Heartland Shifters Box Set

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Heartland Shifters Box Set Page 16

by V. Vaughn

  I flop down on the bed next to him. “Just let me catch my breath, because I’m far from done.”

  He lifts up on an elbow to look down at me with a well-deserved smirk. “Oh, I’m well aware of your stamina.”

  “Hands back on that headboard,” I order as I sit up.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  I move down to grip his cock and drag my tongue up the shaft a few times to tease him before I take it in. As I bob up and down on his dick, I recall our anal play and decide to venture into that territory for him too. I have a feeling he’s not going to mind. And when I soak my finger in saliva and swirl it around his anus, he lets out a moan that tells me I was right. I dip in the slightest bit, and he bucks up his hips to ram his cock further down my throat. “Jesus, Lexi.” Tristan loves it when I push our sexual boundaries, and I love that he lets me. I push my finger in a little more as he relaxes enough to let me gain entrance, and when I’m far enough inside him, I press against the thin wall toward his prostate. I think I’ve found it when he hisses with pleasure.

  “Do you want me to come?” he asks. “Because—aahhh”

  Regretfully, I stop what I’m doing, because to have him lose control in my mouth would be sexy as hell, but we’ve got something important to accomplish, and I need him inside me when we exchange the mate bites. “Next time,” I wink at him as I move up to straddle his hips. “I need you hard for a little while longer.”

  He shakes his head at me and reaches down to help guide his cock into me. I slide on slowly, savoring the sensation of him filling me. The heat of my pleasure begins to twist around in me, swirling and gaining momentum as I rock on his thick shaft. I buck with my wild, primal need as every nerve ending in my body sparks to life. I find a rhythm as my breasts bounce before his eyes, something I know Tristan likes to watch.

  My orgasm is close now, and it’s time. I call on my lion to help, and my gums ache as her teeth extend, ready to mark Tristan as mine. I lean down and open my jaw wide to sink my teeth into his flesh. The heat of his blood fills my mouth at the same time the searing heat of my orgasm explodes in me like hot lava. The intensity of my release is beyond anything I could have imagined.

  Tristan flips me over quickly, and I arch my neck up toward him as best I can. My body is convulsing uncontrollably with a never-ending orgasm I fear I may not survive. I’m blind to anything but my ecstasy when Tristan marks me, and we thrash together as if we were electrified while he experiences the same bliss of his climax.

  I’m not sure how much later it is, but when the two of us come down, we can barely move. Our limbs are tangled together, sweat is salty on my tongue and hair is in my mouth. I’m not even sure whose hair it is.

  “Fuck, Lexi. Are we dead?”

  My body shakes with my laughter, and I yank a hand free to drag a strand of hair out of my eyes. “Maybe, and it was a hell of a way to go.” I think about how he said it would be like this, and how I didn’t believe him. “Hey.”


  “That myth about what happens when we bond? Truth.”

  Tristan finds a way to lift himself up enough to gaze down at me, and the love I see in his eyes matches mine. “I’m going to love you this hard forever, Lexi.”

  I lift a hand to stroke his cheek as my eyes burn with tears of happiness. “I’ll love you just as hard in return, Tristan.” I let out a sigh and drop my hand in exhaustion. He untangles us to settle my bottom into his lap and wrap his limbs around mine, and we fall asleep as one.

  Chapter 40


  I tug at my red bow tie. I don’t think these things are supposed to be so damn tight. Bruce, who’s standing beside me looking slick and put together in his black suit, nudges me in the side. Lexi performed seamstress magic and tailored it to perfection for him. She’s completely on board with introducing him to Hillary and wanted him to look his best.

  Bruce says, “You look like you’re going to pass out.”

  I don’t say anything to him, but he’s right. I’m on the verge of panic that has nothing to do with Lexi. It’s the crowd. “My god, there’s so many of them,” I whisper. It’s one thing to tolerate a lot of people, but to have all their eyes on me? A wave of nausea makes sweat break out on my forehead.

