by J N Tensley
“I can’t even remember all the stories I’ve heard about that forest. About dark energy. A protector of the forest etc. I’ve heard a lot of things but I never believed them until now.” Latrell said.
“I’ve heard the stories too. I used to think it was just the hunters trying to scare everybody so they wouldn’t come to the forest.” Malik said. “Now I know there is some truth to all of it. I just wished I never went there. Wish I would’ve stayed my ass at home.”
Latrell wished that too. He wouldn’t be sitting there with a broken leg. Trisha wouldn’t have gotten hurt and they wouldn’t be wondering what darkness waited out in the forest.
“I gotta take a leak.” Latrell said.
Malik nodded.
Latrell pushed himself off of the couch, grabbed his crutches and, headed towards the bathroom.
Thinking about what else was out in that forest made Latrell shiver. He thought the worse from vampires to werewolves.
He shook his head. That’s crazy! There’s no such thing as vampires or werewolves, he thought.
But a month ago he would have thought there was no such thing as dark clouds swirling around and possessing people either.
He pushed the bathroom door open and went inside. He closed the door behind.
Latrell started using the bathroom. His pee hitting the toilet water had a sort of soothing effect on his mind as it left his body.
He finished peeing and zipped up his pants. He felt something cold wrapping around his ankles.
So cold. So very cold.
He looked down and saw that it was something dark wrapping around his ankles. A dark shadowy cloud.
How did the cloud get there? How did it find him? Why was it after him?
Latrell stumbled backwards towards the tub. He fell into it ripping the shower curtains down as he landed in the cold hard tub.
Now the clear shower curtains were over his face. He could see something dark swirling around in front of it.
He tried removing the curtains from in front of of him. He had to see where the cloud went. He was able to see now that he moved it to the side of him.
The cloud swirled around his head. All he could see was darkness. The light from the window was blackened out.
He gasped, clawing at the air in front of him.
I can’t breathe, he told himself. This thing is suffocating me.
“Help!” He screamed at the top of his lungs.
No one could hear him. The cloud blocked out all sound. All light.
His heart pounded in his chest.
I’m gonna die! I’m gonna die right here!
The cloud swirled faster and faster around his face. Latrell could feel it’s coldness. It felt so cold. It was so dark.
He could see flashes of blue light inside the cloud. Like flashes of lightning. He could hear people screaming inside it.
Their screams were so loud.
What is it trying to show me? He wondered.
Latrell’s eyes were a pinkish red now. He still swung at the air in front of him.
The walls seemed to melt around him. The air coming through the cracked open window was cold against his ankles.
He slowly stopped fighting. He was losing. His hands dropped to his side.
Everything was pitch black. All he could see was a tunnel. A tunnel with a bright light at the end of it in his mind.
He ran for it. The cloud was behind him, chasing him. Almost there. I’m almost there.
He made it to the light and now he was outside in the middle of the forest.
Why am I here again? What does this thing want to show me here?
Latrell looked around at the trees. They seemed to all be dying. It was night time. The moon looked so close as it seemed to hang right above the forest in the night sky. It’s cold light seemed to be killing the trees.
Why is it so cold? Everything is so cold. Like winter cold!
Leaves were falling from the trees. Falling through the air to the ground. A couple of leaves landed on Latrell’s shoulder.
Latrell felt something behind. Something breathing on the back of his neck.he spun around quickly. His mouth dropped open.
He saw a large pile of bones in front of him. Like a small mountain of white bones.
So many people had died there. Too many people.
Latrell took a couple of steps towards the bottom of mountain of bones.
Why is the cloud showing me this?
Something grabbed his ankles. It was one of the bones. It’s tight, hard hand wrapped around Latrell’s ankle and pulled him closer to the pile.
Latrell struggled to break free. He kicked at the hand wrapped around his ankle.
Another hand grabbed him. Pulled him even closer to the pile.
“Let me go!” Latrell yelled.
He fell to the ground. The ground was warm for some reason. Too warm.
Latrell was being pulled into the pile of bones. All of his struggling wasn’t helping him.
“Latrell. Come join us.” One of the skeleton heads said.
“Yes Latrell. Everyone dies down here.” Another skeleton head said.
No! No! Latrell tried grabbing at the ground trying to find something to hold on to. He grabbed a handful of leaves. Then he grabbed something hard like a stick stuck in the ground.
A tree root! Latrell held onto it and pulled himself closer to the root.
“Latrell. All your loved ones will die. You will watch them die and then you’ll die.” Another head said.
Latrell was finally able to kick the boney hand from around his ankles.
I’m free! Now I have to get outta here.
Latrell stood up and started running. Running as fast as he could in the opposite direction of the bones.
He looked up. The moon was so close. Like you could just climb the trees and touch it.
Latrell shivered as he ran. Everything was just so cold. The moon made it colder. It’s bright silver light shined directly on Latrell.
He was far from the bones now. Running down a little hill. He continued running until he got to the road.
He stopped at the edge of it and looked both ways.
