Try To Ruin Me: A Reverse Harem Bully Romance

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Try To Ruin Me: A Reverse Harem Bully Romance Page 4

by G. Bailey

  I turn and unlock my building before running up the steps to my floor. I unlock my door, closing it shut behind me, locking it, and the locked door seems to feel like it gives me some false sense of safety. Before I know what I'm doing, I walk to my bed and drop to my knees, pulling out the small box from under it. I push the lid off, searching through the bits and bobs in there until I find the copy of the letter David wrote before he killed himself. I don't know why I kept it, but as I shakily open the folded up letter, I know I want to read the lies. Maybe the lies can make me feel better because, sure as hell, nothing else does.

  To whoever is reading this,

  Tonight was the worst day and night of my entire life. I thought so many things and cared so much, only to find out it was all lies.

  Trixy Ansley is a liar.

  She told me she loved me, that it would be me and her in the end. She told me so many lies, and I fell for it all. She would kiss me, and so much more, as she told me her lies.

  Tonight, I found her with another guy, and when I did, she told me to go home. I refused to leave without her, and she did come home with me, but she was so angry. It broke my heart to see her shout at me and tell me how terrible I was.

  I only loved her, and now I know she doesn't love me at all.

  That is why I am saying goodbye. I can't take this life any more, not without her at my side.

  I've been nothing but the best person to her and loved her.

  I just wasn't enough.

  I doubt anyone will ever be.

  If my brothers read this, know that it was you three she always talked about. I think she always loved you, and I was just a bad second option.

  If my parents read this...maybe you should have been here.

  I wish you were.


  David Hallow.

  My tears fall onto the paper, because even after all of this...I did love him. He was a brother to me, and I just didn't know he ever thought about doing something like this. Killing himself solves nothing and only causes more pain.

  I just wish he knew that. I wish he knew what he left behind.

  I wish his brothers knew the truth too...but now it is too late. Some secrets have to stay buried.

  "I don't think going to this party is a good idea," I tell Benjamin for the millionth time as we sit in the back of the taxi, which is taking us to the party Garett demanded I come to. I know full well I'm walking into a trap...I just don't get what exactly they are going to do. I doubt they would physically hurt me...they were never like that. Though I thought the same of David and look how that turned out in the end. I helped at the bakery all day, and I didn't even tell Lottie about this party, or my aunt, like I should have. They would have talked me out of going, and I wouldn't be in this position.

  "But then I wouldn't get to see you in this tight, white dress that shows off how sexy you are. I love seeing your tattoo out like this," Benjamin whispers in my ear before kissing my cheek and tugging me closer to him in the seat, his finger running down my arm where I have a long dragon tattoo with a large rose wrapped around him. It was a present to myself from the money I had left from selling all my stuff to move here. I wanted it as a reminder of the past. The dragon and rose were my choices because they are beautiful...but also deadly. Like most things in my past.

  Usually, how Benjamin is touching me, kissing me, would do something for me, but not right now. My heart is beating fast for an entirely different reason. The traffic finally gives up so our taxi can speed down roads towards a private street. The street has large gates, which are protected with armed guards. The guards tap the window when the taxi stops in front of them, and the taxi driver slowly lowers the window.

  "We are here for the Hallow brothers’ party," Benjamin shouts out.

  "You have to walk in, mate. No taxis allowed on a private street like this," the guard says before stepping back. Benjamin pays the taxi before we both climb out and start walking to the gates, which open up for us to go through. The street is picture perfect, looking very much like the perfectness of our old street. It doesn't shock me at all that the Hallow brothers would choose to live somewhere like this. The busy noise of the city isn't lost as we walk down the cobblestone road, which is lit up by the streetlights that are super bright. London is never really dark though, or quiet. It's something I've noticed living here, and I really like the busy city life.

  My thoughts endlessly keep trying to distract myself as we head down the street, my white heels clicking against the stone with every step. My blonde hair is up in a tight bun, but little strands escape from the wind and brush against my neck. After a few more steps, we hear the music, the heavy beat of it filling the empty street. It isn't long until we see their house. It's imposing, separate from the others around it, and it’s just the house I'd expect them to live in. The big white windows match the white picket fence surrounding a small section of grass where some students are sitting on chairs, smoking. We walk past them, and Benjamin fist bumps one of them as we pass, heading up the three steps to the porch and through the open door. The music is louder in here, and the heat makes my skin feel sticky almost right away. The room is full to the brim with students, and Benjamin goes ahead of me, tugging me through them with my hand. The atmosphere of this party is too much already, and I just want to leave. What the hell was I thinking coming here? Benjamin pulls me into the middle of the room, and then pulls me closer, pressing me against his chest as he moves his lips to my ear.

  "Forget whatever is worrying you and just dance. We can drink, get high and forget the world, babe." His words don't mean anything though because Benjamin has that simple life where he can forget the world. I've tried getting drunk and high, and it does nothing to make you forget. If anything, you wake up the next day feeling awful, and those memories are haunting you worse than before.

