Claimed by Cipher (Grabbed Book 5)

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Claimed by Cipher (Grabbed Book 5) Page 11

by Lolita Lopez

  “Is there anything I can do to help?” She hated to see him stressed.

  His expression softened. “You’re doing it right now.”

  Confused, she asked, “How?”

  “You’re being my friend and my partner,” he explained. “You’re letting me know that you care.”

  “I do care.” She gripped his hand. “I know we’re new to all of this, but I do care about you, Cipher. Anything I can do to help, I will.”

  “I know.” He kissed her again, this time letting his lips linger on hers. He stroked her hair, feeling the dampness. “You took a shower?”

  “Yes.” She lifted her arms and bent them to show she had free range of motion. “They pulled out those awful tubes. As long as I keep drinking all the fluids they bring and my vital signs are stable, I don’t need them.”

  “Did you have any problems with the shower controls?”

  “Chance showed me how they worked.”

  Cipher’s eyes narrowed. “He went into the bathroom with you? Alone?”

  She rolled her eyes at his jealousy. “He was a perfect gentleman.”

  Cipher didn’t seem convinced. She had a feeling he would have words with Chance in the morning. He let the issue drop and presented the gift bag to her. “This is for you.”

  “Thank you.” She had noticed the bag when he entered the room and excitedly opened it to see what he had brought her. Her eyes darted to the bright orange fruit on top, and she gasped, “Where did you get these?”

  “Torment,” he said, bending down to unzip the sides of his boots. He toed out of them and left them next to the door. “He wanted you to have them.”

  “Why?” She had only tasted an orange once before as a child. She and her parents had shared one at a company picnic. They had been given out to each family as a gift for the year’s record-breaking production of minerals. Even now, all these years later, she could remember the taste of it bursting on her tongue.

  “Because you saved Terror,” he said, taking off his belt and gear and placing it on the counter near the door. He lined each piece up in an order he had obviously used for years. “You’re lucky to have someone like Torment in your corner. He’s the kind of friend everyone needs when shit gets real.”

  “I can see that,” she murmured, watching as he unbuttoned his uniform shirt and folded it loosely. He wore a dark undershirt that clung to his muscular chest and arms. She swallowed hard, wondering what it would be like to run her hands over his skin and feel all that power beneath her fingertips. Her face flushed at the thought of having his strong, heavy body on top of hers, pressing her into a mattress. Her gaze drifted lower and settled on the taut curve of his bottom.

  Unbidden, the image of him between her legs, thrusting into her while she gripped his behind, appeared in her mind. She could practically feel his panting breaths on her neck and smell the scent of him surrounding her as he made her his wife. She squeezed her thighs together as the pulse of heat there throbbed almost painfully.

  The machine tracking her heartbeat betrayed her thoughts, chiming loudly as her heart raced. Not wanting to get caught leering, she glanced away as he turned and busied herself with unpacking the contents of the bag. If he suspected she had been fantasizing about him making love to her, he didn’t say it. Instead, he lowered the safety rail on the bed and gestured for her to scoot over to make room. She happily did so and welcomed him into her space.

  “The book and pamphlets are given to all new brides,” he explained and draped his arm around her shoulders. She didn’t even try to hide the smile that tugged at her mouth when he pulled her in close to cuddle against him. “They explain everything you need to know about living on the ship and your rights as a bride and mate.”

  She thumbed through the guidebook. “I’ll read through it tomorrow, sir.”

  His lips brushed her temple. “Take your time. There’s no rush or test.”

  “Speaking of tests,” she muttered, “they made me blow into this huge straw earlier to see how well my lungs work. It was awful.”

  “I’m sorry.” He rubbed her arm. “I should have been here.”

  “No, you were where you needed to be. I’m just whining a bit.”

  “That’s okay. You’re allowed to be upset and irritated about things. Especially right now,” he added. “You’re in a whole new world. You have strangers asking you to take uncomfortable tests. I would whine, too.”

  She eyed him with disbelief. “I don’t think your people have that emotion.”

