Arise (After the Reign Book 1)

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Arise (After the Reign Book 1) Page 7

by CK Dawn

  “Oh, uh that’s my Horseman weapon. It’s one of three that were created from my father’s original sword, all forged the same day my mother became a Horseman.” They parted slightly. “Mine’s been locked away since I was six, though.”

  “Locked away?” Sawyer furrowed his brow in confusion.

  “Overprotective parents, castle tower? Remember? I really only get to use it when me and my dad have the occasional sparring practice. So I uh, snagged it from their room when they left.”

  “Oh.” He laughed, but his lighthearted reaction turned serious. “So does that mean it has something to do with what you’re up to? The fever?”

  She nodded, still unwilling to share her suspicions about what was happening to her. “Want to see it?” Her shy voice offered instead.

  “Nah. I mean, I see like, what, at least fifty a day?” He gave her a mock scoff of uninterest. “Of course I want to see it.”

  She pulled the hilt from the small of her back, wondering if the rust-colored grip carved with dragon scales would ever feel like her weapon and not a mere shadow of her father’s. She laid it across her palms precariously close to her skin if the blade were to ever emerge.


  “It’s okay, I can’t call the blade by myself.”

  “Why not?”

  “My parents’ working theory is, it’ll happen once I transcend.” Mira shrugged. “But that’s years from now.” She continued quickly to veil her suspicions that said otherwise. “They think I’ll be able to wield it then along with my chosen steed form.” She put the pommel back in its place in the holster at the base of her spine.

  “Then why take it now?”

  Her shoulders tightened. “Threats aren’t going to wait until everyone thinks I’m ready. Until I can wield a Horsemen blade. Why wouldn’t I try to call it now?”

  “Very true.”

  “It’s mine anyway.” She defended her actions even though he’d agreed with her.

  “Also true.” Sawyer paused for a long time. “The Three Fates?” He finally asked her. “You can’t be around Mordecai for more than a day without picking up something he loathes about the former Crimson Hollow inhabitants.” He added when she gave him a look of surprise. “He’s been hunting the Moirai sisters ever since they became the Fates.”

  Mira’s tight shoulders slouched forward.

  “More feelings of being locked away in a tower while other people prepare for the fight?”

  “As they prepare for my fight.” She gritted her teeth. “I’m the one that’s going to fight them. I feel it in my bones. Don’t ask me how.” She answered his questioning look. “The thing is, my mom was able to call my father’s blade long before she became a Horseman. She was only a frail human and could wield such a weapon. I’m half-fae and I can’t--” She shook her head.

  “You will.” His thumb brushed across her cheek. “And I bet no one tried to hide your mom away in a tower?”

  “My dad knew better.”

  Sawyer raised her chin that had drooped. “You deserve someone who knows better.”

  She looked deep into his eyes. His unwavering confidence in her was emboldening “My transcendence day is their working theory, not mine. I have to be ready before then. I have to try.” She kept her chin held high. “True?”

  “True. So,” he lightened the mood and mimed something unfurling behind him. “You don’t have--?”

  “Wings?” She had to laugh. “No, um not yet.”

  He brushed her long wavy hair from her shoulders, exposing her neck and collarbone. “They’re going to be beautiful.”

  She felt her cheeks flush.

  “This red color happens a lot.” He teased, caressing the back of his fingers across the residual rosy hue.

  “I can’t help it.”

  “Definitely not complaining.”

  “You make me comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time.” She scoffed and shook her head. “Does that make any sense?”

  “Mhm.” He leaned in and whispered against her heated skin. “I like that I make you nervous.”

  She quivered against him and let out her breath. Electricity jolts fired all over her body. Blood raced through her veins. Her heart was pounding so fast she thought it might burst.

  Reacting to her body, he gripped her waist hard and put his lips against her neck. His tongue and teeth grazed her skin. She knew he wanted to bite her, to nibble and tug at her skin, hoping to elicit a reaction from her body as to what she liked. Her head lifted toward the sky and her hands clenched around his shirt in anticipation, urging him to explore her body. Before he bit down, though, he let out a low frustrated groan and stopped. Things had gotten intense between them pretty fast.

