by J N Tensley
“I came out the bathroom and there was something covering your face. It looked like a bunch of black smoke.” Trisha said.
“Oh yeah, the smoke. It circled around me. Tried to kill me. I could see things when it circled around me.” Latrell said.
“See what?”
“I saw faces. Faces of people that thing has possessed or killed. So many faces. This thing is dangerous.”
Trisha made a weird face, like what he was telling her was creeping her out.
“It was choking me. I’ve never felt that way before. It was like it was trying to kill me but it was also trying to show me something at the same time.” Latrell said. He still felt cold but not as cold as when the smoke had entered the room.
“What do you think that thing is?” Trisha asked softly.
“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “All I know is that it’s evil. It did something to Malik and killed Enrique. It tried to kill me. But why? All we did was go to the forest. We don’t deserve to die for that.”
“I’ve never seen anything like that before. Why do you think it came here? Shouldn’t it be back at the forest?” Trisha sat down and pulled Latrell down next to her.
“Maybe me and Malik set it free? Maybe it’s just trying to punish us for disturbing it? I know none of this makes no sense.” Latrell stared at the front door.
“I don’t know what y’all was thinking. After all the stories we’ve heard over the years about that forest. What would possess you guys to go and do something so stupid?” Trisha asked.
“Like I said, I didn’t even want to go. But I wasn’t gonna let Malik go there alone sense he was so dead set on going there.”
Trisha shook her head. “Men! Can be so stupid sometimes.”
“Yeah you’re right. That was really stupid. If I could go back I would definitely do something different.”
“Do you think that thing is still inside Malik? Do you think he’s his normal self now?” Trisha asked.
“I don’t know. But if that thing keeps following me around I’m sure it’s not just gonna leave him alone either.”
Trisha rubbed his hand with her fingers as they continued talking. Her soft touch was really relaxing. Sending chills through his arm and body.
Latrell couldn’t stop looking at the door. Just knowing that the evil spirit had followed him to his apartment was unsettling.
Trisha got a text message on her phone. She pulled it out of her purse and looked at the screen. “Kia says Malik is depressed sitting up in there.”
“Well I would expect that.” Latrell said. “Who would want to be in the crazy house?”
Trisha sent her a text back. ” She says Malik keeps apologizing. That he’s sorry for hurting me and that nurse. She says he still doesn’t remember anything that happened. Everything is still blank.”
Latrell nodded. He couldn’t stop thinking about that smoke circling around his face and the faces he saw. Dozens and dozens of faces.
Were these people dead? Did the smoke kill them? Was that what the smoke was trying to show him? He had so many questions. He was so confused.
“She said Malik started crying because he’s being punished for something he doesn’t even remember doing.” Trisha said.
“It’s probably best that he’s in there right now. At least he can’t hurt anybody else.” Latrell said.
“He should be out soon anyway. Hopefully he can remember what happened to him. I know that must be scary not to know something you did.” Trisha continued texting back and forth to Kia.
Latrell had so many questions for him. But Malik didn’t remember anything.
Malik has to hold on, Latrell thought. Just a few more weeks and then hopefully we can get to the bottom of all this.
“Kia said she brought Kendra down there with her.” Trisha said looking at him.
Kendra was Kia’s younger sister. Kia was twenty five and Kendra twenty.
“Oh yeah? Tell Kia I said what’s up to Malik and Kendra.”
Kia started texting back again.
Latrell sighed thinking about Malik. He did feel bad for him but knew he would be out soon.
Three weeks later….
Latrell went with Trisha and Kia to pick up Malik from the Asylum. It was a gloomy warm afternoon and Latrell was happy his friend was finally getting out. He sunk back into the seat.
His cast was still itchy. He had only a few more weeks to go before he could finally take it off his leg.
“I hope Malik is ready for all the love I’m gonna give him.” Kia said turning a corner. “I’m gonna love him so hard.”
“I bet you are girl. I know you been missing that boy like crazy.” Trisha agreed.
Latrell wondered if Trisha would miss his like that if he had been in the Asylum for the past month. She probably would, he figured. I mean I know she loves me and cares about me alot.
About five minutes later they pulled up in the parking lot of the Asylum. An ambulance was parked right in front of the building.
“Here we are.” Kia said happily. She turned off the SUV.
Latrell stretched his arms, yawned and, opened his eyes. He looked around out his window and the window across from him into the parking lot.
They all hopped out of the truck and headed across the parking lot. Kia led the way. She took quick steps, eager to see her man.
Latrell walked next to Trisha. His palms were sweaty on the hand grips of the crutches.
Inside the building was cool and moist. Malik stood there by the nurse’s desk with a smile on his face. He walked up to Kia put his arms around her waist and spun her around as he kissed her on the lips.
Trisha pulled out her phone a snuck a picture of them in their happy moment.
Latrell smiled. It was nice seeing them so happy to see each other. He now felt better knowing Malik was free. Free to go home and talk openly about what he had seen in the forest.
Malik leaned his forehead up against Kia’s. He whispered something to her.
Kia giggled.
