The Rest of Forever

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The Rest of Forever Page 16

by Kitty Berry

  Two days later, Jordan and I are making our way up the winding road to the castle. I’d called Falls Village’s only realtor, Beckett Fischer, and asked if he knew if the house was for sale. He shared the history of the home, which only further encouraged Jordan’s fairytale romance story. When she got Jenny and Courtney involved and they forced Elliot and I to watch them and Beast act out a scene from the movie where the dog’s name originated, I knew I was in deeper trouble than I thought.

  Beckett shared that the home is owned by the Ingram family, originally from a small town just north of Falls Village, but the first members of the family settled on the hill on the estate not long after the town was settled. After that, it’s remained in their ownership, being handed down to each new generation. Carson Ingram is the name listed as current owner, but Beckett never met the man. He said the transaction happened with lawyers and relators, Carson never showing his face. As far as Beckett Fischer knows, Carson Ingram has never stepped foot inside the dwelling.

  This, of course, peaked Jordan’s interest and as she retold the tale to her sisters, they created an elaborate fable based on the original, old as time one.

  “I bet the Ingram family suffered envy, strife, deceit, malice, and even,” Jordan lowers her voice to a whisper, “murder.”

  “What?” I ask with my eyes sliding from the road to her then quickly returning to the snow-covered pavement under the tires of my SUV. “There is no record of a murder ever occurring at this house.”

  “Courtney’s favorite movie growing up was Clue. She made me watch it with her this summer. The house from the movie reminds me of this one. Maybe they have a butler, a maid, and a cook and one of them did it.

  “And I’m Colonial Mustard?”

  “Yes! You kind of are, aren’t you?”

  “No. Not at all. If someone is home, please let me do the talking.”

  “You should be the one to have the social interaction with a stranger?”

  “Yes, as sad as that is, yes. You’re not the best person for the job even between the two of us.”

  “But didn’t you pay attention when we…”

  I send her a smirk because Beast has grown on me and his little head tilt while the three girls had acted out the fairy-tale for us was cute.

  “Once upon a time, in the hidden heart of Falls Village…” Courtney said.

  “A handsome young billionaire with a jaded past lived in a beautiful castle,” Jordan continued.

  I rolled my eyes at Elliot, who patted my shoulder. “I warned you about that one from the beginning.”

  “He had a perfect puppy named Beast,” Jenny contributed to the barking of her dog.

  “Although he had every materialistic thing his heart desired, the billionaire was lonely, selfish, and mean.”

  “Sounds sexually frustrated, am I right?” Elliot asked me, and I agreed.

  “Needs to get laid, for sure. Pussy would fix that right up.”

  “Exactly, look how much better you are,” Elliot teased me.

  The girls shot us a glare and we heeded the warning when Beast began to growl at our feet.

  “I bet he threw expensive parties for the rich and famous,” Jenny added as she patted Beast’s head to calm him down.

  “Then one night, at one of the celebrity parties,” Courtney added, “an unexpected guest arrived at the castle and was looking for a place to spend the night. That was before everyone had phones and there was a bitter storm.”

  “So this hot, young, billionaire is eighty-nine now or…”

  I got an evil glare for that question.

  “As a gift, she offered the billionaire, a single rose.”

  “He didn’t take it, did he?”

  “How do boys not know this story?” Jenny scoffed. “This is why men don’t know a good thing when they have it and fuck it up every time.”

  “Because of a fairy-tale?” I asked, and again Jordan’s face told me to be quiet.

  “No, he didn’t take it. He was repulsed by her appearance and the billionaire turned her away and sent her back out in the dangerous storm.”

  “So, what you’re telling us is that girls are being taught to like a dick that wouldn’t let a woman into his home for safety because why? Because he’s rich?”

  “I’m sure he has a big dick, too. Don’t all the male characters in those books they read do?” I asked.

  “You’re making yourself sound like you have a small dick and are jealous. Don’t make my sisters think that,” Jordan said.

