by J N Tensley
The possessed man hopped on to the back of the SUV and pulled himself on top of it.
Trisha nervously looked up at the roof of the SUV.
“Why is this thing after us?” Kia screamed. She was now doing sixty miles per hour.
“It wants something from us. I tried to tell Malik. It’s gonna keep coming after us until it gets what it wants.” Latrell tried explaining.
They heard moving around on top of the roof. Moving towards the front of the SUV.
“Hold on everyone. Put on your seatbelts!” Kia yelled.
Latrell and Kia quickly buckled themselves in. Malik flung the seatbelt over his chest and snapped himself in.
“Hold on!” Kia yelled again. She slammed on the brakes.
They heard knocking at the top before they saw something fly over the windshield into the road.
The possessed man hit the road hard and rolled a few times before coming to a stop landing on his stomach. The headlights shined on him, lighting up the road in front of them.
“What the hell is that thing?” Malik asked staring out the windshield.
“It’s the evil. It possesses people. That’s what it did to you Malik. That’s how you were acting. And you Kia. It controls the person, makes them do what it wants.” Latrell was leaned forward staring out the windshield along with everyone else.
“That’s fucked up!” Malik said shaking his head.
“Now do you believe me? Now do you see that we have to stop this thing?” Latrell asked.
Malik nodded. “Damn Trisha I’m so sorry. I can’t believe I was acting like that.” He said not taking his eyes of the windshield.
“Yeah me too girl.” Kia said.
“He’s moving.” Latrell said.
The possessed man started getting up slowly. It stood all the way up and squinted his eyes to the bright headlights and then covered up it’s eyes trying to block some of the light out.
“Fuck this!” Kia said. “Bring that ass here boy!” She slammed down on the gas and the SUV took off.
The SUV ran over the possessed man. They could feel the vehicle rock as they went over him.
Kia continued driving down the road.
Latrell and Trisha quickly looked behind them, trying to see if they could see him behind them.
“You see anything?” Kia asked.
“No. It’s too dark.” Trisha said.
“I think we got him. I mean you felt the way this truck was rocking?” Kia asked looking in the rearview mirror at them.
Latrell kept his eyes glued to the back window. He was unsure if that thing was gone. The way everything just happened really bothered him.
“I just can’t believe that thing followed us to the bar.” Malik said turning around. “What the fuck does it want from us?”
“I don’t know but, we need to figure it out before this thing kills us.” Latrell said.
They heard scratching on the door. Loud scratching.
“What is that?” Kia asked.
Trisha rolled down her window and stuck her head out to see. “I don’t see anything.” She said.
As soon as she finished the sentence a hand reached in and grabbed her head.
Chapter 14
Trisha shrieked loudly. She started twisting and turning her head trying to break free.
The hand pulled her towards the window. Her head was all the way outside the SUV now. She held onto the door with both of her hands.
“Help me!” She screamed.
Latrell reached over and wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled hard.
They could hear moaning coming from outside.
The SUV started swerving back and forth.
Trisha yanked her head back and was able to finally break free from the possessed man’s grip.
“Roll up your window!” Latrell commanded her.
Trisha rolled up the window quickly as did everyone else.
They heard more scratching and knocking on the side of the vehicle.
Trisha hopped over and sat on Latrell’s lap. “This is freakin’ me out!” She said, her face twisted in fear.
“Where do you think he is?” Kia asked trying to keep the SUV straight.
“I don’t know but, we need to figure it out. I don’t think it’d be wise to bring it back into town.” Latrell said rubbing Trisha’s back trying to calm her down.
“You’re right.” Kia said. She started slowing down.
“What in the fuck are you doing?” Malik asked, his voice scratchy.
“I’m trying to get this thing off of us. Latrell’s right we can’t bring it back to the city. Who knows what it might do.”. Kia explained.
Kia pulled over to the side of the road.
Latrell could feel Trisha’s heart beating on her chest as he rubbed her back. It was beating so fast.
“I’m scared baby.” She said, gripping him tighter.
“I know. To be honest, I’m a little scared too.” Latrell said.
Kia and Malik looked out their windows and at the side mirrors.
“You packing?” Latrell asked Malik.
“No I left my piece at home.” Malik said still looking out the window.
“How are we gonna stop this thing? I’m in no condition to fight or run. It’s too strong for one of us to take on by ourselves.” Latrell said.
A bolt of lightning shot across the night sky, lighting it up briefly. Then loud thunder rattled the windows of SUV. Then a few seconds later raindrops started sliding down the windshield.
They heard screaming. Loud screaming from outside.
Everyone looked out the window on the driver’s side. The possessed man was shaking. Shaking from the raindrops.
It started raining more heavily now. Raining a heavy downpour.
The possessed man screamed and held his ears as the thunder boomed across the sky again. He then made a break for the forest but another car was coming the opposite direction. It hit him and he flew about twenty feet down the road and stopped moving.
