Fear Episode Two

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Fear Episode Two Page 9

by Nicholas Bella

  Andre, you and Isabella will have to split up, unfortunately. Vahiel believes once the Shakodi are killed, their magic will end. That means the spell containing the souls in the talisman will lapse and the souls will be free to return to those demons. Isabella will go to the newest location we’ve discovered, while you will remain there. Remember what I’ve taught you. If it gets to become too dangerous, retreat and teleport out of there.

  I looked up at Isabella. “Did you get the same message I did?”

  “The one that leaves you to fend for yourself?”

  “Yeah, that one.”

  She shrugged both shoulders and chuckled as she slipped her phone back into her pocket. “It’s the risk of our position. Ade will be with Rohan. Nasini is with our king. Brian and Raphael are both tasked with taking out the Shakodi. Only you and I are free to do this. I will try to return to you if no other demons attack me.”

  “But if you’re still recuperating from sucking down five souls at once and demons attack you, you’ll be vulnerable,” I said. I remembered how limp my limbs were the night I sucked down two souls at once when Katashniel broke free. My orgasms were debilitating. This new arrangement worried me. I walked over to her. “Aren’t there other knights who can help us?”

  “I will be able to survive on my own, as I recover faster than you do. You are still very young, not even a year. You will need back-up. Text Raphael and see what he can do. My order came from Nasini, so I must leave you now. Do me a favor and try not to die,” Isabella said, then vanished to wherever the other location was.

  I didn’t bother to text Raphael. I decided to call him instead, it was faster. He answered on the second ring. “Weren’t you the one who said I needed help? Why take Isabella away?” I said, foregoing all pleasantries.

  “With all the talismans being broken open at the same time, we can’t risk having those souls escaping while the two of you only guard the one. Three other knights are waiting at the third talisman location. Isabella will have help, as Dane will be joining her. You will have the help of Nakai.”

  “The newest lord?”

  “Yes. Because we’re so close to ending this, King Adriel appointed her to you.”

  “Okay. I just didn’t want to fail this mission or let any of these assholes get free because I’m taken out from busting a nut.”

  “Understandable. It is both a gift and curse of our kind. Nakai should be joining you soon.”

  “What’s taking Rohan so long to find the shaman demons?”

  “They are masked better than the talismans are. He’s found all the talismans and only one shaman—Shakodi. I’m hoping Brian and Dakkar find the other, then it’s just one Rohan has to worry about,” Raphael said.

  “I hope they find his ass then, too. Hate being in this nasty ass sewer, fucking place stinks to high heaven. And I really just want to kill these damn demons and get the fuck up out of here,” I said. Just breathing in the fumes made me feel grimy inside and out.

  “Keep your focus sharp and don’t die,” he said. “It’s not a stretch to expect these knights to have weapons strong enough to kill you and a lord.”

  “With Mahmet working with them, yeah, I bet,” I said.

  “Be careful and call me the moment the coast is clear for you.”

  “Yeah, you do the same.”

  We both ended the call without having to say another word to each other. I cared for Raphael and didn’t want anything to happen to him. Was it love? I didn’t think I could say that it was, but it was something very close. I just knew I wanted to be with him and Brian again, and forever. I walked over to the five demons, standing over one of the males. They looked to be resting so peacefully. They didn’t look dead, only asleep. I wanted so badly to kick him in the balls, but didn’t want to disturb the pentagram or placement. Everything had to be timed with this attack, so I backed up and waited for Nakai’s arrival.

  I didn’t think five minutes passed before she showed up in a nice puff of smoke, like a ninja. She looked at me, her intense brown gaze working me up and down. “You should stay out of my way, Agoto. Once I go into berserk mode, I will kill anything in my range,” she warned.

  “Good to know,” I said. “Um, my Lord,” I tacked on at the last minute. Her rude greeting threw me off a bit and I’d forgotten my manners

  She narrowed her eyes and I could feel her judgment a mile away, crawling over me like some of the damn bugs in this place were trying to do. “You must be very new.”