  “Courtney knows…”

  “Callan,” Jordan warned, and once again, I shut my mouth.

  “Okay, fine,” I relented. “Finish the story.”

  “The woman warned him not to be fooled by appearances. And told him that beauty is found within, but he dismissed her again and the old woman’s outward appearance melted away to reveal a beautiful and young enchantress.”

  “The prince begged for…” Courtney said.

  But Elliot coughed, “Pussy” and I laughed.

  After punching her husband in the arm, Courtney continued, “Forgiveness, which you’re going to need, gingy. But it was too late because she had seen that…”

  It was my turn to break in. “He had a small penis?”

  Jenny growled. “No, that there was no love in his heart.”

  “Then as punishment…don’t say it, Callan. No, she did not tie him up, spank his ass, or deny him an orgasm. She transformed him into a hideous beast.”

  “Not a cute little baby like mine,” Jenny added.

  After an eye roll, Courtney finished the story. “She placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived there.”

  “And you want to live in a haunted house?” I asked.

  The girls continued to complain that Elliot and I didn’t understand anything about fairytales and love. Elliot then threw his wife over his shoulder, slapped her ass, and said, “I’ll show you exactly how well I understand.”

  After they left, Jenny said she was going to take Beast out for his evening walk then head to bed. I managed to talk Jordan into a quickie under a blanket on the sofa of the den before we cuddled up in the bed across from Jenny’s. We needed our own place and soon.

  So, here we are ascending into the clouds to see if anyone lives in the castle my girl wants.

  I park in the circular drive, and though the grounds are meticulously kept, the place looks uninhabited. The architecture looks reminiscent of the Baroque era with its highly ornate and extravagant features and stained-glass windows that have Jordan grabbing my arm and bouncing on the balls of her feet.

  The castle is bigger than it appears from the streets below and must house fifty rooms, divided into two wings.

  “The stained-glass windows depict the events of the curse and after the curse was broken.”

  “You mean in the movie? Jordan, this isn’t the same castle.”

  “I know that. It’s just exciting to think that it is.”

  I hug her to my side and kiss her temple. “I missed you and your excitement over life.”

  “I missed all your quirkiness.”

  “Remind me to tell you a few things I did when we were apart then. You’re sure to love them.”

  She smiles at me as we make our way up the stairs.

  “No one’s home,” Jordan states. “This place is deserted.”

  “The grounds are being kept for someone,” I counter as I ring the doorbell that is either broke or silent.

  “See?” Jordan says. “Try the handle.”

  “I’m not entering a house I haven’t been invited into without waiting for the owner to open the door.”

  “Callan, think of it as you would his computer. You’d hack the shit into that, right?”

  I growl. “That is different.”

  “Not at all,” Jordan says as she turns the handle of the door and gains us entry into the foyer.


  “The first place when the castle is entered,” Jo
rdan begins in her storyteller’s voice and I know we’re in trouble. “It’s the starting point of all the adventures.”

  “There are no enchanted objects or a Beast here. Only the master of the house that is going to want to kick my ass when he finds us snooping around. I swear, if you get my ass shot over this…”

  “Oh, stop it. You’ve been shot before and survived.”

  I roll my eyes and try to grab at her arm to stop her from entering, but I’m distracted by how amazing her ass looks in her jeans and she’s fucking quick, so now we find ourselves inside the gigantic home.

  “Jordan!” I whisper-scold as she bolts from me and the entry space and dashes into the house.

  I catch up with her because she’s frozen in place, looking into the first room she’s come across. “It’s the den where we’ll meet the other enchanted objects. The servants will do their best to make us feel comfortable until the angered Beast bursts through the doors and scolds us for trespassing, then drags us off to the dungeon.”

  “If anyone is dragging your ass to a dungeon, it’s going to be me, now let’s go. We’ll have Beckett look into the owner and make an offer.”