  The only way to deal with the past is to focus and enjoy the present, and plan a future. I sigh at Benjamin's puppy dog face before sliding my arms around his neck and letting him guide my body to the music. He is a good distraction at least. I open my eyes and, like there isn't at least another dozen people in the room, I find Gage's eyes. He leans against the stone fireplace on the one wall, with Garett right at his side. Gage is wilder, darker, and that bit different from Garett, who is scarier in some sense as the leader, the one who calls the shots. I hate how I keep my eyes on them, just like they watch me.

  Unspoken attraction...that's what I would call it. Except this attraction could get me in a lot of trouble...the kind of trouble that would end with me dead. The Hallow brothers’ parents aren't good people, and I have no doubt their sons wouldn't think twice before following their lead. People go missing when they mess with the Hallows. It was a famous saying in my town. And I sure messed with them, even when I didn't mean to. As a kid, I didn't know how dangerous they were and why my parents always got mad when they were home and caught me playing with them. They were the triplets next door, with the brother my age, and they were fun. I was stupid to think I could have run from this.

  "Benjamin, can I borrow you a moment?" asks Natasha, a girl from my science class who is one of Ariel’s friends, and she looks to me with an overly fake sweet smile. If I were in love with Benjamin and actually cared, I’d be a jealous brat right now. "Hey, Trixy. You don't mind if I steal your guy to help me?"

  "Go ahead," I say, dropping my arms from Benjamin. He smiles at her, and she hooks her arm in his before pulling him through the party. I make the quick decision that it's time for me to leave and send Benjamin a text to let him know I've got my own Uber back. I came to the party, so Garett can't be mad. I did what he wanted. I turn around and freeze as sticky water is poured all over me, drenching me from head to toe. I gasp as I open my eyes, just to see Griffin lower the punch bowl which he just poured all over me.

  "Glad you could make it, Trix," Griffin says as the music cuts out, and there is nothing but laughter in the room. My cheeks burn red as I wipe the punch out of my
eyes and look down, seeing my white dress is completely see through. Garett and Gage walk to Griffin's side, and I meet Garett's eyes as he smirks.

  "White was never your colour. You aren't innocent enough to wear it." Garett’s comment just makes it worse, considering everyone is listening and sniggering. Some girls are plain laughing their heads off, and I wipe some of the punch out of my eyes.

  "You are all jerks," I say, even though my words come out quiet and weak.

  "Ouch, that really hurt, Trix," Gage sarcastically says, rubbing his chest. "Is that the best insult you've got?"

  "Yeah, it is. Look at her," Garett says, waving a hand at me. "She is pathetic. Nothing but a mess. It almost seems cruel to embarrass her....but then we aren't the cruel ones, are we? That was Trix who killed our brother by being a bitch."

  "Leave me alone!" I shout at them before turning around and pushing through people to escape this awful party. I still hear the one word all three of them say at the same time as I run away.


  I duck, dodging the hard ball thrown straight at my head by Ariel, who only smirks from the other side as I pick up a dodgeball off the floor. She twirls the end of her black hair in a high ponytail around her finger, and laughs.

  "No head aims, Miss Barker!" the coach shouts, and I jump to the left as another dodgeball comes my way. I hate dodgeball with a passion, but part of this hyper sport university is that you do one sports club alongside your usual classes. I applied for everything, but all the good ones were gone by the time they got to mine, so I got stuck with dodgeball.

  I'm pretty sure Ariel chose this class because she and her friends like to hit people with these balls, and they get to wear tiny shorts and thin white tops. Personally, I can't wait to finish this match. I hold the ball between my hands just as my teammate gets slammed, and I throw the ball at Ariel when she isn't looking, hitting her arm hard and taking her out of the match. She glares at me as she walks to the side. Unfortunately, because I was watching her, someone hits me in the chest with a ball, and I gasp from the impact as I step back. Ah well, at least I tried.

  I walk to the benches, sitting down far away from the others and sit back to watch the end of the match. Only, I hear male cheering outside and turn my head, seeing the American football team playing outside on the field. They wear white shirts, tight black shorts that stop on their thighs and big shoulder pads. They all have helmets on, except for Gage who is barking orders as he runs down the side of the field.

  "You know they only want to hurt you, right?"

  "Hello, Ariel," I say, turning back to her as she sits very close to my side.

  "I'm being a friend and warning you to stay away from them. They are bad, bad boys," she says and winks at me. "And they only want to ruin you. I’ve heard them talking about it."

  "Seems you guys spend a lot of time talking about me, Ariel. Isn't that boring for you?" I ask her, and she huffs, flicking her black hair over her shoulder.

  "We don't talk a lot. We have much better things to be doing," she replies with a grin. I'm sure they do, and that isn’t something I want to think about.

  "I just felt sorry for you after the party. The photos of you all wet and gross are all over the internet," she says with a dramatic sigh. The simple fact I’ve seen the photos on her Instagram—with the tag “loser” attached—lets me know she’s lying.

  "I've seen, and I don't care. They are bullies, and I want nothing to do with them," I tell her, wanting to make sure she doesn’t think I’m after her guys or something crazy like that.

