The Rest of Forever

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The Rest of Forever Page 2

by Kitty Berry

  Growing up different from my peers wasn’t a walk in the park but it wasn’t that bad either. I honestly didn’t want their company. Not being asked to the playdates didn’t bother me. The lack of invites to their birthday parties hadn’t mattered. Even today, I’d rather be alone than in a group. Sure, I like Ace and Elliot, their girls are special to me as well, but if given the option to read a book or perch in a tree waiting to take someone out with a bullet between the eyes, I’d take that over everything. Everything except Jordan Collins. Jordan is different.

  Things had changed for me in high school when sex came into play. The girls that used to scream about me saying something mean to them or breaking their Polly Pocket, began asking me to hang out. I hadn’t known why at first. Then one of the guys explained it in the locker room.

  “Ashley wants your dick, dude. You should tap that. I hear she’s like a fucking vacuum cleaner,” one of them said, then turned and laughed at his friend. “Isn’t that right, Danny?”

  Danny laughed. “Yeah, you might need to tie a board to your ass, so you don’t fall in, but she definitely gives good head.”

  Not understanding the terms, they were using, I went home and began my search into slang language that was popular with my age bracket. I’d also found porn around the same time. I might have been jerking off for years by then, but once I found the visual stimulation on my laptop, I upped my game and learned a thing or two about what the opposite sex wanted.

  Like everything else I studied, I made it my mission to learn all I could and be the best at the newly acquired skill. Needing females to practice with, I bit the bullet and forced myself to interact with the guys in the gym locker room.

  They explained that some of them had spoken to the girls at a party about the size of my dick and that had sparked the interest of the female student body.

  I knew my face was visually pleasing, symmetrical with strong bone structure and full lips, but I’d always taken my well-endowed cock for granted. With only porn stars to compare it to, I never thought it was anything special. Then the guys mentioned it, and I began to take notice of theirs when we’d get changed or take a piss. That had caused a problem or two with a few of them. In the end, I’d ended up in the backseat of Ashley’s car and the term “vacuum cleaner” made perfect sense.

  After she had a good time with me, she shared our experience with her friends who each wanted to go a round with the quirky nerd with a big dick. Being a horny teenager and craving more sex, I obliged every one of them…numerous times.

  After graduation, everyone was shocked when I decided to follow in my father’s footsteps and join the military instead of going to college. It made perfect sense to me. I knew everything they’d teach me in the academic world. By then, I could take apart and rebuild any computer I got my hands on. I knew how to develop coding and hack into the tightest security systems in the world.

  I required consistency and order; the military fit that bill, so it seemed like a perfect idea. I never thought joining a special ops group would lead me to make true friends for the first time in my life, but here I am, in an attic with the door opening and one of those men bringing me a much-needed ice pack for my injured head.

  Ace enters the tight space with his body bent in half like mine and a smirk on his face. “I’m guessing you almost knocked yourself out when that douche made the comment about coming on Jordan then again when my wife mentioned,” he lowers his voice to a whisper, the way I do when speaking of things that I don’t like, “squirrels.”

  I shiver at the mention of the member of the family Sciuridae then accept the ice pack and place it on the back of my head.

  “How does she look?” I ask with a sigh. “Jordan…she look okay?”

  “Hot as ever, dude. And I knew who you were referring to.”

  I land a well-aimed punch on Ace’s bicep, then send him an apologetic smirk. I sigh and move my large body around to get comfortable and give him a few more inches of space to do the same.

  “Why the fuck did she bring that idiot here with her? When did they fucking hook up? Is she fucking him?”

  Ace chuckles, and he’s fucking lucky that I like him and now understand some of the social rules that govern others. I’d rather punch him in the face and send him my own smirk when his nose breaks, but I don’t because I know that’s not what you do to your best friend who only came up into the attic to help. Instead, I ask, “What’s so fucking funny, asshole?”

