Try To Ruin Me: A Reverse Harem Bully Romance

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Try To Ruin Me: A Reverse Harem Bully Romance Page 2

by G. Bailey

  “Thanks, but things seem unfixable right in this moment,” she sniffles, and I let her go as she wipes her eyes with her hands.

  "Look, did you drive here?" I ask, looking around and not seeing any unfamiliar car.

  "No, my parents took my car and...everything. They said it was the baby or them," she explains to me.

  "They are jackasses. My parents would do the same, I bet," I reply, rubbing my arms. It is cold, and I'm soaked, so is she. I don’t think it’s healthy for a pregnant woman to be out in the rain and cold. I know what to do next, and then we can figure the rest out later.

  "Okay, here are my car keys. My house is down at the bottom of the street, the one with the lion statues outside. You can stay at my place tonight, and we will worry about everything else tomorrow. This is my door key, okay? Please help yourself to clothes, food or whatever you want," I tell her, pressing the key into her hand as she stares at me in shock, completely paused.

  "You don't have to help me, I'm not—" she starts to reject my help, but pride is not a good reason to screw yourself over.

  "I will be back later after I've talked to David. He didn't mean what he just said," I tell her, pushing the keys into her hand. She gives me a shaky nod before turning around and getting into my car. I hear the car pull away as I walk through the open door to the house and shut it behind me. I follow the sound of bottles clinking to the kitchen, where David is going through the fridge. He finds a beer, pulls it out, and bites the lid off. I hate how he does that.

  "What the effing fuck was that with Lottie?" I ask, crossing my arms as he drinks long and hard.

  "Is that what her name was? Good to know, I'm sure I will forget it," he replies, slamming the beer on the counter so hard I'm surprised it didn't smash. "I only ever remember your name."

  "Seriously, David, you aren't this much of a dickhead. Maybe you should just sleep it off, and we can talk tomorrow," I say, getting the feeling nothing much is going to get through to him right now.

  "I mean it. I love you," he tells me, and I freeze as he walks up to me. David is the same height as me so I don't have to look up at him. Somehow this is more intimidating though, because I can’t exactly look away.

  "You're my bestie too," I try to play off what he means. "I love you like a brother, just as I'm sure you love me like a sister."

  "No, I love you like I want to fuck you, Trixy," he states, grabbing my arms roughly and pulling me to him. I try to get out of his grip, but he holds on tight, making sure I can't escape and somehow gets me even closer.

  "You are hurting me, let me go. This is drunk you talking," I plead with him, but he only tightens his grip, and I really start to panic.

  "No, it isn't. I love you, and I'm positive you love me too. See, that's why you can't go to London, because we are going to be together," he says as I continue to try and get away from him. He isn't seeing me though, because he slams his lips onto mine, pushing me into the counter behind. I struggle to push him away, disgust filling me as he parts my legs with his knee, pushing his erection into me. He lets my one arm go to shove his hand underneath my dress, roughly grabbing me as thick tears stream down my cheeks, and I feel frozen in fear. I remember Lottie waiting for me, my aunt waiting for me in London, and my entire future. There is no way David Hallow is making me a victim.

  David lets go of my other arm to grab my ass, and I reach out, finding the beer bottle he put down. I lift it up then slam it into his shoulder. David screams, letting me fall to the side as I still hold the broken bottle out and, with my other hand, wipe my lips as I back away to the door. He glares at me as he holds his shoulder, blood pouring through his shirt. In this moment, I see David Hallow for who he really is. A fucking monster.

  This monster isn’t having me though.

  "What the fuck was that for?" David demands, and I keep the bottle in the air as I continue towards the door, making it clear I will hurt him if he gets closer.

  "I don't love you like that! You are crazy!” I scream at him, constantly walking backwards.

  "You just wanted me! What changed, you little bitch?" he shouts back as I keep heading towards the door. Thick tears stream down my cheeks as I realise who my best friend really is now he isn’t hiding it anymore. I kept pretending the sweet boy who followed me around that I grew up with was still here. He is long gone, and instead, this thing is here.

