Heartland Shifters Box Set

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Heartland Shifters Box Set Page 43

by V. Vaughn

  “I don’t know. We’ll have to ask your mom.”

  I look over at Mandy. She glances down at my shirt and her eyes dance with silent laughter. “Well, since I have to go to work soon, I don’t see why Griffin can’t take you to the park.” She lets a snicker escape. “He’s dressed for it.”

  “Yeah!” Daniel makes a fist pump in the air, and I roll my eyes at Mandy. She forgets calling attention to myself is something I don’t mind in the least.

  “Go wash up, then you can go,” Mandy says with a stern look.

  “I already washed and brushed my teeth at Auntie Hillary’s.” He shows her his teeth. “See?”

  “Okay, looks good. You’re free to go.”

  He runs to the door. “Come on, Griffin. Let’s go!”

  Mandy shakes her head at me as Hillary hands her the blue dress that must have been the first thing she saw when she entered the house. Mandy says, “I’ll pick him up after my shift.”

  I’m unsure if I should kiss Mandy goodbye or not. The moment seems awkward and uncomfortable, especially since Hillary keeps staring at me with an amused grin, likely daring me to do something stupid. I opt out of the kiss.

  “Okay. Ah, have a good day at work. I’ll see you later.”

  Daniel and I are barely out the door before I hear Hillary and Mandy burst into laughter. I glance down at the rainbow and puppies on my shirt and chuckle. But the grin on my face that won’t quit has nothing to do with awkward situations and how foolish I look in a Mandy’s shirt. The woman I love wants me in her life. I grab Daniel’s hand, knowing that means I get my son, too.

  Chapter 29


  The second the door shuts, Hillary and I crack up at Griffin wearing my ridiculous puppies and rainbow shirt. When she stops Hillary says, “Tell me everything.”

  “I need coffee first.” A cabinet clicks when I open it to get a filter and coffee.

  “How was the sleepover?” she waggles her eyebrows at me.

  “I’m not going to give you a play by play of my sex life, but…” I can’t help the grin that covers my face. “I didn’t forget how to do it.”

  “Forget? You haven’t since… With anyone?”

  “No. I didn’t have time, and no one really wants to date a single mom. Too much baggage.” What I don’t say is that I never wanted to be with anyone else.

  “Well, now you have a chance to make up for lost time.” She pumps her hips in a rude gesture that makes me laugh considering how silly she looks doing it with a large pregnant belly.

  “Stop that or you’re going to hurt yourself.” I set a travel mug on the counter with a thud. “Fix me coffee while I go brush my hair. Apparently, it needs it.”

  Hillary calls out to me as I enter the bathroom. “A shower might be a good idea, too. I can smell sex all the way out here!”

  I slam the door behind me in response to her teasing, and then I rush to get ready so we’re both not late to work. When we get to the diner, we discover there is a line of customers waiting at the door.

  “My god,” Hillary says. “Griffin’s been great for business, but this is getting crazy.”

  “I know. Rita Mae has got to hire another server.”

  “Cook, too,” Hillary says as she puts her apron on.

  When I walk into the dining room to wait on my first table I notice people are watching me. I glance down at my blouse to make sure it’s buttoned right and then smooth out my hair, even though I’m sure it’s fine.

  I’m still frowning when I get to my table with a pot of coffee and look for the mugs that are turned upright. “Who wants coffee?” I ask.

  It’s a table full of young girls, and they giggle before one holds out her phone to me. “Is this you?”

  I peer at the photo on some celebrity blog and inhale sharply when I recognized it is a picture of Griffin and me kissing on the dance floor in the lounge last night.

  “Are you his girlfriend?” another girl asks.

  How the heck should I respond to that question? “I—” Griffin and I didn’t exactly clarify our relationship, and besides, it’s none of this girl’s business.

  “How about I just take your order?”

