Capone's Misery (Blazing Outlaws MC, #2)

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Capone's Misery (Blazing Outlaws MC, #2) Page 16

by Erin Osborne

  Axel and Shane take NeNe to the back hall of the clubhouse. That’s where we have two rooms we house any prisoners in who need to be saved for one reason or another. NeNe is due in a little over three months. So, she’ll be here for that long.

  Looking at her, you’d never know she was about six months pregnant. But she is. The only reason she hasn’t had an ultrasound yet is because I was out of town on her last appointment and Axel and Shane took her. I didn’t want her to try anything, so I talked to the doctor about holding off on it. She agreed and that’s why we’re doing it at the next appointment.

  NeNe screams and hollers the entire way down the hall. I wince as she gets higher and higher pitched the closer she gets to the room. The rest of the men clear out and go in search of everything NeNe hid in the club’s businesses. We’re going to stop all her shit before she even gets going.

  “You want me to stick around or what?” Simone asks Satan.

  “No. I’ve got your number. I’ll call when the baby’s born if we decide to go that route. Thank you for comin’ out on such short notice,” he answers, handing over an envelope.

  “No problem. You got my number. I look forward to doing business with you in the future,” she says. “Capone, it’s nice to meet you.”

  “You too,” I tell her, shaking her outstretched hand before she leaves.

  “You okay?” Satan asks me.

  “I’m pissed as hell. The only thing I want right now is Hollie. But, I’m respectin’ you and her. For now. I’m not gonna wait forever, Satan. She’s mine and I’m gonna bring her home where she belongs,” I tell my President.

  I leave him and Raine in the common room. Right now, I want to be alone. Between the shit with NeNe and Hollie not coming home still I don’t want to be around anyone. I’m not good company because I’d rather just rip everyone’s head off. It’s better off for me to be alone. Raine watches me with sad eyes as I leave the room. I don’t need anyone’s pity either. This is my own fault for the mess I’m in.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I’VE BEEN IN Steel Mills for just over a week now. In the time I’ve been here, I have worked for Gloria at the restaurant, talked a little bit to Bender and his guys, and explored the small town a little. It’s helped me make my mind up about staying here and not moving back to Willow Creek. The only reason I’ll go back for visits is to see my sister and family. I have no other reason to stay there anymore.

  Capone has been trying to call and message me, but I manage to avoid his calls. I know he’s pissed and ready to come down here. But, the one or two times I talked to him, I told him he needs to stay there because of NeNe and the baby. No matter what NeNe’s doing, or that she’s currently locked in a room at the clubhouse with little contact with anyone, she’s still pregnant with his child. He needs to be worried about that situation and not about me and what I’m doing.

  Axel has called me once a day since I’ve been gone. We talk about anything other than me moving back to Willow Creek and Capone. I don’t want to know anything about him. It’s hard to tell Raine that so I try to tune her out as best as I can. I’ve video chatted with Axel when I’ve been home so he can see the latest covers I’m working on and help me figure out what to do to make them better. Hell, he even said I could use pictures of his bike if any of the authors I work with are interested in having a bike on their cover. He’s such a sweet guy and I hope he finds what he’s looking for.

  When I have had a day off from working, I have hung out with Raven. He’s one of Bender’s guys in the club and the one who usually watches over me. I swear he spends more time at the restaurant when I’m working than any other member of the club. Raven and I have a friendship, much like I do with Axel. I don’t have feelings for him other than that. I’m not sure I can say the same about him though. I’ve seen the way he watches me when I’m working or not paying close attention to him.

  Raven is almost the complete opposite to Capone. He’s got long, wavy, black hair, eyes almost as dark as his hair, and no tattoos I’ve seen so far. Plus, he’s taller than Capone. I bet he’s over six foot six. He has a way about him in that he can laugh and joke but then immediately switch to killer mode if he doesn’t like something someone says or does. Especially regarding women and kids. Raven is content to sit for hours with me and barely say a word, or talk about anything and everything. Other than club business that is.