“Holy shit!” Malik explained. “There ain’t no way that motherfucka survived that.”
Everyone was looking behind them now.
A black sports car with it’s light shining on the possessed man’s body.
“Well I think we should get the hell out of here.” Latrell said. “Especially if that thing is still alive. Then maybe it’ll chase that car now.”
Kia pulled off on to the road.
Trisha was shaking slightly. He knew it freaked her out. She laid her head on his shoulder.
“Everything is okay babe. That thing is gone.” Latrell said.
Trisha hugged him tight. “I don’t like this. Not knowing when someone around us is gonna get possessed. It could be anybody.” Trisha said softly.
Latrell knew what she was saying and he felt similar. Anybody at anytime the evil could inhabit and come after them. At anytime they could be fighting for their lives.
Kia had the windshield wipers on full blast and it was still hard to see as fast as the rain was coming down.
Another flash of lightning and a loud boom of thunder rattled the vehicle.
“I can’t wait to get home.” Trisha said. “Get outta this rain and outta these clothes.”
That did sound good. Sliding under the covers and holding her tightly the entire night. Latrell loved to cuddle and sleep when it was raining outside. He loved to be next to Trisha and hold her in his arms.
About fifteen minutes later they were pulling up in front of Latrell’s apartment building.
The rain hadn’t slowed down and Kia drove about ten miles under the speed limit to be careful.
Latrell looked out his window and saw fat raindrops slamming into the sidewalk. Puddles of water up and down the street. Everything was dark and wet.
“Great, now I have to get out in this shit!” Latrell complained.
“I’ll get out first and hold the door open for you.” Trisha said.
sp; Latrell nodded and grabbed his crutches.
Trisha hopped out, putting her hands on top of her head and, quickly ran to open up the door. She held it open from the inside.
“Be easy man.” Malik said.
“You too man and, remember what I said at the bar. This shit is serious.” Latrell put his hand on Malik’s shoulder and gave him a pat.
He then hopped out the SUV and made his way inside the building as fast as he could.
Him and Trisha we’re both soaked and wet from the rain.
Trisha hugged Latrell. “I’m so cold.” She said shivering.
The raindrops were cold and heavy. It was almost hard to breathe the short time he was in it.
Latrell wrapped his arms around Trisha and pulled her close.
Just a couple more weeks and I’ll be able to walk normally again, he thought.
They stood there holding each other for a few moments before heading upstairs to the apartment.
Everything was so dark inside his apartment. Darker than he expected. He turned on the light as soon as he came inside.
Feels good to be home, he thought. Away from that loud bar. Away from that crazy possessed guy.
The light seemed to brighten things up quickly. Making the apartment seem less eerie.
Latrell made his way over to the couch and plopped down. He felt good being in the safety of his apartment. Like nothing could get him inside there.
Trisha walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. “You want something to drink?” She asked standing in front of the open fridge.
“Yeah, grab me a bottle of water please.”
Trisha grabbed another bottle of water and closed the fridge door. She made her way back over to Latrell and sat next to him.
Latrell opened the bottle immediately and took a sip. The cool water refreshed his dry lips and as it slid down his throat made everything feel cold.
The beer wasn’t sitting too well in his stomach.
It’s not the beer, it’s the crazy shit that happened tonight, he told himself.
He thought about how fast that possessed guy was running. It’s like no matter how fast they went, he was able to catch up to them.
Super strong and super fast.
Latrell had seen it all. From Malik picking up two adult women by the throat holding them in the air to that possessed guy at the bar being shot and still was able to beat up several people and run as fast as a car to catch them.
He sighed.
“Do you think that guy is dead?” Trisha asked looking at him seriously.
“I don’t know. What I do know is that he was extremely had to kill. And that it’s nowhere to hide from that thing.” Latrell looked back into her eyes.
Her pretty light brown eyes. He could see the fear in them still. He could see the worry on her face.
“Well we know that bar is crazy!” Latrell said smiling. “That was just too close for comfort.”
Trisha nodded. “Damn right it was. But at least you got the information you were looking for.”
That was something Latrell felt good about. Getting the information he needed.
He stared straight ahead thinking about that night. “We also got some extra info.” He said.
“What’s that?”
“It seems like the possessed guy didn’t like thunder and rain. So maybe we can use it as a weapon next time?” Latrell suggested.
“Yeah I noticed that. That was freaky the way it started acting and then tried to run into the forest.” Trisha crossed her arms in front of her chest. “His eyes were so evil looking. How does somebody look like that?”
Latrell thought about the possessed man’s eyes. How white they were. How lifeless they looked.
That man was gone, Latrell thought. The evil had completely taken over him. Over his mind. His soul. His entire body.
Trisha moved closer to Latrell and put her arm over his waist as she lay her head on his chest.
Latrell leaned his head over and kissed her forehead. He started running his fingers through her think hair.
She closed her eyes. “I love when you run your fingers through my hair like that.” She said softly.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been able to protect you lately. I feel horrible about it.” He said honestly.
