The Evil

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The Evil Page 4

by J N Tensley

  She didn’t respond. Just silence on the other end of the phone.

  “Kia? Do you hear me?”

  No response again.

  Latrell turned up the volume on his phone and called out her name again but she still didn’t respond. He then put it on speaker phone. “Kia? You still there?” He stared at the phone worried now.

  “Yeah I’m here.” She said sniffling. She sounded like she was starting to cry.

  “Why don’t you come over? You shouldn’t be alone right now.” Latrell suggested.

  “I just need to talk to him and I’ll feel better.” Kia said sadly.

  “I know. Trust me we’ll talk to him tomorrow. If they don’t let us talk to him we’ll all go down there and make them let us see him.” Latrell promised. “Until then you should come over to my place. Trisha’s over here. We can all talk about it. I think it’s best if you do. I really don’t think you should be by yourself right now.”

  Kia sniffled again. “Okay.” She said softly.

  “You’re like my sister and Malik is like my brother. It hurts me hearing you like this. Trust me everything will work out for the best. We’ll get to the bottom of this.” Latrell said.

  “Okay. I believe you. Give me like half an hour.” She said softly.

  “Okay we’ll be here.” Latrell waited until Kia hung up before stuffing the phone back into his pocket.

  “Do you think she’s gonna actually come over?” Trisha asked.

  “Yeah I think she will. I mean, I hope she does at least. I hope she doesn’t do anything stupid like going there. They’ll probably try to lock her crazy ass up with Malik.” Latrell said.

  Trisha hit him playfully on his arm. “That’s not nice.”

  “It’s the truth though. When she gets all emotional she doesn’t think clearly. She says some off the wall type shit.” Latrell explained.

  “Yeah she does say some crazy shit. I just hope she comes over here so we can calm her down. I know it’s hard not having the answers you need but we’ll get them sooner or later.” Trisha began rubbing his stomach again.

  Latrell put his arm around her and held her tightly. “Yeah me too. And I hope nothing bad did happen to Malik. I hope he’s doing’ okay in that place. It’s been rough the last few days.”

  Trisha nodded and sighed.

  Latrell thought about going to Malik’s funeral. The words Kia said to him really stuck in his head. It felt like a hammer was pounding death into his mind.

  No he’s okay, Latrell told himself. No need to worry. My bro is doing’ fine. I can’t let these negative thoughts flood my mind.

  But the negative thoughts were already in the back of his mind. Slowly creeping it’s way forward. Slowly making its way towards the center of his mind where all the other thoughts were.

  “I wish Kia wasn’t so negative.” Latrell said glumly.

  “Yeah, me too but, that’s just how she is.” Trisha responded.

  About forty five minutes passed before there was a firm knock on the door.

  Trisha pushed herself up and headed to the door.

  Good she’s finally here, Latrell thought. Maybe now we can get her to calm down some.

  Trisha had to stand on her tiptoes to look through the peephole in the door. She then unlocked the door and pulled it open. “Hey girl.” She said nicely to Kia.

  Kia walked in and smiled at Trisha but didn’t say anything. She had her black small purse strap over her shoulder. Her eyes were bloodshot like she had cried the whole way over there.

  Kia was pretty. She had pretty hazel eyes and a smooth caramel brown complexion. She was curvy with a full bosom and a big behind.

  Kia walked over and sat across from Latrell on a black recliner.

  “What’s up Kia?” Latrell asked glancing over at her.

  Kia wiped around her eyes with her finger. “I’ve been thinking about what you said and I’m trying to hold it together. I’m trying to hold on to tomorrow but, I don’t know if I can.”

  Trisha walked over after locking the door and sat back down next to Latrell.

  Kia just kept staring at Trisha like somehow deep down she blamed her for what happened to Malik.

  “You ok Kia?” Trisha asked opening her eyes wide at her.

  Kia nodded. “I’m fine. I just miss him.” Her hands were on top of her thighs and she laid her right hand over the left.