  He snorted. “You haven’t met all of us yet. Eventually, you’ll cross a soldier or pilot who will change your mind.”

  “I guess.” She reached into the bag and withdrew a tablet device. Holding it in her hand, she was surprised by how light it felt and how easy it was to handle. She glanced at him in shock. “Is this mine?”

  “All yours,” he confirmed. “I’ve already set it up for you. Would you like to me show you how it works?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Not for the first time, she noticed the way his eyes seemed to flare when she called him sir. He seemed pleased to be shown respect, and she was happy to give it to him. He had more than earned her respect with his actions toward her.

  “It’s all touchscreen,” he explained, taking her small hand in his larger one and showing her how to swipe the screen. Icons appeared on a pale grey background. “You can change this background to anything you’d like. A photo, a painting, your own design, a solid color,” he said, pointing out the icon to tap to change the settings for the tablet. “These icons take you to different applications. Library, entertainment, messaging, vid-calls, navigation, education, shopping, cooking, medical care,” he listed the options while pointing them out to her. “Try it.”

  She took the tablet back from him and tapped on the icons, exploring all the options available to her. She marveled at the technology and wondered how it worked. As if reading her mind, Cipher said, “I can teach you how to code and make your own programs.”


  “Yes.” He kissed her. “Really.”

  Not wanting him to move away so quickly, she reached out and cupped his face, gently holding him in place. He understood what she wanted and turned slightly. The tablet was forgotten on her lap as Cipher let her take control of their kiss. She clung to his broad shoulders and moved her lips against his. Her hands trembled as the excitement of being so close to Cipher overwhelmed her. Feeling brazen, she flicked the tip of her tongue against the seam of his mouth. He groaned low in his throat and tangled his fingers in her long hair, gripping the back of her head as he swung his leg over hers.

  Trapped beneath him, she let out a shuddery breath and kissed him again, clawing at his shoulders and silently begging him to stay on top of her. She pressed her thighs together, aching and needy in a way she had never experienced. He seemed to know what she was feeling because he rocked against her, sliding his strong thigh between hers and nudging it against the place no man had ever touched. She gasped, her eyes wide at the incredible sensation of his leg between hers, and pumped her hips to chase the feeling again.

  “Fuck,” Cipher growled. His hand flew to her hip, his long fingers gripping her tightly and holding her still. She whimpered and tried to rub herself against him again, but he was too strong. “No,” he said sternly. “Not here.”

  “Please, sir,” she begged, her voice so needy and desperate that it shocked her. “Please.”

  “No.” He kissed her slowly, taking his time as he plundered her mouth and held her right where he wanted her. “I don’t want to share this with anyone. You are mine. Mine. And no one else will ever see or hear what you share with me.”

  Part of her wanted to defy him and fight for the stimulation she wanted to feel again. Most of her wanted to follow his command, to submit and accept his decision. Something told her that she would be rewarded for her obedience. She craved his praise and found it easy to nod and say, “Yes, sir.”

  As i
f understanding how hard it was for her to ignore the demands of her body, he nuzzled her neck. “I promise it will be worth the wait.”

  So far, he had proven himself to be a man of his word. She couldn’t wait to find out how he would make it worth her while.

  Cipher untangled their legs and sat up, taking his arm from her shoulders. It wasn’t done in a punishing way but for practicality. He picked up one of the oranges and began to methodically peel it. She watched his hands, seeing the way his deft fingers moved so elegantly. It was a strange way to describe a man as big and strong as Cipher, but it was the only word she could think of as he peeled away the thick orange rind without tearing the fruit or spilling a drop of juice.

  In her aroused state, it wasn’t hard to translate the movements of his fingers on the fruit to the way they would touch her body. She hadn’t ever made love, but she wasn’t an innocent child. She knew what people did together in their bedrooms. Working in the mines around so many men, she had heard more than her fair share of filthy stories and jokes while toiling away in the shadows, forgotten and unseen. She had heard other women complaining about their men when using the locker rooms at the mines. Looking at Cipher, she didn’t think she would have many complaints about him.