The road was empty and seemed to stretch both ways endlessly.
I’m not gonna get hit this time, he thought.
He could see a truck slowing down behind him. He could see something running up to the truck.
Latrell squinted his eyes. He focused on the person running towards the truck.
It was Malik.
The driver of the truck hopped out and was saying something to Malik.
Malik looked out of it. He grabbed the guy and threw him to the side of the road.
The guy screamed loudly.
Malik ran over to the guy and started punching him over and over in his face.
Chapter 11
Loud sickening hits as Malik’s fist slammed into the driver’s face.
Latrell noticed Malik’s eyes were pitch white. He didn’t look like himself. Latrell walked over closer to them, watching Malik Puch the man relentlessly. “Hey, stop Malik!” Latrell yelled as he stood about fifteen feet away from him now.
Malik kept punching the driver. Over and over. The driver was already unconscious after about the the third punch.
He can’t hear me, Latrell realized. He can’t hear me or see me.
Latrell moved closer and now stood right next to Malik. He reached down and tried grabbing him but his hand went right through him.
A slight breeze made Latrell have the chills. He could feel everything where he was but Malik couldn’t see or him.
After punching the man about fifty times Malik stood up and dragged the driver’s body more into the forest.
Latrell watched in horror as the man’s face was now just a blood covered mess. He couldn’t make out the eyes or the mouth.
Malik dropped the body down by under a pile of leaves and started walking towards the truck. He climbed in and drove towar
ds the town.
That’s how he got to the hospital so quick, Latrell realized. He stole his truck after he killed him.
Latrell stood there in the middle of the road and watched as the truck left a plume of smoke as it drive off.
Was this what that thing was trying to show me? Why? It used Malik to kill a man and then drove off.
Latrell could feel his body leaving the ground. He started floating in the air. He felt like he was being sucked away.
His cheek started stinging. He could feel his body shaking.
A black hole above him in the air. He was being pulled to it. He yelled at the top of his lungs and flailed his arms in the air.
He was inside the hole now. Flying through it. Everything was pitch black. It was warm and cold at the same time. He started to pick up speed. A white light in front of him.
He hit hit the white light and everything felt blank for a moment. Like all his thoughts were suddenly gone from his mind.
“Latrell. Wake up!” He could hear a females voice say to him. He felt more stinging on his cheek.
What was that? A slap. He was being slapped across his face.
Latrell slowly started to open his eyes. Bright white light shot into his eyes. So bright!
He covered his eyes with his hands. “Fuck!”
“Latrell wake up! Are you okay?” The female voice asked.
It sounded like Trisha.
He could see an outline now of the person in front of him. It was Trisha. She was leaned over in front of him.
He could feel something wrapped around his body. The shower curtains. I fell into the tub. I dreamed the whole thing.
That didn’t feel like a dream. It felt too real. Like it really happened. Like the forest was trying to show me something.
Latrell could see now. His head hurt. A pounding in the back of his head. So much pain.
“How did you fall into the tub?” Trisha asked, pulling the shower curtains from on top of him.
“I… I don’t know.” Latrell said moving from under the curtains.
His body was sore. His lower back really hurt.
Latrell blinked several times. Trying to adjust his eyes to the the light. Everything was starting to come into focus now.
“I heard some tussling around in here and I knocked in the door and you didn’t answer me.” Trisha said. “I came in and found you in the tub. Are you okay?”
Latrell nodded. “Yeah. I think so.”
Should I tell her about what I saw? Would she even believe me? Maybe. I’ll tell her when we get outta here.
Trisha stood up and held her hand out. “Come on, let’s get you outta this tub.”
Latrell sighed. I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe I’m seeing visions of what happened with Malik.
Latrell grabbed her hand and she pulled him up. He felt a little woozy. He stumbled backwards. Trisha had to grab him so he didn’t fall back into the tub.
“Are you okay baby?” Trisha asked putting her arm around his waist.
He looked at her. Thank God she found me. She’s always looking out for me. I don’t know what I’d do without her.
Trisha handed Latrell his crutches.
“You okay to walk on your own?” Trisha asked looking at him with concerned eyes.
“I think so.” He said grabbing the hand grips on the crutches tightly.
Trisha opened the door and walked out. She held out her hand, telling him to go in front of her.
Latrell started walking down the short hallway back towards the living room.
“There you are.” Kia said, a weird look on her face.
Malik just stared at Latrell quietly.
Does he know? Does he know that I saw him murder someone? Latrell stared back at Malik, looking him dead in his face.
The friend he had come to know and love like a brother had now killed someone. He couldn’t get the picture of Malik pounding that guy’s face out of his mind.
Latrell sat down on the couch. Trisha sat next to him.
“What the hell happened to you back there?” Malik finally asked.
I saw you murder that guy! Latrell thought about saying. No I can’t say that. I can’t put him on blast in front of everyone. But they need to know. They need to know what Malik did that night.
“I think I had some sort of vision.” Latrell said softly.
“Vision?” Kia sounded confused.