  One huffs, but they all get coffee, and I leave them so they can figure out what else they’re having. I move on to my next tables, and fortunately none of them are bold enough to ask me anything. But I have no doubt all the curious stares are from people who recognize me. It’s not like Griffin was stealthy about coming here to see me over the past week. Jane sure thinks there’s something between us, and I bet she’s shared news about us being involved even if I didn’t confirm it when she asked.

  The computer system beeps as I punch orders in. I want to kick myself for being so careless. At the time I didn’t think about the implications of kissing Griffin on the dance floor in public. I’d been aware that people were watching us, but I had no idea someone would just snap a picture. Now the world knows, and I have to wonder what that really means.

  How will that affect me? How will it affect Daniel? Not that he’s old enough to be on the internet. I don’t give him computer access, and he doesn’t have a cell phone. But will we be swarmed by paparazzi now that they know where Griffin is?

  I head to the kitchen to grab juice for a table. Heartland was designed to keep the general population out. We can’t have people stumbling across our town and seeing a bunch of people shifting into animals. That would bring medical people and scientists, and it would put this entire community in jeopardy. Did Griffin and I put the town in harm’s way last night?

  I’m about to be slammed with breakfast orders coming up to be delivered, but I can’t wait to call Griffin if I expect to focus on my job. “Hey, Hill,” I nod toward the back, because when my food starts coming up, I’m going to need to know. “I need to make a quick call.”

  She frowns. “Everything okay?”

  “I don’t know yet.” The panic bar thuds against the door when I shove it open and step into the alley. The moment Griffin picks up I say, “There’s a picture of us on the internet.”

  “I know. I’ve seen it. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it.”

  “But what if we’ve put the town in jeopardy? Won’t the press try to track you down?”

  “They won’t find us. Believe me, I’m sure. They’ve tried to find Heartland because of me before. The town is well hidden, and GPS can’t even track it.”

  I let out a sigh of relief. I should have known Griffin wouldn’t do anything to endanger this town. “Okay. I’m sorry for overreacting. I know you’ll take care of this.”

  “Yes, I promise, Mandy. It’s going to be fine. And…”


  “Are you telling everyone that you are my girlfriend?”

  I laugh. “Should I? I mean, it’s going to kill off your available status. Maybe scare off some groupies.”

  He chuckles. “I wish. This sort of news just incenses them more. Tell everyone you are, Mandy. Because you have my heart, babe, and I want everyone to know.”

  A giddy smile covers my face as my heart fills with emotion. Before I get carried away with fantasies of walking down the aisle, I ask, “How’s Daniel?”

  “He’s having a great time. We both are.”

  “Good. I’ll see you after my shift.” I end the call, and I know I should let Griffin’s assurance put me at ease, but when I step back into the kitchen and see orders up for me, more than the stress of waiting on a busy restaurant fills me with dread. I recognize the feeling. It’s like my privacy has been invaded. And while I believe Griffin has it under control, I can’t help but worry if Daniel is going to pay the price.

  Chapter 30


  Mandy’s concern about our picture on the internet makes me regret being so foolish. While I’m used to being in the public eye, she’s not. I imagine someone at the diner asked her about us, and finding out our kiss is splashed all over the web had to have been upsetting for her.

bsp; As I watch Daniel pump his legs on the swing to get himself higher, I’m aware that other mothers in the park are staring at me and whispering to each other. While I’d love to think it’s my shirt, and for some it may be, it doesn’t take much to realize they’re gossiping about Mandy and me.

  It makes me wonder if I should get ahead of the story before speculation spins out of control and we wind up with a huge problem on our hands. I take a sip of my takeout coffee I got on the way to the park and think about how I should call my publicist and ask her to spread the news that I’m in a relationship. That could squash any of the celebrity gossip outlets’ need to speculate and circulate rumors. Once they have information that it’s nothing scandalous, it isn’t fun for them anymore.

  For a brief moment, I wonder if I should tell Mandy I’m going to confirm we’re in a relationship before I talk to Rachel, my publicist. But considering we professed our love for each other last night, I’m pretty sure she’s on board. Heck, she’ll probably be happy that I’m telling everyone about our new relationship. If Mandy’s half as excited as I am, she’ll want people to know.

