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Deputy Page 22

by D Scott

  I send a text to my little misfit, letting her know I’m thinking about her, then I pocket my phone and head back inside to my desk.

  I log onto my computer, open the web browser and enter a search for hotels with availability for this weekend. I make a mental note to tell Gina that she’s going to be spending the weekend in the city, then wonder if I should keep it as a surprise.

  Guess we’ll have to put off going to the petting zoo for another time.

  Thank the Lord.



  I decided to go ahead and tell her.

  She was gonna have to pack a bag and I didn’t want to get her hopes up about petting all the different farm animals only to change things up on her at the last minute. She didn’t put up too much of a fight when I told her of our change in plans, but she did make me promise that we’d find another weekend to venture to the petting zoo. My girl has a weakness for those little baby goats. I told her I’d take her if she agreed to go on a hike with me one Saturday morning. Her agreement wasn’t exactly enthusiastic but she’d said yes, so we’ll be going to the petting zoo at some point.

  It won’t be this weekend, though. This weekend I get her all to myself in the city, and just thinking about it has my dick hardening.

  I look over at my girl, still asleep in the passenger seat, and gently rub her thigh. She’s been pretty tired lately — a little down, too — and I plan to devote every minute of this weekend to cheering her up.

  And keep her distracted from the shit that’s gonna go down with her brothers.

  I wrestled with whether to tell her about the upcoming raid but I knew if I did I’d fuck up an operation that’s been in the works for months. My girl is loyal to a fault when it comes to those she cares about, and if she thought even a hint of trouble was coming towards her brothers, she’d do anything she could to protect them. I get pissed about it, then end up cursing myself because they’re her only family. Until I get my ring on her finger, of course. Then she’ll be tied to me, and I’ll be her family — even though in my mind I already am.

  I squeeze her thigh gently, knowing I won’t wake her. She lets out a cute little whimper but doesn’t stir. Knowing my girl she probably stayed up late last night picking her outfits and shit. I’ll never understand why though, since she always ends up wearing skirts or dresses anyway. She probably also stayed up waiting for her brothers so she could tell them about our weekend plans. She said she was going to tell them yesterday night so they wouldn’t have time to try and stop her from going. I told her she could tell them whenever she wanted because nothing was going to stop me from taking her away for the weekend.

  Funny thing is, I even picked her up early from school so we could beat traffic.

  Yeah, I know.

  Me, who chewed her out for skipping school, picked her up early for a weekend in the city. Granted, this is more than just spending the day joy riding around with friends or whatever the hell teens get up to these days. I’m fixing to spend a whole lot of quality time with my little misfit, still making up for that week we lost, and keep her from getting caught in the middle of a major police operation. A chill works its way through me at the thought of my girl being trapped and scared as a tactical unit bombards her trying to get to her brothers.

  No fucking way.

  I squeeze her thigh again and sneak a glance over at her, ensuring that she’s really here with me — safe and within reach. And for the rest of the drive I keep one hand on the wheel and the other on my girl, with her fast asleep, letting out a soft noise occasionally. I pull up to the hotel, leaving the car idle as I hit the button to pop the trunk, then climb out and walk around to the passenger side. I open the door and lean in to unbuckle my girl while doing my best to kiss her awake in the process.

  “Mmm.” She squirms as I put my arms around her but doesn’t try to wake up.

  “Babe, we’re here, it’s time to go inside. You wanna walk or you want me to carry you in?”

  “Mmm,” is all she says, snuggling into my chest as I lift her out of the car.

  “Carrying it is,” I grunt.

  I know she’s just being difficult. She could easily walk inside but I’m a sap, and I like how cuddly she gets in her sleep.

  I lean down and grab her backpack from the floor and throw it on my shoulder then turn to see the valet lifting our bags out of the trunk and handing them to a bellhop. I manage to fish out some cash from my wallet to tip the valet with Gina still in my arms. Then he hands me a ticket before walking towards my car as I turn to follow the bell hop inside. I slide my hands under her ass as we enter the hotel lobby, one to keep her covered. And two I’m a possessive boyfriend that is letting it be known that she’s off limits.

