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Deputy Page 11

by D Scott


  “Need you to get on birth control, babe.” His voice is rough with arousal.

  That's not what I was expecting him to say, but he is right all the same. We've been too reckless, and being that I'm the one who could end up pregnant I should be trying to be more careful. I know all of this, but I still bite my lip, suddenly feeling shy at this conversation.

  “Getting harder to pull out of you each time. Your pussy is always so tight and wet — it’s like heaven and hell at the same time.”

  I turn and hide my face in the cushion. “Okay,” I whisper.

  He places a finger under my chin and brings my eyes back to his.

  “Getting harder to be away from you too, little misfit.” His green eyes are so warm and rich there’s he’s speaking anything but the truth.

  I nod, feeling the same.

  “I know, but I still have to get home, baby,” I whisper.

  His jaw clenches and he looks away. “I don’t want you going there.”

  He says it facing the living room but I hear him.

  “I have to, Gavin, it’s my home.”

  He looks back at me. “It doesn’t have to be. You’re eighteen, babe, you don’t have to live under your brothers anymore.”

  “Gavin, it’s my home. And they’re my brothers. They’re the only family I’ve ever known — I can’t just turn my back on that.” I bring my hand to his cheek. “Besides, we just met. What happens when the novelty of this wears off for you—“

  “Seriously? You think what I feel for you is some temporary attraction that’s going to wear off in a few weeks or months?”

  Now it’s my turn to look away.

  I shrug. “I guess — that’s how it usually works with guys. I mean, I might be in high school, but it pretty much works the same no matter what age. You meet a girl, and everything is hot and heavy because it’s new, but eventually the excitement wears off and you’re on to the next.”

  He sighs. “Look at me, babe.” I look into his eyes. “Told you I love you, right?” I nod. “You believe me?” I pause for a second, then nod again. “Do you love me?”


  “Good, we’re on the same page then,” he nods. “And you’re wrong. The novelty of things between us isn’t going to wear off. You’re mine, and I’m the only man your body is ever going to know.”

  My heart fills with warmth and my stomach flutters at his words. “Okay, Gavin.” I want to believe him, so I’m going to choose to do so until he gives me a reason not to, and I pray he never does.

  But as much as I want to bask in the joy and warmth of the commitment he’s made to me, I do need to convince him to take me home.

  “I still need to get home, baby.”

  He grunts unhappily again. “Fine, I’ll drive you home.”

  “Oh, wait — what about my car. It’s still at school. I’ll need it tomorrow.”

  “I’ll take you to school tomorrow.”

  I roll my eyes. “That’s completely unnecessary when I’m capable of driving myself. How about you take me to the school and I’ll drive home from there?”

  He frowns. “I don’t want you driving home alone this late at night,”

  “Come on, Gavin, please. I’ll be perfectly safe driving home.”

  I pout my lip and give him the puppy dog eyes hoping he’ll come around.

  “Fine. You’re such a little pain in the ass you know that?”

  I grin.

  “I’ll take you to the school for your car, but I’m following you home from there. And I’m following you to school tomorrow.”

  Is he serious?

  “Umm...I feel like that’s a lot of unnecessary driving for you.”

  He shrugs. “That’s the deal. Take it or leave it, little misfit.”

  I pretend to pout and mull over the ultimatum, but inside my heart is threatening to burst through my rib cage at how protective he’s being over me.

  I sigh like I’m being so heavily put upon. “You drive a hard bargain, deputy, but you’ve got yourself a deal.”

  He snorts and repeats his words from a moment ago. “You’re such a pain in the ass.”

  I smile brightly. “Yup!”

  He rolls his eyes then leans down and takes my lips with his.

  The kiss lingers and heats up as Gavin's tongue invades my mouth over and over again, making me losing my train of thought.

  "Gavin," I moan, when he finally lets me up for air.

  "Need to feel that tight virgin heat around me one more time before I take you back though." His voice is rough and his eyes are pools of emerald green, making everything inside me melt.