  I smile, because Rachel is going to love this. For years my love life, or lack thereof, has been a bone of contention for her. She’s pushed more than one woman at me for the sake of appearance. She said she was tired of reading about how Griffin Talbot couldn’t find love.

  “Griffin! Look how high I am!”

  I smile at Daniel as he soars into the air. “You’re as high as an airplane, bud.”

  “Can you push me higher?”

  “Just give me a minute. I’ve got to make an important call, okay?”

  He nods and continues to pump his legs as hard as he can. I love his tenacity.

  I take out my cell phone and scroll for Rachel’s number. I pause before hitting Call as I wonder if I’m doing the right thing. But I can’t imagine why I shouldn’t. I know how fast news travels, and I think it’s important I get in front of this.

  I press Rachel’s number. She picks up after two rings, likely shocked by my call.

  “As I live and breathe. Griffin Talbot is gracing me with a call. I thought maybe you’d died and just didn’t tell me about it.”

  “Hey, Rachel, sorry I’ve been out of touch.”

  “Out of touch.” She laughs. “That’s what happens when you go on a vacation to some remote island without electricity. No, honey, you fell off the face of the earth.” Wind blows in her microphone and I imagine she’s walking quickly to some meeting. The woman’s a hustler, and she’s one of the best in the business.

  She continues, “Talk to me about the picture. Who the hell is she? She’s an absolute knock out by the way. I can’t wait to work this one.”

  I smile and shake my head. “I can hear you rubbing your little hands with glee.” Rachel knows how to spin things right with the least amount of damage, and I’m glad I have her in my corner.

  “It’s about time we had some romance to talk about. So, spill it, darling. Who’s the cupcake?”

  “Her name is Mandy, and she was my high school sweetheart.”

  “Oh. My. God. Seriously? Darling, it’s like you ordered up my favorite item on the menu. Give me more.”

  “I want to spin it as a second chance at love filled with possibilities. Might she be the one?”

  “Oh, my. Is she?”

  I laugh. “Maybe. What do you think?”

  “How about… Small town, big love. Griffin Talbot has returned to his roots and reunited with his one true love. Wait! Was she the girl you wrote about in “One Love”? Small town, One Love! I couldn’t have made this up to be better.”

  I smile as I recall the ballad that hit the charts and was the year’s most popular song for the first dance at weddings. I wrote the bones of it in high school, and whenever an interviewer asked me about it, I gave a vague answer. I wasn’t ready to deal with my feelings for Mandy yet. But I am now. “It is.”

  Rachel lets out a little squeal. “You just gave me a PR orgasm, Griffin. I swear it upon the very Louboutins on my feet.”

  “Wow. I know how you feel about your shoes. Ah, there’s one more thing, though.”

  “Uh-oh. I don’t like the tone of your voice. What is it? Does she have a rap sheet, because we can work around that.”

  “What? No, Mandy is not a criminal, Rachel. Jeez.”

  “Sorry, but seriously, it could be much worse. It isn’t, is it?”

  “No! I have a son, and Mandy is the mother.”

  “Whoa.” She blows out a quick breath of air. “You are blowing my mind today, Griff. Congratulations, by the way.”


  “How old is he?”

  “Five. His name is Daniel.”

  I look over at my son and see that he’s gotten off the swing and is now chasing around another little boy at the monkey bars. He stops and waves at me. I wave back, my heart swelling with every second I’m around him.

  “We should put out a press release today.”

  “I figured, but Rachel, I need my son to stay a secret. I don’t want him and my hometown hounded by photographers and the press.”

  “I completely understand that, Griffin. I do. But you know as soon as we confirm your relationship with Mandy, the press will find out about your son, or at least they’ll speculate the kid she has is yours.” I hear clicking and picture her texting notes like a teenager. “You know, I’m really surprised this hasn’t come out before now. I can’t believe nobody in your hometown has cashed in on this.”

