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Deputy Page 2

by D Scott

  “I’m Gina.”

  His expression doesn’t change and suddenly I’m feeling stupid. Maybe he already knows my name now that I’m in the system, or maybe he doesn’t care, he’s just looking his fill before he goes back to his work. His eyes drop again, sweeping over my chest before moving down to the blanket covering my bare legs.

  “How old are you, Gina?”

  His question throws me for a second and I stutter out my answer.


  His eyes snap back to mine and his head tilts. I’m not sure what that means but the narrowing of his eyes and the visible clenching of his jaw are giveaways that he’s not exactly thrilled.

  At my age?

  I wonder.

  “How old are you?” I ask, when he doesn’t speak again.

  “Twenty-six.” He pauses. “You’re family been notified that you’re here?” There’s an edge in his voice, and if I was uncertain of his unhappy mood before, I’ve got my answer now.

  I shake my head at his question.

  “I declined my phone call. My brothers are both busy, and outside of them I have no one else to call.” The last few words are barely above a whisper because I know they sound pathetic.

  Poor teen has gotten herself into a shitload of trouble and has no one to call.

  “You didn’t call anyone.” The hardness in his voice makes it clear he’s not asking but I still shake my head nonetheless.

  “I—well, the sheriff said that I’ll most likely be released within twenty-four hours, I just have to appear in front of a judge first. So, hopefully that’s the case so I don’t have to be stuck in here through the weekend.”

  I attempt a small smile to lighten the mood but he doesn’t go for it, instead, he jerks his chin in a quick nod.

  “Alright, well try to have a goodnight Gina. I’ll check on you in a few hours to make sure you’re okay.” His words are clipped but I appreciate them all the same.

  “Thank you, deputy.” I give him another small smile then watch him walk away down the hallway that leads back to the main area of the station.

  Once he’s out of sight I settle deeper into the cot, trying to get comfortable and pretend that it’s my double bed back at home. I should be more worried about the situation I’ve managed to get myself into, but as I close my eyes and pull the blanket up higher on my body, my mind conjures up images of vivid green eyes and cropped blond hair belonging to the sexiest deputy I’ve ever met.


  I slam into the seat of my desk, feeling a whole bunch of shit I’ve never had to deal with before. Shit that I definitely shouldn’t be feeling over some eighteen year old misfit. I don’t even know where the hell these feelings are coming from, it’s like I took one look at her and my gut decided to turn into a damn pretzel. And I won’t even get started on my dick’s reaction. I’ve never been so damn hard in my life.

  The whole thing caught me so off guard that I spent a good five minutes just staring at her curled up in that tiny cell before alerting her to my presence. And damn if my heart didn’t skip a beat the second her eyes opened to reveal a pair of rich brown orbs. I couldn’t even smirk at the near heart attack she had after I made my presence known because my heart was too busy doing some crazy shit of its own.

  I should feel all sorts of guilt for the way I was eyeing her through the bars of the cell but I don’t. Fuck, she’s lucky I didn’t say to hell with my job and open the cell and fall on her like a rutting animal. For a moment I thought all my restraint was going to snap at the sight of her flipped up skirt and her panty covered pussy. And when she saw where I was looking and opened her legs wider, I had to glue my feet to the damn floor to resist temptation. She slid her thighs further apart just a fraction, but I caught it, and I could tell that she was inviting me to look in her own shy way. Until she broke the spell and covered herself with her hand. It was the right thing to do but it still pissed me off in that moment and I had to hold myself back from snapping at her to never cover herself in front of me.

  I did notice that she technically never closed her legs from me though. Not once, even after I handed her the blanket and she got herself settled back on the cot. I could tell her legs were spread apart underneath the blanket and it made my dick even harder. Well, that, and the sight of her tits. They were full and round, straining the fabric of her cropped henley top and my mouth watered to taste them.

  Hell, my mouth is watering to taste every damn inch of her. She’s got the body of a siren with curves in all the right places — perfect tits and a sexy little ass — and eyes that can bring a grown man to his knees.

  When I’d asked her age, I was genuinely curious because she looked so young to have such a sinful body. Then when she told me she was fucking eighteen, I thought I was going to lose my mind so I got the hell out of there.

  Now I’m sitting at my damn desk pissed the fuck off and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. She has a tight little curvy body that every man within staring distance would want a taste of, and she’s got it on display in the tiny crop top and short denim skirt she’s wearing. Hell, she even kept her legs spread to give me a glimpse of her panties and she doesn’t even know my name. And if she’s willing to show me her panty covered pussy, Christ only knows what she’s shown other men.

  Damn, I should’ve left that thought alone.

  Just thinking of her revealing her body to another dick has me seeing red, it’s a good thing there’s hardly anyone in the station. Right now I’m suddenly feeling murderous at the thought of someone having access to her body. Well, that, and the fact that she’s locked in a holding cell down the hall for doing who knows what.

  I let out a harsh breath.

