by N'Dia Rae
There was a bunch of random niggas sitting on the stoop to the house next to her, eying me as if I were juicy steak. I lifted my head high and kept it moving. Those little boys are the equivalent of thots. Thirst niggas.
“Ay ma, let me talk to you. Can I get your number?” one of the boys asked. I ignored him because what reason did I have to speak.
While I placed the key into the door, the same jerk yelled out, “Stuck up bitch.”
I shrugged.
“Damn right, I’m stuck up. I have standards and you don’t meet them.”
Without giving him an opportunity to respond, I opened the door and emerged into my mother’s living room where she sat on the couch alone.
“Hey ma,” I said when I walked towards her. With a huge smile on her face, she stood and hugged me.
My mother and I had always been much closer than she and Nova. I’d seen this woman struggle with two kids, without the men to help her take care of them.
Nova’s father died before she was born. And my father wanted nothing to do with my mother or me when they found out I was coming. It’s funny how men can lay down and make a baby, yet not take on the responsibility.
We were always very poor growing up but she did the best that she could do. Unfortunately, she didn’t have much help. Her relationships didn’t work out and always left her even more broken hearted than before. Yet, she pressed on and did her best with us.
When my grandmother died, she left her this house, which was mostly paid off. But before living here, we lived in The Gardens, one of the city’s worst projects. A place Nova and I vowed to escape.
“What is this surprise that you have to share?” I asked.
“Not now. We have to wait for your sister and I have another guest that’s coming. Go and grab you something to drink and eat from the kitchen.”
“No thank you. I don’t want anything.”
Before she could reply, the doorknob turned and in walked Nova.
“Where is Tyriq?” Ma asked her.
“Damn, can I get through the door? You didn’t even greet me. The first thing out your mouth is where is my husband,” Nova hissed before walking further into the house.
I loved my sister but she was so damned bitchy sometimes.
“Watch your mouth when you’re in my house!” my mother yelled at her.
“I don’t even have to be in your house. You forced me to come over, remember?”
“Well, if you feel that way, you can get the hell out. You get on my nerves, Nova. Always have to ruin a good day.” I could hear her choke on her words.
I stood in the middle and watched the cat fight continue. That’s how it was with these two. They never got along, ever since I could remember. And I could never understand why. I felt like Nova was ashamed of our mother. She worked as a lunch lady at a local high school, never had a husband, had two kids by two different men, and was always on some type of public assistance.
Nova wanted the good life. She wanted perfection: a wealthy husband, children, a nice house, car, and career. And she had it all except for the children.
“Calm down, you two. Nova, how was your day?” I attempted to deflect from the argument.
“It was fine. Thank you for asking. How was yours? Did you find out what you’re going to do about tuition?”
I shook my head in shame. Ever since Nova found out that I lost my scholarship, she has been on my case. I appreciate that she’s hard on me but sometimes I needed her to chill.
“You’re shaking your head no? Girl, school starts in a month! Don’t tell me you aren’t going back. You came this far, you have to finish…”
“Leave her alone, damn it,” My mother interrupted.
I wish neither of them ever knew about my school issues.
“I’ll give you the tuition money,” my mother said.
“How are you going to do that, Toni? You are broke your damn self unless you made us come over here so that you can tell us that you came into some mystery money,” Nova fussed.
Nova called her mother by her name when she was upset with her, which was often.
Ignoring my sister, Ma replied, “I can take it out of the house, a second mortgage. They made me supervisor at the school, and I’m making more money now. I can afford to do this for you.”
My sister rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth at my mother’s offer.
“Mommy, I don’t want you to go broke trying to help me fix this mess I made,” I protested.
“She won’t go broke. I will. Because when she can’t afford to pay it back, she’ll be hitting me up for the cash. I can help you with your books and some of your tuition and co-sign a student loan for you. We don’t need Toni losing this house that’s damn near paid for,” Nova interjected, making me and my mother feel small.
She had a point. Whenever my mother was in a bind, Nova was there to help her out. I couldn’t wait to be in a position to help my mother out.
“No thank you, Nova. I can handle this. I don’t need your money. Listen, Skye, I got you. Full tuition for this year and no student loans. Okay baby?” my mother assured me while simultaneously rattling Nova’s nerves.
She walked away, leaving my mother and I in the living room alone to talk in detail about the tuition.
* * *
N ova
Toni always does this shit! She bites off more than she can handle and leaves me to pick up the broken pieces. It gets on my nerves. I didn’t work this hard to make this kind of money to throw it away. She is too old to be making these bad decisions.
Reaching in my crocodile Celine bag, I phoned my husband, who didn’t answer. I then texted him to see where he was.
Me: Babe, where are you. My mother is driving me crazy.
Tyriq: Still at the office. Things are crazy. I should be there soon.
Sighing, I slipped my phone back into my bag. I was never the one to get in the way of his job. That takes priority over whatever surprise my mother had. Annoyed, I wandered back in the living room to find Skye and Toni sitting on the couch talking.
Just as I approached the sofa, the doorbell rang.