  I licked my lips and nodded. “I’m still learning. But I do know my rank, and yours, my Lord. I won’t make that mistake again.”

  She gave me a curt nod, a clue, in a way, letting me know she accepted my apology. She turned and took in the scene of the five demons and the talisman, walking around them, but not close enough to disturb the set up. I also noticed she was wearing the same charm I was. The one Raphael gave me so I could enter this place without being detected. At least I knew why it had taken her some time to get to me. Vahiel was very busy coming up with charms for all of us warriors.

  “Good. For now, we wait,” she said.

  She was all business as she stood over the five demons and if I didn’t know any better, I’d have thought she wanted to fight them. She was a demonic general after all. War was her thing. I just hoped she’d leave some demons for me, because I wanted to kick some ass too. This wait was getting on my damned nerves, I was ready for action.



  I’d been pinned in the corner of the office for over an hour, maybe more, with Dakkar’s strong arms around me so he could keep us hidden in his shadows. It wasn’t easy. For one thing, my legs were growing tired, for another, my cock was hard as a rock because of how close I was to one of the sexiest men I’d ever met.

  “How much longer do you think we’ll have to wait?” I asked Dakkar. We’d been standing in the corner for what seemed like forever. Either the demon wasn’t coming, or he was taking the longest lunch break known to man.

  “My, my, aren’t you impatient,” Dakkar replied, then nudged his hardening cock against the crack of my ass.

  I moaned, because I knew just how good his fucking cock felt in my ass. And even better, my cock in his ribbed-lined anal canal. “Stop playing dirty, my Lord.”

  He laughed and the sound of his voice vibrated on the back of my neck, making me even hornier. “I’ll play nice, then.” He put about an inch between us, not much, but at least I didn’t feel his hardness against my ass. “To answer your question, we will be here for as long as it takes the traitorous knight to come, or until we hear that Rohan has located all the Shakodi.”

  “Whichever comes first,” I stated.

  “Exactly. These are the only leads we have right now.”

  “Are you sure this motherfucker is even still at work? Maybe he heard about the queen’s death and may think you are on to him?” I pointed out.

  “That is a possibility, no doubt. Perhaps, I’ll contact Dalani to see if he’s been there.” Dakkar released me and pulled out his cellphone. He called and she answered. I could hear the conversation and this knight hadn’t been to see the old queen. And she was keeping her death under wraps for now, her first command as the new queen of Fourth-hell. Dakkar thanked her and ended the call. He looked at me. “Do you want to go to his home, which is the only other place I know he frequents?”

  “Sure, I’ll pop in there, you stay here. That way, we can cover more ground. This guy is just a knight, right? Something I should be able to handle on my own. If he does come home, I’ll knock him out and wait for you to join us so you can feed and get the info you need,” I said.

  “Very well,” Dakkar stated. “I’ll text you if he does come back to the office.”

  He released his hold on me and I watched as the room grew brighter now that I was no longer hidden behind the shadows. It was a nifty trick to have. I was just going to have to conceal my aura as best as I could and find a good hiding spot to wait for
the demon to arrive. I walked out of the office and far enough away from Dakkar and that stone of his so I could teleport back to the demon’s house. I landed in the enclosed backyard. I wanted to make sure there weren’t any wards up. There was, which made this whole trip useless, because I didn’t have anything on me that would help me bypass a damned ward.

  I texted Dakkar, telling him about the ward.

  I figured that would be a problem, he texted back.

  Thanks for not bringing up to me before I left.

  You’re a knight, your own home is protected by wards. Don’t you know which one it is? Can you dispel it?

  I’m not that good.

  Then wait to see if he pulls up in a car. Going to his home was your idea. If you can’t wait inside, then watch from the outside.

  All right, I said, then put my phone back in my pocket. I decided to stay where I was and just listened for heartbeats. There was more than one way to skin a cat. Who the hell was out there skinning cats anyway? What sick fuck came up with that phrase?