  “Make an offer,” a loud male voice booms in the space. “For what? Me not having you arrested for trespassing? I don’t welcome strangers into my home, Mr…Who are you and what are you doing here?”

  Jordan gets her first sight of the imposing man that stands over six and a half feet tall and must weigh in at two hundred fifty pounds if he’s an ounce. Now, I’m no small man, for sure, but this guy is…well, a beast, and the last thing I’m in the mood for is the need for Mac’s cleanup crew, so I remind myself that he’s done nothing wrong and I shouldn’t attempt to treat him as such. If anyone should be in the need of medical attention over this day’s events, it should be me, the man standing in his home, uninvited.

  “Sweet Jesus, have mercy.” Jordan purrs when the man throws his long blond hair over a shoulder and his gray eyes lock on her. Jordan grips my arm and hides behind me, speaking into my back. “That’s exactly what the Beast asks. We’re going to the dungeon next.”

  All brawn or not, I clear my throat when he sweeps those eyes up and down my girl. “Ah, sorry to bother you,” I begin.

  “No, we’re not,” Jordan says when the man sweeps his long hair into a tie and creates a manbun to marvel the best of them. I’ve never seen the obsession over this feminine hairstyle for men, but it appears to be all the rage with the female population, my girl, currently case in point.

  I groan as the man raises an eyebrow at her not so soft voice then shh her before I continue. “We’re new to the area and my girlfriend has been admiring this place from town. We thought we’d see if anyone lived here, maybe wanted to sell or…”

  “Sell?” his deep baritone asks. “Sell what? My family home?”

  “Oh, my God! Fuck the house, I have a better idea.”

  I turn to send Jordan a death glare. I’m not liking this one bit. I’ve barely recovered from the worst summer of my life, and now she’s shamelessly speaking of her desire for another man in front of me.

  “You’re not welcome here,” the owner of the home we’ve entered without welcome states and I grab Jordan’s hand to leave but she grounds her feet.

  While staring at the man, she says, “Well, he doesn’t need to ask what I’m staring at. No way he’s not used to girls checking him out. My God, he’s beautiful.”

  Now I growl. “What?”

  The man rolls his eyes. “I’m not a beast. I just like my privacy. This home isn’t for sale and things here are the furthest from enchanted as you can get. Please see yourselves out.” And with that, he leaves us standing in the room alone.

  I grumble about her attention toward another man and wanting to use Elliot’s dungeon of sorts upon our return to the B and B as we see ourselves out. Luckily, I have a tight grip on Jordan’s elbow because she tries to speed off to a nearby window before exiting the way we arrived.

  “Hey,” she protests. “Let me look out that window.”

  With a huff, I relent and follow her to the wall of stained-glass windows mixed with clear glass ones covered by long, heavy drapes.

  She pulls one side of the drapes back to reveal the sight from the elevated height of the castle and lo-and-behold, what do you know? There’s another castle directly across from this one on the other side of the town. It’s hidden from the view below.

  “No! Don’t even think about it. I’ll call Beckett, but we’re not wandering over there next.”

  “Spoil sport because another man made me swoon.” She leans into my side and kisses my neck. “I love that you’re jealous.”

  I growl. “I’d love to show you just how much right against this window.”

  “Maybe on our tour of that one,” she promises then skips out of the room with me jogging after her.

  Once I’ve opened her car door and settled her inside, I call Becket and ask about the other castle, the one hidden from view.

  “Oh, that one is a piece of shit that has been abandoned and owned by the town for ages. It needs a ton of work but it’s probably doable to purchase. It’s huge, about the same size as the one you just broke into, but rundown, so I could try to cut a deal.”

  Jordan bounces in her seat and shakes her head, her hand traveling up my leg, reaching my cock and stroking me through my jeans. I groan as I harden then shift for comfort, but I don’t stop her advances.

  “We’ll,” I clear my throat as her hand enters my pants and her tiny hand wraps around my warm flesh, “ah, we’ll head over there now to look around.”

  “Sure thing,” Beckett Fischer says. “I’ll call you once I know anything.”

