Claimed by Cipher (Grabbed Book 5)

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Claimed by Cipher (Grabbed Book 5) Page 16

by Lolita Lopez

  “As the captain of this great ship, I am charged with maintaining the safety of each and every person living on it. The lives of the airmen, soldiers and families aboard the Valiant are paramount in all decisions I make. Tonight, it falls on me to inform you that we are facing a new threat to our safety here on this ship,” Orion explained. “Intelligence missions have gathered information that leads us to believe the Splinter cell in our sector has acquired and plans to use nerve agents in a coordinated attack.”

  While Orion paused on screen, allowing his words to sink in, Cipher glanced around the pod. It was clear which men had been apprised of the threat earlier in briefings and which were just now learning the details. Dizzy seemed unnaturally pale as she clung to Venom’s arm. Naya, always brave and headstrong, reached for her husband’s hand as if to tell him they were in this together. Ella looped her ankle around Raze’s, tucking herself in closer and holding his steady gaze.

  Next to him, Brook swallowed hard. They shared a look that spoke volumes. She had uncovered the threat. It was because of her that everyone on the ship had advance warning and a chance to prepare for the worst. If she hadn’t risked her life to save Terror, the Splinter cell would have been able catch them off-guard with a devastating attack.

  On screen, Orion explained that each and every person on the ship would be fitted with a gas mask and drilled on the proper way to protect themselves in the event of an attack. Cipher had already heard the spiel earlier that morning while attending a classified combined SRU and Shadow Force meeting. He interlaced his fingers with Brook’s as she stared with rapt attention at the screen. If she was terrified, she was hiding it well and seemed to be intent on memorizing every word the admiral had to say.

  After Orion ended his speech, the screen automatically began playing a short film on the proper shelter-in-place and evacuation steps in the event of a gas attack. They were instructed to seek shelter in the bathroom in their quarters, put on their masks and seal the door until a second alarm cleared the way for an immediate evacuation. Once the second alarm sounded, the evacuation would proceed as usual.

  When the film was finished, the screen instructed them to exit the pod single file and receive their masks for fitting. He tucked Brook in front of him, one hand on her hip and the other on her shoulder as they moved toward the exit. Out in the hallway, there were two lines—one for the men and one for the women. There weren’t any babies or children on their floor yet, but Cipher had seen the tiny pediatric masks earlier that morning. The sight of them had twisted his stomach and made him more determined to do whatever he could to help Shadow Force locate and neutralize the missing gas canisters.

  Showing no hesitation, Brook joined the women’s line and waited for her turn. She clearly recognized the medic at the front, a younger man Cipher had met in passing at the infirmary. She smiled warmly at Chance and chatted with him as he showed her how to place the mask and tighten the straps to form a proper seal. Cipher looked away just long enough to get his mask and demonstrate he could attain the correct fit.

  By the time he looked back, Brook had already moved ahead to wait for him. Her mask dangled from her hand, and she seemed strangely unbothered by the whole experience. He reached for as he drew near, and she happily slid close, matching his strides as they returned to their quarters. Once they were safely inside, he trailed her to the kitchen where she placed her mask on the table and then leveled a stare his way. “How bad is it?”

  “Bad,” he said, wishing he could tell her everything. “We wouldn’t even know about the threat if it wasn’t for you, Brook.”

  She frowned. “I’m sure you would have learned about the canisters eventually.”

  “Too late,” he replied, certain that would have been the outcome had she not gone into the mine to recon.

  “Is there anything I can do to help?” She wrung her hands. “Maybe I could go back to the mountain? Ask around and see if anyone noticed a truck leaving that area?”

  “No.” The word came out harsher than he had intended. Taking a step toward her, he cupped the back of her head. “You’ve done more than enough.”

  “But if there’s a chance I could help...?”

  “You’ll be asked,” he assured her. “Shadow Force won’t waste an asset.”

  “I would be careful,” she promised.

  “I know you would.” He kissed the top of her head. “I just don’t want you in that position ever again. I want you here, safe, with me.”

  “Are we safe?” She placed her hands on his chest and gazed up at him. “Will those masks actually work?” Before he could answer, she said, “Suffocation and fires caused by gas were daily worries for me down in the mines. A mask is only as good as the seal and filtration, but if the gas burns skin, they’re useless.” She glanced at the mask she had tossed onto the table. “Will that do enough to protect us?”

  He wanted to lie to her. He wanted to hold her tight and tell her that everything would be fine, that the masks were rated for all levels of nerve agents and would save her life. He wanted to—but he didn’t.

  “It depends on the gas used.”

  “I thought so,” she murmured. “What happens if it’s the worst gas?”

  “We die. All of us,” he said reluctantly. “They have a canister of extremely deadly gas that can kill when it touches our skin. If that gets released on this ship, we’re all dead. Within minutes,” he added. “And it won’t be an easy death.”

  “Of course not,” she said. “The Splinters want to hurt you. Giving you and your families easy deaths isn’t their way.”

  “I’m sorry, Brook.” He brushed his knuckles along her cheek. “I brought you straight into danger.”

  “I’d rather be here with you, facing the scary shit together, than down there alone on the mountain or starting over in a strange place in the colonies.”