“Nova, please get that for me,” Toni requested.
I moved towards the door and opened to find an older tall, stocky man standing on the other side. He looked familiar, but I couldn’t place where I had seen him. His skin was the color of burnt sugar, and he had a full gray beard but a shiny, bald head.
“Hi sweetheart. You must be Nova.” The stranger reached in for a hug. But I don’t allow just anyone to touch me.
Backing up, I extended my arm and shook my head.
“Who are you?”
“Oh, you don’t recognize me?” he cockily asked.
“Nope,” I responded.
“I’m Rico Barnes. I used to play for the Redskins. You may recognize me from a few car dealership commercials.”
“Hey baby,” Toni interrupted before jumping off the couch and charging towards him.
“You have to forgive my daughter, she’s had a stressful day,” she continued, shooting me the evil eye before returning a loving gaze back to him.
I guess it’s safe to assume that this was her new man. Not bad. He was definitely an upgrade from the losers she’s dated in the past. Even though he was old, he was attractive. I just hoped he had some money.
“Sorry, if I came off rude. But yeah, I am Nova,” I shook his hand. I was still guarded. When I turned around, Skye had joined the group.
“Hi, I’m Skye.” She reached in for a hug. I rolled my eyes. She’s always so trusting and open. And it always comes back to bite her in the ass. Just like it did with that little nigga she was messing with that tanked her grades.
“You haven’t told them, have you?” he asked Toni, staring into her eyes.
“No! I’m waiting on you and your children.”
“Just my oldest son and daughter will be coming.” He smiled as he walked into the living room.
Before they could get seated comfor
tably, the doorbell rang again. This time Toni answered it. I’m assuming these were Rico’s children. There was a young man and woman who both looked like him. They appeared to be in their late 20’s – early 30’s.
“Hey Sasha and Jr.,” he greeted, ushering them into the room.
“Are we waiting for anyone else?” Rico continued while I looked at everyone suspiciously.
“Yep! You were waiting on me.” The door opened and in walked Tyriq, dressed in a navy blue Armani suit, looking every bit of delicious. His deep cocoa was as smooth as velvet and it turned me on just to see him walk in a room.
“Hi baby!” My face lit up as I rushed to him and threw my arms around his neck.
He planted a sensual kiss to my cheek before walking towards the group of people gathered in Toni’s living room.
After everyone made their introductions, we all settled down around my mother and Rico. Half the room seemed excited while the other half looked concerned.
Sasha and Jr.’s faces were set in frowns as they looked at our parents. My face matched theirs while Skye looked giddy right along with Toni and Rico.
“So, we gathered you all here today to make a very important announcement,” Toni started.
“Yes, I’ve asked you ladies’ mother for her hand in marriage. She said yes and…”
“We’re getting married!” My mother finished his sentence.
“Oh my gosh! Congratulations!” My naïve sister jumped for joy. She threw her arms around our mother while I sat there with a raised eyebrow.
“I didn’t know you were dating. How do you even know this man?” I snapped, bringing everyone back to reality.
As far as I knew, my mother was single and wasn’t dating. Now, all of a sudden…
“Yeah, what the fuck, Pops?! Our mom has been dead, what? All of one month and now you’re ready to marry this woman. How long have you known her?” Jr. rightfully questioned.
My husband’s face was stunned. And Skye looked hurt at Jr.’s criticisms.
“Now son, keep it cool. No need to insult her.”
“He didn’t insult her. That was a legitimate question. Why are we just finding out about this relationship?” I pried.
“Chill out, Nova.” My husband slipped his hand to my thigh, squeezing it. He hated when I got testy with my mother. And because I respected him, I shut my mouth. I could always talk to her later.
“Are you going to answer Jr.? Because it seems to me that you all probably have been carrying on for a while. Our mother died a month ago from a heart attack. She had been stressed out and depressed the last six months. Her hair was falling out, she was having panic attacks and couldn’t sleep. But now it all makes sense. You were probably seeing this bitch behind her back and she knew about it!” Sasha lashed out. She stood up from the couch, ready to punch my mother.
I sat there, frozen in place.
“Bitch, you need to calm down and get the fuck out of our house. You’re not going to come up in here calling my mother names!” Skye’s sweet demeanor faded into ruthlessness.
“Ladies, ladies, everyone just needs to chill. Skye and Nova, go into the kitchen for a moment.” My husband attempted to defuse the situation.
“Nah, they don’t have to leave. We will. Come on, Sasha.” The siblings rushed towards the door.
“Sasha and Jr., come back here! Don’t you disrespect me or my new wife like this!” Rico hollered after them. But he might as well not been talking, because they kept walking and jumped in their cars.
“Is it true?” My lips finally parted while I sat there in a state of aggravation and amazement.
“No! How dare you ask me something like that? I met this wonderful man not too long ago and we fell in love.” I could tell that she was lying.
I shook my head and gathered my bag.
“Let’s go, Tyriq,” I urged, leaving my mother and her new fiancé behind. There was no way in hell I could sit there in support of that foolishness. I was partial to his kids’ accusation. My mother has always had an air of desperation with men.