  Her gaze traveled the long length of his legs to the top of one of his socks. It had rolled down a bit, probably when she rubbed against him. Feeling playful, she used her thin, nimble toes to grasp the thick, soft fabric. She began to tug down his sock, making sure to stroke his calf with her toes, and he shot her a warning look. “Keep that up, and I’m going to tie you to the bed.”

  Heat flared low in her belly at the thought of being restrained beneath him. She had heard the stories of the naughty things the sky warriors did with their mates. The image of Cipher skimming his skilled hands over her naked body while she strained against her bonds left her breathless and eager. “Promise?”

  “Brook.” There was hard edge to his voice, but the warmth in his gaze tempered the sternness of it. “You’re going to be a handful, aren’t you?”

  She nodded and grinned mischievously. “I hope you’re up for it.”

  He didn’t miss the cheeky way her gaze fell to his zipper. “Eyes up here, mate.”

  She reluctantly dragged her gaze to his face. “Yes, sir.”

  Shaking his head, he opened the orange with his thumbs, spreading out the wedges of fruit like the petals of a blossoming flower. He plucked one of the wedges free and brought it to her mouth. When he dragged it across her lower lip, she blushed and followed his silent command to open her lips and take the fruit. It tasted just as delightful as she remembered, and she closed her eyes, savoring the flavor.

  When she tried to feed him a piece, he shook his head. “This is for you.”

  “I know.” She brought it closer to his mouth. “I want to share it with you.”

  He let her feed him, and she smiled at her little victory. They shared the rest of the orange with silent, tender smiles. It was late by the time they finished, and Cipher yawned despite his valiant attempt to hold it back. Taking his hand, she said, “I’ll be perfectly fine here if you want to go back to your quarters and get a proper night’s rest.”

  “I won’t be perfectly fine,” he replied. “I feel calmer with you. I need to know you’re safe.” His gaze hardened, and she wondered if it had something to do with the work that had kept him away from her all day and most of the evening. “It’s not up for discussion.”

  She arched an eyebrow at that. She enjoyed the way he took command when they were doing things that were intimate, but she wasn’t so sure about him being so dominant in all areas of their life. He must have seen the unease on her face because he hastily apologized and explained, “There’s a threat to the ship, Brook. I need to be close to you.”

  "I want you to be close to me, but I don’t want to be told things aren’t up for discussion. I’m not a child, and you’re not my father.”

  Duly chastised, Cipher nodded. “You’re right. You’re not a child, and I’m not your father.”

  She grasped his wrist and drew his gaze. “I know you’re under a lot of stress. I can tell you’re worried about keeping me safe.”

  “I am,” he admitted, his shoulders relaxing. “That’s not an excuse, though.”

  “No, but it’s an explanation.”

  Hesitantly, he asked, “Can I stay?”

  “Yes.” She wanted him with her, especially now that she knew there was a possibility something terrible might happen. She would need Cipher’s help to navigate the massive ship if they had to evacuate. More than that, she wanted him next to her in bed. She wanted to feel safe and secure. She wanted to get used to sharing a bed with this man who was now, for all intents and purposes, her husband.

  “I’m going to shower.” He got off the bed and walked to the counter to pick up his duffel bag. “I won’t be long.”

  “Take as much time as you need.”

  While he was in the bathroom taking care of his nightly routine, she decided to make the bed as comfortable as possible for him. She adjusted the bed using the buttons Chance had demonstrated during his second visit to her room. She carried the bag of gifts to the counter and placed it next to his gear. She thumbed through the guidebook for new mates and opened the pamphlets explaining all the services and resources available to brides and families. Interested in trying out some of the educational options, she tucked the pamphlets into the book for later.

  She was arranging the three remaining oranges on top of the book when Terror’s voice shattered the quiet peace of the infirmary. His angry shouting ricocheted around the hospital unit, escalating as he snarled at the unfortunate person who had dared to bother him. The bathroom door opened suddenly and Cipher emerged, dripping suds and water and hastily securing a towel around his waist. “Get away from the window, Brook.”