Latrell’s eyes went from each of them and stopped on Malik. “Yeah a vision. I saw something. Something I can’t explain.” His eyes burned into Malik’s.
“What did you see baby?” Trisha asked putting her hand on top of his casted leg.
“I was in the forest again. Back to that night and I saw Malik beating that guy. He beat him so bad. I felt bad for the guy. Then he dragged his lifeless body and put it under some leaves.” Latrell said not taking his eyes off of Malik’s.
There was a brief silence in the room as everyone stared at Latrell. “You sure you just didn’t hit your head?” Kia asked.
“I know what I saw Kia. Malik killed that guy. He showed him no mercy.” Latrell protested.
Malik’s eyes seemed to be wandering off. Like he was in heavy thought. “I think I remember it now. I think I remember killing that guy.” He said softly.
Kia turned to him quickly. “It wasn’t your fault Malik. You have nothing to feel sorry for. Everyone is making you out to be some monster and it’s not fair.” She sounded upset.
“I’m not trying to do that Kia. I’m just telling you what I saw. Remember you’re not so innocent in this either. You attacked Trisha. Have you forgotten that?” Latrell said staring at her hard.
“What the fuck Latrell? You know I had no control over that. Malik didn’t either.” Kia said defensively.
“I’m just trying to get you guys to understand this is serious. This thing can make us do things that we don’t remember. That’s dangerous.” Latrell said sternly.
Malik started shaking his head. “I can’t believe I killed someone. I can’t believe I brutally beat someone to death.” His face looked in disbelief.
Kia rubbed Malik’s back. “Shhh. We don’t know that for sure. All of this could just be a mistake.”
“No Kia, I remember. I remember climbing on top of him and punching him in the face over and over.” Malik said. He stared at her.
“I just want to find out what we’re dealing with. I want to know what the fuck that thing is.” Latrell said.
“I feel sick.” Malik said covering his mouth with his hand. “I think I’m gonna throw up.” He stood up quickly and ran towards the bathroom.
Kia got up and ran behind him.
“Did you really see that?” Trisha asked him.
“Yes. I saw Malik killing that guy. I knew it wasn’t him doing it but still do you think the police would believe that if they found his fingerprints?” Latrell intertwined his fingers and rested his hands on his lap.
Trisha rubbed her throat. Like hearing what Latrell was saying made it ache all over again.
Malik and Kia returned a few minutes later. Malik’s eyes were bloodshot red. His face looked like he was physically sick from hearing about what he did.
“I don’t think we should talk about that shit anymore.” Kia said sitting back down on the loveseat.
“We need to.” Latrell said. “What if they find d something linking Malik to the murder? We need to get our story straight. We need to go find out more information about that forest.”
Kia squinted at Latrell angrily but didn’t say anything.
“This is fucked up man. I can’t believe all this is happening. If we never went to that fuckin’ forest. Now I’ve killed someone and almost killed Trisha.” Malik looked at Trisha sadly.
“Just be thankful you didn’t. I’m right here still breathing. I still got all my fingers and toes.” Trisha said wiggling her fingers out in front of her.
“I think we need to go to that bar tonight. We need to know
if those hunters know anything about that thing. Somebody else had to have seen it.” Latrell insisted.
“What if they have seen it? Then what?” Kia asked. “It’s not like we can kill that thing. It’s not like bullets can stop it.”
“Maybe someone had figured out away to stop it. Or at least slow it down. We have to find out at least. This thing just keeps randomly popping up and possessing people. I’m not cool with that. Are you?” Latrell stared at her intensely.
Kia shook her head. “I don’t want to wait around until the next time that thing pops up.”
“Then it’s settled. We go to the bar and see what we can dig up.” Latrell said.
Malik sat there quietly looking off into the distance. His face looked like the blood was flushed from it.
Latrell could only imagine how he felt. Hearing he did those things must have made him sick to his stomach.
“I’m not sure I can take being possessed again.” Malik said softly. He kept his eyes trained to the floor.
“Me either Malik but Latrell is right. Maybe someone found out a way to stop it. I don’t want to be possessed again either.” Kia patted him on the back gently.
“That poor guy. He probably was a father, a husband, a son. I took that away from him. I ended his life and didn’t even give him a fuckin’ chance.” Malik said shaking his head slowly. Like he still was in disbelief that he did that.
“Shhh. Malik there’s nothing we can do now. You going to jail won’t solve anything. The best thing we can do is find out how to stop this thing.” Kia said. She bent her head over and talked calmly in his ear.
“That fuckin’ thing needs to be stopped. I wonder how many people this thing has done this to? I wonder how many lives it has taken away?” Malik asked.
Latrell suddenly thought about all those voices he heard in that cloud. So many voices. That driver had to be apart of them now.
The voices screamed in Latrell’s head. So loud! Latrell covered up his ears. “Fuck!”
“What’s wrong?” Trisha asked.
“All those fuckin’ voices. I can still hear them. They’re so loud. It sounds like it’s playing over and over in my head” Latrell rubbed his temples.