  I gently kiss Gina’s forehead as I head towards the check-in desk. The attendant is a tall, nice-looking blonde that smiles at me with obvious feminine appreciation as I approach, as if she can’t see that I’ve got my woman wrapped around me like a cute little spider monkey.

  I keep my face neutral.

  “Hello, sir, welcome to the Four Seasons Dallas. How may I help you?”

  She bats her eyes about a dozen times too many and I inwardly roll my eyes.

  “Checking in. Reservation under Gavin Brooks.”

  Gina shifts in my arms and I give her a light squeeze to keep her still. The attendant’s eyes lower and I’m sure she doesn’t miss the way I’m groping my girl’s ass, but I couldn’t care less. I’m territorial when it comes to Gina and she’s the same with me. This attendant woman is just lucky my little misfit isn’t awake, because if she was, I have no doubt she’d be putting on one hell of a show.

  The blonde’s smile slips as she starts tapping away at her keyboard.

  “Of course, Mr. Brook’s let me get it pulled up and we’ll get you checked in. You’ll be staying in a suite on the twenty-fifth floor, will you be needing more than two room keys?” I shake my head. “Okay, perfect. In the meantime, here are a few pamphlets about our hotel’s amenities and five star restaurants in the area. Is this your first time in Dallas?” Again, I shake my head. “Great, then I’ll just leave out the map.” She looks down at her computer. “ are your keys. You are all set. Is there anything else I can help you with?”

  I look down at Gina and back at the blonde. “No, we’re good. Thanks.”

  “Alright, well enjoy your stay with us and if you need anything at all please don’t hesitate to call down to the desk.”

  I nod and grab the keys and pamphlets from the counter. “Thanks.”

  I turn and follow the bellhop deeper into the lobby towards a bank of elevators. Of course, Gina chooses that moment to moan and rub herself against me looking for a more comfortable position. I tighten my grip on her ass and shush her back to sleep quietly. Credit to the bellhop though, he keeps his eyes forwards and calls the elevator since I have my hands full. He lets us onto the lift first, then comes on next with the bags. We stand silently as the elevator moves to the twenty-fifth floor, and when it arrives I follow him off and down the hall to the suite. He swipes the key in the door and walks into the lavish space, as I follow him in still carrying my girl.

  He waits just inside the entrance area with our bags. “Does everything seem to be to your liking, sir?”

  I look around, quickly studying the space. “Everything looks great.”

  He nods. “Is there anything I can get for either of you this afternoon?”

  I glance down at Gina, still asleep in my arms. “We’re all set, thanks man.”

  He nods.

  I untangle one hand from Gina’s backside to pull my wallet from my pocket and hand him a tip.

  “Thank you, sir,” he says with a nod then excuses himself from the room.

  I wait for the door to close before moving deeper into the space. I check over every aspect of the suite before retiring to the large king sized bed. I pull back the blankets before laying Gina down and un
tangling her limbs from all around me.

  She pouts in her sleep and tries to reach for me, so I place a soft kiss on her lips.

  “I’m gonna unpack us, babe, I’ll be back.”

  I pull away and slide the covers up around her then head to get our bags.

  It’s not a long trip so there’s not a whole lot for me to unpack, but seeing what my girl brought does get me a bit distracted. I’ve taken her shopping several times now, and she shows me every outfit she gets, so you’d think I’d remember what the stuff in her suitcase is gonna look like on her — but I don’t. Those little shows she puts on for me when we shop get me so damn hard I ignore whatever the hell she’s got on and countdown the minutes until I can get her back to the car, put her on her back or her knees or her side, and fuck the hell out of her.

  Happens every damn time I take her shopping.

  And as I look through her suitcase and imagine her wearing the things she has packed, my cock hardens. And I already know we won’t be leaving the room for the rest of the night tonight, because I plan to stay between her legs well until the break of dawn tomorrow.

