Try To Ruin Me: A Reverse Harem Bully Romance

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Try To Ruin Me: A Reverse Harem Bully Romance Page 11

by G. Bailey

  "Every day I didn't see you, I wrote a note. That movie we watched was stuck in my head as much as you were. Anyway, I will drop a note in every day now. It can be our thing," he suggests.

  "There is no 'our', Griff," I say, my voice catching on the thick emotions that feel stuck in my throat.

  "Not yet, no. We don't give up, and even if you never want us, we will be there waiting. We know how wrong we were and how much we owe you. If we pay it for the rest of our lives, that is cool to us. We never had any other family other than us and you. We always excluded David and anyone because our parents taught us that was the best way to be. And look how that ended. We lost David, and we were never there to stop him from turning into a monster. Then we fell for you, and that changed our world completely," he says, and I’m shocked for a second that he is the one talking.

  "It changed my world too. I've never loved anyone like I've loved you three, but then you broke me," I almost whisper the end of my sentence because I still struggle to even think back to that night. I lost a piece of myself then, and I don't know how to get it back. Forgiving them isn't the answer though, that I am sure of.

  "I'm sorry." His statement, no matter how much it sounds like he means it, falls on deaf ears. I keep my head held high as he turns and walks out of the bakery, and only when the door shuts do I let myself burst into tears.

  They got what they wanted, they ruined me, and it looks like everyone regrets it.

  "So what do the notes say?" Lottie asks after I slide the new cupcakes into the display, and I roll my eyes at her. The bakery has been raucously busy today, and I feel like most of London has turned up to try the new spring cupcakes that Aunt Linsey has made.

  "They were sweet. Every note is a thing he loves about me. Everything from my hair to the cute noises I make when I'm asleep, to the fact I always paint my toenails pink," I tell her, and she struggles to not say how cute that is. Lottie is all team Hallow brothers in the last month, while I've done everything I can to avoid them. I will admit the Hallow brothers have kept to their promise to not give up. My dorm room and Aunt Linsey’s apartment look like a flower store has thrown up all over it because, every day, they come to find me with a bunch of flowers. Griff always has a note for me, and Gage always spends half an hour outside my door talking about his day and keeping me entertained.

  They haven't given up...yet. I fully expect they will at some point, and then my heart will finally stop hurting all the damn time. Especially when they are around. I've been spending all my weekends at the bakery, just for something to do and to get away from the university where everything reminds me of them. In the last month, the Hallow brothers have come over every Saturday and taken Noah out for the day. They take him to the zoo the most, and they have been nothing but amazing in helping Lottie. Somehow they even managed to get her to accept a little help with money, which she explained the brothers feel like they are paying what David should have done in maintenance.

  I will admit, they are good guys somewhere deep down. I just wish they didn't do what they did to me. The students at the university still constantly laugh at me when the Hallow brothers aren't around, and Ariel seems more determined than ever to piss me right off. Turns out, the Hallow brothers never touched her, and she didn't have any part in their plan. As far as I know, they haven't touched any other girl this last month. The bell rings as the door opens, and I look up, seeing a blonde woman with bright green eyes come in.

  "Izzy!" Lottie shouts over, and I look back as Jake comes out the back and goes over to the woman with Lottie. They all hug before Lottie waves me over. I put my apron down before going over, and I'm quickly pulled into a hug by this random woman.

  "This is my aunt, Izzy King. Izzy, this is Lottie's friend, Trixy Ansley," Jake introduces us.

  "Lottie told me so much about you over the Christmas break. It's lovely to meet you," she says, and I smile at her.

  "How come you are in London?" Jake asks.

  "Blake has a training meeting here, and I thought I'd come and see you. Oh and get some shopping in while I'm here," she answers. “You don’t mind your auntie popping in, do you?”

  "Of course not. You are always welcome, you know that. Are you staying overnight?" Jake asks her, and I admire how friendly they all are.

  "Yes, we have a hotel around the corner actually. Can we all go out for dinner tonight? If you aren't busy that is," she asks with a big smile. “Blake would like to see you as well. Also we have to take pictures of you back to your mom and dad to prove to them you are all well and good. Not that they don’t stalk you online anyways.”

  "I'd love that. Noah will be back from his day with his uncles at about four. We could meet up around six for dinner," Jake suggests, just as the bell rings on the door and a delivery man comes in holding a giant white teddy bear that says "The Hallow brothers love Trixy" on its belly.

  "Dear god, they are taking this too far. Where the hell am I going to put that?" I mutter as the delivery guy tries not to laugh as he drops the teddy at my feet, and I sign the form so he can leave.

