The Rest of Forever

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The Rest of Forever Page 11

by Kitty Berry

  “Brain freeze?” I hear Elliot ask. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”

  Courtney is unhooking her top to expose her breasts while seductively sucking her drink and fondling her nipples.

  “Well, this is turning into a party now,” I state.

  “Look away right now, Black, this is all for me. My show,” Elliot warns while his eyes never leave his wife. “I can give you a hand with that if you need one or…”

  “I doubt your employer would like that you’re propositioning me.”

  “My employer?”

  “Yes, your employer. I doubt he’d take kindly to what you’re suggesting.”

  “Oh, what am I suggesting? I’m not suggesting anything, sweetheart. Those are your fingers flicking at those rosy, pink nipples, not mine.”

  “Wait,” I ask. “Court thought that he worked for Jonesie?” I laugh. “That’s fucking classic!”

  “Oh, I had an itch. Don’t you have something else you need to be doing?” Courtney and Elliot continue to play out their first meeting with heat in their eyes. I give it five more minutes before he’s plowing into her from behind in front of the pool house’s mirror.

  “What are you waiting for, then?” Courtney taunts as she stands before her husband, her tits looking perfect with her nipples rubbing against his chest. Elliot groans then chuckles as he throws his head back, when Courtney adds, “I don’t have anything on me. You’ll have to wait for your tip,” When Elliot remains still and silent, she adds the comment that gave him the name for his restaurant that will open in only a few weeks. “Is there something else or is this just about your tip?”

  “Adams, with me, it’ll always be about more than just my tip,” Elliot says as he throws his wife over his left shoulder and heads for the pool house.

  Not long after that day by the pool, Ace and Bridget leave Falls Village and return to the city with their new baby, Oliver, in tow. Their vacated room now inhabited by two, suit-wearing men in their mid-twenties from Indiana looking into a business endeavor in Falls Village. Michael Smith and Christopher Miller submitted a proposal to open a gourmet specialty food shop, an obvious choice for a small-town business opportunity. A grocery store doesn’t sound like the sexiest business choice, but it’s one that the town lacks. Add to that, Smith and Miller have what Jordan, Courtney, and Jenny refer to as “sexy as fuck scruff” and a “confident sexiness” and my summer has entered the shitter.

  I arrive under the guise of visiting my best friend and find the two new men sitting on the sofa in the main living space, one of them with Beast snuggled in his lap, the other with his eyes glued to my girl’s rack. Why Jordan was in her bathing suit top, her ample cleavage up close to her chin and on display for these strangers, a sarong covering her bottom half while in the house, I’d love to know, so I ask, “Jordan, the pool’s outside and the air is on in the house, why the fuck are you dressed like that?”

  Jordan turns and growls at me while picking up that fucking notepad she never puts down long enough for me to search through it. I’m convinced there’s shit in there about me. Elliot suggested that maybe it was some kind of sexual prowess grading system she was working on and using our past sexual experiences as a guide. Ace had agreed and since that conversation, my mind can’t get past that possibility.

  Now with this asshole on the sofa staring at her peaked nipples, I can’t help but wonder if there’s a comparison between our abilities in that fucking book.

  “I’m aware of the temperature, Mr. Black. Now, why are you here?”

  “Why am I…”

  “Michael, Christopher,” Jordan says, smiling at the strangers on the sofa. “This is Callan Black. He’s a friend of the Montgomery’s.”

  “A friend of…”

  “Mr. Black, Michael and Christopher are here from Indiana and looking into a business opportunity downtown.”

  “Why are you calling me Mr. Black, Jordan? Are you trying to make my cock hard in front of these guests?” I snarl that last word through a growl.

  The two men make a move to stand and extend their hands, but I shake them off. More because I don’t need their unknown germs on my hands than being pissed at them for their perusal of my girl. I can’t really fault them for looking at the most beautiful woman in town. Fuck that! Yes, I can.

  It’s Jordan’s turn to show her claws and she stomps her foot, takes her notebook with a huff and leaves the room. Jenny wordlessly follows while Beast turns to snarl at me.