  Bruce snickers, and shakes his head. “That’s what happens at weddings, bro. Don’t lock your knees.”

  I give him a wry smile and look around at the crowd gathered in the town’s central park. I see familiar faces smiling at me. They have all come to support me and Lexi on our big day. I can feel the love and support pouring out of them. It humbles me. They love Lexi, of course, but the warmth is extended to me. Always has been, and I’m grateful.

  A soft, deep melody begins as the cellist starts to play, and the crowd gets to their feet to turn and watch a little girl with blond pigtails, Katie, who is Hillary’s niece, walk down the aisle. She smiles at everyone, basking in the attention as she tosses rose petals into the air so they’ll flutter onto the ground. Hillary walks behind her in a blue dress that makes her eyes sparkle. Bruce sucks in a breath as he watches her, and I smile.

  I lean toward him. “You better ask her out before the end of the reception or someone else might snatch her up.”

  He shakes his head and frowns, making me wonder why he’s so dead-set against finding love.

  Once Hillary’s at the end of the aisle and takes her place, the music changes to something more dramatic to announce the arrival of the bride. I hold my breath as my gaze locks on the entrance of the park.

  Lexi steps into my line of sight like a dream. I swear angels are singing, and a halo of light surrounds her as she walks toward me. I feel like I should notice the dress since there was a lot of talk about it being simple, elegant, and lacy. She wouldn’t let me see it, so this is my chance. There was something about tea roses, too, which I learned means smaller flowers. But I’ll notice all that later. I’m too enthralled with her face framed by her long hair in soft curls and her eyes because she’s looking at me and me only. I swallow hard as I wonder how I deserve a woman like Lexi.

  I’m either going to pass out or cry as she nears me, so many emotions are threatening to spill over. Inside, my tiger growls at me, Get your shit together. I smile, happy that my tiger is able to keep control. When Lexi reaches me, I relax and focus on the woman I love and making sure she knows it. I whisper, “You’re gorgeous.”

  She offers me a smile full of love and confidence. She’s not terrified of being on display, and she loops her hand around my arm. “And you are the most handsome man I’ve ever seen. Shall we?”

  I nod and we step up to the justice of the peace to get married.

  “Welcome, family and friends,” he begins. “We are gathered here today in this beautiful community park to celebrate the union of Tristan and Lexi. You have come here to share in their commitment to one another, to offer your love and support to their union, and to allow Tristan and Lexi to start their mated life together surrounded by their loved ones.” He pauses to scan the guests with his gaze. “I believe both Tristan and Lexi have vows they wish to speak to each other.”

  The justice nods at me first, and I turn to face Lexi. She’s not holding her flowers any longer, and I take both of her hands and look at her as I recite my lines. “I promise to be there for you, to hold you and support you through anything.” Flashes of the first week she was home from the hospital come from me. I see myself holding her as she cried, feeding her, and bathing her when she was exhausted. “I can’t wait to see how our love will grow in the days to come. You are my friend, my lover, and my everything.” Then I recall how deep our love has grown. We evolved into people who take care of each other, and I wake up each morning grateful to see her next to me. “I love you more each day and will until the end of time.”

  Lexi smiles as her eyes shine with tears and then recites her vows. “After all we’ve been through, I know that every moment, every thought, and every memory has led me to you. As I pledge my
self to our marriage, I promise to love openly and to always communicate. Our hearts have already joined as one. And now we connect our futures. Forever.”

  “Tristan and Lexi,” the justice of the peace says, “exchange your rings to seal the vow to be mated together forever.”

  With shaking hands, I slide a slender rose-gold ring onto her finger next to her diamond, and she slides a thicker band onto mine.

  “Tristan and Lexi, you are now bound together forever. I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  I cup her face in my hands and she holds on to my wrists as we both look at each other with tears in our eyes. My throat is thick with my emotions as I lean in to kiss her. Our lips meet, but the kiss is so much more than that. It’s the start of our life as one, and Lexi sighs a little, making me think she’s as happy as I am that we’re finally and completely together.