  "Are you sure? Kinda looked like you were just checking Gage out," she says. “And you looked at Garett like you wanted to be under him.”

  "I wasn't," I protest, but I know it’s falling on deaf ears.

  "They are handsome, but underneath, they are nothing but mean and bitter," she says, and stands up, looking to the field before back at me. "I can handle guys like them, but sweetie, you couldn't, so don't try. Stay away, got it?" She doesn't wait for my answer before walking off, and I really don't know what to make of her. She is right about them, but not about me.

  The coach blows the whistle at the end of the match, and we all head to the changing rooms to shower and go to our next class. I have one more and then a study break, where I'm going to head to the bakery to see my aunt and Lottie for the afternoon. I need some normality since the weekend of hell. I've all but pretended it didn't happen because, well, it is easier than admitting it did. I've never been bullied before, but I know that is what they are doing to me. They said they wanted to ruin me, but I didn't expect bullying was their way of doing it. I guess everyone has to be publicly embarrassed at least once.

  I have to wait for the other classmates to shower first as I get undressed, wrapping a towel around me and grabbing my wash bag. As I wait in the queue, Ariel comes out of the shower, not bothering with a towel and grinning at me. I really don’t like this girl or her interest in me. I go into the shower after the girl in front of me comes out and quickly wash myself down before getting out. I just want to get out of here. I walk back to my spot in the changing rooms, noticing how empty the room has suddenly become. Where did everyone go?

  I freeze when I see the bench where I left my's empty, all but my bra and panties are left on the bench. As I turn around, I see the entire room is empty. My bag hangs open, and only my phone, purse and keys are in there. I run to the changing room door, looking through the glass but not seeing anyone on the other side. The room is silent and empty and, hell, my clothes are gone. I go back to the bench, collapsing on the seat and bursting into tears. I can't stop sobbing, even when I hear my phone ringing. I know the Hallow brothers did this to me, and they know I have to walk across the field to get out of here. It's the only way. This is all planned with Ariel’s help no doubt. I shakily reach for my phone out of my bag, seeing that it is Lottie calling, and I press the green button to answer it.

  "Hey! I was wondering what you wanted for dinner tonight. Aunt Linda suggests tacos, but I thought—" she stops talking as a sob leaves my lips, and her tone changes right away. "What has happened?"

  "I-I don't kn-know where to st-start," I mumble out, wiping my tears away with the back of my hand.

  "At the beginning is usually the best place. Tell me everything, whatever it is can't be that bad," she says, but I just don't know how to tell her this. I take a deep breath before blurting out everything that happened since the brothers got here, right down to the situation I'm in now, and she goes silent.

  "Right, well you need to show them they haven't beaten you. Fuck ’em, Trix. Seriously, they don't have any power over you," she tells me as I wipe my tears away.

  "How exactly do I do that?" I ask, my voice still wobbly.

  "I have a crazy idea, but it might work. You are super sexy, and you have more power than you think. Those asshole brothers aren't going to bully you and win," she says.

  "What is the crazy plan?" I ask.

  "Wipe those tears, girl, and listen up." I laugh because Lottie is crazy and absolutely right. I can't let the Hallow brothers beat me.


  "Is that?" Garett runs over, stopping at my side and pulling his helmet off as I look over to see why my team have all stopped, their mouths hanging open like gawking pigeons.

  "No fucking way would she..." my words drift off as I, my brothers and the whole fucking football team watch Trixy walk, in just her tiny panties and bra, across the rugby field to stand in front of us. There is a deathly silence as she places her tiny hands on her hips, her long blonde hair falling in waves around her shoulders. Nothing else covers her up, and to my utter annoyance, she looks sexier than fucking anyone I've seen. It was bad enough how hot she looked covered in punch and how that white dress went see through. That wasn’t the plan, and neither was this. She was meant to be crying in the changing rooms, trapped in there for the rest of the day until someone found her. If anything, she looks fucking happy and proud.

nbsp; "I don't know which one of you idiots stole my clothes, but don't for one second think you've beaten me. I swear to god you Hallow brothers don't have a clue who you just fucked with." After her calm but fucking sexy threat, she turns around and walks straight out of the field towards the university. Every single one of us can’t do anything but watch her firm ass as she walks away. Garett and Griffin look at me like I’m meant to have some magic fucking powers and fix this. Neither one of them really wants to do this to her; they believe what we have done is enough and we should leave it at that. I don’t. We have to destroy her, and that girl who is shaking her ass as she walks away is not fucking destroyed.

  "Anyone talks about this, or I see a single photo online, I'm going to beat the shit out of them. Got it?" I shout to my team, and all of them are quick to shout yes. "What the fuck are you still standing here for? Go and practice!" They all shift like their asses are on fire before I turn back to my brothers.

  "We clearly have a problem. Turns out Trixy isn't easy to break," Garett coldly comments. Whereas Griffin just shakes his head at us.

  "Then we have to play it differently than we originally planned. If we can't embarrass her, then we do the next best thing," I reply, because honestly, I can’t give this up. For David’s sake, we can’t. Trixy Ansley has to pay.


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