  "We will take it upstairs for now. I’m sure Noah will love it," Lottie says, trying not to laugh. "Jake, want to grab the feet and help me?"

  "Sure," he replies, and he is just as bad as she is, still laughing as they both carry the giant teddy upstairs.

  "Shall we sit down and have a drink while you tell me what the hell your guy did that he thinks a giant teddy will fix?" Izzy asks, and I can only nod as I follow her over to a table. I go and grab us some drinks before I sit down with her.

  "It's three guys in my life that have messed up actually," I explain to her.

  "Three? Wow, that sounds like a handful," she says, nearly coughing on her cup of tea. It is a modern way of thinking for sure.

  "It certainly is. Especially when they set out to hurt me but instead fell in love with me. I love them, but I don't know how to put the past behind me. I'm sorry, I'm blurting this all out to a complete stranger," I say, biting down on my lip hard enough for it to hurt.

  "Lottie is family, and Lottie says you're like a sister to her, so you’re family too. You can talk to me, and I won't repeat anything you say if you don't want me to," she says, placing her hand on mine for a moment before removing it. “I didn’t have the best start in life, and I know how messed up relationships can get because of one thing or another. Blake is my husband now, but once, one of my brothers beat into him because he was dating me in secret. There was other stuff going on, but yeah, relationships are hard. Once you find that one person, you hold onto them no matter how hard it gets. Trust me, you get a great future in the end.”

  "Thanks," I shyly say because, hell, I don't know how to take Izzy. She is stunning and kind and lovely.

  "One of my brothers did something terrible to a girl he was in love with. It was complicated, and Maisy spent a long time learning how to forgive him because, in the end, they loved each other and found their way back. People make mistakes, but it all comes down to one thing: Can you live without them in your life?" she asks. “If you can, then walk away. They aren’t for you.”

  "No. I miss them. God, I really miss them," I admit because it’s true with every part of my soul.

  "I'm not going to tell you what to do, but that kind of love? The love that makes you feel breathless, crazy and so happy it could make you cry isn't something to give up on," she tells me.

  "Thanks for the advice," I say, and for the first time since that night, I smile. It won't be easy for us, but Izzy is right. That insane, perfectly crazy love isn't something to give up on. You fight for it with everything you have.

  Because if you don't fight for love, what is there left to fight for?

  "Sorry!" I tell the stranger I bump into as I climb up the steps of the stadium and find my seat near the front that the Hallow brothers sent me a ticket for. I doubt they expected me to come tonight, but they asked if I would as it's the first game of the season, and it's important to them. I've spent the week th
inking over how I should tell them I'm going to give them one more chance, but I've yet to come up with a way. I want to make it clear I'm not forgiving them for it all, but choosing to try and make a future for us all to enjoy. This state of limbo between us all isn't doing any of us any good.

  I frown as I clear my thoughts and quickly become aware all the people around me are stood up, cheering and laughing. Someone is whistling, and I quickly stand up, but I can't see over the tall guy in front of me. I turn around and climb on my seat before standing up. A chuckle leaves my lips when I see what everyone is laughing at. The Hallow brothers are walking across the field in just their boxers which are pink. My favourite shade: hot pink. They have also written "belongs to Trixy" with a pink marker across their chests as well. I bite my lip as Gage looks my way, and they all stop, grinning at me before waving me over. My cheeks burn red, but I’m laughing as I climb off my seat, and people move out of the way for me as I walk down the steps and onto the field. The cold wind blows against us as they wait for me to get to them, and I cross my arms.

  "Aren't you cold?" I ask, trying not to laugh too much. I’m laughing a little though because, man, do they deserve it.

  "We embarrassed you, so we thought you deserved to see us embarrassed and fucking cold," Garett says through gritted teeth. “The guys on the team are recording it and posting it everywhere to make sure no one misses it.”

  "You guys really won't stop loving me, will you?" I ask them with a grin.

  "Never," Gage answers, and his brothers swiftly agree with him.

  "You came tonight. We didn't think you would," Griffin says, stepping a little closer to me. I take the last step, placing my hand on his chest, feeling his heart beating under my hand.

  "If we are going to do this, then I want us to be able to talk about our past. I want us to learn how to move on and focus on each other instead. No more lies or games, or I will go and never come back. This is the only deal I can give you," I firmly tell them all.

  "Deal," Griffin happily shouts and pulls me into his arms before kissing me. The crowds cheer as I smile against his lips, happy to be back in his arms. I let go only to have Gage kiss me, and the crowds cheer even louder this time.

  Garett just opens his arms, and I run into them. He swings me around before placing me down with his brothers on either side of me.

  "Forever, Trix." Then he kisses me.

  We might not be perfect or without our problems, but one thing is for sure. I love the Hallow brothers.

