by J N Tensley
“He’ll be able to make calls starting tomorrow so maybe he’ll call you.” The nurse said.
“Make sure you do. You hear me Malik?” Kia said sassily.
Malik nodded, stood up and, looked sad that his friends were leaving him.
“Don’t worry babe. I’ll be back here tomorrow and everyday till you get outta here.” Kia promised.
The nurse escorted the three of them out of the room and locked the door behind her.
As they walked through the Asylum and then to the parking lot Latrell thought about how sad Malik looked. Much different from the evil look he gave him the last time he saw him.
Outside was still warm but a slight breeze made it tolerable. The sun was just start to set, slowly going further back in the sky.
Kia unlocked the doors and climbed into the driver’s seat. Trisha helped Latrell into the back and then jumped in the passenger seat.
“I don’t like leaving him like this.” Kia said putting the key into the ignition but not starting it up. “I should have done more to get him outta there. He looks so miserable.” She leaned her head back into the headrest and closed her eyes.
“There’s nothing you could have done. He’s gonna be in there until they let him out. At least now you can see him. And at least you know he can’t hurt himself or anyone else in there in his room.” Trisha told her.
Latrell extended his hand and placed it on Kia’s shoulder. “Don’t worry he’ll be out soon. Just have some faith.”
Kia opened her eyes and turned to him. “Faith? It’s hard to have anything with everything that’s going on.”
Latrell knew how hard it was for Kia. He knew that just seeing Malik wasn’t enough for her. He knew her nerves were frayed.
Kia finally started up the SUV and then started driving out of the parking lot.
Latrell kept his eyes closed the whole way back to his apartment. Crazy thoughts about Malik played in his head. He kept remembering those crazy people in the Asylum. Then seeing Malik there didn’t make him feel any better.
Kia pulled in front of his building. “Ok I’ll call or text you later girl.” She said to Trisha.
“Okay.” Trisha said. After helping Latrell out the back they both waved at Kia as she sped off down the street.
Finally back home, he thought. Maybe I can try to get these crazy thoughts outta my head.
Trisha held open the main door for him and he walked inside the building. They made their way to the elevator and then to his floor.
“I think I need a drink after all that.” Latrell sighed out.
Trisha giggled. “It was some shit, seeing Malik like that huh?” She stopped in front of his door and unlocked it.
Latrell nodded. Never in a million years would he have thought about the day he would see his best friend in the nuthouse.
Kia held the door open for him and Latrell limped his way inside on the crutches. He made his way over to the fridge and grabbed a beer. He then headed over to the couch and plopped down.
He exhaled a long breath, set his crutches on the side of the couch and, opened his beer.
“You hungry Trell?” Trisha asked standing behind the couch.
He shrugged. “I guess I should probably eat something. This beer isn’t gonna cut it.”
Trisha walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge.
Latrell took a big sip of his beer which was cold in his hands. The beer was smooth and cool going down his throat where it turned to warm when it hit his stomach.
This is just what I needed, he thought. I don’t know how I’m gonna figure out what happened to Malik. He seems to have forgotten most of what happened to him.
Latrell kept sipping on his bottle of beer.
“I can make some egg and cheese sandwiches.” Trisha called out from the kitchen. “It’ll be quick and easy.”
“Sounds good babe.” Latrell responded to her.
Latrell took another sip of his beer and set it down on top of the coffee table. He leaned back and started watching Trisha cook.
She’s so sweet, he thought. Staying here helping me out. She’s been a big help. I can’t thank her enough.
“I love you Trisha.” Latrell said loudly.
“Awww, I love to too Trell.” She said with her back turned facing the stove.
“Smells amazing in there by the way.”
“My momma taught me how to make these eggs. Trust me they’re a winner.” Trisha turned to him and winked.
Latrell’s stomach started to growl. He knew he was hungry and the beer made his hunger worse. His whole body was warm now. He could just barely start to feel the effects of the alcohol.
He took another sip of his beer and his mind raced back to when he was running through the forest. He could feel the air rushing past him. He could hear the screaming from the cloud that was chasing him. He could feel the fear rushing through his body.
It felt like he was back there. Back in that dark creepy forest. “Latrell!” What was that? “Latrell?” He could hear something calling his name.
It was the cloud. The cloud was gaining on him.and it knew his name. What did it want from him? Why was it calling him like it knew him?
The cloud was about ten feet away from him now. Latrell tried to pick up speed but his legs were starting to get sore. He need to take a breather. Just a few seconds where he could catch his breath. But he knew if he stopped the cloud would catch him. It would swallow him like it did Malik.
No! I’m not gonna stop! I gotta keep running. I have to get the hell outta here!
Latrell ran down a little hill, barely tripping over a large tree root sticking out of the ground.
He caught himself and continued running.
The cloud was getting closer. “Latrell!” It called out loudly. “Latrell!”
His heart was filled with so much fear it felt like it would explode at any minute. That it would just pop right out of his chest.