  She meant every word. He could see it in her honest expression. “I’ll do everything in my power to protect you, Brook.”

  “I know you will.” She rose on tiptoes and sought his mouth. He met her halfway and enjoyed the plump heat of her lips. When she pulled back, she asked, “So, what’s for dinner?”

  Happy to leave thoughts of death by nerve gas behind, Cipher retrieved their dinner from the oven and gave her a quick tour of the cabinets and drawers. She put away their gas masks, stowing them in the bedroom, and rejoined him in the kitchen, grabbing silverware and setting the table. Instead of sitting across from him, she moved her chair to the right of his. It was more intimate that way, and he heartily approved of her change.

  After they finished dinner, he showed her how the various pieces of equipment worked. He stood back as she sorted their table scraps into the slots for compostable and non-compostable items. He walked her through the types of trash that would go into the recycling and incineration chutes and taught her how to use the dishwasher.

  “How do you ration water up here?” Crouching down, she had her head in the dishwasher as she examined the nozzles. “If you have to reclaim every drop, surely it’s a waste to clean your dishes this way.”

  “These machines are very efficient. They use a mix of water and ultrasonic vibrations with specially formulated detergents to clean the dishes. The cycles are calibrated to use tiny amounts of water. As far as rationing goes,” he said as she rose and closed the door on the machine, “it depends on rank and family size.”

  She frowned. “Why does rank matter?”

  “It’s the way our world runs,” he answered matter-of-factly. “The higher you climb, the more perks you and your family earn. It goes the same with valor points. Almost every man on this ship is here because we are the best of the best. We survived some of the worst battles of the war. We have more valor points than most soldiers or airmen could even dream of earning. It’s why the mated section has such spacious quarters and full amenities like water in the bathrooms.”

  “As opposed to?”

  “Ships without families have non-water bathin
g. Instead of water, you are cleaned with sonic vibrations and an ultra-fine powder.”

  She grimaced. “Gross.”

  He shrugged. “It’s actually not that bad.”

  “Hard pass,” she insisted and pointed her thumb down. “I’d rather go back to hauling buckets of water from my well than take the human equivalent of a bird’s dust bath.”

  “Thankfully, that’s not a choice you have to make. We’ll always have better quarters than most,” he assured her. “Even if we transfer to a different ship in the fleet, we’ll have a large space and the best amenities.”

  “And if we decided to move back to the planet? To build a real house? How do we pay for the construction? How do we fund our lives?”

  “I have a pension,” he explained. “I’m fully vested. The longer I serve, the more I’ll earn.” He hesitated before adding, “If I die while in service, you get the full pension plus all the benefits of being a mate such as healthcare for life.”

  Her expression turned serious, and she took a step toward him, grabbing hold of his shirt and commanding his gaze. “I don’t want a pension or benefits. I want you.”

  “Good,” he murmured, lowering his face toward hers, “because I don’t intend to die anytime soon.”

  He claimed her lips, and she wound her arms around his waist. She was so short that standing to kiss like this wasn’t comfortable for very long. He had plenty of ideas how to make it more comfortable, but there were things they needed to take care of first. Reluctantly pulling away, he said, “Let’s get your breathing treatment out of the way.”

  She made a face. “Do I have to?”

  “Yes.” He kissed the tip of her nose as she pouted.

  “It tastes so gross,” she protested. “It makes me cough and shake.”

  “I know it does.” He hated that she had to endure the treatments. “I wish you didn’t have to do them.”

  She sighed unhappily. “Well, let’s get it over with.”

  “The pharmacy delivered your medicine and equipment yesterday.” He took her hand and led her into the bedroom. She sat in the oversized reading chair in the corner while he opened a cabinet to show her where he had stowed her medical things. He had observed her treatments while she was in the hospital so he knew how to put together the nebulizer and insert the medication cartridge.

  Pulling out the ottoman, he sat on it in front of her and handed over the nebulizer mask. She grumpily slipped the mask into place over her mouth and nose and began breathing in the medicated mist. She started to cough after a few seconds, and he reached for her hand. The coughing ended a short while later, and she breathed deeper and easier. By the time she reached the end of the treatment, her hands were shaking from the burst of adrenaline caused by the medication that dilated the vessels and cells in her lungs.

  When the treatment was finished, she removed the mask and closed her eyes. She drew her short legs up onto the chair, hugging her knees to her chest and dropping her head back as she inhaled slow breaths. He stood up and kissed the top of her head before gathering up the nebulizer and taking it to the bathroom to clean it. After it was dry, he returned it to the cabinet and then segued to the kitchen to get her a box of juice. She was currently obsessed with the blue drink made from a variety of different fruits and vegetables and sweetened with outrageous amounts of sugar. With her orders to gain weight, he had happily picked up two cases of it from the commissary.

  “Here you go.” He handed over the box of juice and sat on the ottoman.

  “Thank you.” She slipped the thin straw into her mouth and sipped the juice.

  He placed his hands on her calves and rubbed lazy circles on her skin. “You okay?”

  She nodded. “Just feeling jittery and awake.”

  With a mischievous smile, he teased, “I think I know of a way to calm you down again.”