  About twenty minutes passed before I heard the familiar chirp on my cell alerting me of a text message. I immediately pulled it out and checked. Fuck Yeah! Dakkar had the son of a bitch. I teleported back to the bank and made my way back to the office on foot to see Dakkar pinning the demon against his desk by his throat. I did get stopped by some employees, but once I slammed my mojo on them, they left me alone. I loved being an Agoto.

  The man was dressed in a three-piece suit, appropriate for his job, and average looking. His aura was purple, which meant he had stolen the body he was inhabiting. How he got on this plane was anyone’s guess. The human could have made a deal and conjured him up, or he took over the body after escaping hell. Either way, he was about to vacate that motherfucker.

  “I’m not telling you shit!” the demon roared in his rage.

  Dakkar laughed. “Like I need for you to tell me anything.” With that, he let those vicious fangs grow and struck. The demon cried out as his skin was pieced by those sharp-ass teeth. I knew for a fact, Dakkar could make his feeding pleasurable if he wanted to, or very painful. By the way the demon was screaming and thrashing, he wasn’t giving him anything to get off on.

  Eventually, the thrashing and screaming stopped and when the body went limp with sporadic twitching, I knew it was about time I fed. The twitching soon stopped and I watched as the demon’s soul flowed from its mouth. I opened my Agoto up, sucking that delicious soul inside and my body jerked from the orgasm it gave me. I fell to both knees, quaking as the pleasure of my feeding worked me over.

  “Fuck, you’re hot when you feed,” I heard Dakkar say.

  It took me a few seconds to regain my senses after that meal. I couldn’t even speak yet. I loved feeding to the point of orgasming, but it did leave me very incapacitated for a while. Dangerous when you were on missions like this. All the more reason why I was happy I was paired up with Dakkar.

  “I’m good now,” I said, sighing heavily.

  Dakkar snorted. “I bet. But I’m not.” He reached into his pocket with one hand, pulling out his cell, and undid his zipper with the other. He texted something to whom I assumed were the other lords.

  “Did you find the other location of the Shadoki?”

  He chuckled. “Shakodi,” he corrected me.

  “Sorry. But did you?”

  “I did. Just letting Rohan know.” He pulled his fat, hard cock out and it was already wet and sticky at the tip thanks to his glorious precum.

  “Want me to suck it?” I asked. Wow, did I just say that? I still couldn’t believe how much I’d changed. How comfortable I was in my own skin enough to volunteer my exceptional oral skills to service a man’s cock. Fact of the matter was, I loved sucking dick, loved it. I loved the way a cock felt in my mouth, the hardness and smoothness running along my tongue. The taste of a man’s excitement and arousal. It was everything to me. Especially when I was sucking my mates’ cocks. I relished the idea that I could bring my men to their knees, and often did, with my mouth. It didn’t matter how they dominated me in their own way… when I wanted to, I could make them my bitches, Raphael and Andre.

  Dakkar began stroking his cock, and I licked my lips. “Like what you see?”

  “These days… yes I do. Very much so,” I admitted.

  “Are you hard?”

  I stopped focusing on him long enough to realize that I was, in fact, hard. “I am.”

  “Come here,” Dakkar said, then shoved the body of the demon onto the floor.

  It was morbid, I must confess, how I could be horny with a dead body in the room. But this demon life of mine pretty much guaranteed that I’d be in this state often. It no longer affected me like it would have if I were human.

  Dakkar’s phone vibrated and he looked down to read the message. A total multitasker, I noticed. Again, he responded, typing out his message with one hand while stroking his cock with the other. He placed his phone on the desk and pulled me in for a sloppy kiss. The kind you give when you can’t wait to fuck. I was all game for it, too. I reached down, grabbing his dick, and took over the stroking while he undid my pants, pushing them down past my thighs.

  He pulled back enough to turn me around and pushed me face first against the desk. I could hear him spitting and knew he was slicking his cock with nature’s second lube-semen being the first. I groaned when I felt him enter me and had to work on my breathing and relax my muscles as he pushed deeper. Unlike with my mates, it hurt more for me to adjust to a cock that didn’t have an Agoto attached to it. But Dakkar was beyond skilled and he knew how to make me feel good past the pain. He gave me a few seconds to adjust to his girth before rubbing it along my prostate.