  I know my girl, and since she didn’t get the dramatic engagement she’d wanted, I’ve planned a way to make it up to her. As out of character as it is for me, I do something to make this day even more memorable. I slip my arm around her waist and dip her dramatically for the crowd. She grasps my arms in surprise and giggles through the rest of our kiss while the crowd erupts with hoots and hollers. Now everyone will talk about this moment for years to come, and Lexi will grin with happiness whenever they do.

  After the ceremony, we mingle with the guests in the park. Large tents have been set up, and there are tables for the food and a wooden dance floor. The first to congratulate us is Lexi’s Aunt Ruby. She’s a tall woman with kind eyes and a big smile. She arrived a few days ago to stay with us and help with the wedding preparations. She was the one who sewed Lexi’s wedding dress. After meeting her, I discovered where Lexi gets her feistiness.

  Lexi hopes she can convince Ruby to retire in Heartland. She even went as far as to introduce her aunt to one of her next-door neighbors, Louis, a widower. Lexi swears she saw sparks between them, too.

  Ruby hugs Lexi tight and kisses both her cheeks. “I’m so happy for you, my darling girl. You so deserve all the joy in the world.”

  “Thank you, Auntie,” Lexi says as they release.

  Ruby looks at me and shakes her head as she chides me. “You better take care of my girl.”

  “I will.”

  I open my arms to hug her, and she pats my cheek. “You’re a strong one. Just what she needs.”

  She leaves us and is replaced by Hillary. The blonde bounces up and gives Lexi a huge hug. “I’m so happy for you.” She turns to me. “You two are so damn adorable.” She smacks me on the arm. “And if someone like you, Tris, can find a mate? Well, it gives me hope.”

  I wink at Lexi. “Have you met Bruce yet?”

  Hillary scoffs. “Figures you’d have a grumpy best friend. I’m off to find some fun.” She gives us an evil grin and wiggles her fingers before she scampers off.

  Right after her, Bruce ambles up to wish us well. He gives me his trademark bear hug, making me grunt before he sets me down so hard the ground shakes. But when it’s time to hug Lexi he’s gentle, and it makes me smile. She kisses him on the cheek. “Hillary’s getting food, big guy. You should too. And try to smile.”

  He scowls and looks at his feet. I shake my head at him. “You’re too shy for your own good. Go talk to her.”

  “That’s not—Yeah. Maybe.” He shrugs, then walks away. Unfortunately, it’s not toward the food tent, and I don’t know what it’s going to take to get that man motivated to find true love.

  My parents are next to wish us well. My mother hugs Lexi and kisses her on the cheek. “I’m so glad to have you as my new daughter.”

  Lexi smiles at her, and I see sadness in her eyes. “Thank you. That means a lot to me.” I grab her hand, sure she’s thinking about her parents who passed away.

  My dad isn’t as demonstrative. He gives Lexi a quick hug, then shakes my hand. “Well done, son.”

  “Thanks Dad.”

  This apple didn’t fall to far from his tree when it comes to people skills. But I know later, when it’s just Lexi and me, my parents plan to have a dinner party to celebrate the wedding.

  As Lexi and I greet more guests who approach to wish us well in our marriage, I begin to get restless. I shake hands and say thanks, but the faces all become a blur. All I can think about is how I want to whisk my wife away to our home and make love to her all night.

  When it feels as if we’ve talked to and touched everyone in the park, and a few uninvited guests too, I wrap my arm around Lexi’s waist and lean down to her ear. “We could probably slip away if we wanted to.”

  “Oh god, do you think so?” She looks around at the crowd, dancing, talking, and eating and lets out a big sigh. “I think you’re right.” She smiles at me. “Confession. I know I said I wanted the big wedding, but I’ve been dying to leave with you since the moment the justice of the peace said ‘husband and wife.’”

  I grab her hand and weave us through the people to get us out of the park and to my SUV parked down the street. We’re almost free when Delilah catches us. “Where are you two sneaking off to?” She squints her eyes with a knowing look.