  "Okay," I whisper. I know should say no, that I need to head home now — but I can't. I want him just as badly as he wants me, maybe even more.

  I feel his fingers slide between my legs to test my wetness before moving to his jeans. I whimper against his lips at the loss of contact but it's only a few seconds before I feel his hard length rubbing against my core.

  "Mmm, oh God." My back arches as I moan.

  He chuckles. "No, babe, that's all me."

  "Mmm, Gavin." I moan again.

  "Hold still."

  I try to do as I'm told so that he can work his hard length deeper inside me but it's not easy. I feel a slight ache when he enter me for the first time, but it's worth it. He works himself inside me, before pausing to let me adjust to his size — teasing me with kisses until I feel like I'm about to go insane with need.

  "Move, Gavin."

  "Ask nicely, little misfit."

  "Move, please?"

  He shakes his head. "Try again."

  "Please, deputy? Pretty please?”

  I stare into his eyes as the playfulness in them fades, and a look of hunger surfaces. I bite my lip, ready for what he’s going to give me. He looks down to where we’re joined, licking his lips at the sight, then brings his eyes back to mine. There’s so much heat in his green gaze it almost steals my breath.

  “Gonna make love to you for a little while before I give in to the need to pound this pussy.” His voice is roughened with arousal and more of my wetness coats his shaft.

  “Okay, baby,” I whisper.

  I don’t know what it is, but having him on top of me like this — staring down at me and taking his time like we have all the time in the world — feels so intimate that I’m suddenly feeling shy. And the way he said it, that he’s going to make love to me first for a while — that made my heart sing and tummy melt with a warmth that I’ve only ever felt with him. It’s fast, I know that. There’s an age difference between us, I know that too. But the way he makes me feel, I don’t care about any of it — I just want him and I love that he wants me back.

  Our eyes stay locked together as he lifts my left leg over the back of the couch and holds my right leg up in the air. Then he does exactly what he said he would do. He makes love to me slowly — gently — deeply, until my body gives in to two world shattering climaxes before he gives into his need to fuck me hard and deep.

  I glance at my rearview mirror to see my deputy trailing behind me in his truck.

  My deputy.

  One weekend together and I already think of him as mine. It's probably naive of me, I know, but I'm not going to question it. I want Gavin to be mine, and I want to belong to him too. He treats me like I'm the only woman in the world, and he makes love to me with a hunger that I'm pretty sure is impossible to fake. I don't care about age or any other differences between us, and even as I drive home, I'm not all that worried about my brothers. They're my family, and I'm loyal to them for that, but whether or not they like my situation with Gavin is their problem. Besides, I only met him because I was locked up for doing them a favor.

  I shake my head, clearing my thoughts as I pull into the driveway of my house. It's a small brick ranch that has three bedrooms and a bathroom, a kitchen and living room. It's the only home I've ever known, and Gavin getting all worked up over it is both comical an
d ridiculous.

  I park off to the side before shutting off my car and hopping out. I see Gavin's truck sitting idle a few doors down and he’s cut his lights off. I prance over to it knowing that he’s watching me and can see the way my dress is swishing around my thighs.

  Just as I get to the truck he opens his door and hops out. I go right into his arms and lift up on my toes for a kiss that has me wanting to climb in his truck so he can take me again. His hands grip my ass, squeezing tightly, before moving lower to the hem of my dress. I whimper into his mouth when I feel his fingers tease my bare pussy from behind. He feeds his tongue into my mouth and his fingers into my pussy for several moments before pulling back.

  “Alright, little misfit, get your pretty ass inside.”

  I nod, knowing that’s what I need to do. But I can’t help teasing him first.

  “Okay,” I whisper. “I wish you were coming in with me...”

  I let my words trail off as I bite my lip, and press my hips into him.

  He groans. “Don’t tease the beast, babe. You know my dick is always ready for another round in your pussy.”