  We are forever.

  Three years later...

  I rub my hand over my bump, just after this little baby made me throw up my breakfast today, and now the smell of the tuna sandwiches on the nearby table isn't making me feel too good. Pregnancy is not an easy thing, I’ve learnt, and I now have an all-time new respect for Lottie and how well she handled hers. The baby wasn’t planned but, instead, a happy surprise from our honeymoon away. We had an old-fashioned handfasting ceremony, binding us all together in a way that reflects our life.

  "You alright, Trix?" Griff asks, wrapping a hand around my waist and pressing a kiss to my forehead. I smile up at him as he covers my hand on my bump.

  "Yes, it’s just I don't think the baby likes the tuna sandwiches," I admit, looking over at Tilly King who just had two beautiful twin babies, both girls, who are currently napping with Harley King in the house. They also have a little boy who is about three and an older little girl. I'm sure they are sitting with the other children in the sandpit which is a pirate ship. It was a present from me and the brothers. Tilly recently explained to me how they didn't think she and Harley could have any other children, and then one baby came along. Then they had a massive surprise with the twins. I think they are a super cute couple.

  "I will remove them then," Griff says, letting me go and heading to the food table to fight Tilly on taking the sandwiches away. The warm wind blows my hair in front of my eyes as I turn and look over to where Noah and a little girl who is Izzy's child are running around Garett, Gage and Jake's dad, Sebastian. It's Noah's fourth birthday party, and all of Jake's family have come to join in the party. Any party, and the King family turn up. I rather love all of them now; they are like a family I didn't know I wanted. Aunt Linsey is off traveling and can't be here today, though I know she is happy. I search around for Lottie just as the music cuts out, and we all turn to look at the speakers by the house as Jake lowers himself onto one knee in front of Lottie.

  "Lottie, I don't know where to start. I once asked my dad how he knew my mum was the one for him. He told me there is a moment, a single moment where you know you have met your soulmate, and from there on, you will just know. I never really understood what he meant until the day I walked into the bakery, and there you were, laughing at something. I just knew right then that I wanted to spend the rest of my life making you laugh and loving you. Lottie, will you marry me?" Lottie doesn't answer as she throws her arms around him, crying in joy with the rest of us.

  "YES!" she emotionally shouts as he swings her around and everyone cheers and hoots. Maisy and Sebastian run to Jake and Lottie, congratulating them as does everyone else. Except for three brothers who walk to me. I link my hands with Gage and Garett as Griff kisses my cheek.

  “You know you’re our world, Trix,” Gage tells me, and his brothers smile lovingly at me. Time has made no difference to our relationship, we still all love each other, and we work hard to make us work. Yes, it’s not easy being accepted everywhere, but the world is slowly changing.

  “And you guys are mine. Looks like I’m going to need three dates to the wedding. Any takers?” I ask, and it makes them laugh.

  “You have three Hallow brothers not just for one date, but for life.” I smile at that.

  I don't know how we got here, but one thing is for sure, we have a happy ending.

  Thank you so much for reading Try to Ruin Me! I started writing this last year and I’m so happy Trixy and The Hallow Brothers story is out.

  A big thank you to my family, Helayna, Mad’s, Cora and everyone that supported me with this book!

  Helayna, thank you once again for editing my book and making it perfect. I couldn’t do this without you!

  Thank you to my wonderful Pack Leaders for everything. <3

  Once again, thank you readers for your continued support! You’re all amazing, and I couldn’t do this without my readers!

  Xoxo G.

  Also by G. Bailey

  Based in the same world as Try to Ruin Me, discover the King Brothers story. Starting with Izzy King…

  When you start living with your four overprotective brothers for the first time, the smart thing is to avoid their extremely hot best friend, and not kiss him. Right?

  Izzy King knows dating former playboy, Blake Frost, behind her family’s back isn’t the greatest idea. When the attraction becomes too great to avoid, keeping their relationship a secret is the only way they can be together.

  But, Izzy isn’t the only one keeping secrets. The King brothers are full of them.

  Can Blake and her brothers keep her safe from the past that haunts them all?

  These kings could destroy her, but she isn't able to walk away...Danger, lust, and King brothers never mix well.

  18+ due to violence, sexual scenes, and language

  Link to Amazon here…





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  About the Author

  G. Bailey is a USA Today bestselling author of books that are filled with everything from dragons to pirates. Plus, fantasy worlds and breath-taking adventures. Oh, and some swoon-worthy men that no girl could forget. G. Bailey is from the very rainy U.K. where she lives with her husband, two children and three cheeky dogs. And, of course, the characters in her head that never really leave her, even as she writes th
em down for the world to read!

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