  “If we must vanquish this red from your cheeks,” he pulled away to look at her. “I fear much more practice will be required. I humbly offer my services, my lady...again.” He chuckled, placed his hand over his heart, and slightly bowed.

  “So it’s to be humor, then? Fine.” She briefly laid on a thick accent she’d heard once on a medieval-looking series, agreeing with slowing things down. “Continue, good sir.”

  “Whether by sword or swoon, use me as you will.” He put the back of his hand against his forehead in feigned torment. “Even for your wretched coffee date.”

  “Oh that? ‘Tis canceled. Or would it be ‘twas canceled it? Past tense.” She laughed at herself.

  “Mm, pity either way.” His breathing deepened.

  “A shame.” She agreed.

  “What was his name again?” He dared.

  “Funny, I can’t seem to remember.” Mira played along.

  “Funny how that happens.”

  “Funny how a lot of things happen.”

  “Do tell.” He urged her to continue.

  “Funny how when I least expect it, I meet someone who intrigues me, challenges me.”

  “Some of the best things in life happen when you stop forcing them.”

  “It also means, I’m not opposed to further practice of the swoon kind and will indeed require your continued aid, good sir.” Their mouths were so close.


  “How does the old-timey saying go? If at first, you don’t succeed--”

  He smiled against her lips. “Try, try again? Tsk, tsk such duty to be done.” He gave her a soft peck. “Oh, but I will have to check my schedule.”


  “There’s this feisty little Princess I’ve been tasked with following around.”

  “Hmm, I wouldn’t say little or Princess, but she definitely sounds like a problem.”

  He rolled his eyes.

  “Ditch her?” She teased.

  “I can’t.”

  “Agreed. You take your job very seriously as I recall. I understand.”

  “No, that’s not it.”

  “Oh?” Mira was legitimately surprised by his last response and couldn’t predict what he would say next.

  His demeanor changed; gone was his playful smile during their short silly banter, replaced by an intense longing. “Day and night I think of her, I can’t stop. I can’t sleep. When I’m not with her, I ache. And when I am near her, I’m in agony. The first day I met her she was already putting me in my place. And I was floored. She had every right to, believe me,” he added quickly before she could object. “But from that day, I thought, my god! I want her.”

  Her heart fluttered as she ran her hands down his chest. Leaning in, she couldn’t believe what she was about to demand of him, but whispering against his stubbled cheek, she did. “Say her name.”

  “Mira.” His breathy voice answered.

  Falling silent their lips came together in the most sensual and intimate kiss Mira could have imagined. Their hands went everywhere.

  Suddenly a shout came from the open doorway “Sawyer!”

  Startled, they broke their embrace. “Shit,” Sawyer muttered under his breath and cleared his throat. “Sir?”

  “With me,” Mordecai
demanded from just inside the open doorway with a clear view of the couple. “Now!”

  “Yes, sir.” Sawyer looked at Mira. With only his eyes he motioned to the grand hall above their heads. He wanted her to meet him after Mordecai was done with him.

  “And, Mira!?” Her uncle continued.

  “Yes?” She answered with a cheerful lilt to her voice, hoping he would recognize how happy she was.

  “Just--” Her uncle seemed to be struggling to find the right words.

  The two untangled themselves and Sawyer headed toward the door.

  “Just. Don’t.” Mordecai finally finished his thought and eyed Sawyer up and down as if he were picturing all the ways he might torture and kill him once they were alone. As Sawyer disappeared into the hallway, Mordecai crossed his arms over his chest in protest and looked at Mira.

  His stern frown softened over time, though, when he saw how happy she truly was. Looking down, he shook his head and his lungs deflated in a huff at the realization that she was going to grow up whether he or her parents wanted her to or not. He raised an eyebrow and gave her a look as if he were silently asking if she was sure of what she wanted.