  "I didn't want you! I never have, and you were trying to force me! That isn't love, it's called attempted rape, you dickhead. I'm leaving, and I never want to see you again!" I shout back at him, and I take the risk of turning to run for the door. I pull it open and run out into the pouring rain, straight across the field to a hole in the fence where I used to come through to see the brothers. I look behind me, seeing David the lunatic standing in the doorframe, watching me go. That might be the best thing he has ever done for me...letting me run away.

  Or so I thought.

  That was the last time I saw David Hallow.

  "You can't offer to let me stay here. I will figure something out, but I hoped David would help," Lottie says, sitting on a stool and eating the toast with a bowl of fruit that I made her. I walk to the doors, shutting them in case the maid overhears our conversation. She always reports everything to my dad, who she also sleeps with when he is back at home. I don’t want him knowing about Lottie and telling David’s parents. Honestly, Lottie is better off without that family altogether. I rub the bruises on my arms, and I can still feel his grubby hands under my top even though I know they aren’t there. I didn’t sleep well last night and neither did Lottie.

  Both of us are lost because of the Hallow family.

  "Trust me, David isn't a good guy to have in your or your baby’s life. Stay here for a bit, let me help you instead," I suggest to her.

  "Why do you want to help me?" she asks, looking confused. I remember David's cold lips forcing mine open, his strong body pushed into mine, and how helpless I felt last night. I was scared, seriously scared, and no one should feel like that. I know Lottie isn't helpless, but she does need someone's help. At the moment, there is just me, and I can't push her away.

  "Because I can? Is that not enough?" I reply, shrugging my shoulders. My phone rings once as I slide out of my stool and search around the kitchen for it. I find it by the fridge, and I quickly answer the call from my dad. Odd, because he never calls.

  "When did you last see David, Trixy?" my dad asks right away, sounding strange, but I don't know him well enough to know exactly what emotion that is. I want to tell my dad everything and ask him to protect me, to hug me and tell me everything is okay. I know better though. No one comes to the rescue and hugs you in our family. I’ve had years of crying alone while they walked past.

  "Last night. He was drunk, so I drove him home and dropped him off at his house before I came home," I say, and Lottie watches me closely, clearly wondering why I’m lying.

  "What time was this?" he asks, and I hear him writing something down in the background.

  "I don't know, about midnight, why?" I ask with a sigh.

  "David Hallow is dead." I hear every word of my dad's statement, but it doesn't seem to really sink in as I stare at the white tiled wall behind the counter. White, shiny and perfect like the Hallow brothers. Except now they are tainted by death. There is no changing those kinds of stains; they are pressed deep on your soul. They are there to stay, no matter how much you try to forget them. I want to cry, to grieve for David, but all I can remember is what happened last night. The monster I saw behind the familiar face I grew up with. The bruises still on my skin and what could have happened if I didn’t fight back.

  "H-how?" I manage to mumble out, and my dad sighs in annoyance. I hear him telling mom that a lawyer needs to be called just in case this turns on us or I am blamed. That is the extent of their care, the risk of their money.

  "Oh, he killed himself. It was said there was a note that blamed you," he carelessly tells me.

  "What?" I ask.

  "Yes, you are causing us a lot of trouble. We will have to come back and make sure the lawyer does a good job of protecting you. Luckily, you are going to London soon, and you don't have to hear the name David Hallow again," he tells me like that will make me forget everything. That is what my family is good at though, pushing mistakes and anything troublesome under the carpet. My mother regularly likes to tell me how I was a mistake and not planned. She didn’t know she was pregnant until it was too late to get rid of. Her exact words.

  "Why would he blame me?" I whisper, totally confused.

  "The boy was in love with you, and you apparently rejected him, so he killed himself. Honestly, I never expected to hear my daughter was mean and a bully. We never taught you that," he responds, sounding so disappointed. The funny thing is, that is the first time I’ve ever heard any emotion from him when it concerns me. There was never love, anger or anything other than ignoring me. Now at least I have his disappointment.

  "You never taught me anything because you haven't been here," I snap, knowing instantly I shouldn't have said that to him.