  I make myself a drink from the bar once I get everything unpacked and put away, then take a load off on one of the couches in front of the tv. I find some movie rerun to settle on but I don’t pay much attention to it. My mind is on my girl, and what the hell I’m gonna do about her. The fact that she honestly believes I want an out from our relationship is messing with my head, and I plan to do whatever the hell it takes to make her see just how much I don’t want an out — how much I’m in this with her for the long haul. Besides, taking an out means giving her up, leaving her open for another man to take, and that shit will never happen. If any other dick were to have her, he would be a dead man.

  I lean my head back on the couch and slowly nod off with the resolve to dedicate this entire weekend to lifting my little misfit’s spirits and easing any worries she has about us. A pair thighs straddling my lap and soft warm lips at my neck has me slowly coming awake, and almost cumming in my pants. My hands automatically slides to her thighs as she teases me with nips and kisses along the column of my throat.

  “You have a good nap, babe?” I ask without even opening my eyes.

  “Mm-hmm,” she says into my neck.

  I groan when she leans forward to grind herself on my rapidly hardening dick.

  Rubbing my hands up and down her thighs, I tease the hem of her soft dress.

  “You hungry, babe?”

  She grinds her pussy on me harder. “Uh huh,” she answers breathily.

  “I meant for food, Gina.”

  “No,” she tries to growl.

  I tighten my grip on her thighs. “You gotta eat, babe.”

  She licks the shell of my ear with her tongue. “But I want you.”

  I groan. I want her, too. I always want her.

  “Need you to eat first, babe.”

  She pulls back and pouts. “But why?”

  I slide one hand under her sweater dress to tease her pussy, already hot and wet.

  “Because when I get inside of this,” I cup her warmth as I speak, “I’m not gonna stop until well into tomorrow morning.”

  She moans when I squeeze her gently. “Promises, promises.”

  I smirk. “Food first, babe.”

  “Fine,” she sighs. “I probably should eat anyways,” she finishes quietly — almost as if she’s talking to herself. “But I get to pick.”

  I roll my eyes.

  Of course she does.

  “Fine, scan the menu and pick whatever you want. It’s around here somewhere.”

  She shakes her head. “Uh uh. We’re in the city, I wanna eat out.” She’s got a naughty look in her eye.

  Damn, I should’ve fed her pussy first.

  An hour later and my girl is rewriting her own definition of behaving badly. She changed clothes, and put on a long sleeve top with a matching skirt that hugs her round backside and comes up short on her thighs. To make matters worse the outfit is a pale pink with flowers and it pops against her dark skin so perfectly, she’s been attracting just about every man’s attention since the moment we stepped off the elevator. I made her put on my leather jacket before left the lobby, but even her being in a man’s jacket hasn’t stopped the interested looks from coming. And on top of it she kept brushing up against me at every opportunity, pressing any part of her body into me that she could. Walking to dinner I kept my arm wrapped around her and contemplated ending the existence of every man who even thought to glance her way. She’s so used to it, she didn’t pay me any attention. She just kept looking up and down the sidewalk looking for a place to eat, eventually choosing a fancy burger place.

  We’re in a booth in the back, and because she likes to be a bad girl, she’s sitting on the same side as me. She keeps sliding her thighs against mine and resting her hand dangerously close to my cock, tormenting my ass. I know she’s probably feeling extra territorial though, since our waitress is a pretty redhead that keeps batting her lashes at me. Misty, I think she said her name was, I haven’t been paying enough attention to know for sure. My mind has been busy contemplating the mechanics of taking Gina in this booth without causing too much of a scene. I know it doesn’t matter though, my little misfit doesn’t like it when any woman sets their sight on me.

  Once we order our food and drinks, and Misty, or whatever her name is, finally walks away Gina reaches for me. She lays a possessive kiss on me that has me seriously thinking about pulling her into my lap.