  “That fucking dog is as adorable as Jenny,” the man introduced to me as Christopher says. “And I’d love to hear what she sounds like when she growls.”

  “Don’t even consider touching her,” I warn. “She’s barely legal and a virgin. I’m sure you’re just looking for a quick piece of ass and she deserves better. Now, where the fuck is Monti?”

  “Who?” Michael asks.

  I huff in annoyance of the newcomers’ lack of knowledge of our group’s lingo. “Elliot Montgomery. When did you two arrive?” I ask. “And when are you leaving?”

  Michael and Christopher make eye contact then shrug.

  “Not sure,” Michael states. “We’re on hold until Mallory’s brother is in office and can approve the build for our gourmet specialty food shop.”

  “Fresh Garden Market is going to be the new grocery store downtown,” Christopher says.

  As if those two weren’t enough, within a week, I’m dealing with another duo of debauchery when Brandon Martinez and Nick Wilson show up looking for a room and Elliot, being a dick and trying his best to drive me out of my fucking mind, moves Jordan into Jenny’s room. He claims that he needs the money. He’s an asshole who turned down my money when I offered to pay for Jordan’s room to stop the parade of men entering her line of vision and living under the same roof, so I call bullshit.

  Martinez and Wilson arrived in Falls Village looking to open a car wash and detailing shop. The entrepreneurs from North Dakota plan to play on the townspeople’s preference for shiny modes of transportation to muddy, rusty wrecks. But the only thing I’ve seen them playing on were Jordan and Jenny’s libidos.

  Today, I arrive to find the four men on lounge chairs while the girls are swimming in the pool. I briefly wonder if Elliot knows that his wife is floating around in next to nothing in front of strangers while he’s with his brother-in-law at the building site for At the Tip, his restaurant scheduled to open soon at the tip of the island.

  I decide to text him. If I have to be annoyed, he sure as hell is going to be too.

  Callan: Your wife looks amazing in her thong while floating on a raft in front of the four men paying you to ogle at her ass.

  Elliot: Oh, you mean Jordan’s suit? She had it on the other day when Michael was rubbing sunscreen on her back.

  Callan: I fucking hate you.

  Elliot: Maybe you should do something so they know Jordan is yours.

  I know he’s goading me into making a fool of myself, but I can’t seem to stop the train wreck as it happens because Jordan also seems to be playing his game, too.

  “Mr. Black,” she says, calling me what she’s insisted on in front of these visitors since that first day and it makes my shorts tent. “Here for a refreshing swim in the pool? It’s almost a public pool, what with all the guests staying with us, but I’m sure that won’t stop you from a refreshing dip. Michael was just asking if we wanted to have chicken fights. Maybe you can referee from the deck if you don’t have your suit.”

  I call her bluff. She assumed, and incorrectly, that I wouldn’t throw caution to the wind and jump into the pool without my suit. I toss my phone and key fob on the table. My hands go behind my head before I can stop them and I rip my shirt off, tossing it on top of my other belongings, uncharacteristically without folding it. Then I’m diving into the pool, my flip flops flying off as I hit the water.

  Jordan squeals and Jenny’s raft is jostled, causing that fucking boyfriend dog of hers to fly into the water. “My boy…baby, I me
an, my baby can’t swim!”

  “Of course, the little fucker can’t!” I mumble as I’m forced to reach for the mutt without my oven mitts.

  As I grab for Beast, he snuggles his muzzle into my neck and waits for me to turn to look at him. As soon as I do, the motherfucker sneezes in my face. Holding him above my head while I sink under the water, I see Jordan’s legs appear in front of my line of vision. Long and thin, they make me think of nothing other than wrapping them around my waist as I sink my throbbing cock into her moist heat.

  “Give me the dog before she faints,” Jordan demands. “She’s so in love with this thing that she can’t see that she could have any one of those suits over there drooling more than Beast over her.”