  I hang up as we hit the town below, and Jordan turns to face me. “Do you really make castle kind of money, Callan? I don’t want you to bankrupt yourself for this because I’m not going to be bringing in money for a while. I can see if Don will give me some office hours, but…”

  I laugh. “We’re good. Fuck, keep doing that.”

  It takes me a bit to figure out where the access road to the castle on this side of town is. By the time we’re ascending to the sky, Jordan has removed her seat belt and my cock from my pants and is now giving me head. Her warm mouth around my dick, her tongue licking at my tip on every up stroke promised to have me coming before we find the house.

  I find the long driveway in the nick of time and fling the car in park. Moments before I’m about to come down her throat, I shove my jeans down my hips and settle in for the pleasure her mouth is about to bring. “I’m going to come in your mouth,” I warn as my balls pull up tight to my body and my spine heats up.

  “Mmm,” she mumbles around my throbbing dick, the vibrations pushing me over the edge.

  I cry out her name at the moment of my climax, the world around me going blank for a moment, and I thank the powers that be for the reprieve. Jordan’s always been able to bring me to this silent headspace. No one else has ever come close, and I smile down at the sight of her head in my lap as she licks at my cock to get every drop.

  “That was…” She licks her fingertips and I groan as my dick bounces. “I want to fuck that pussy.”

  But as I’m about to fling her into the backseat and take her, Beckett calls, his voice booming through the car when Jordan excitedly answers.

  I raise an eyebrow in question, wondering if she’d let me fuck her while we talk to him. When she shakes her head, I figure a quick fucking with my fingers here in the front seat will have to suffice until I can properly take care of my girl.

  As my fingers part her slick folds, Beckett says, “Wait until you hear what I just learned. It’s good to have an in with the new mayor.”

  Maxwell James was sworn into office after the scandal he uncovered with the past administration and the revitalization of Falls Village is in full swing. Beckett Fischer and Max’s sister’s best friend appear to be in a relationship, so the realtor must have called in a favor for the informat
ion he’s about to share.

  Jordan’s head hits the back of the seat when my thumb presses down on her clit and I begin slow circles over her wet flesh.

  “Better hurry up, Beck, my girl can’t wait much longer.”

  Jordan’s moan fills the air and Beckett clears his throat.

  Not giving a shit if he knows I’m getting her off, I slip a second finger into her tightness and groan myself when she clamps down around me.

  “Okay,” Beckett begins. “The home you were just at is owned by the Ingram family. Now, here’s where it gets interesting. There have been rumors for years that they have mob connections. I’m sure it’s an old campfire tale, but people used to believe that the family got their money from hiding bodies of people that just happened to find themselves shipwrecked on their land. One of the missing young women was the daughter of another wealthy family visiting town for their summer escape, the Charleston clan. They had a whole bunch of boys, then their youngest was a girl. When she went missing, all fingers pointed to the Ingrams. The story goes that, filled with grief, the Charleston patriarch built the house you’re about to see as a way to keep an eye on the Ingrams.”

  “Oh, my God!” Jordan exclaims over her excitement of another perceived fairy-tale and her impending climax into my hand.

  “That’s right, baby,” I whisper into her ear. “Come onto my hand so I can lick you off it and taste that sweet pussy.”

  Beckett continues without knowledge that Jordan is about to come so hard she won’t be able to keep quiet. “Max said he’ll work something out with you if you’re willing to take the property off the hands of the town but promise to keep the historical integrity.”

  “Yes!” Jordan screams as she comes.

  “Well, she’s certainly excited about the house.”

  “Yes, she is,” I state as I pull my fingers from her pussy then remove my hand from her panties. As my hand reaches under my nose so I can take in her scent before licking her off my finger, Jordan moans then shifts in her seat.

  “Mmm,” I sigh as her taste fills my mouth. “Tell Mayor James we’ll have a look now and contact his secretary for a meeting if we’re still interested.”


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