  I glace around the park at my fellow townspeople in their various animal forms. We’re a tight community who rely on the secrecy and kindness of each other to keep this place hidden and safe. We all know the costs of that breach of trust, and even people who don’t like me would never break it. I say, “If you knew my town, you wouldn’t be surprised.”

  “It sounds like a special place. Maybe I can visit one day.” I hear more clicking as she says, “All right. I’ll send out a press release about your love reunion only. It should be enough to send the gossip rags into a tailspin and keep them occupied until you figure out the best way to tell them about your son. Because Griff, it’s going to come out. Let me make it be in a positive way.”

  “I know. Mandy and I will figure out how to handle it. Thanks Rachel. You’re the best.”

  “You know it, darling. And thanks for trusting me. You’re one of my favorites.” I chuckle because she likely tells every client that. She says, “I’m really happy for you Griffin. She must be a one of a kind to capture you.”

  I smile as I picture Mandy last night with her cheeks flushed and her eyes glassy with excitement. “She is.”

  Chapter 31


  My day is a blur, and I don’t have time to worry about the stares or speculation because I’m in what waitstaff like to call ‘the weeds’ as I try to keep up with the customers pouring through the doors. My shift is almost finished now, and I’ve turned my section over to a new girl named Fiona so I can get my side work done. I’m in the kitchen filling ketchup bottles when Rita Mae comes out of her office.

  She grins at me, “Mandy, my girl. I knew I wouldn’t regret the day I decided to hire you. But I’ve got to say, I wasn’t sure if you were going to be a disaster or a dream.”

  “Yeah,” I chuckle because I think she was leaning toward the disaster side that first week when I dropped an entire table’s worth of food on my way out of the kitchen. “So, which one is it?”

  “A dream come true,” Rita grabs a damp towel to wipe down the bottle I just filled. “Your thing with Griffin is good for business. Very good.”

  I roll my eyes at her as she places the last ketchup on my tray, which I hoist up to carry into the dining room. “Happy to help,” I say as I push my back against the door to leave the kitchen.

  I’m still smiling when I pass by the counter where regulars like to sit. When Jane sees me, her eyes light up. “Mandy, hon!”

  “Let me set thi
s down and I’ll get you more coffee.”

  When I bring the pot over, she leans in and says, “Congratulations. Griffin Talbot is quite the score.”

  “Score?” I ask as steam rises from the hot coffee I pour into her cup.

  “I just read you and Griffin are back together. I bet you can’t wait to get off your feet and live the good life.”

  I blink in confusion before she holds up her phone for me to read an ezine headline. Griffin Talbot reunited with his One Love. It shows another picture of us on the dance floor kissing. I quickly skim the article to read that Griffin confirmed our relationship and finally revealed who the song was about.

  “One Love” is one of Griffin’s biggest hits, and I’ve always known it was a song he originally wrote for me, but people finding that out isn’t what I’m shocked about. I thought he was going to stop the rumors, not fan the flames.

  I spend the next few minutes slamming ketchup bottles down on tables and getting a few surprised stares, but I’m too mad to care. Griffin has made everything worse, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there are reporters outside the restaurant waiting for me to leave so they can hound me with questions.

  How on earth did he think revealing I’m his one love would solve anything? I storm back into the kitchen to clock out and grab my things. Griffin texted earlier and said he and Daniel were going to the park for round two and I could meet them there after work. By the time I reach the park, I’ve only managed to calm down a little bit, and the moment I see Griffin waiting at the bottom of the slide for Daniel to come down, my anger ramps up close to rage.

  Griffin catches Daniel before he notices me walking toward him. I have to be glaring, and steam might be coming out of my ears because he holds up his hands in defense. “We needed to get out in front of the story, Mandy. This is how it’s done.”

  I take in a long slow breath instead of screaming at him. I can feel the stares of other townsfolk and imagine what they’re whispering about behind their hands. I have no desire to add to the drama, so I find the calmest voice I can muster. “We need to go home and talk about this.”


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