  “Careful, little misfit,” I growl when she finally lets me pull away.

  Her brows knit as she pouts. “No. That busty waitress thinks she can flutter her eyes at you like I’m not sitting right here.”

  I eye her chest in the low cut top she has on.

  “Says the girl stopping traffic with this outfit you’re wearing. You know how many bastards keep looking at you like you’re their next damn meal?”

  She shrugs then shakes her head. “I don’t care about other men, I only want you to want me.”

  I take her hand from my leg and move it higher to feel my dick, who’s been hard for her since she woke me up by rubbing her needy pussy all over him.

  I lift my eyes back to hers. “Trust me, babe, I do.”

  She settles down at feeling my need for her and our conversation shifts to small talk about school and work as her hand gently strokes my boy under the table.

  “I’m gonna run to the restroom before the food comes.”She pulls her hand away and starts to slide from the booth.

  I nod, leaning in for a quick kiss. “Be quick and don’t talk to strangers.”

  She giggles and rolls her eyes as she lifts out of he booth. “Yes, daddy.”

  She winks before walking off, making my cock so hard for her I have to grit my teeth and take deep breaths. I also inwardly talk myself out of following her back to the restroom, where I want to lock her inside, bend her over the sink counter and rut into her pretty pink cunt that I know is dripping wet for me.

  I shake my head free of that image when my cock starts to throb in need.

  By the time Gina gets back to the table, I’ve barely calmed down and the tension between us is reaching a fever pitch.

  I eye the bottom of the tablecloth, covering the tops of her legs.

  “Did you rub your pussy in the bathroom?”

  Her eyes widen and she looks around, but there’s no one close enough to hear our conversation. Not that I really give a damn at this point.

  “Well?” I growl.

  She bites her lip and shakes her head quickly.

  “You wouldn’t happen to be lying to me, would you little misfit?”

  “No,” she breathes out. “So if I push my hand under the table and up under your skirt, your pussy is gonna feel hot and wet then right?” She nods. “Good.” The one word comes out in a rough grunt as I move my hand under the table. I push her thighs apart just eno
ugh to get my hand between her legs to cup her pussy.

  Gina shifts in her seat and takes a desperate sip of water. I keep my hand there even after our food is delivered to the table, although at this point I'm in the mood to feast on her, not a burger. Eating one handed is a bit of a struggle at first because the damn thing is so big, but I manage. Only I barely taste it because my mind is focused on the wet heat pressed up against my hand.

  Of course Gina tries to tease me about finishing her meal first, but my fingers brushing over her clit has her piping down real quick. I waste no time paying the bill and lifting her out of the booth before leading her out of the restaurant. We don’t even make it a block before she mentions dessert.

  "Gavin, I want some ice cream."

  You've got to be kidding me — this girl.

  She's got my cock harder than a diamond and ready to fuck, yet she's talking about some damn ice cream. I let out a harsh breath, and pray for patience.

  See why she's a pain in my ass?

  Lucky for us, there’s an ice cream shop on our walk back to the hotel.

  We get to the shop and I run through major league baseball statistics to keep my mind occupied while Gina takes her sweet time deciding what she wants.

  “I’m not sharing, just so you know,” she says, as we leave the ice cream shop.

  I look down at the giant waffle cone in her hand — it’s got one scoop of pistachio ice cream on top of a scoop of peach ice cream and is topped with chocolate sprinkles. “Fine with me. You couldn’t pay me to taste that. Who the hell mixes peach and pistachio?”

  “Me. And it’s...mmm...delicious.”

  She pauses to take a seductive lick that has my painfully hard cock lurching in my jeans and before I know it, I’ve got her back pinned against the building next to us. I crowd her against the brick wall, looking down at her like we’re the only two people out tonight.

  “You’ve got until we enter the doors of the hotel lobby to finish that cone. Because the moment we step in the suite, you’re tongue is going to be busy licking something else.” I press my hips into her, making my meaning explicitly clear.


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