  "Alright, that’s it. I don't know who you think you are to speak to me like that, but I will not have it. From now on, you are cut off. Sell your car, keep your paid university fund and the little money in your account to keep yourself going for a while, but do not contact us until you fully apologise—" I cut the phone off because I can't listen to any more of this shit. It really is an utter mess. Why would David do that to himself? God, he is gone.

  "Is everything okay?" Lottie nervously asks. I nod once, pulling myself together for a little longer and pushing down the shock.

  "We are selling my car and then going to London. I don't know how we will work everything else out, but I'm going to look after you, and you are going to be my friend. I really need one, and I think you do too," I firmly tell her. There is a pause as she looks at me, and this is the moment she makes her decision. If she doesn’t want to go, then I will give her all the money I can, and that’s all I can do. If she comes with me, I can help her more. So will my aunt.

  "I do. I don't have anywhere else to go," she whispers. “I trust you.”

  "David is dead," I tell her, and she has the same expression as I'm feeling. Shock but not pain. It's hard to mourn a complete monster who did what he did last night. I open the drawer of the kitchen counter in front of me and pull out the trash bags before grabbing my phone. I'm going to bag up my life and leave everything else behind. Including the name Hallow and everything that goes with it.

  If I don’t, David would still have control over me like he always wanted.

  One and a half years later

  "Crap, I'm late to class again," I mutter, sliding out of bed and glancing back down at Benjamin who is still sleeping, lightly snoring. The white duvet is low on his hips, letting me take in the view of his flat stomach, the abs flashing my way, and the trail of hair going up his chest. Benjamin has wavy blond hair, a strong jawline and muscular arms from playing rugby. I like him, and he likes me. It's that simple, and because it's simple, it's easy. I wouldn't say he is the smartest tool in the box, but he is damn good in bed. That is worth having him as my boyfriend. Casual boyfriend though, because it could never be more between us.

  Deciding not to wake him up, I grab my clothes for the day and walk the four steps across my tiny dorm room to my en suite. After pulling the door open, I step inside and quickly shower before drying off then pulling on my sundress and sliding my wedges on before doing up the straps. I pull my hair up into a ponytail, leaving a few strands out before applying a tiny bit of makeup. "That will do. Now, where is my damn laptop?" I mumble to myself as I come out of the en suite, searching around the room before finding it on my computer desk. The good thing about a small room is that nothing is really lost; it's got to be in here somewhere. I put my laptop in my bag before opening the front door and closing it shut behind me.

  I make my way down the corridor, which is silent and empty because everyone is in class or sleeping in. There was a big party last night in the guys’ dorm rooms thanks to someone paying the guard to keep quiet about it. The American football team hosted the party due to the fact they are treated like practical gods around campus. It most likely has something to do with all those muscles and the tight shorts they wear in try-outs.

  I run down the stairs, pushing the glass doors open into the bright sunny day. It's mid-August, and currently, most of England is going through a heatwave. It's a good change, considering I was getting used to the constant rain or depressing looking clouds that threaten to ruin your day with rain. I walk as slowly as I can across the recently cut green grass to the pathway in the middle leading up to the half square building that is the university. It is all made of red stone with a Hogwarts feel to it. Gosh, I love those movies and books.

  I fell in love with this place on my first day. There is even a bell tower that I like to climb up and sit in, looking over the stunning city. In this last year alone, I've completely fallen in love with London. It is the perfect mix of old and new buildings, large parks, and twenty-four-hour takeaway delivery. What could be better than that? A young guy whose name I can't remember comes out the door I'm heading in, and he holds the door for me.

  "Thank you," I tell him before walking down the brown tiled floors towards my lecture room at the back. I smile to myself because I really do love my simple life I’ve made for myself.

  "Trixy Ansley." My name is called from just behind me and, in total fear and pure confusion, I slowly turn around. I'd recognise that voice anywhere, but I never expected to hear it here. This place was my escape from the was never meant to follow me here.

  Gage Hallow.

  Griffin Hallow.

  And last but not least, Garett Hallow.