  I smile. “Well, maybe tomorrow?”

  I hate not knowing when I’ll see him again.

  “I’ll pick you up after school.” He leans down and presses a kiss to my nose.

  "Wait — what about my car? Am I just going to leave it at school?"

  He thinks it over then shakes his head. "Drive back home, then I'll pick you up.”

  I look around. "Are you sure about that?"

  "I'm here right now, aren't I?"

  "Yeah, but it's dark and nobody's out here."

  "You embarrassed to be seen with me?"

  I shrug. "Of course not." I smirk. "I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable. I mean, you do kind of stand out in this neighborhood." I look over his short blonde hair, vivid green eyes and big hard body — it's super obvious that he's not from around here.

  He taps me on the ass. "I'll be fine. Besides, I'll go anywhere for my little misfit."

  He stares right into my eyes, and I know he means it.

  "Gavin." I look away, willing myself not to cry at how sweet he's being.

  Looking back to him, I bite my lip.

  "I love you." His hands squeeze me when I say the words and his eyes heat up.

  "I love you, too, babe. Now get your ass inside, and call me when you're in bed."

  We share another quick kiss before he turns me around and I take off back towards my house. I can feel Gavin's eyes on me as I go, so I put a little extra swing in my hips for his benefit.

  Luckily, my brothers' cars weren't in the car port when I pulled up so I'm pretty sure they'll be out well after I've gone to bed and won't be up when I'm leaving for school. Thank goodness for small miracles. It’s wishful thinking that they’re clueless about Gavin and I, but I’m not naive enough to seriously think someone hasn’t filled them in about it. I’m just hoping to delay the unpleasant conversation for as long as possible.

  I shake my head free of those thoughts as I enter through the side door of the house. I make sure to lock it before going through my usual nightly routine. I heat up a glass of milk and grab a few Oreos — one of my guilty pleasures — then clean the dishes before heading to the bathroom to grab a shower and put on my skin moisturizer. When I’m finished, I head to my room and throw on my pajamas. I decide to fold some laundry that I didn’t get to this past weekend — being that I got locked up and then spent the rest of the weekend with a sexy deputy — so I turn on my tv as I begin the mind numbing task.

  I get down to the last shirt and my phone starts to ring. I reach over to where I dropped on the bed earlier and look at the caller ID — it's Gavin. I swipe to accept the call and put it on speaker before answering.

  "Hi, deputy." I make my voice sugary sweet.

  "Thought I told you to call me when you were in bed." His words are a growl.

  "You did, and I was planning to, I'm just not in bed yet."

  "What the hell are you doing?"

  "Hey, be nice." My words hold no heat because I know he was probably going out of his mind waiting for me to call. Honestly, the man gets himself worked up over nothing more often than not.

  "I had some laundry I left unattended this weekend, so I'm just now getting around to folding it. I could've gotten to it after school but my deputy-boyfriend surprised me by picking me up."

  The words slip out and I tense realizing I just called him my boyfriend when we haven't even talked about it. Not to mention we've only been together for a weekend.

  I hold my breath as I wait for his response.

  "Well finish up and get to bed, it's getting late."

  I let out the breath I was holding when that's all he says.

  I look over at the clock which says it's not even ten-thirty and roll my eyes. He's so bossy when he wants to be.

  "It's not that late — it's not even ten-thirty," I argue.

  "I want you in bed, little misfit."

  I roll my eyes again as I finish folding my shirt, putting it away in my dresser before turning off my bedroom light. "Alright, jeez, I'm going. Don't get all, bossy."

  I can feel his smirk through the phone. "You love it when I'm bossy."

  I smile, because it's true — I do.

  I crawl into my double bed and pull the covers over me.

  "Maybe I do — but I like it even more when boss me around in bed.” I lower my voice. “And I really like it when you take me so hard, I ache a little bit after." My words are almost a whisper but I know he hears them when his breathing picks up, so I continue on. "I wish you were with me right now, making love to me on my bed."