  “Husband and wife stuff,” I say.

  “Yup,” says Lexi. “Top-secret business.”

  Delilah chuckles and waves us away. “Be gone with you two.”

  Lexi hikes up her skirts to sprint to the car, and we laugh as we get in and race away.

  It’s moments like this that I wish I lived in town. The forty-five-minute drive is too long to not be able to kiss my gorgeous wife. We do hold hands though, all the way. Once I park, I jump out of the vehicle, run around to the passenger side, and open her door.

  She steps out, and the folds of her dress rustle as I sweep her into my arms to carry her to the cabin. I didn’t lock the door especially for this occasion, as I knew my hands were going to be full carrying my beautiful wife. Lexi turns the doorknob and pushes the door open so I can carry her over the threshold, and my dress shoes tap on the floor as I make my way inside and set her down on her feet.

  She drapes her arms over my shoulders and says, “I will never love a man any more than I love you, Tristan. Kiss me, husband.”

  “I’d love to, wife. God, I love you so much, Lexi.” I lean in and make sure to kiss her thoroughly. I want this day to be forever burned in her memory and our love to be something that becomes a part of us like breathing. But as I kiss her and both our cats purr, I realize it already is. Today’s a day I’ll never forget, and I know she won’t either.


  Bunny Hearts Bear

  Heartland Shifters Book 2

  About This Book

  Hillary Raz wants nothing to do with her ex, Alec Thompson when he blows into town after leaving her for football five years earlier. Unfortunately, her bunny has other ideas. The energetic rabbit doesn’t care about a silly thing like a broken heart, she just wants to get her tiny paws on the bear shifter who is her true mate. But even though Alec claims he’s going to stay, Hillary doesn’t trust he’s back for good, or that she’ll ever be more important than his career.

  Alec Thompson’s football career is over. After a devastating injury destroys his superstar status, he returns home to the small shifter town of Heartland to heal and to reconnect with the woman he shouldn’t have left behind. But Hillary’s still healing too, and even though he’ll do whatever it takes to claim his fated mate, it may be too late for Hillary and Alec to find a second chance at love.

  Chapter 1


  My feet pound on the floor of a tiny exam room at the doctor’s office as I continue to pace like an anxious wild animal trapped in a cage. In some ways, I suppose that’s true. I’ve only been waiting for Doctor Mayfield for thirty minutes, but it feels like hours. I’ve been having problems with my knee. It’s not getting better the way it should, and I came in for another MRI.

  I freeze when the handle on the door rattles, and a small burst of adrenaline shoots through my v
eins. The door opens, and Doctor Mayfield comes in with my file in his hands. His expression is serious as he points to the one of the chairs, and he sits in the other. Without a word, he sets down the folder and pulls up my test results on a computer on the small counter between us.

  His silence is ramping up my anxiety, and I swallow before I ask, “So, what’s the word, Doc?” My leg jiggles up and down as my bear, aware of my agitation, yearns to get out. “Am I playing in next week’s game against the Patriots?” I chuckle dryly. “I’ve always wanted a bromance with Brady.”

  “No.” He points to the scan of my knee on his laptop. I see shades of gray in the image of my leg, and I’ve seen enough x-rays of my body over the years to have a vague idea of what I’m looking at. Not that it matters, because his tone tells me it’s not good. He scrolls to a close-up of my knee, and I recognize the white outlines around the top and lower half of my leg. I see the fresh white line branching off like a limb on a tree, and my stomach sinks when I realize what it means. My injury hasn’t gotten any better. He points to the dark section which shows missing tissue from past tears. “You can only tear your meniscus so many times before the damage is permanent. It’s not healing like I would expect from a shifter.”

  I take a deep breath as I wonder how long I’ll be out for recovery this time. “Okay, so what does that mean? I have to rest it a while longer? A week, two? What?”

  He looks at me with concern in his eyes, and my chest tightens. “Longer Alec. If you were human…” He shakes his head. “I can’t do anything to fix you this time.”


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