  “You up in this attic, jumping around and banging the shit out of your head because you’re in love with her and fucked up. I honestly can’t wait to see how this is going to play out. What in the hell were you thinking?”

  I shrug because I’m now wondering that myself.

  “All right, man,” Ace says as he gets to his knees to crawl back to the hatch. “I better get back down there before Bridge comes looking for me. You know how she can’t be without my cock for long.”

  I roll my eyes.

  “Yeah, tell Elliot that I’ll watch the wedding from up here and…”

  Ace raises an eyebrow, knowing I’m about to ask a favor which is out of my character. “Keep that douche’s hands off my girl.”



  I plop back down on my ass to sit and wait for the wedding to begin. While I do, I let the events that led me here to play out so I can examine them and see where I went wrong.

  Elliot’s dad is a no-nonsense son of a bitch who enjoyed torturing his trainees, one of which had been me. Dave Montgomery had pulled me aside the day Elliot and Courtney moved into their B and B in Falls Village to ask me to investigate a matter for him. Dave, or Sven, as he goes by in the undercover world that my best friends and I work in, asked me to check out the situation Amanda had found herself in.

  Amanda is Raina Montgomery Roman’s best friend and the woman Elliot had crushed hard on while growing up in Florida. She’s now married to Justin and has a three-year-old son and an infant daughter. Her son, T.J., is from her relationship with her college love that left her only to reunite with her before succumbing to a deadly brain tumor.

  Yeah, Amanda doesn’t have the best track records with men or relationships. Her current husband had discovered text and social media messages, found strange incoming numbers in her call log, and numerous friend requests on her Facebook account from odd men. He’d thought the worst and accused Elliot of sleeping with Amanda.

  Elliot, of course, wasn’t. Justin wished it were Elliot because now that he knew it wasn’t, he had to face the fact that his wife might be having an affair.

  Justin went to Elliot to accuse him of fucking his wife, but then asked for his help in getting to the bottom of what was going on with Amanda. Dave intercepted that exchange and told Elliot that he needed to focus on his relationship with his soon-to-be wife, then turned to me for assistance. Not being able to turn my ex-commanding officer down, I agreed to investigate the situation.

  After a long day of helping Elliot and Courtney unpack and move their belongings into the B and B when they moved here a few months ago, we all gathered for pizza and beer down on the docks. As the night started to grow colder, each couple headed to a room in the house for a good night’s sleep. Jordan and I had headed to our room for a good fuck before I would need to sneak away from her sleeping body and meet Dave back down on the docks to learn more about what the job he needed me to do, entailed.

  Jordan and I had chosen the bedroom closest to the master. I figured that was our best chance to not be heard or at least blend in with the sounds of sex that were sure to be coming from Elliot and Courtney’s room. I pushed open the door and allowed Jordan to enter before me.

  The space needed a good paint job and possibly new furniture. There was a good chance that Jordan and I would break the bed by the morning. That wasn’t my concern though, all I knew was that it could have been my last chance to satiate our needs before I’d need to leave. I knew, before even speaking with Dave, tha
t an undercover job was eminent. In the past, that didn’t require a story. I’d head off into the sunset and take care of business then return to my life. Now, with Jordan, I knew I’d need to provide an explanation for my absence, and I had no clue how to maneuver that.

  I closed the door with a slight bang then flipped the lock with a loud click causing Jordan to jump and turn to face me. Her eyes began to dilate the moment they locked with mine and found my plans for the night behind them. “Strip for me,” I demanded with no further explanation.

  Jordan nodded slightly and took a step back from me.

  I raised a challenging eyebrow, then took two steps forward to close the space between us. My hands went into her hair and pulled her waiting and slightly parted lips to mine. As we connected, I sucked in her breath and let my hands slide to her ass. Pulling her into my growing erection, I groaned at the friction when she rubbed her body against me.

  I was hard and hungry for her, a man that needed to mark his territory before I turned around and walked away.