Latrell could see the road coming up. A dark shiny road covered in a thin layer of water from it raining a little bit ago.
He mustered up his last bit of strength and pushed himself forward.
He was on the road now. The hard pavement felt better under his feet. He could actually run faster not having to worry about tripping over anything.
He saw two headlights coming towards him. So bright, so blindingly bright. He shielded his eyes with his hands and jogged towards them. With his other hand he began waving them in the air trying to flag whoever was driving down.
The truck went around him this time a long loud horn rattled the night air as it passed him.
No! Don’t leave me!
Latrell moved his arm from over his eyes. “Hey!” He yelled at the top of his lungs.
It was too late. The truck was down the road now.
Latrell bent over and put his hands on his thighs to catch his breath.
He didn’t see the cloud quietly hovering towards him. Didn’t hear the cloud moving closer and closer to him over the loud horn from the truck
He suddenly felt a chill run up his spine. He straightened out his back and slowly turned around.
“Latrell!” The cloud swooshed in over him covering his whole body. Swirling around him. All he could hear was screams. All he could see was darkness with streaks of blue light.
Latrell leaned forward quickly on the couch. He looked around him.
Still in my apartment. I imagined the whole thing, he thought.
His heart was beating so fast. He was sweating from his forehead.
He looked down and saw the egg sandwich on a plate on the coffee table in front of him. Now he was even more hungry from all the commotion he just thought of. He leaned forward and grabbed the sandwich and took a bite.
He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. His eyes were bug eyed as he continued looking around the room. “Trisha?” He called out loudly.
No answer.
He took another bite of his sandwich and then set it back down o
n the plate. He grabbed his crutches and pushed himself up and made his way to the kitchen. Everything was cleaned up and put away.
He looked around the apartment, checking the bedroom and bathroom but couldn’t find her.
Where in the hell did she go? He wondered. How come she didn’t wake me up?
He made his way back to the couch and pulled out his cell phone. He called her number.
It rang one time and then went straight to voicemail.
What’s going on? Why can’t I get ahold of her? This is too weird!
He sent her a text. “Hey I just woke up. Ur not here. Where r u? Text or call me back when you get this.”
He set his phone on the coffee table and began finishing up his sandwich.
He couldn’t help but think about Trisha. She would never leave without first telling him. But she was gone now and he had no clue where she was.
He finished his sandwich and then leaned back into the couch.
First something happens to Malik and now I can’t find Trisha. What in the hell is going on? Things are too crazy.
He grabbed his cellphone and looked at the time. Eleven seventeen it read.
He was growing more anxious by the minute. Not knowing what happened to her, not hearing her sweet voice. Negative thoughts began flooding into his mind.
I’ll text kia, maybe Trisha contacted her. He decided.
“Hey Kia wats up? Have u heard anything from Trisha? I can’t find her.”
A minute passed by before his phone jingled letting him know that he had a text. He checked the phone quickly.
“Yeah, she texted me about a hour ago. She said she was gonna lay down but that was the last time I heard from her.” Kia’s text read.
She wasn’t in the bedroom when I went in there, he thought to himself. Did she go home?
Maybe she just wanted to get away from all this?
“Ok can u tell her to call me if u hear from her again?”
“Sure thing.”
Latrell stuffed the phone back into his pocket. Normally he didn’t mind being alone but with the cast around his leg it made everything different.
He pushed himself up and grabbed his plate and beer bottle off the coffee table. He headed to the kitchen and washed his plate and the set it in the dish rack. He put the beer bottle in the recycling bag underneath his sink.
He headed towards his bathroom and closed the door. He began to wash his face with cold water. The cold water felt good against his warm skin. He then brushed his teeth.
He still felt tired as he looked himself in the mirror. He rinsed his mouth with some mouthwash and then headed out of the bathroom.
He made his way to the bedroom and eased up on the bed. Leaning his crutches up against the wall by the bed. He got under the sheet and pulled it up to his chest.
He pulled out his phone and tried calling Trisha again but it went straight to voicemail.
Dammit! Where in the world is she? Now I’m gonna be worried about her the whole night.
Latrell sunk his head into the pillow and closed his eyes.
So many violent thoughts raced across his mind. So many terrible thoughts as he drifted off to sleep.
Chapter 7
Latrell was running in his dream. Running hard and fast. The only dream he’d been having lately was something chasing him. He couldn’t get away from the thing that was chasing him, it would stay close on his tail.
He could feel the pressure mounting up on his chest. He could feel his heart pound like it was going to explode.
He was running down a dark alley in this dream. He got to the end of the alley which was blocked off by a metal fence. He backed up against it and looked straight ahead.
The cloud was hovering in front of him. Filled with screaming voices of spirits.
Latrell covered up his ears with his hands trying to block out the loud screaming.
I have to wake up! I have to, he told himself.
The cloud moved closer. Closer. It was a few feet in front of him now. It began to twist and swirl in the air. It was changing into something. A face.