Malik let her go and then walked over to Latrell. He stared him up and down before giving him a hug. “Good to see you man. I thought this day would never come. Being in jail goes by quicker than this. This one month I’ve been in here feels like six. I don’t ever want to come back here again.”
He let Latrell go and then hugged Trisha. “I know you’ve missed me too girl.” He told her. “I’ve missed all of you guys.”
“It wasn’t that bad Malik.” The nurse said playfully looking away from the newspaper she was reading. “You’ve made a few friends while you were here and I think a couple of the patients has a crush on you.” She smiled and continued reading her newspaper.
“Psst.” Malik said agitated.
Kia pushed Malik hard. “You had another girlfriend when you was up in here?” She put her hand on her hip sassily.
“Hell no! I’ve only been thinking about you since getting in here.” Malik said seriously.
“You better have been.” Kia pouted and looked sadly to the floor.
Malik looked back at the nurse. “Thanks for that.”
“No problem.” The nurse said not taking her eyes off of the paper.
“I’m just messing with you Malik. I know you love me.” Kia said, a big smile across her face.
Malik frowned. He seemed extra sensitive for some reason.
“Well can we get outta here?” Malik said. “I don’t wanna be in here another minute.”
“I think we should talk to your other girlfriend. I don’t want her to get out thinking you two are an item. You’re mine and she has to know that.” Kia said.
Malik looked dumbfounded.
Everyone except Malik started laughing. The nurse set her paper down a slapped the top of the desk laughing hard.
Malik frowned again and stormed through the front door.
“Awww.” Kia said. “He’s so cute when he’s sensitive. She started jogging behind him out the door
“What’s up with Malik?” Trisha asked. “Usually he can take a joke. But it seems like he’s changed since being in this place.
Latrell shrugged. He started walking towards the door, pushed it open and, headed outside. “Maybe being in this place did something to him. Maybe they got home all in his feelings.”
Kia walked next to him. “Who knows what happened to him while he was in there. What if they did experiments on him?”
Latrell thought about it for a moment. He thought about Malik being strapped down to a bed. Straps over his head, waist and, wrists. The doctors probing him with metal instruments. Malik screaming at the top of his lungs.
No one there to help him. No one hearing him.
Latrell shook his head. That would be terrible if he went through that, he thought. He probably wouldn’t say anything if that did happen.
They made their way across the parking lot and they both hopped in the back. Latrell shivered as he hopped in the SUV. A cold gusts of air swished past him. It wasn’t coming from the outside because Trisha had the windows rolled down.
“Is everyone ready to get the hell outta here?” Kia asked.
“Hell yeah.” Malik answered quickly.
Kia started the vehicle up and put it in to drive.
Latrell felt something wasn’t right. Like something was following them.
Something was.
The cloud followed them out of the parking lot down the road.
Chapter 9
The cloud moved closer to the SUV. Matching it’s speed as the SUV sped up. No one saw it. Everyone was too happy Malik was finally out of the Asylum.
Kia kept glancing back and forth over at Malik as she drove. She had a pleasant smile on her face.
Latrell shivered again.
This time Trisha noticed it. “Are you okay babe?” She asked softly.
Latrell nodded. He was okay but he felt something wasn’t right. He could feel the evil close to him but, he thought maybe it was because Malik was out.
The cloud went straight through the back of the SUV and was now inside. Everyone still was oblivious to it.
Trisha held Latrell’s hand. “This is nice.” She said. “It feels good to have him coming back home.”
It did feel good to have him coming home. It was just the cold shivers Latrell was having that made him question was it really safe or not.
The cloud went underneath Trisha’s seat and then under Kia’s.
Latrell caught the end of the cloud but thought he was seeing things.
Kia glanced over at Malik again. She grabbed his hand and held it with one hand and held the steering wheel with the other. She didn’t see the the cloud down in front of her now. She didn’t see it shoot straight into her body like an arrow but Malik did.
Kia started shaking. The SUV swerved to the right of the street they were on.
Trisha screamed. Her high pitched scream filled their ears.
Malik grabbed ahold of the steering wheel trying to take control of it before they crashed into something.
Kia unbuckled her seatbelt and turned around, she jumped on top of Trisha.
Malik moved over to the driver’s side and took control of driving.
“What the fuck Kia?” Trisha yelled, not knowing what she was doing.
Latrell knew. He could see her eyes. Her eyes didn’t look normal. They were all white. Just like Enrique’s when he was at work that day.
Kia pinned Trisha’s arms down and started headbutting her.
Latrell tried to help. Tried to get Kia off of her but, she was too strong. She seemed to have superhuman strength.
Trisha’s nose was bleeding bright red blood. “Kia get the fuck of me!” She yelled.
Kia growled and then slapped Trisha across the face.
Latrell grabbed Kia’s arm and started pulling her towards him. If I can just get her off of Trisha and over to me then maybe I can just hold her down, he thought.
Malik took a sharp right turn and all off them in than back leaned to the right. He then pulled into a grocery store parking lot and parked. He hopped out and came to the back quickly.
Kia pressed the lock down so Malik couldn’t get in.
Latrell pulled her harder but she wouldn’t budge. Fuck! This isn’t working.