  Pulling her hands to her mouth, ready to bite all her nails, she nodded. Yes!

  Relenting, he gave her a smile and nodded back a slow approval as he silently mouthed the word she was hoping for, “Okay.”


  Something Wicked

  Mira paced the grand room of the Hollow alone. Even by vampire standards it was far too early or way too late and wasn’t bustling with its usual activity. Weaving in and out of furniture arrangements, she waited for Sawyer.

  She trusted her uncle not to banish him from the premises or physically torture him, but the master vampire wasn’t about to let their indiscretion go unscathed either.

  “Well?” She bombarded Sawyer as soon as he came into view. “What did he say?” She was almost afraid to ask.

  “After I explained that you hadn’t spent the night with me--”

  Mira covered her mouth. “Oh shit, I forgot how early it is. And my clothes. Yeah, I guess that looked pretty bad, huh?”

  Sawyer’s facial expression screamed ‘you think!?’ He exhaled loudly, agreeing with her deduction without having to utter the words.

  “I know, I know. I’m Sorry. I wasn’t thinking. Go on.”

  “Mordecai said and I quote, ‘Once I’m away new rules will be instilled. The two of you won’t be left to your own devices for a single moment while in the Hollow,’ end quote.”

  Mira nodded “I guess it could’ve been worse. He could have compelled you.”

  “He threatened to.”

  “Yeah, that would’ve been worse.” She turned away. Her uncle hadn’t compelled anyone in years. He considered it too invasive and archaic.

  Mordecai’s business was taking him to Fae for the next couple of days, that she knew. What she didn’t know was how restrictions on her could get any worse. She’d rather just go home to Bremerton and pout in her bed than find out. His coven would undoubtedly enforce whatever new rules he had planned with great enthusiasm, though, to please their master.

  Sawyer came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist almost as an apology for her continued captivity. She looked down the line of bright red doors shutting her in and suffocating her spirit.

  Her eyes stopped once they fell on the Gothic archway to New York. The city Sawyer called home. The city she most wanted to see.

  What if we’re not in the Hollow once he’s gone? She thought to herself. He hasn’t told me about these new rules yet.

  Sawyer placed his chin on her shoulder. He opened his palm out in front of her. “Even if my bike was working I doubt we could get very far.” There in his hand, his miniature Rubik’s Cube and motorcycle key looked like lifeless corpses a cat would bring home. “No, that was a bad idea, forget I even said it.” He must have been thinking the same thing she was.

  Giving the wall of red doors a devilish smile she reached into her front pocket. Laszlo’s golden coin joined the offering in his open palm. “Like you said before, do you always do everything you're told to do?” She spun around and faced him.

  His eyes were alight with defiance and he was giving her a blinding grin. “Let’s go?” He wasn’t really asking.

  She nodded. “Let’s go!”

  Sprinting out of the Hollow's red door had been liberating. Sitting on the back of Sawyer's bike as he barreled down the streets of New York was even better. Mira felt like she was flying. She was free.

  The air was cool and crisp against her skin. Buildings and people were a blur as they whizzed by. He seemed to want to show her everything.

  There were fewer people than she would have imagined, though. Watching too many pre-Scorch TV shows had jaded her perception of mortal life.

  “Aren’t we going to stop?” She asked as they zoomed by a famous landmark she recognized.

  “Nah, not yet!” He yelled back at her. “City’s first impression is better from afar. I want to give you the pretty postcard tour first. Once you get up close and personal, all you see is the grime and muck.”

  “Well then, by all means,” she giggled, using his exact words when she kidnapped him to Bremerton. “Lead the way.” Tightening her muscles in her thighs, she clung to his legs, and dared to stretch her arms straight out into the air as they flew. It was glorious.

  Not having to ever stop for gas, or mechanical issues, they rode forever. Back and forth, up and down neighborhood streets and business districts, Sawyer pointed out his favorite thing. She marveled at it all.