  My eyes rolled up inside my head as my body quaked from the pleasure. “Ahhh yeah… just like that,” I purred.

  His tightened his grip on my hips as he began to pick up the pace of his thrusts. The desk wobbled with the force of his hip actions, so much so, I wondered if the legs would hold up. I was gripping the other end of the desk for dear life as my asshole was being pounded into submission. The room was filled with sounds of skin smacking, manly growls, grunting, and moaning. All sounds I’d come to enjoy hearing. It made me more aroused to hear them, especially when I wasn’t the only one making the sounds.

  I was close to shooting my load, and by how Dakkar’s thrusts grew faster, I knew he was close, too. “Fucking fill me up,” I encouraged.

  “Oh… Hell yeah… I’m cumming hard,” Dakkar said.

  I came first, blowing my load all over the polished wood of the desk, I’d have to ash that before we left. At the moment, I didn’t care. I heard Dakkar cry out a second before he spilled his load deep in my guts. Jet after jet of his hot cum filled me up so much, it began to spill out my ass and down my thighs as he slowly worked his dick in and out of me. We were both twitching and moaning as we rode the last waves of our orgasms. When he finished milking his dick to the last drop, he pulled out of me.

  “Stay there,” he commanded, and I obeyed. Hell, taking commands from powerful men was kind of my kink. It took the king’s discipline to help me discover that part of me.

  I looked over my shoulder and watched as Dakkar leaned down and removed the handkerchief from the dead demon’s front jacket pocket. He proceeded to wipe his dick clean with it, then my asshole, cheeks, and thighs.

  “You made quite a mess back there,” I teased.

  “That’s how you know your ass is sweet. You should be proud to have such a delightful pleasure hole. Your mates must go mad with lust whenever you’re in the room,” Dakkar stated as he wiped the last of his jizz off my inner thigh. “Okay, let’s get dressed.”

  I smiled and stood up, pulling my pants on completely. “They do.”

  “What?” Dakkar asked, one eyebrow cocked. He was holding his phone and had been looking at the screen before I spoke.

  “My mates, they can’t keep their hands off me,” I said, smiling.

  “Oh, yeah, I bet. I do h
ope to fuck them when this is all over with,” Dakkar said, then typed a message back.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, curious about all the messages back and forth.

  “Ash all this,” Dakkar said, tossing the used handkerchief on my puddle of drying cum on the desk.

  I did as he instructed, wiping up the remaining cum, then ashing the evidence of our presence from the office.

  Dakkar leaned down and began checking the clothes and person of the dead demon and smiled when he found a hard bump that was under the skin of the demon’s chest. He opened it up with a clawed finger, exposing a blue stone cover in blood. He pulled it out and stood up.

  “Ash the body too,” Dakkar said, pointing to the demonic corpse. “I’ll return shortly.”

  Again, I did as I was told and even scooped up the ash with some papers and folders I turned into a makeshift dustpan. I opened the window and threw it out, I then went to the bathroom, came back with some cleaning solutions, water, and towels to clean up any residue, completely getting rid of all evidence. After flushing it down the toilet, I returned to the office to see Dakkar leaning against the desk.

  “Good job,” he complimented.

  “Hey, how come you can teleport, but I can’t. I thought the stone wouldn’t let you,” I pointed out.

  “You do realize that I teleported us here, even with the stone. And you’re just now asking this question?”

  I frowned, because he didn’t have to point out how slow I was on the uptake. “I wasn’t thinking about it then,” I simply said.

  Dakkar chuckled and pulled the stone from his pocket and tossed it up, catching it in his palm. “It’s designed for me, Brian. I’m the only one who can teleport. Of course, while I was away this last time, I made sure to have Vahiel change it so that you could teleport too, if need be. I still need this to be active when we go to the shaman.”

  I nodded. “Good thinking. Okay, so please tell me we have good news,” I said after I was finished with the dirty work.

  Dakkar nodded and slipped the stone back into his pocket. “We do now. Rohan has located the final shaman and we’re just trying to coordinate our attack.”


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