  We have fun and he lets me do my thing without a million questions. I’ve talked to him about the kidnapping and he’s the only one in Steel Mills I’ve talked to about it. I’m not going to say no one else in the club knows because I don’t know if Satan or anyone from his club said a word to Bender about it. No one has said anything to me about so I don’t bring it up. Raven only knows because I took a nap one day and he woke me up from a nightmare.

  My nightmares have come back since leaving Willow Creek. I think it’s because I’m venturing out on my own and no one here knows my story. I’m not letting myself think it has anything to do with Capone. If I do, I’ll end moving back and being miserable. The way I was before getting kidnapped and leaving there in the first place.

  I’ve already realized I’m never going to find my person. I’m not Raine who has a husband and children. Capone is the man I thought I’d be with and that’s nothing more than a dream these days. I compare everyone to him and they always end up lacking in one way or another. Clay is the perfect example of that— no chemistry whatsoever.

  Yesterday, I talked to Gloria and I’ve gotten a few days off from the restaurant. She managed to hire another girl besides me who seems to be working out okay. It’s time for me to go home and see Raine. I need to tell her in person I’m moving to Steel Mills permanently. She’s not going to be happy about my decision, but it’s mine to make and this is what I want.

  I’ve rented a car to make the trip home with. Once there, I’ll turn it in after renting a U-Haul to load my things up in and bring back my truck with me. I’ve made the reservation already for a truck and trailer so I can tow my truck back home. Raven wants to go with me, but I need to do this on my own. He doesn’t want me to drive the U-Haul back on my own. I’m not thrilled about doing it, but I’m going to. It’s part of me taking my life in my own hands and doing what I need to do.

  So, I head out to the car and toss my small bag of clothes and purse inside before walking over to Raven on his bike.

  “You sure you don’t want me to go?” he asks, looking down at me.

  “No, thank you. I need to do this on my own. Besides, Satan’s going to be on my ass the entire time I’m home and I’ll be lucky if he doesn’t send someone back with me,” I tell him.

  “Yeah, I know he’ll be on your ass. Especially with your sister bein’ his wife and ol’ lady,” Raven says with a laugh. “Call me when you stop and when you get back to Willow Creek. Don’t make me come find you, little one.”

  “I promise. I’m trying to only make one stop on the way there. It’s a six-hour ride and I don’t want to be on the ride when it’s dark. I’ll call when I pull over for gas and food and then I’ll let you know when I get back. It’s probably going to be a message because I’m sure Raine will be waiting for me,” I tell him.

  “Okay, little one,” Raven says, pulling me in for a hug.

  I kiss him on his cheek and back away from him. Why the hell can’t I feel something for this man?

  Getting in the car, I roll down the windows and blare the music. I’m not worried about connecting my Bluetooth at this point because I don’t want to have to delete it when I return the car. No one’s going to have access whatsoever to my phone or anything in it. So, I turn on the radio and just listen to random songs that come on. At least there’s XM Radio so I don’t have to listen to commercials on the trip.

  I’ve been on the road for almost four hours when I finally decide to pull over and stop for gas and food. There’s a gas station with a fast food place in it and I decide that’s better than nothi
ng. I can fill up and grab a bite before getting back on the road for the last two hours of my trip.

  I check my phone as the gas pumps and see a message from Raine and one from Raven, so I reply to Raven first.

  Raven: How’s the trip? Waitin’ for you to check in.

  Me: It’s long. I just pulled over for gas and something to eat. The rest of the trip should only take two more hours.

  Raven: Okay. Let me know when you get there. Miss your face already, little one.

  Me: I will. And I’ll let you know when I head back.

  Sliding my phone in my pocket, I finish filling the car up before moving to a parking spot and going inside. Once I have my food ordered, I pull my phone out again and message my sister. She’ll be going crazy and I don’t need a Blazing Outlaw escort back into town. Satan and she will make sure it happens if I don’t check in soon.