  They look like my past I've tried my best to forget, to pretend that it didn't happen. They remind me of David Hallow and that night...and what David did when I left.

  I don't know which one of them to look at first, and it takes me a few seconds before I lift my gaze to meet Garett's. He was always the leader, the one his brothers looked to. By the way he stands in the middle of them, just one step closer than the others, tells me that hasn't changed. Garett hasn't changed either. Still dark, broody and gorgeous.

  Garett Hallow is the type of guy all women want, whether they know it or not. If Garett wanted someone, he would hunt them until he got what he wanted. His strong jawline is smooth, his black hair is shaved on the sides, while thick on the top with a little fringe hanging into his forehead. Those blue eyes, the ones that he shared with David, watch me with no emotion. Nothing. It's like looking into the eyes of an emotionless doll, wishing you had magic to make it real. This isn't a fairy-tale world though; it's real life. It's raw fucking emotions that want to destroy you. They already destroyed him and his brothers. We both know it.

  "Garett Hallow." I say his name, feeling like speaking his name out loud has some kind of power over him. Of course, it doesn't. It doesn't make me feel stronger either.

  "Who said you could run away from what you did?" Garett asks. He doesn't need to tell me what he thinks I ran from. We both know; they just don't know the truth.

  "I didn't kill him," I reply. I want to blurt out the whole truth about what happened...but they won't listen. I know them well enough to understand that.

  "You might as well have slit his throat, Trix," Griffin speaks for the first time, and his words hurt like he stabbed me in the heart. Griff was always the nice one of the three, if you could even call him that. He listened instead of controlling and demanding what he wanted.

  "You left him drunk, heartbroken and rejected. Did you read the letter he left?" Gage angrily demands. "We made sure to send you a copy every day for six months."

  "I read it," I tightly reply, my sweaty hands tightening up. How could I not have? Every word in the letter was a nasty lie. If I told them the truth, that their little brother who they adored and treated like a baby that could never
do any wrong, lied in the would destroy them. It was better, kinder, to let them think he was a good guy and not the monster he truly was. Or that is what I told myself to sleep at night. I know he didn’t mean to kill himself. I truly believe it was a cry for attention gone terribly wrong. I fully know that he took those pills, expecting to be found by the maids and rushed to the hospital. His brothers would have come back, his parents might have been there, and he no doubt expected that was how he would get me back at his side. He didn’t want to die…and it was a terrible mistake. Eighteen is no age to die for a mistake.

  "Good. I want you to know what you did to him. I want it to haunt you when we are done here," Gage coldly replies, and his words make me flinch. Without another word, he turns around and walks out of the building. Griffin watches me for a second longer before following his brother out, leaving me alone with Garett. Somehow that is more painful and frightening.

  "Why are you here?" I ask, needing to know the truth.

  "To ruin you." Three simple words. Three dangerous brothers, and my entire world over in a second. I feel my heart pounding in my chest as he walks out. One Hallow brother already tried to ruin me and own me too. Why do they seem more terrifying than he ever was?

  In a panic, I push the doors to my aunt's bakery open, seeing the big queue and my aunt behind the till, serving orders with a big smile. She doesn't see me until I manage to get through the people and to the counter, where I pull the top up to get to the other side. I don't know what happened the moment the Hallow brothers left, but I just ran and ran until I got to the only place I feel safe. It's what I'm good at, running, we all know that. They know it best. I keep going over what Garett said in my mind, and how he said it. He wasn't joking, not one bit. He wants to ruin me...but how? What could he possibly do to me?

  My aunt locks her pale blue eyes on my own, a strand of her curly blonde hair falling into her face that she pushes away. There is flour on her apron and a little bit on her cheek, where she has brushed her hand across her cheek while cooking no doubt. This is my aunt though, messy and just brilliant. Even being here, knowing the Hallow brothers are close by and on my back, she can make me feel safe. I spent every Easter holiday here as I grew up, and I would always cry when Aunt Linsey forced me to get on the plane to go home. Every good memory was either here or with the Hallow brothers...but even they left in the end. The boys I was once friends with and even admired are now men. Scary, dark and sexy men who are going to destroy me.


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