“It’s not your fault babe. You did all you could do. And there’s really not too much you can do with your leg like that.” She opened her eyes and looked at him passionately.
“What I don’t understand is why does it seem to only be going for you? It doesn’t make sense. You weren’t even in the forest and yet it keeps attacking you every time it comes around.” Latrell shook his head.
“I don’t know. Maybe it just wants my sweetness.” She giggled.
Latrell didn’t really think it was funny. He didn’t understand how she could be laughing at something so serious but, was glad she could at least smile. He hadn’t really seen her smile in a while.
Trisha rose her head to his and kissed him on the lips.
Her soft lips made his skin tingle in excitement.
She stuck her tongue in his mouth.
Latrell kissed her back. Pulling her closer to him. It felt really good to be making out with her.
She pulled back, her eyes open wide.
“What is it?” He asked softly.
“That kiss was amazing.” She said licking her lips.
Latrell did enjoy the kiss. Her lips were magical to him. Even if she just kissed him on the cheek his body would tingle every time. Her lips were so full and plump and delicious. That’s was what initially attracted him to her and her pretty face and high cheekbones.
Latrell started scratching at his cast. It was really itchy all of a sudden.
His mind wandered off. He thought about taking his cast off and his leg being pitch black. He thought about him staring down at it in disbelief.
The doctor covering his mouth at the sight. Trisha backing away from him.
“What’s wrong with my leg?” Latrell asked looking at the doctor.
The doctor standing up and taking a step back. His face a look of horror on it. “You have to get that amputated. I’ve never seen anything like this before.”
“Trell? Trell?” Trisha started shaking him.
Latrell shook his head trying to clear his mind of the dark thoughts be was having. He looked over at Trisha. “I’m sorry, I got lost in my thoughts.”
“I hope it was about me?” She said smiling.
Part of it was, he thought. The other part was a bunch of evil thoughts. There’s nothing wrong with my leg. Or is there?
Latrell stared down at his cast and couldn’t get the picture of a charcoal black leg out of his mind. He then pictured puss and worms crawling over his leg.
Okay! He thought. I have to stop with the crazy thoughts. That was disgusting!
He pushed himself up and grabbed his crutches.
“Where are you going?” She asked.
“I gotta go drain the anaconda.” He said.
He made his way to the bathroom and stared at himself in the mirror. He noticed he had bags under his eyes.
Great, he thought.
He put his finger underneath his eyes and rubbed the skin.
I can’t rub it away Latrell. This is what happens when you go through what I’ve been going through lately.
He used the bathroom and took and deep breath and exhaled slowly.
As the water ran in the face bowl his mind was lost in thought. He thought about that night in the forest with Malik.
It’s something I’m not remembering. Something important.
He stuck his hands under the running water and started washing it.
He pictured himself back in the forest that awful night. Running away from the evil. Running so fast.
All the energy in his body was pushed to his legs. His heart was racing so fast. His chest was hurting. Hard to breathe.
What am I not remembering, he thought. Wh
at is it?
Then he remembered. The cloud had circled around him too. It had wrapped it’s cold, dark, evil presence around him and Malik that night.
All he could see was darkness. Pure black nothingness. With streaks of blue. Souls crying out to him. Souls saying his name.
“Latrell, help me!” He heard a voice say.
“Latrell, you will die if you don’t stop us!” Another one said. “All who you love will die!”
Was that the reason why it kept attacking Trisha?
Latrell wasn’t paying any attention to the hot water running over his hands. White smoke was coming from the faucet but, he was lost in his thoughts. Lost in what really happened that night.
Everything was so black. It felt as he was falling through the dark void. The wind pushing against his body as he fell quickly down a dark empty void of darkness.
Then he landed back into his body. He was back in the forest now, on the ground.
He looked around him and saw the cloud circling around Malik now.
Malik started coughing. He was choking on the thick cloud entering his nose and mouth.
Latrell ran over to help Malik.
Malik was shaking frantically on the ground. He then stopped and opened his eyes and sat up. His eyes were so white. Glowing white.
He stood up and came close to Latrell.
“Malik you ok bro?” Latrell asked worried.
Malik swung his arm at Latrell causing him to fly back and hit a tree.
The wind was knocked out of him. Everything was blurry. His head hurt so bad.
Malik started walking towards Latrell.
Latrell could hear the voices coming from Malik now. All the voices he had heard in that evil cloud he could now hear them screaming from Malik.
Malik look so scary walking towards him he didn’t look like the brother he had come to know and love.
I have to get away from him, Latrell told himself. If I don’t he’s gonna kill me.
Latrell pushed himself up as quickly as he could and started running in the opposite direction. Running as fast as he could from Malik.
“Latrell! We’re gonna kill you! We’re gonna kill you and all you love!” The voices said.
Latrell turned around and saw that as fast as he was running Malik still wasn’t that far away from him even though he was just walking slowly behind him.