  She reacted immediately, moving closer to the bed. “It’s just Terror.”

  “I know.” Cipher approached the door with a predatory grace that fascinated her. His gaze darted to the counter where his gear was waiting if he needed it. He turned the lock on the door, securing them inside and tapped the window to activate the frosted glass. “He’s the most dangerous man you’ll ever meet, and if he’s not in the right state of mind, he could kill everyone on this floor before SRU could get a team together.”

  “I don’t doubt that, but I don’t think he wants to kill anyone.”

  “With a man like Terror, it’s not about wanting to kill. It’s instinct. It’s as easy as breathing.”

  Cipher remained tense until a door slammed and Terror’s voice faded to nothing. Standing there, naked except for a towel, he held her full attention. His body was incredible. She hadn’t realized there were so many muscles in the human body. She could see every sinew, his body rippling with raw power when he moved. His right shoulder and upper arm were tattooed with lines of numbers and letters and strange symbols.

  “It’s the story of my time as a soldier in the alpha-numerical language we use to program our technology.” He had caught her staring. “We mark the right sides of our bodies with our military exploits, our successes and victories. The left side is for you.”

  “For me?” she asked, taken aback.

  “For us, our family,” he explained. “You’ll go here.” He touched the area above his heart. “Our children will branch out from you. I’ll carry you on my body until I die.”

  She swallowed hard at the depth of emotion in his voice. He had wholly committed himself to her the moment he had taken her from the forest. He was ready to permanently fix her name to him and to honor her in the same way he had his victories as a soldier. It was a heady moment, realizing that Cipher was all-in with her.

  “Do I get one?” She touched her chest. “Can I put your name on my body?”

  He seemed pleased by the idea. “Some mates do. It’s your decision.”

  Outwardly bold but trembling with nervousness inside, she closed the distance between
them and slowly extended her hand toward his tattooed arm. She traced the markings on his skin, fascinated by the secret story they told. She wanted to learn this coding language so she could read his tale and understand him on a deeper level.

  Cipher’s breathing shifted as she moved her fingers over his wet skin, her fingertips gliding in the water and soap still clinging to him. She kept her eyes on his chest and arm, but she could feel the rise in the front of his towel as he grew aroused by her. It would be so easy to tug on his towel and finally see what he looked like, to discover what he felt like if she stroked the length of his manhood. She glanced up at him, seeing the tension in his jaw and the fire in his eyes. Remembering how he had shut her down earlier, she pulled her hand away and stepped back. “You should finish your shower before the soap dries.”

  His nostrils flared, and he inhaled a ragged breath. For a moment, he wavered. She could see indecision warring in his eyes. He wanted to pick her up and throw her on the bed, ruck up her hospital gown and bury himself inside her. She wanted it just as much as he did.

  But he didn’t.

  He nodded stiffly and retreated to the bathroom to finish his shower. Feeling both frustrated and amused, she cleaned up the water he had dripped all over the floor and climbed into the bed to wait for him, rolling onto her side in a comfortable position. He wasn’t gone long, and when he returned, freshly showered and wearing only a pair of shorts, he turned down the lights and slid into bed behind her. Her heart stuttered wildly in her chest as she waited for him to make a move.

  Finally, he draped his arm over her waist and hauled her back against his body. He nuzzled her neck and kissed her cheek. She relaxed into him, relishing the heat he shared and feeling secure and protected. He must have felt the same way because his breaths deepened, and soon, he was asleep.

  Rest didn’t come as easily for her. She couldn’t stop thinking about Terror. His angry shouts echoed in her mind. The urge to talk to him couldn’t be ignored. Until she saw him, she wouldn’t be able to sleep.

  Years of living in the woods, hunting and tracking, helped her ease out of bed without waking Cipher. He looked so relaxed in bed, and she wanted to get back to him as quickly as possible. Barefoot, she moved quietly to the smaller box of oxygen that Chance had switched her over to during his last visit before the end of his shift. It was light and easy to carry.


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