  “They want you just as badly, Jordan. I can’t stand watching them look at you,” I admit. “Who are the new guys and where the fuck are they sleeping?”

  Jordan laughs as she takes Beast from my arms, and Jenny catapults herself on top of Jordan. Beast transfers to his girlfriend, as we’ve jokingly begun calling Jenny, and she takes him out of the pool to dry his fur.

  “Brandon and Nick are here to open a car wash and detailing place where that empty lot is near where Brian is planning on opening the club. And they’re staying in my room.”

  I haul her ass over my shoulder and carry her up the pool steps while she protests and slaps at my ass. One sharp and firm slap to hers quiets her for the moment as I shake the water from my hair and place her ass down on a chair at the bar so we can have a semblance of privacy from the other’s watchful eyes.

  “I certainly hope you’re lying to piss me off, sweetheart, because if not, I’m well prepared to spank your ass right here.”

  Jordan’s breath hitches at my warning before she recovers and puts on the mask that she’s begun to wear in front of me. “I can have anyone I want in my room and in my bed, Mr. Black. You no longer have a say in what or who I do. Remember, you can’t do this, you made a mistake. So…Shut. The. Fuck. Up…and leave me alone,” she says, throwing my words in my face.

  Jordan tries to reach for that notebook again, but Beast runs by at the same time, shaking his doggy germs and pool water over my legs while Jenny follows in hot pursuit, her tits bouncing in her suit. “Beast, come back to mommy. Let me dry behind your ears.”

  I catch the eyes of the other men as two of them shift their dicks in their swim trunks with watchful eyes for the young virgin as they lust after her innocence. The other two look unaffected, which strikes me as odd, but I have my own shit to worry about, so I push it into the deep recesses of my mind to work out later.

  While my attention is on the dog and the removal of his germs from my legs, Jordan returns to the pool. “Chicken fight, bitches!” she announces as I turn to see her spread thighs around Christopher’s head.

  She’s on his shoulders and calling Jenny to climb on one of the other men’s as Courtney smirks in my direction and mounts Nick’s back.

  “Monti is going to enjoy himself tonight,” I threaten.

  “Yup, he will,” Courtney says with that sass she’s acquired since marrying her husband. “What are you going to be up to, Cal, hmm? I’m shocked your right hand isn’t in a cast yet.”

  I’m forced to sit through four rounds of chicken fights while calling fouls on the men who each take their turn with Jordan’s thighs spread around the backs of their heads and the only thing covering her pussy a thin strip of material. Once they’ve tired themselves out and go in search of a meal, I’m left shaking my head as Elliot strolls out onto the deck and kisses his wife on the lips. “Mmm, you taste like chlorine and sassiness. I’m guessing you’ve been a naughty girl and gave my bestie the business again, huh?”

  Courtney hums into his ear as her body glues itself to her husband’s side. “Black promised that you’d be spanking me tonight while he’s spanking his monkey.”

  Elliot laughs as he looks to Jordan who is now sleeping on her belly, that tight, rounded ass of hers in the open for everyone to appreciate. “You still choking it alone, huh? Why have you not taken charge of this shitshow?”

  “I’m trying,” I admit in a frustrated voice. “But she won’t listen to me or allow me to get her alone and now you’ve allowed the billionaire bros to move into your house, two of which she told me are staying with her in her room. What the fuck were you thinking? I told you, if you need the money…”

  Elliot laughs as he folds me into his side, his heavy arm landing on my shoulder. Anyone else’s would have had me pitching a sensory overload fit, but my best friend gets a little leeway, for now. But if he doesn’t explain Jordan’s new roommates quickly, he might soon find himself in a heap on the patio. “She told you Brandon and Nick were staying in her room?”

  “Ah, yeah.”

  “And she left out the part that I moved her ass into Jenny’s room well before they arrived?”

  I growl. “That little…”

  “Careful, Mr. Black,” Courtney taunts. “That’s my sister you’re speaking about.”

  I roll my eyes at her growing ridiculousness. “Courtney, don’t test me. I can have your ass bright red with one sentence to your husband.”

