mike shook his head as he started the car.

  “Well, then we better have a backup plan before we get there, cause we’re not missing this opportunity.” Sloane’s voice was fierce. She would stop this guy, one way or another.



  Jessie blew out a breath of relief. “I think we made it before they did.” She pulled at the sleeves of her shirt as she watched Erik put the car in park.

  “Yeah, I don’t hear her anywhere. Come on, let’s get a spot inside before they arrive.” Erik hopped out of the car quickly. Jessie was right on his tail. “I’m going to check-in with Sloane.” He hurried up to the passenger window.

  “Hey, we’re going to split up. Mike will be in the car parked by the highway. We’re going to stay here to let you know when they’re here.” She held her hand out and Erik deposited his keys in her hand.

  “Don’t go far, we may need to make a quick getaway if they see us before we can dispossess him.” Erik tapped his hand on the side of the car before turning to Jessie. “Ready?”

  “Yeah, I have to be.” She turned toward the building and strode inside. They were lucky. A couple had just gotten up from the back table. Jessie would be able to hide behind the tall booth while Erik listened for their entrance. He would signal her the minute they were inside, so she could freeze the place. She wanted to wait and hope that they could separate the demon from her mother. They didn’t want to chance it. The bomb they were carrying was too important to the survival of the Shikari. They had to make sure there was no way that device was getting to the archives. They could destroy every bit of history along with every Shikari’s power.

  “Well, hey there little darlins’” A stout woman with a warm smile sauntered up to their booth. She wore a black polo with Roscoe’s emblem in Maroon just below her shoulders. “What can I start you off with? We have the best sweet tea this side of the Mississippi.”

  “Well, in that case, I’ll take the tea.” Erik flashed her his charming smile.

  “I’ll take a sprite.” Jessie grabbed up a menu, scanning for something that wouldn’t worsen her nausea. She noticed Erik’s eyes kept darting to the door, and Jessie could tell he was keeping his attention on the thoughts of those around them.

  “All right, I’ll be right back with those.” She shifted her hips as she made her way behind the counter. Jessie wanted to sneak a peek behind her, but knew she shouldn’t be looking around. Erik would let her know when they were there.

  “Anything yet?” Jessie asked. She was nervous and didn’t feel comfortable not having eyes on the door. She pulled at the sleeves of her shirt. Her stomach rolled, and she rested her mouth against her fist.

  “No, and I really wish I could stop listening to the thoughts outside. I keep picking up Sloane’s thoughts, and I think I’m going to need therapy after we’re done.” He shook his head.

  Jessie let out a laugh against her fist. “Oh yeah, not enjoying your sister’s complicated thoughts?”

  “I could do without the replay of what we heard happening outside before we left. She keeps replaying it in her mind. I would close them off, but then I close off all thoughts of those outside. I need to know when they get here, so we’re prepared.” Erik took Jessie’s hand across the table.

  “So, you’ll have to live through the torture of your sister’s thoughts.” Jessie gave Erik a crooked smile. “Don’t worry, after we save my mom, I’ll make it worth it.” She winked at him and squeezed his hand.

  “Are you trying to distract me?” he looked back toward the door.

  “No, but there’s something to be said for anticipation.” She looked up through her lashes.

  Two drinks were set in front of them, and Jessie jumped back in surprise. “Oh, sorry darlin’ I didn’t mean to startle you.” She gave Jessie a warm smile. She set a couple packages of saltines in front of her. “I thought you could use these.”

  “It’s okay. I guess I’m just a little jumpy,” she tried to give her a laugh, but her heart wasn’t in it. “So, what’s your favorite thing on the menu? We’re not from around here, but I hear Roscoe’s is the best.”

  “Oh, darlin’ we are the best. Hmm, let’s see. My favorite is either the burnt ends or the brisket. We’ve got some of the best sauces in Kansas City.” She said with such pride, Jessie couldn’t help but smile at her.

  “Well, I’ll have the burnt ends,” Erik spoke up, closing his menu.

  “Then, I’ll get the brisket.” Jessie smiled and handed the menu back.

  “Comin’ right up,” she took the menus and sauntered back behind the counter.

  Erik’s eyes rose to the door, and he froze. He reached out to take Jessie’s hand. “Don’t turn. Your mom just walked through the door. No one’s with her. We need to be ready for anything.” He gripped her hand in his.

  “If it’s only her, where’s the guy?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. I can only hope that Sloane and Ely have eyes on him outside. We’ll wait until we see him to freeze the room, okay.” Jessie nodded.

  “I’m going to send a text to check in with them.” Jessie pulled her phone out of her pocket and sent a group text to Mike and Sloane. If Mike had seen them on the highway, he would have joined them at the restaurant. She set the phone down on the table. Her eyes set on Erik. She wanted to turn to look at her mom. Her heart raced as she waited. He had to be with her, didn’t he? She closed her hands into fists below the table. She thought the anticipation was bad before, now it was unbearable knowing her mom was in the same room. She wanted to run to her. Jessie closed her eyes trying to regain her focus. She couldn’t get worked up while she still had work to do. Her power could go wonky if she didn’t keep focused.

  Erik glanced to the door as it opened. A striking middle-aged man strode through the door. Jessie noticed the slight dusting of silver in his jet-black hair. His goatee was trimmed to perfection. Jessie could see how her mom had fallen for this man so easily. He walked with a confident swagger up to Jessie’s mom. He wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her cheek. Jessie tensed as she watched over her shoulder. He had an amazing confidence and stunning looks. No wonder her mom fell for him. Jessie wasn’t sure she wouldn’t have done the same. When the guy looked around, Jessie quickly turned back to look at Erik. He narrowed one eye at her and grasped her hand.

  “Wait, I may need to take a trip to the men’s room.” He shifted his eyes from her to the guy. He rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. If he went to the bathroom, she wouldn’t have to freeze the restaurant and chance discovery.

  “Okay,” she narrowed her eyes and waited. Erik’s gaze stayed trained on them.
His eyes darted back to Jessie. He tilted his head slightly before sliding out of the booth. Jessie did the same. The man hadn’t noticed Erik following behind him. He walked into the restroom, and Erik stopped just outside the door. He held a finger up and Jessie nodded. A tall dark-haired man walked out of the bathroom.

  “The coast is clear,” Erik whispered. He held the door open for Jessie while glancing around. The bathroom was located down a back hall, so it was easy to slip in without being noticed. Jessie walked around the wall and the man was waiting for her. He threw a blast that hit her like a punch to the chest. She flew backwards and slumped down to the floor, not completely unconscious but stunned. Erik stared down at Jessie, eyes wide. This guy was able to move her without touching her. Erik had to be ready. Erik stepped in front of Jessie with his hands up in front of him.

  “Hey, we’re just here to talk,” Erik said, positioning himself in front of Jessie. Jessie shook her head and realized Erik was standing in front of her. Was he really willing to put himself in danger for her? She tried to clear her head. She’d been slammed pretty hard into the wall. The blow reverberated through her whole body. Everything was going to hurt tomorrow. Erik was saying something else, but she’d been distracted. She needed to get it together now and freeze him. Jessie hadn’t been able to see if he had an amulet before he threw her. Oh well, gotta give it a try. Holding her hands up, she froze him. When he stilled in place, Erik turned to face Jessie.


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