  “I need you naked,” I reiterated. “I’m not going to ask again. Strip and lie on the bed, legs spread.”

  I abruptly spun her around. Then, with her back to my chest, I reached for the hem of her shirt and yanked it over her head. Taking away her power always encouraged her into action. Jordan was beautifully submissive in bed, but independent by nature. It was an intriguing paradox to witness, and I often manipulated situations that would allow me the enjoyment.

  “I thought you wanted me to strip for you. Is something upsetting you? You seem off, like you’re looking to start a fight or something.”

  My girl, a Computational Cognitive Science major at NYU, wasn’t easy to put things over on.

  I laughed. “Just do as you’re told.”

  With a slight raise of her chin, she reached for the waistband of her leggings and tugged them down with her panties. My breath caught at the smooth pinkness of her pussy exposed for my perusal. Jordan hadn’t waxed bare until I’d expressed my demands on the topic. I liked things in my life a certain way, and sex was no different. I liked my woman groomed bare, and I liked to be in control when I fucked.

  Jordan tried for a minute to fight me on that latter issue but quickly relented during one of our first times together once she was on her third orgasm with ten of my inches buried deep inside her.

  “Get on the bed and open your legs so I can eat that smooth pussy. When did you get waxed?”

  A shoulder went up as my girl climbed on the bed and shamelessly spread her legs, her fingers going one step further and opening her wet folds for me. “Yesterday, after class.”

  “Fuck, you smell so good.” I inhaled the scent between her legs as I lowered my face to her core. My hands went under her ass to pull her tight to my face as my lips clasped around her clit. “And you taste even better.”

  A moan escaped her pursed lips, and her hips tried to leave the mattress. Not going to happen under my watch.

  My strong hands went to her hips and held her in place. The moment she realized she was unable to escape my ministrations, she submitted fully to me. Her body relaxed and a hand of hers leisurely found my head, her nails scraping my scalp. I twisted into her touch, the opposite response that anyone has ever elicited from me, and I moaned as my hardened cock throbbed in my pants.

  I returned my mouth to her pussy, my fingers parting her folds, and my tongue running up and down her slit. On every up stroke, I paused at her clit and pulled back, making her wait. I blew a cool puff of air over her sex on my first rotation, then huffed a warm breath the next. The change kept her on edge, perched. And ready to explode.

  “Callan,” she begged. “Please.”

  I lifted my head; the area surrounding my mouth was wet from her arousal, and I smiled while I licked her from my lips. “What do you need, baby?” I asked.

  “You. All I need is you, Cal.”

  “You want more of my mouth? Want me to make you come before I take your pussy hard?”

  “Yes, please,” she sweetly begged while lifting her hips to make her point stronger.

  I smirked at her attempt to control our session then returned once again to the pink heaven between her legs. When her flavor hit my tongue, I groaned, finally gave in, and freed my cock. With it falling heavy into my hand, I grasped myself and began stroking while my mouth took her to the brink of destruction.

  “I’m going to come.” She moaned, spurring me on to take her to heaven with my tongue.

  I swirled around her clit, then pulled back one last time to catch her eyes. “On me while you come,” I demanded. “They stay on me.”

  Jordan nodded, then her head fell back as my name filled my ears and her pussy flooded my mouth. She quickly jerked her head back to lock her eyes with mine as ordered.

  I licked at her through each wave of pleasure as she jerked and shook on the bed.

  “Jesus, Callan. That was so good.”

  “I know, baby. Now, my turn. Play nice and open your mouth for me. Suck my cock.”

  I climbed onto the bed and flopped to my back. My erection stood up straight and looked perverse as it begged for Jordan’s attention. With relaxed limbs, she slowly moved to my side and wrapped her delicate hand around my thick shaft.

  My groan filled the air as she touched the smoothness of my flesh concealing the steel of my cock. Jordan was an expert at making me crack. The other girls, the ones that came before her, never stripped me of my control. The only one who could take me out of my head was her. Her sister, Courtney, came close. There was a time that I thought I was in love with her. I could never love another woman. I was made for only one.