  Barely legal yet she’s flaunting her body like a pro and getting herself locked up for some shit I bet isn’t her doing. No girl with innocent eyes like hers stirs up illegal shit on her own.

  I turn on my computer before logging into the booking system, determined to find out what her story is.

  She said that her brothers are the only family she can call, but where are her parents?

  I have a sinking feeling in my stomach as I enter her name and find her in our system: suspicion of possession of illegal substances with the intent to sell.


  She was dressed in that skimpy outfit, because she was selling shit in the streets. Probably pot, she’s too innocent to get involved with anything harder than that, but I’m still angry as fuck that she let someone talk her into selling illegal substances period.

  I grip the edge of my desk with one hand to keep me planted in my seat so I don’t give in to the urge to storm back down the hall and spank her ass.

  I force myself to take a deep breath.

  I need the whole story I decide and something about her name looks familiar so I dig deeper. It doesn’t take me long to plug her name into our background database and find out her whole story, and I curse inwardly at what I read on the screen. She wasn’t lying when she said her brothers were the only family she had and the only ones she could call. And she was right about them probably being busy this time of night considering who they were.

  Gordon and Gregory Williams, older brothers to Gina Marie Williams.

  According to our records, they’re her half brothers since they have a different father than she does. Their father is in jail for use of illegal narcotics — what a fucking surprise — and Gina’s father took off when she was born, his location remains unknown. They all share their mother’s last name but I read on to see that the woman overdosed when Gina was nine, and she’s been in the care of her brothers ever since.

  I rub my hands over my face.

  My girl is so young and she’s already had to deal with so much in her life.

  Now I’m torn between wanting to take her away from life’s harsh realities, or strangling her for allowing herself to get involved in her brothers’ shit. It’s no secret in the station — or
even the whole town — that Gina’s brothers are at the center of the drug circuit from here to Dallas. They’ve been low on our radars for years because they’ve never peddled anything harder than weed. Until recently. As of late they’ve been trying to push harder substances through the streets and it’s finally gotten the department’s full attention, and my girl had just put herself in the middle of it.

  I’m sure Shane has already tried to get her to talk, and seeing as she’s in a holding cell, I’m guessing she refused to snitch on her brothers. My loyal little misfit. She’s willing to throw her future away to protect two criminals.

  And now I’m back to wanting to strangle her.

  I drop my head in my hands, trying to think of anything I can do to help her out of the mess she’s in but there’s nothing. For now, her fate rests in the hands of a judge who may or may not take it easy on her because she’s young and it’s her first offense.


  I lift out of my chair, and start back towards the hallway leading to the holding cells. All this pent up frustration is making it hard for me to sit still, and I can’t resist having another look at her.

  As I walk, I tell myself I’m just going to check on her to make sure she’s doing okay back here by herself. And maybe when I lay eyes her one more time — see that she’s good — I can come back to my desk and finally get some work done.

  Even as the thought crosses my mind I know it won’t happen.

  The rest of my night is going to be dedicated to finding out everything I can about my little misfit and seeing what I can do to get her out of the mess she’s got herself into.

  Chapter 2



  A warning.

  The judge let me off with a warning.

  I’m still in shock as I lean on the desk and fill out the release paperwork to receive my belongings. I thought for sure there was going to be a fine, or community service at the very least, but nope. Nothing. Apparently it helped that I didn’t actually have any drugs on me when the sheriff picked me up, thankfully I’d sold the last few grams a few minutes before.

  Talk about timing.

  The judge also said I had to promise not to ever engage in such behavior again, and gave me the whole spiel about how drugs ruin lives. I kept my mouth shut because living in a metal cell during my golden years doesn’t sound appealing, but I learned that lesson early in life. My mom overdosed when I was nine, and I’m not trying to follow down the same path.

  I will help my brothers if they need it though.

  I glance outside and see that the sun is beginning to set then turn to grab my backpack from the uniformed officer in front of me. I don’t waste any time putting my bag on, knowing I have at least a twenty minute walk ahead of me. And maybe if I’m lucky there’ll be enough light left in the sky for me to make it back to school, where I left my car.

  I walk through the double doors, exiting the station only to see a pair of vivid green eyes staring at me. Deputy Brooks. He’s leaning on a banister with his arms folded, and my insides melt at the sight of him in a worn leather jacket and dark jeans.

  I offer up a smile as I approach, trying not to melt under his gaze.

  “Hi.” I give him a small wave as he stands there, looking at me like he’s studying me. I can’t read his face so I just move past him silently.

  “Going somewhere?”

  I turn around, walking backwards, so that I can answer him without stopping. I’m on a time crunch since the sun is literally setting as we speak.

  “Yeah, I just got released so...”

  His expression doesn’t change — the only acknowledgment he gives me is a head tilt. I shrug before turning back around only for him to suddenly speak again.

  “Where’s your ride at?”

  I turn back around, and give him another shrug.

  “I never made a phone call so I don’t have one. But it’s fine my car is at school, I’m heading there now.” His jaw clenches before I even finish talking.