  I know she misses him. She’s madly in love with Malik. But I don’t think it’s safe for Malik to be walking the streets until we know what’s wrong with him.

  Kia looked around the room for a moment before focusing her eyes back on Trisha. “So tell me exactly what happened again. I want to know everything. Every small detail.”

  Trisha looked up at Latrell. She then turned and fixed her gaze on Kia. “We were at the hospital because Latrell called me and said he had been hit by a car and broke his leg.” She paused for a moment and sat up straight. “We were just talking and having a normal time in the room before the nurse came in and said Latrell had another visitor. To our surprise it was Malik. Trell said he had lost him in the forest.”

  “Why were you guys at the forest? What were you doing?” Kia cut Trisha short and stared at Latrell.

  Latrell sighed. “Malik wanted to go smoke in the forest. I wasn’t cool with the idea but tagged along anyway. Something happened to him in the forest. I’m still trying ask myself what exactly that was.”

  “What happened?” Kia crossed her legs and put her hands on top of her knee.

  “There was something there.” Latrell continued. “Something took Malik. Swallowed him like he was a piece of food. It was like a dark cloud with blue orbs running through it.” Latrell paused for a few seconds and just looked towards the floor.

  Kia cleared her throat. “What happened after that? What happened to Malik?”

  Latrell shrugged. “I couldn’t tell you. All I can tell you was I was trying to get outta there as fast as I could. I started running and ended up on the road. That’s where some guy hit me with his truck.”

  “So you just left Malik there? All by himself?” Kia sounded hurt.

  “It wasn’t like that kia, but if someone shot your best friend are you gonna stick around to let them shoot you to or try to get to safety first?” Latrell asked looking at her seriously.

  Kia didn’t answer his question. She just kept sitting there with a sad look on her face.

  “He obviously was ok. He came to the hospital.” Trisha cut in. “But whatever was on his mind obviously made him upset. He choked me so hard. I thought I was gonna die.”

  “That doesn’t sound like Malik. Why would he do something like that? Why would he just start attacking you and the nurse?” Kia uncrossed her legs and leaned forward.

  “I don’t know. Maybe whatever happened to him in that forest had something to do with it? Maybe it did something to him? Maybe it changed him?” Trisha said.

  “He definitely wasn’t himself. If you’d seen the look in his eyes you would know what we’re talking about. His eyes looked like he was possessed by something.” Latrell said.

  Kia shook her head. “None if this is making any sense. Why would you two go there after all the stories we’ve heard when we were kids? Why would you even risk that?”

  “You know you should ask Malik that when you see him. He’s the one that wanted to go there. He’s the one that wanted to see if the stories were real. I just tagged along. I wasn’t gonna let him go there alone.” Latrell said.

  “That boy can be so stupid sometimes.” Kia said angrily. “What was he thinking?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t think he believed the stories. I think he just wanted to go there to prove everyone wrong.” Latrell placed his arm back around Trisha. “I’m gonna go back when this leg heals. I need to know what that thing was that was chasing me.”

  “How could you even say that?” Kia asked in a shocked voice. “You know what happened to Malik. Why would you risk going back there again?” />
  “That’s the thing though Kia. We don’t know what happened to him, all I know is what I saw and I’m still questioning that. It looked like some science fiction stuff.” Latrell said.

  “But why would you even think about going back there? What if something bad happens to you this time? What if you get yourself killed?” Kia’s face looked so serious. She looked upset and hurt at the same time. She was so intense when she was in her feelings.

  “I’ll be careful. Maybe I’ll take a couple of extra friends with me to be safe. I just have to know what’s out there. I have to know what happened to Malik.”

  “I think you should wait until you talk to Malik first and then decide if you’re gonna do that.” Kia said.

  Trisha touched Latrell’s leg firmly. “She’s right Trell. For all we know maybe you imagined the whole cloud thing. I don’t want you to go back there and something bad happens to you.”