  That one lowered her head to enable her mouth to meet up with her hand that surrounded my cock. If I thought the grasp of her palm could have me embarrassing myself like it was my first time, her lips were sure to do it. The moment I felt the warm wetness of her mouth, her cheeks feeling like the inside of her pussy, the tingles started. If I wasn’t careful, she would’ve had me coming down her throat by the third stroke.

  Knowing her power over me, I tried my best to temper my breathing. When that didn’t help my need to come subside, I wrapped my hand in her long hair and pulled back.

  Jordan’s eyes shot to mine. My girl liked it a little rough.

  She licked her lips, sighed, and moaned because she wanted my cock.

  “Beg me for it,” I demanded. “Tell me you want my cock.”

  “I want your cock. I want you to come in my mouth, but I need you in my pussy.”

  How could I turn that offer down? I couldn’t, so I gritted my teeth and told her to finish me off.

  Jordan’s fist, wrapped tightly around my shaft, began to move up and down, with a twist of her wrist each time she reached my head where the nerves were the most sensitive. Her thumb flicked at my dick, at that junction where the frenulum meets the underside, that small V just below the head of my cock, extricated an animal sound from my lungs each time. She bent again and drew me into the warm cavern between her lips and hollowed out her cheeks, sucking at me as her tongue hit the spot her thumb found on each upstroke.

  I knew it wouldn’t take me long. I raised my arms and placed my hands behind my head to prop my torso up. I wanted to watch her face when my orgasm filled her mouth, my salty release dripping down her throat. My girl never complained about swallowing. The opposite was a more accurate description of Jordan’s reaction.

  “Yes,” she purred. “Come in my mouth.”

  “Fuck, Jor.,” I groaned as I felt my balls pull up tight to my body, my orgasm eminent and no longer containable. “Here it comes, baby. Take it all.”

  I roared while it felt like the most satisfying experience, one of being invincible, tore through my system. My cock was warm and wet while safely encapsulated in her mouth, my groin area tensed up to the border of pain, but I knew my cock was about to take over for those few glorious seconds when my brain could finally be at rest. It’s not possible for me to find that re
prieve in any other way, with any other person, only Jordan. She could make everything numb, except for this amazing sensation in my cock.

  As I exploded in her mouth, I couldn’t focus or feel anything else, it’s as if I didn’t even exist during that moment of utter contentment.

  Jordan sucked me through my climax, never pulling off until she was certain that she’d gotten every drop. I chuckled at the pinnacle between pleasure and pain, then grasped her hair and pulled her from my cock.

  “Fucking Jesus, Jor…you suck my cock so fucking good. You want me to fuck that pussy now? Make you come again?”

  “Yes,” she begged as I threw her down on the bed.

  But then something happened to me. Something I didn’t quite understand. I was having an emotion I was unfamiliar with. Lately, that hadn’t happened to me very often. As a child, it was how I went through life, but as an adult, I’d learned to understand and handle my feelings better. Until Jordan Collins entered my life.

  Then, with her laying under me, waiting for me to fuck her into her second orgasm, this new feeling washed over me but the words to describe how I felt evaded me.

  I’d told her I loved her before. The night I went to her apartment after Courtney’s first stepdad’s best friend had attacked her in a dark parking lot, I bathed her then she asked me to make love to her. Like this night, I felt an overwhelming emotion then as well. I hadn’t meant to say those words to her even though I meant them as much as I could, but I didn’t make a habit out of expressing my feelings.

  I felt an even stronger urge now to share my feelings with her before I was going to break her heart.

  “Jordan, you’ve changed me. I can never explain to you what our time together has meant.”

  She sent me a confused look but soon forgot my words when I entered her in one fluid thrust. The thickness of my cock stretched her while my length helped me to reach that rough patch deep inside her.


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