“I’m sorry Ms. Johnson, congratulations. Peace, Skye,” my husband replied before walking out with me.
“Nova, don’t be like this!” Skye yelled as we exited.
I threw up my hand and waved. I had no time for that bullshit.
“Let her go! She ain’t never been happy for me,” Toni spat to Skye.
When we got outside my husband walked me to my car and placed his strong hands on my hips.
“Bae, what was that about?”
After all this time, his touch still made me melt. I bit my bottom lip and looked down before I responded. I hated for him to see me act bitchy.
“You know how my mother is. She’s always doing impulsive shit like this. I can’t support an engagement to a man I only met today. And besides, what if his kids were right?”
“So what. That’s your mother. She needs your support and respect. You don’t need to be treating her like this.”
“Ugh, let me just go home and cool off. I’ll see you there?”
“Later, I actually forgot to handle something in the office. Go home, take a bath, and then call your mother and apologize,” he instructed.
“I’ll try. And why can’t you come home. Can’t that office stuff wait until the morning?” I whined.
“You know it can’t, babe. If I want this promotion by the end of the year, I have to be ahead of the game.” His thumb trailed my chin before he planted his lips to mine.
He knew how to shut me up. And I rarely put up a fight.
“Okay, I’ll see you later.” I hugged him goodbye before jumping in my car and heading home, alone. I loved that he was a hardworking man, but sometimes I wished he would put my needs first.
T hat drama at Toni’s house left me stressed the fuck out. And I knew if I went home with my wife, she was going to talk about it all night long. I wasn’t in the mood for that shit.
Hearing women bicker is akin to hearing nails on a chalkboard. It’s excruciatingly obnoxious.
Instead of heading home to my wife, I hit up Kinasha to see if she wanted some dick tonight. Reaching into my glove compartment, I retrieved my secret burner phone which I kept to call my side chicks.
That bitch must have been waiting for my call because she answered after one ring.
“Hi daddy,” she said in her cutesy, yet seductive voice. My dick was already at attention.
“What you doing?”
“Thinking about you. Why are you calling me so late? They wifey ain’t around?” she pried.
“Don’t worry about that. I’m coming over and you better be home waiting on me.” I adjusted myself, while starting my car.
“I’m at the bar with my friend right now.”
“I don’t give a fuck. Take yo ass home. And when I get there you better already have been in the shower and wearing something sexy. Or nothing at all,” I commanded.
“Yes, daddy. I’m leaving right now.”
“Good girl. See you in 30.” I hung up before sliding my phone back in the compartment before pulling off.
I loved that I had my women in check. I sent the wifey home as well as my side bitch, all within five minutes.
However, when I looked in the rearview mirror, I could see Ms. Toni staring at me while standing on her stoop, puffing a cigarette. Fuck! I hope she didn’t catch me on the secret phone. I waved goodbye and she smiled and waved with her fingers. It almost looked seductive but it could be my crazy imagination. Since all I have is pussy on my mind.
* * *
I drove away from Toni’s house on the south side of PG County to Kinasha’s apartment in uptown DC. The only thing on my mind was busting it open and watching her suck me dry.
That’s the thing, Nova rarely gave me head. She said it was something that should be reserved for special occasions. Thus, I only got it from her on my birthday and our anniversary. And when she did do it, it was wack.
Kinasha, on the other hand, was a pro.
When I got to her apartment, I buzzed her number but I got no answer. It pissed me the fuck off, because I told her to be ready. I don’t have time to play around and wait for her.
Even though I lied to my wife about where I had to be, I still had to be home at a reasonable time.
Irritated, I dialed her number and she answered while giggling and talking to her friend.
“Where the fuck are you?”
“I’m pulling up right now. I didn’t drive. I had to wait until my girl was ready to go.”
“I don’t care about your excuses. I gave implicit instructions,” I barked.
“I’m sorry, daddy. I promise to make it up to you,” she cooed in my ear.
“Damn right you will.”
Agitated, I hung up and slid my phone back in my pocket.
In a few short seconds, she came racing to the apartment door.
“I’m so sorry.”
“Damn right you are. Got me out here standing on your doorstep like a simp.”
She kept saying sorry while quickly unlocking the front door before guiding me upstairs.
As soon as we got into her apartment, I grabbed her and wrapped my fingers around her precious neck. She moaned because she loved it when I got rough.
Pushing her into the wall, I glared into her eyes before speaking.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. I squeezed her neck even harder while rubbing my thumb along her skin.
“I told you to be ready for me. Now I have to punish you,” I growled. She trembled underneath my touch.
“Punish me, daddy,” she whispered. My hand wrapped even tighter around her neck while my free hand reached up her green dress.
There was no barrier between my hand and her pussy.
“Where the fuck are your panties? Who are you showing my pussy to?”
“Nobody baby. I just felt like being free,” she moaned as I slipped two of my fingers in her tight slit.
After the months of pounding that coochie took from my dick, it was still snug, like a too small glove.