  She raises a challenging brow my way then harrumphs before she mumbles something about being hungry and heading into the house.

  “You are getting spanked when I get in there, snowflake,” Elliot calls to her retreating back which earns him a seductive wiggle of her ass.

  And that is how the start of the summer continues, me watching as Jordan shamelessly flirts with other men and losing my fucking mind over it.

  By July, Maxwell James accomplishes his goal and pushes Vincent Langley and his cronies out of office. Vinny had been doing the dirty work for the mayor for years, but Crawford’s hands weren’t clean either. The two men were one of my easiest jobs.

  Max and Colleen had gotten to chatting one night and he mentioned that he needed to dig up some dirt on the two men. Being away from his element in DC, he didn’t have the necessary resources at his fingertips. Colleen immediately thought of me, and the little I had explained about my job and sent the politician my way.

  Langley had a taste for women, young women, and he didn’t hold back on his desires. The man had bed more women in Falls Village and the neighboring towns than anyone would believe was possible. But it wasn’t the number of women that he’d bedded that helped Maxwell’s case. It was the girls from the Maritime Academy’s cheerleading squad that had been his demise. Playing out like a bad porn scene from the 80s, Debbie and her friends might not have lived in Dallas, but they certainly knew their way around a man. They also knew how to use their phone’s camera and social media.

  It hadn’t taken me more than a day to find the incriminating evidence and present it to the government officials.

  Mayor Crawford tried his best to avoid going under with his womanizing friend and colleague. But the trouble with guys like Vincent Langley is that they’re all about themselves.

  Many could say the same for me. My diagnosis confirms it, but I’ve learned the importance of friendships and relationships. Ace and Elliot changed my world and the way I view it, Jordan rocked me to my core and made me see the pleasures of love and fidelity.

  But Langley wasn’t me and he didn’t give two shits about the man he’d claimed was his lifelong friend. Vinny threw Crawford under the bus and once the information hit the media, they were both done for.

  Maxwell James was there to take office. The Falls Village native, returned from DC to save his town alongside his siblings, was a story no one could argue was one sappy movies were made of.

  With Max being swore in and taking office as families celebrate the Fourth of July with picnics and fireworks, Colleen finds her life facing the greatest explosion she’s experienced.

  After dealing with the continuing drama of my relationship with Jordan, I head to her store. The saltwater taffy and fudge shop turned into a tea cafe called Spill the Tea, would have its grand reopening in a week, but Co
lleen seemed off.

  She should be happy, but instead, she is melancholy and distant. Something isn’t right with the typically bubbly and outgoing woman who I find in the store that I know isn’t closed for the holidays and reopening next week. Colleen should be with her daughter, Taylor, at the James’s picnic, not here mopping around.

  I plop down at the counter that once was the checkout desk and smile when she hands me a cup of her new specialty tea. “Spill the tea, Callan,” she demands. “You look worse than me. Jordan again?”

  I sigh. “Yeah. She still won’t forgive me. I finally got her to hear me out and I thought that once she did, things would go back to the way they were.”

  “And they haven’t?”

  I laugh. “No.”

  “Want to tell me about it? It’s what this place is all about. I’m here to listen while you have your tea.”

  I nod. Colleen might not have a degree to back up her listening abilities or help her make suggestions, but the woman has never steered me wrong. Trouble is, she needs someone to listen to her, too.

  “Sure,” I state. “On one condition.”

  Colleen raises a questioning brow. “What’s that?”

  “I’ll tell you about the drama I survived at Elliot’s picnic if you tell me what’s going on with you.”

  “What do you mean?” she asks.

  “Teyler Walker is in town. He doesn’t want to be found and needs security. My boss from the city received a call from him the other day. I wonder who told him about me?”

  Colleen shrugs.

  “Come on, Coll. I saw the way you watched him play and when he got hurt. I was here when they broadcasted that he was suspected to be returning to a small town that held his past. I see the resemblance between him and Taylor and it’s more than just their names.”


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