Malik hit the unlock button in the front and then quickly opened the back door.
Kia hissed loudly when the door opened. It seemed to piss her off even more. She jumped out and on top of Malik. They both fell to the ground.
Trisha pulled out some tissue from her purse and held it up against her nose.
Latrell stared in horror out the open door. Malik and Kia wrestled around on the ground before Latrell saw the cloud leave Kia’s body.
Kia started moaning lowly. She was finally starting to calm down. “What happened? Where am I?” She asked sounding confused.
“Trisha? You okay?” Latrell asked her.
“Besides getting my face busted in? I’m fine.” She said, dabbing her nose with the tissue.
Malik helped her up and helped her to the passenger side. “I’ll drive.” He told her.
Kia leaned her head back and put her hand on her forehead. She looked back at Trisha. “Why are you bleeding?”
“Because you just attacked me.” Trisha snapped.
Kia raised her eyebrows. “What? Wait. What are you talking about?”
“It wasn’t her Trisha.” Latrell cut in. “It was that thing from the forest.
Trisha looked over at Latrell. “You mean to tell me it’s messing with us and we didn’t even go to the forest?” Trisha asked angrily.
“It’s true.” Malik said. “I saw it. It jumped inside her. It possessed her. It wasn’t her fault.”
“Trisha I’m so sorry.” Kia said, her eyes watery.
Trisha shrugged. “It wasn’t your fault Kia. But if it was please know that I was gonna have to get that ass back.” She chuckled.
Kia smiled, still holding her forehead.
Latrell didn’t know what to say. This was the second time he had seen his girlfriend getting attacked and he couldn’t do anything to help her. The second time she could have gotten killed and he was too powerless to help.
Malik started up the SUV and drove out of the parking lot. “I wonder is this all my fault?” He asked.
Yes it’s your damn fault! If you never wanted to go to that stupid forest none of this ever would’ve happened.
“How were you pose to know that thing would be in the forest?” Kia asked, she sunk her head into the headrest.
“I wish I never went. Trell didn’t even want to go. I should’ve listened to him. His leg is broken. Trisha’s been attacked twice in the last month. This is some fucked up shit.” He shook his head.
Yes it is! And it’s all your fault Malik!
Latrell felt so bad for Trisha. Why was that thing attacking her? Why was it going after her? None of it made any sense.
Latrell shivered again. Was that thing still around them? He looked through all the windows suspiciously.
Malik turned to fourth street. That’s the street he and Kia’s apartment was on. “I need to take a shower.” He said. “I need to get outta these clothes.” He was in the same clothes he was in when this all started. Black baggy jogging pants and a black and grey t-shirt.
Latrell just wanted answers. He wanted to know what Malik remembered but he knew how Malik must’ve felt being in those clothes.
Malik stopped the SUV in front of a brown and white duplex building. “You guys coming in?” He asked turning off the ignition and stuffing the keys into his pocket.
Trisha hopped out and came around the back of the SUV to Latrell’s door.
Kia climbed out and followed behind Malik.
Latrell studied the duplex a second before hopping out. It had been awhile since he had been over there. They usually hung out at his place.
Once inside the apartment. Latrell made his way over t
o the brown leather couch and sat down.
Kia went to go grab drinks for everyone.
Malik went straight to the bathroom to take a shower.
Trisha sat next to Latrell and he wrapped his arms around around her. “I love cuddling with you.” She said softly, pulling his arm across her chest.
“And I love holding you babe.” He smiled and looked deep into her eyes.
Kia brought a couple of cold beers. She handed them each one and sat on the beige loveseat across from them. “You don’t know how hard it was being in this apartment without Malik. It was so quiet. So lonely.” She started looking around like being there the last month alone was tough.
Latrell knew it was hard for her. He knew how attached Kia was to Malik. It was rough for him too. Malik was the main friend he hung out with. All of the things happening to him was just too much to deal with.
“So how are you feeling now that you have him back?” Trisha asked opening the can of beer and taking a sip.
“Feels like heaven.” She said staring at her.
Trisha’s nose had stopped bleeding now. She would put the beer can on top of her nose in between taking sips from it.
“Trisha girl I’m sorry.” Kia looked sad. “I know that shit must hurt.”
Trisha shrugged. “With that big ass head of yours I’m surprised you didn’t kill me.” Trisha joked, trying to lighten up the mood in the room.
Kia smiled lightly. Latrell could tell she was really hurt by what happened. He could tell it was eating away at her. “I don’t even remember what happened. All I remember was waking up outside my truck with Malik.” Her eyes looked serious.
Latrell hoped Malik’s mind still wasn’t blank. He hoped after all that time in the Asylum he could remember something.
Kia stood up and walked over to Trisha. “Give me a hug girl.” She stretched her arms out in front of her.
Trisha set her beer down on the floor in front of her and stood up, she gave Kia a big hug.
Latrell looked around the room. It looked different from the last time he was there. There was a big picture hanging from the wall of Malik and Kia kissing each other on the lips.
I remember that day, he thought. I took that picture. They looked so happy. He continued looking around and noticed the beige loveseat was new. There were two glass end tables on both sides of the couch with a lamp on them.