  I know I didn’t imagine it, Latrell thought. I know I saw what I thought I saw.

  “Then how do you explain what happened at the hospital? If I didn’t see what I saw in the forest then it makes even less sense.” Latrell looked down at Trisha, a bewildered look on his face.

  Trisha shrugged but didn’t answer.

  Kia seemed to be staring off into the distance. Her eyes seemed to be looking at them but her mind elsewhere.

  I wonder what’s she’s thinking? He wondered. She seems to be lost right now.

  There was a brief moment of silence between them before Kia cut into it. “I’ve never seen Malik lose his temper before. He’s always so calm. I know I’ve upset him over the years but he’s never raised his voice at me. Never put his hands on me. Even when I thought that he would he would just leave, take a walk and, come back still calm.”

  Latrell thought about it. He’d never seen Malik get angry either. It was almost too unreal. But that’s how he was. He said his dad would always snap at him and his sister’s and he vowed never to be that way when he got older. He learned to control his anger. Learned to channel it positively.

  “But you know the funny thing about it is that he really didn’t even seem angry Kia.” Trisha said. “He was quiet and I don’t think he made a sound. But it was the look in his eyes that stuck with me. I don’t think I’ve never seen someone’s eyes that scary before.”

  “How did they look?” Kia asked curiously staring at her.

  Trisha shook her head like she didn’t really want to remember it. “Like evil. Just pure evil. He looked so intense like he wasn’t even himself. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone’s eyes look like that before.”

  “I can’t wait to talk to him. I can’t wait to get to the bottom of this.” Kia said. “This doesn’t make any sense to me. Like how did he even get there? The forest is a good ten miles away from the hospital. How did he get there so fast?”

  Latrell hadn’t even thought about that. How did Malik get there? Did he hitch a ride from someone? It would have taken him a few hours to walk there at least. Now all of it seemed even more strange to him.

  “All I know is that he just attacked them without warning. He started choking Trisha for no reason and then the nurse. He picked them up like they weighed nothing.” Latrell said looking at Kia. “I think even if I’d been able to move and get over there he would have been able to hurt me too. He had superhuman strength it seemed like.”

  The time now was five pm. The sun was still out shining through the windows to the right of the room.

  Kia shook her head. “I mean Malik is strong but to be able to hold to adults in the air? One with each hand? That’s something else.”

  “I know, I couldn’t believe it when I saw it. I had to keep asking myself was it really happening. At first I thought I was dreaming the whole thing but then realized it was real.” Latrell scratched at his cast.

  “That thing must be really itchy?” Kia asked looking down at his cast.

  Latrell nodded.

  “So what made you run into the road like that?” Kia asked.

  “That cloud thing that was chasing me. It was making screaming sounds too. I was scared it was gonna take me like it did Malik. I ran without looking. But at least I got away.”

  “This cloud thing you keep mentioning, it makes me wanna know what it was. Like is that the thing that caused Malik to be so violent and attack Trisha and that nurse? Did it possess him? There has to be a reason why he just up and snapped like that.” Kia stood up and stretched.

  Latrell knew it was that cloud that was floating that possessed him. What else could it have been?

  “Can I get something to drink?” Kia asked softly clearing her throat.

  “Yeah knock yourself out.” Latrell responded.

  Kia walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. She walked back over and sat down and took a sip.

  Hopefully tomorrow we’ll get some answers, Latrell thought. Then I’ll know if I have to go back to that forest or something else.

  Kia sat back and set the water bottle on the floor. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

  Latrell could feel his phone vibrating in his pocket. He took it out.

  Kia’s phone started ringing a second later and then Trisha’s phone started.

  They all looked at each other strangely.

  Latrell noticed the number calling was unknown. “Mine says unknown.” Latrell said over the three loud phones ringing.

  “Mine too.” Trisha said.

  They looked at Kia who just nodded.

  They all answered their phones.

  “Hello?” Latrell said.