  The corners of her lush mouth lifted with amusement. “That so?”

  “If you’re up to it,” he said, studying her carefully. “If you’d rather rest, we can do that instead.”

  “I’d rather rest after you show me your method of calming me down.” She lowered her legs and leaned forward, smiling coyly around the straw as she sipped more of the juice. The sight of the straw between her lips had him thinking of something else he’d like to see in her mouth.

  Standing, he held out his hand and tugged her off the chair. She trailed close behind, still sipping her juice as he led her into their playroom. He left the door open again, wanting to set her at ease. Her gaze roamed the room as she drank the last of her juice. When the box was empty, he took it from her and set it aside. “Is there something in here that looks interesting to you? Maybe something you want to try tonight?”

  She didn’t even hesitate and walked straight to the swing. “This.”

  “Good choice,” he remarked, joining her. “Do you want to try it in a simple way, or do you want to get a little wild?”

  “Wild,” she said hurriedly.

  Amused by her enthusiasm, he grinned as he moved to the nearest set of drawers. “Why don’t you pick out something from this drawer and this one?”

  Always curious, she made her way to the drawers he had opened and looked at the items inside. “Is this a blindfold?”

  “It is.” He took the long length of red silk from her hand. “Sensory deprivation can be an interesting way to amp up your pleasure centers.”

  “Ear plugs?”

  He nodded and picked them up. “Blocking out hearing and vision puts you in a vulnerable and excited state.”

  She bit her lower lip. “I want to try the blindfold, but I’m not ready for the ear plugs yet. Your voice makes me feel safe,” she admitted shyly.

  Hearing her say that did crazy things to his heart. He cupped the back of her head and drew her in for a little kiss. “Blindfold it is.”

  Smiling, she moved to the second drawer and frowned. “Are these pieces of jewelry?”

  “In a sense,” he said, picking up the one she seemed most fascinated by. “They’re clamps.”


  “Your nipples.”

  “My what?” Eyes wide, she stared at him as if he had three heads. “Why would anyone want their nipples clamped?”

  “Because it feels good.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Says who?”

  “Says everyone who uses them.”

  She seemed unconvinced. “Doesn’t it hurt?”

  He shook his head. “They can be uncomfortable if they’re too tight or pulled on, but sometimes that discomfort makes the pleasure feel even better.”

  She took the clamps from his hand and looked them over for a few seconds. Keeping her eyes downcast, she said, “I don’t think my nipples will be much fun for you to play with, Cipher. They’re awfully flat and plain.”

  He tipped her chin with his fingers and held her gaze. “There’s nothing about you that is plain, Brook. Especially not your perfect tits,” he added, being deliberately crude to make her blush. “I’ll show you exactly what I mean.”

  She swallowed hard and nodded. “If you say so, sir.”

  “I do.”

  She turned back to the drawers and opened a third. He hadn’t intended to show her anything in there for a few weeks. Although she seemed keen to explore her sexuality, he wasn’t sure that interest extended to her bottom. Watching her with interest, he held his breath as she picked up the biggest anal plug in the drawer. The shiny black toy looked absolutely obscene in her small hand, and he realized it would likely never be one they could use.

  “What is this?”

  “It’s an anal plug.”

  “A what?” Her eyes were huge as she glanced from his face to the suddenly offending object in her hand. “You put this...where?”

  “In your bottom.”

  “I don’t think so!” She dropped the toy as if it were burning her hand, and it bounced inside the shallow drawer.

  “Not that one,” he clarified quickly. “That is way, way
too big for you. I wouldn’t ever pick that toy out of the drawer to use on you.”

  She seemed mollified by that. As if trying to understand, she asked, “Why would you put that in there?”

  “It feels good.”

  “For whom?”


  “I doubt it.” She dubiously eyed the offending toy. “How do you even get it in there?”

  “With a lot of patience and lubrication,” he stated, enjoying this back and forth with her.

  “And then what? You just leave it in there?”

  “You can,” he said. “Or you can use it to help you prepare for a nice, long ass fuck.”

  “A what?” she spluttered. Suddenly turning, she pressed her backside against the counter as if to protect it from a sneak penis attack. “You want to put know what in my butt?”

  “Eventually, yes,” he said, taking a step toward her. “If you don’t like it after the first time we try it, we’ll never do it again.”

  “But...why? Why would you want to put it in there?”

  “The same reason I enjoyed putting it in your pussy,” he answered. “It feels good to be inside you. It feels good to be squeezed by your heat.” Boxing her in against the counter, he dipped his head. “Because I like hearing your scream when you come.” He kissed her left cheek. “Because I want to make you come so hard you think you’re going to pass out.” He kissed her right cheek. “Because I want to own you.” He kissed her on the mouth. “All of you.”

  Her breaths had quickened, and she gazed up at him with wonder and uncertainty. “Does it hurt?”

  “It can if it’s done incorrectly, but I won’t hurt you. I’ll take my time, and you’ll be begging for my cock in your ass when I’m done with you.”

  Her face had gone bright red. Even her ears were pink and hot. “Is that what you want, sir? For me to beg you to fuck me like that?”


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