Latrell tried backing up more but, the fence wasn’t budging. The metal dug into his back.
The dark cloud finally finished moving. A face looked back at Latrell. It was Malik’s face but his eyes were different. His eyes were white all over. “Help me!” Malik screamed out.
No. It can’t be! Latrell was in a state of shock. His body was frozen. His fingers in between the holes in the fence.
“Latrell help me!” Malik screamed again.
The cloud moved closer to him. He was staring right into the eyes of it now. It felt like this Malik could see into him. Could see into his soul.
Latrell stood there frozen. Too scared to move, too scared to breathe as the cloud circled around him. It starting suffocating him. Sucking the air from his body.
Latrell dropped to his knees.
“Help me Latrell! You have to help me.” Malik said again.
Latrell tried to pull the cloud from his face but his hands went right through it. He could feel the life slipping from his body. Could feel all the oxygen being pulled from his lungs.
Latrell fell over to the cold wet alley lifeless.
“Help me Latrell! Help me!” Malik’s face in the cloud kept repeating over and over again.
Latrell sat up in his bed gasping for air. He placed his hand on his chest and took deep breaths. His eyes darted around the room blurry, trying to adjust to the daylight pouring into the room from the windows.
That was too close, he thought. That seemed so real. I can’t believe I keep having dreams like this.
His heart was beating so hard he could feel it with his hand over his chest. Thick beads of sweat was on his forehead.
“You okay baby?” A voice next to him asked.
Latrell turned his head nervously over to the voice. It was Trisha laying next to him under the sheet.
But how?
He looked at her strangely.
“You okay? You looked like you seen a ghost.” Trisha said placing her arm around his waist.
He did see a ghost. One or something similar was in his dream and now he was staring at her. “When did you get here?” He asked still giving her the strange look.
She raised her eyebrows. “I’ve been here all night babe. What are you talking about? You didn’t see me when you climbed into bed last night?”
It can’t be! She wasn’t here when I went to sleep last night, I’m sure of it.
Latrell shook his head. “I checked over the whole apartment and I didn’t see you. Are you fuckin’ with me right now?”
Trisha sat up and leaned up against the wooden headboard behind them. “I’m serious Trell. I was here the whole night. Maybe you were just really tired? Maybe that beer messes with your head?”
Latrell continued looking at her strangely. What she was telling him didn’t make any sense. He was so sure she had left him. He didn’t see her anywhere in the apartment and, then he woke up and she’s laying there peacefully like nothing happened.
“Are you okay?” Trisha asked staring at him hard.
Between the nightmares he’d been having and the night he had thinking Trisha was gone, he didn’t know any more.
Latrell leaned over and kissed her on the lips. “I’m just glad you’re okay. I’m glad you’re here.”
“I wouldn’t leave without telling you first. You should know that by now.” Trisha looked at him seriously. “I just can’t believe you didn’t see me in here when you climbed into bed last night.”
“Maybe I was really tired and I just overlooked you.” Latrell shrugged.
“I didn’t want to disturb you so I just went to bed thinking you’d see me in here.” Trisha said.
Latrell checked his phone and the time read six forty four AM.
I should try to go to work today. He decided. I still should be able to drive with my leg like this.
ll got out of bed and grabbed his crutches. He made his way to the bathroom and washed up in the face bowl.
“Babe do you want me to drive you to work and pick you up when I’m done with my shift?” He heard Trisha yell from the other side of the bathroom door.
“Yeah that sounds good babe.” Latrell asked loudly over the running water.
“Always babe.”
“Latrell liked how much time they were spending together since he broke his leg. Having her there felt right. It felt like they had grown closer since the accident happened.
Latrell finished washing himself up and then brushed his teeth. He opened the bathroom door and headed back to his bedroom.
Trisha was making the bed.
He stood there watching her with a smile on his face. She’s just so beautiful, so perfect for me.
He could feel the butterflies moving around in his stomach.
He changed into some baggy jeans that could fit over his cast and a black T-shirt. He was glad he could wear casual clothes to work.
“Are you ready for your day at work?” Trisha asked standing in front of him.
He placed his hands around her waist and pulled her close. “Yeah. As I’ll ever be.” He kissed her on the cheek.
She moved her lips towards his and kissed him on the lips.
He kissed her back.
The next thing he knew they had their tongues in each other’s mouth.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish now.” Trisha said teasingly looking at him.
“Oh trust me I can finish it.” He said staring deep into her eyes.
She pushed him playfully. “Boy stop. You know you need to get to work.”
Latrell smiled and began walking towards the bedroom door. I’m already tired of these damn crutches, he thought.
His armpits were sore from leaning up against the crutches.
They headed down the hallway and out to Trisha’s van. Latrell decided to put himself in the van without help from Trisha this time. He knew he need to get used to doing things on his own.
Trisha drove across town to Steele’s manufacturing plant and pulled around back to the drop off area. “I’ll be here at four to pick you up baby.” She said sweetly.
“Alright.” He said leaning in for a kiss.