  Me: Sis, I’m about two hours out. Just waiting on my food so I can get back on the road.

  Just as I get my food, there’s another message alert on my phone. I’m sure it’s from Raine, so I grab my bag and drink and head out to the car before I open it up.

  Raine: Okay. I’ll be waiting at your house. I’ve got a key so I’ll just go inside.

  Me: Okay. Don’t mind the mess.

  I know the house is a mess because I left in such a hurry and there was no time to make sure everything was clean and the way my house usually looks. Raine will just have to deal with it.

  Pulling out my burger and fries, I set the fries between my legs so they don’t end up all over the car and unwrap the burger. It’s greasy as hell, but there’s nothing I can do about it. My growling stomach is telling me I need to eat so I’m going to.

  Starting the car, I blast the music again and pull out of the gas station. After getting back on the highway, I eat my food while driving. It’s not the best decision as ketchup falls onto the wrapper I placed in my lap, but I didn’t want to waste more time by sitting there and eating. Hopefully the next two hours fly by and I’m back before I know it.

  I pull into the driveway of the only home I’ve had in Willow Creek. Raine’s SUV, Satan’s bike, and two more bikes fill the driveway as I park halfway in the grass. There’s lights on in almost every room of the house as I get out of the car and stretch my road wary body. It feels good to be standing and not in the damn car anymore. That’s what I hate about long car trips— feeling cramped and drained.

  I’m ready to sleep the night away, but I have to talk to my sister and Satan before I can do any of that. So, I grab my garbage, bag, and purse and make my way inside after locking the car up. As soon as I enter the front door, I stop in my tracks.

  Raine and Satan are sitting on my couch while Axel and Capone sit on the floor in front of them. They’re all eating dinner, it looks like. I don’t care they’re eating my food because it saves me from having to pack it all up. The reason I stop in my tracks is the look of Capone.

  He looks like he hasn’t been sleeping very good. His hair is even longer, while his usually shaved beard has grown since I’ve been gone. When his eyes meet mine, they look haunted and sad. It’s a look I never want to see on his face. Even though he looks rough, Capone is still the sexiest man I’ve ever laid eyes on.

  “You’re back,” he says, standing up and walking toward me.

  “I’m back. What are you all doing here?” I ask, the ride back catching up to me.

  “We all wanted to see you for ourselves and make sure you’re okay,” Satan answers turning his head to look me over head to toe.

  “I’m good. Tired and ready for bed, but I’m good,” I answer.

  “We won’t stay long. Just wanted to see you when you got here,” Capone tells me, reaching for my hand and leading me to the couch to sit down.

  “Well, I’m gonna be here. Need to find out what’s been going on,” Raine says.

  “I know.”

  I pull my phone out and send a message to Raven letting him know I’m at the house. He’ll respond when he does; I don’t need to read it right now. Capone watches me and I see a hint of something in his eyes. He’s not sure who I’m texting, if I’m seeing someone already in Steel Mills. Well, it’s not up to me to comfort him and explain myself. They’re the ones who told Bender to have his guys watch over me and he’s going to have to deal with it.

  “Holls, it’s good to see you,” Axel murmurs, finishing his food and standing up to take care of his plate.

  “It’s good to see you too. I’ve missed you,” I tell him honestly.

  Capone growls at my words. He’s not a damn caveman and we’re not together. He’s known of the relationship I have with Axel from the beginning, neither one of us bothered to hide it. Capone can grunt, growl, and do whatever else he needs to do. I need to talk to Raine so I can get some sleep. It’s never a good thing when I’m sleep deprived because I tend to become a bitch.

  Satan and Capone finish their dinner and my brother-in-law makes the guys leave. Axel will sit outside to make sure no one touches me while I’m in town. Yeah, they’re going to take the threat seriously and I won’t be left alone again. I’m not going to complain at all though. I don’t want to see Clay again because I’ll end up kicking his ass. I’m so mad at him.

  “So, how long are you staying here?” Raine asks when the guys finally leave the house.