  He groans. "Dammit, babe."

  I moan as I settle back into my pillows. "It's only been a couple of hours but I'm already needing you again."

  Gavin growls. "Took everything I had not to follow you into that house, take you to your bed and push you back on it before spreading those sexy legs and filling that wet pussy. Would've fucked you good and hard on that little double bed of yours."

  I gasp and then moan. "How'd you know it's a double bed?"

  "Wild guess," he grunts.

  Then he grunts again.

  "What're you doing, baby?"

  He sighs. "Sitting on the couch, drinking a beer, trying to avoid jerking off to your voice." I giggle. "Why?"

  "Because I wanna give my seed to you." My breath hitches at that. It's both naughty and sweet at the same time.

  "Baby," I whisper.

  "Got so used to having you next to me all weekend, my dick doesn't know what to do without you."

  I smile again because I feel the same way — I feel empty without him with me.

  I change the subject before he makes me give in to the urge to touch myself. Something I've never done alone.

  "Do you have work tomorrow?"

  He sighs again. "Yeah, I'm gonna go in early so I can take my break in time to follow you to school."

  I bite my lip at that. "You don't have to do that for me, Gavin."

  "Already a done deal, babe."

  Of course it is.

  "Get some sleep. Your brothers home? I didn't see any cars when we pulled up."

  "No, they're not here. They'll probably be out until late and won't be up until after I go to school." Before I can even get the last words out I can feel his frustration building through the phone. "I'm fine, deputy."

  "I don't like you being there by yourself through the night. It's not safe."

  I roll my eyes.

  Here we go.

  "I've stayed home alone at night plenty of times — I'm fine. And anyways, I have plenty of protection in my room."

  I tell him about my baseball bat and the knife my brothers gave me that only I know where they're hidden, along with the pepper spray he gave me. He grunts in response but I know he's appeased enough that he won't come over to keep watch.

  "Well at least lock your door, and check your window."

nbsp; I sigh loudly. "Baby, I'm fine. Besides, didn't you say you wanted me in bed?"

  "Either get up and check the door, or I'll come back there and get you."

  I throw the covers off with a huff.

  Seriously, aren't boyfriends supposed to send goodnight texts and be done with it? How did I end up with a man who is barely willing to let me sleep in my own home?

  “Ugh, and you talk about me being a pain..." I let the rest trail off.

  "Watch it."

  I roll my eyes again as I climb out of bed. I talk him through everything I'm doing and where my protection is hidden to help keep him at ease. Once I'm finally back in bed, I pick up my phone.

  "Can I finally go to bed now, deputy?" I make my voice sugary sweet again.

  There's a pause before he speaks again.

  "What're you wearing?" His voice is gravelly and it makes me smile.

  "An extra big t-shirt I bought at school and a pair of underwear." I whisper.

  Again there's a pause. "Take them off."


  "Take your underwear off."

  I do as he says, slipping my panties off and putting them in my hamper before crawling back into bed.

  "They're off," I whisper.

  He lets out a harsh breath. "Good. Now cup your pussy with your hand."


  "Cup your pussy, babe, the way I do when you fall asleep with my arms around you. I'm not there, so you have to keep it nice and warm until I'm back with you."

  I bite my lip as I bring a hand between my thighs, feeling the liquid heat that never fails to be present when I'm thinking of Gavin.

  "Okay, baby," I whisper again.

  "Good girl."

  I smile into the darkness of my room, only illuminated by my television and my cellphone. "I love you, deputy,” I say a little louder.

  "I love you, too, little misfit. And don't hang up the phone, I'm gonna listen while you sleep."

  "Okay." I lay my phone down on the pillow next to me as I settle in to a comfortable position. I listen as Gavin eventually finishes his beer and leaves the couch for his own room.

  It's a comfortable silence as he listens to me breathe and I listen to him get ready for bed. We chat a little here and there, but for the most part we're quiet, just listening to each other.


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