  “You’re not walking in the damn dark to get your car.”

  “Don’t really have a choice, officer. Besides, there’s still some light out, if I hurry I can possibly make it before it gets completely dark. Thanks for your concern though, have a good night.”

  I turn back around so I can hurry through the station parking lot, but before I’m even half way across I’m being yanked around by the arm. My back meets the passenger side of a car and suddenly he’s looming in front of me looking none too pleased.

  “What’re you—“

  “Told you already that I’m a deputy, it’d be smart for you to remember that.”

  My mouth drops open.

  What does he mean by that?

  “I’ll remember,” I say, although I’m still trying to figure out the exact meaning behind his words.


  “I’m sorry?”

  “My name. Gavin Brooks.”

  My head is still reeling from us being in such close quarters, and all I can muster up is a few words. “Oh. Um, okay.”

  His eyes turn a deeper shade of green and he takes a step closer, pressing his body into mine. “Say it.” The rough timber of his voice has me squeezing my thighs together and my breaths coming out in short choppy pants. “Say it, Gina.”

  “Gavin.” My voice is whisper soft as I say his name aloud.

  His jaw clenches again, but I don’t think it’s from anger this time.

  “Good girl. Now let’s go, I’ll give you a ride.”

  I shake my head immediately. “There’s no need, I’m fine walking. You don’t have to go out of your way.”

  He steps in even closer and I swear I can feel every inch of him.

  “It’s not outta my way, and I’m not asking, sweetheart. I’m telling you. I’m giving you a ride.” With that he takes my hand and pulls me from the car while my mouth is back to hanging open.

  I follow distractedly as he guides me by the hand across the lot. We come to a stop next to an impressive motorcycle before he turns to me, eyeing me up and down, then jerking his chin at my backpack.

  “You got anything in there to cover yourself up with?”

  I nod, pulling my bag off and grabbing my pullover I wore to school yesterday. I don’t wear skimpy clothes to school, or anywhere, for that matter. Just on the rare occasion that my brothers ask me to sell some pot around the neighborhood. I’ve only done it two other times being that I turned eighteen several months ago during the first semester of my senior year. The clothes help me stand out, but no one messes with me because of my brothers, and until yesterday everything had gone smoothly.

  But now I’m throwing on a pullover in a parking lot standing next to a hot deputy’s motorcycle after being held in lockup for over twenty-four hours.

  I fix the bun I wrestled my braids into earlier then smooth down my pullover and my skirt. I have jeans in my bag too, but I’m not about to change in front of this guy in the middle of a parking lot. He’s a deputy for crying out loud, and along with that little fact, I don’t know him at all. It’s bad enough I let him see my panties last night.

  I mentally shake away the memory and pull my backpack back on. I give the bike a wary glance before looking back at the deputy. He makes a show of giving me another once over the gives me a curt nod. “You’ll do. Let’s get going. You hungry?”

  Yes, starving, but the last thing I need is to be seen around town with a cop after being arrested.

  “No, I’m fine.” I try to sound upbeat so he won’t question whether I really am hungry or not.

  He nods again before moving to the massive bike. He pulls a helmet out from a compartment in the seat and adjusts the straps before releasing my bun and putting the helmet on me. He messes around with it for a few moments, adjusting the fit before grabbing his own off the seat and putting it on.

  “Ever ridden before?”

  I shake my head, hearing h
is voice through the mic in my helmet.

  His eyes light up mischievously. “Then today’s the day. Don’t be scared, I’ll keep you safe.”

  He gets on the bike before reaching back to help me climb on.

  I don’t need experience being on a bike to know to hold onto him like my life depends on it, seeing as it does.

  He starts the bike and it roars to life beneath us, he kicks the stand and then we’re in motion. It’s probably not my smartest move — among a long list of others — but I lean my head against him and let me mind drift as we ride, not paying attention to our destination. By the time I look up I realize that he’s driven away from town to a restaurant about fifteen minutes away. I should be nervous, or even annoyed since I lied and told him I wasn’t hungry, but instead I’m relieved knowing I won’t have to worry about my brothers finding out. This isn’t their territory.

  I release Gavin’s middle and he climbs off the bike before helping me off of it. I do my best to smooth my now rumpled skirt but it’s pretty much useless so I move on to unstrapping my helmet and placing it in the compartment I saw him pull it out of. He deals with his own helmet and then I follow him inside the restaurant, which has a similar vibe to Lone Star. The place is busy because it’s a Friday night but we don’t have to wait to be seated since it’s just two of us.

  We’re seated at a high table near the bar, and I try to suppress a shiver as I sit down on the cold bar stool.

  “Cold?” There’s a mischievous smirk in his eyes.

  I smile back at him, trying to subtly wiggle around to find a comfortable position.

  “I’m fine.”

  He mutters something under his breath that I don’t quite catch but it sounds like he says, “That happens when little girls where short fucking skirts.”

  I stay silent, shifting my attention to looking around the restaurant with it’s multiple televisions and rustic decor.


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