  “Long enough to pack my things and load the U-Haul. I know you want me here with you, but I can’t stay. I’m building a life in Steel Mills and it’s one I like,” I tell her.

  “But why can’t you do that here? You know we love you and the guys love having you do the books and things for them. It takes a load off all them,” Raine says. “And I want you close because you’re my sister and the only family I have left.”

  “I’m not your only family anymore. You have the kids, Satan, and the club. You have more than enough family surrounding you to keep you busy all day long. I’ll talk to Satan before I head out about doing the books. I can come back once a month or so and get them done, see you, and then go back. At least until they find someone to take over from me,” I tell Raine, pulling her in for a hug finally.

  Raine holds me tighter than she’s ever held me. It’s like she doesn’t want to let me go because she knows I won’t be a short ride away anymore. That I’m moving away and we’ll only really have phone conversations unless Satan wants me to come back once a month to do the books for the club.

  “Raine, you have to understand. There’s nothing for me here anymore. Clay was my first and only attempt at dating since being kidnapped. My heart belongs to someone I can never have. I know I’ll never find the chemistry I have with Capone. But in Steel Mills I won’t see him every time I turn around. To feel like an outsider in his life while he has a baby and is dealing with NeNe. You don’t know how much it hurts to feel this way,” I tell my sister with tears in my eyes.

  “Holls, I’m so sorry. But, you haven’t seen Capone and the way he’s been acting since you’ve been gone. The man barely sleeps, he only leaves the clubhouse when he absolutely has to go to Blazing Babes or on a short run. Satan and the guys are worried about him. He misses you and wants you to come home,” Raine tells me.

  “And I can’t get over him if I’m here. I need time and distance to steal my heart against the only man who’s ever had the power to break me completely. This is what I need to do, Raine. I’m sorry you’re going to be upset and miss me. I’ll miss you too. All of you. But, I need this. It will be easier if I know you understand where I’m coming from and why I need to do this,” I tell her, looking her in the eyes so she knows how serious I am right now.

  “Fine. I do understand. But, you better check in on a daily basis and I want you to get out and date someone while you’re there. Before you leave, I want to know who you messaged when you got here and hear about the men in the other chapter of the club. I know you’ve seen them,” Raine answers. “For now, get some sleep and I’ll be back in the morning to help you pack. I’ll bring the kids
so they can see their auntie before she abandons us all.”

  “Very funny,” I tell her, walking her to the door so I can lock up and get to bed.

  After walking through the house and seeing the window fixed already, I let out my breath and make sure everything is locked up tight. Even with Axel outside, I feel off being back here. I don’t think I could stay here after being taken in the middle of the night. So, it’s good that I’ll only be here a day or two.

  Climbing into bed, I pull up my message from Raven and read it before going to sleep.

  Raven: Thank you, little one. I’ll check in tomorrow.

  Me: Good night, Raven. Have a good night. Though I’m sure you are.

  Setting my phone on the nightstand, I get comfortable and let sleep claim me.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  SEEING HOLLIE LAST night was good and bad. It’s good because I know she’s not hurt and not reverting back to the way she was when she got kidnapped the first time. Bad because she looks good. Being away from Willow Creek has been agreeing with her.

  Other than being tired from the drive, Hollie has color and a spark I haven’t seen before. It’s almost like she’s in love since going down there. Bender hasn’t said anything about her going out on dates, but he might not if she’s seeing one of the guys in the club. Her hair is even longer than I remember, almost reaching the top of her ass now. Hollie’s eyes shine and a small was on her face from the time she walked in the door until we left. Raine was the last one to leave and I’d love to know what they talked about. If she knows if my girl is seeing someone.

  NeNe demanded to see me today. So, after eating breakfast with the rest of the guys, I make my way to her. She’s standing in the room we’re keeping her in and it’s destroyed.

  “What do you want?” I ask after unlocking and opening the door.

  “You need to let me out of here. I’m not your damn prisoner and I’ll not be treated like one,” she yells.


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