  Just then, Mira started to feel strange. “Something’s wrong. Sawyer--” Her shoulder blades were stretched to their limits and on fire. She felt as though something alien was trying to rip her open. “I think we should stop.”

  “What?” Sawyer yelled back at her over the rumbling muffler. “Mira, what is it?” He touched her thigh. “You’re burning up.”

  “I need to stop!”

  “Hold on to me. Let me get us somewhere safe first, okay?”

  She wrapped her hands around his chest, laid her head against his back, and nodded. “Hurry.” The world started spinning out of control. Closing her eyes, she felt like a tea kettle ready to blow and her time was up. The ball of energy deep inside her seemed to be growing and it wanted out.

  Heat radiated from her skin like a furnace. She knew she must have been burning Sawyer. He didn’t stop. He held her hands against his chest and went even faster. “Hang on, Mira!”

  Her eyes started to flutter open and shut. Her body felt as though it was about to convulse into seizures.

  Finally, the bike slowed. Able to focus for a moment, she recognized the coffee shop Conor had spoken about ahead of them. They were about to pass it. Beyond that, the Hollow’s hidden doorway would be mere steps away.

  Mira tried to hold on. “Sawyer--” Her warning was but a whisper. It was too late. Everything that followed happened in the blink of an eye.

  Extreme light and heat exploded from Mira’s body. Her fever wasn’t slowly radiating out anymore, a constant annoyance like before. It was a bomb, instant and angry. The white light was blinding. Its shockwave looked like a flat disk that had come from her core. A loud boom followed, echoing into the ether.

  Glass from buildings and cars shattered all around them in an instant. People walking along the sidewalk were knocked off their feet.

  Sawyer took the brunt of the explosion. The impact pulled the two of them apart and he was thrown over the handlebars. The bike wobbled and toppled over, sliding to a stop up against his body.

  “No!” Mira’s heart stopped. She landed on the street, her legs crumbling beneath her.

  People started running in a panic, others came out of buildings huddled together in doorways to see what was going on.

  Conor came out of the coffee shop. He was holding two large cups of coffee. Standing beside him, another customer’s drinks were falling to the ground. />
  Slight movement came from Sawyer.

  Her heart started beating again.

  More movement came from him as he got up and rushed to her. Unconcerned about his own injuries, he was trying to say something. His voice was muffled as though he were speaking through a wrapping paper tube filled with wall insulation. “Mira! Mira, --alright? What --happened?”

  She watched his lips move. Blood seeped from his mouth and other wounds. Scratches riddled his face. Asphalt was embedded in his skin.

  Then she heard them. Three voices with crystal clear clarity rang out above the muffled chaos. The three voices chimed inside her head, taking turns, finishing the others’ thoughts.

  Such a pretty thing.

  Yes, a lovely thing.

  We made her sing.


  So lyrical.


  Then Mira saw them. Three fiery red-heads, their female forms appearing in the distance through a haze of smoke and dust. The fresh-faced, freckle-skinned triplets were framed by the madness, one dressed in all black, one in red, and the last in all white.

  The Moirai sisters. Mira’s head screamed. The Three Fates!

  They slithered from the veil of smoke and walked down the sidewalk into the fray. Mortals fled all around them, some under their own foot power, others were thrown out of the way. The number of corpses was increasing with their every step.

  Hello, Mira.

  We’ve been,

  Waiting for you.

  “Dammit, Mira, put this on.” Sawyer was trying to drape his military jacket around her. “Go!” He begged her to glamour and hide, to run to Crimson Hollow, and not look back.

  “It’s too late.” She fought his attempts.

  “Don’t say that!”

  She started to glamour a disguise over his face instead.

  “No.” He put her hands on his cheeks before she could change him. “They’re not after me. Please just go.” He looked at Conor then.

  Dropping his own two cups of coffee in preparation, Conor quickly took in Sawyer’s plan. He glanced at the Fates and then back at Sawyer.


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