  A loud piercing scream filled his ears from the other end.


  Chapter 5

  Latrell moved the phone away from his ears. “Fuck!” He said moving the phone to his other hand and rubbing it.

  “Hello?” Kia and Trisha said simultaneously.

  Latrell put the phone back to his ear slowly.

  What in the hell was that? He wondered.

  “H..h..hello?” Latrell said nervously holding the phone a few inches away from his face.

  Nothing. The person on the other end hung up.

  Latrell stared at his cellphone curiously. Not sure what to think of what just happened.

  “They hung up.” Kia said looking at Trisha and then Latrell.

  “Mine too.” Trisha said softly.

  “Me too.” Latrell added.

  “It was some whispering on the other end and then it just hung up on me.” Kia said, her eyes looked watery, like she was scared or something.

  “I’m not sure what I heard.” Trisha said, she looked at Kia and the turned to look at Latrell.

  Latrell paused for a moment before telling them what he heard.

  Kia and Trisha both stared at him waiting to hear what was on the other end of his call.

  “I heard screaming.” Latrell finally spoke up and said.

  Kia looked at Latrell strangely. “Screaming?”

  Latrell nodded. “Yeah like someone or something was screaming into the phone.”

  Trisha raised her eyebrows.

  “Do you think that could’ve been Malik?” Kia asked. She stood up again and started pacing back and forth.

  “Whatever it was it didn’t sound too happy.” Latrell said.

  “It sounded like mine was trying to say something. Like it was whispering but was also try to say something. But it was like they couldn’t, like wherever they were they couldn’t be too loud so they had to whisper.” Kia said.

  Latrell knew Kia was anxious the way she was pacing around in front of them like that.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll get to the bottom of this tomorrow. We’ll see if Malik’s ok and hopefully put an end to this crazy shit!” Latrell promised her.

  At least that’s what he hoped would happen.


  The next day Trisha and Latrell we’re waiting for Kia to come over. She had called them about fifteen minutes
ago and told them that visiting hours were from four to eight. Now they were just waiting for her to come over so they could head there.

  “What do you think he’ll say?” Trisha asked as she grabbed her black purse off the kitchen counter and slung it over her shoulder. She made her way back over to Latrell who was sitting on the couch.

  “I don’t know. I hope he’s alright. That’s the main thing. But I also hope he can tell us what happened in the forest that night.” Latrell said.

  “This is all so weird. Like everything that’s been going on doesn’t even seem real.” Trisha said.

  It didn’t feel real. The last few days seemed like a bad dream. The cloud object in the forest, Latrell being almost killed by that truck and, Malik attacking Trisha and that nurse at the hospital. Everything seemed so unreal.

  “You’re right Trisha.” Latrell said. “Everything doesn’t seem real. I wish I could make all this stop. I wish I could make all this go away.”

  “Awww baby. I’m sure everything will be fine once we talk to Malik. He’s probably just sitting there waiting for us to come down there to see him. I’m sure he’s just as confused as we are.” Trisha kissed latrell on the cheek.

  Latrell smiled. He loved her sweet lips against his skin.

  “I knew I could make you feel better.” She said.

  “You always do.” Latrell said honestly.

  They sat there holding hands for a moment in silence, just staring at each other’s face.

  She’s so beautiful, Latrell thought. Perfect in every way.

  Latrell leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips. He then opened up his mouth and twisted his tongue in her mouth.

  She kissed him back passionately.

  They kept on kissing until a knock on the door cut them off.

  Trisha giggled as she looked at Latrell. “Wow that was getting intense.”

  Latrell smiled. Hus whole body tingled from kissing her. Her lips were so soft. So delicate.

  Trisha stood up and walked to the door. She gazed through the peephole and then unlocked the door.

  Kia walked in. She wore black leggings and a Lakers jersey over a white t-shirt. “You two ready?” She asked. She looked more anxious than ever. Like she had stayed awake the whole night waiting for the moment they could go there.


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