The Evil

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The Evil Page 15

by J N Tensley

  They were about fifty feet away from the apartment building now. Latrell was fighting with everything in him to keep pushing forward. His leg was so sore.

  He turned around and looked in the air. The cloud had the blue orbs racing inside of it. “Latrell! You can’t save her! We will have her!” He heard the voices say.

  He turned to Trisha quickly to see if she heard it but she didn’t seem to hear it. She was looking straight ahead, breathing quickly.

  Right in front of the apartment building now. He pushed the front door open and closed it behind him once Trisha was inside.

  He couldn’t see the cloud anymore. But he didn’t feel safe just standing there.

  Trisha was bent over, her hands on her thighs, trying to catch her breath.

  Latrell didn’t take his eyes off of the main door. He was expecting at any second for the door to burst open and the cloud to come flying in and attack them.

  Any second now, he thought. Any second.

  Nothing happened.

  Latrell grabbed Trisha’s hand again and headed up the stairs to his floor.

  “What the hell was that thing?” Trisha asked, breathing heavily.

  “The evil. It’s after us. I have to protect you. I can’t let it get to you.” Latrell said staring into her eyes seriously.

  “That thing looked like it was after both of us.” Trisha said.

  She’s right but, I can’t take the risk of anything happening to her again.

  He opened the door to the third floor and looked down the hallway. It seemed to be clear.

  He walked straight to his apartment door and took his keys out. He unlocked the door and pushed it open.

  His cell phone started ringing, which made his heart skip a beat.

  Trisha locked the door behind her.

  He looked down at his phone. It was Kia. “Hello.”

  “Hello?” Kia sounded like she had been crying.

  “What’s wrong Kia?” Latrell asked curiously.

  “It’s Malik. I think he’s dead.”


  Chapter 16

  Her voice sounded so low, Latrell could barely hear her. He wanted to make sure he was hearing what he thought he was hearing. “What’d you say?”

  “Malik. He won’t get up. I think he’s dead.” Kia said softly.

  Latrell’s heart beats slowed down. He had thought the evil had come back and finished off Malik. Good, he’s just sleeping, he thought.

  “Malik! Get up sleepy head!” Kia said loudly over the phone.

  Latrell listened as Kia kept trying to wake him up. He still was nervous about the evil cloud finding its way into the apartment. He stared at the bottom of the door and saw if he could see anything creeping from underneath it.

  Latrell could hear Malik mumbling grumpily.

  “I don’t think he’s doing so well. All he’s been doing since we got here is sleeping. What should I do?” Kia asked.

  “I don’t know. Maybe pour some cold water on him? Does he seem like he’s sick or something?”

  “No. He just seems weak and outta it. It’s like something took all his energy away.” Kia explained.

  “Well I guess if he’s still breathing to just let him sleep but, if you really want him to get up to just throw some cold water on top of him.” Latrell suggested.

  Latrell heard moaning over the phone. “My head. It hurts so bad.” He heard Malik say.

  “Let me talk to him real quick.” Latrell said.


  Latrell heard the phone being handed over to Malik. “Hello?” His voice sounded so tired and cracked.

  “What’s up bro? You feelin’ alright man?” Latrell asked.

  Malik yawned. “I think so. I just have this bad headache. Everything is so fuckin’ loud.” He sounded irritated.

  “You take anything for it?”

  “I just want to sleep. I feel like I can sleep forever.” Malik said.

  “Well you probably should take something for it.” Latrell took a deep breath. “When are we gonna go back to the forest?”

  “Back? I don’t know if I ever want to go back after what happened last time.” Malik sounded surprised he would ask something like that.

  “We have to man. It’s the only way we’re gonna find out what that thing is. Otherwise it’s just gonna keep coming for us.”

  “Maybe you’re right. But I don’t know if I wanna go back. I don’t want to hurt anyone else.”

  Latrell made his way to the couch and sat on the handle. “Yeah I definitely feel you on that. I may just have to go by myself. I have to find out what that thing is. I have to find out how to stop it.”

  Malik yawned again. “Nah bro, I’m not gonna let you to there by yourself. You need back up. What if something happens to you?”

  It didn’t matter if Malik was going to go or not, Latrell knew he was going back. He knew he was going to see what he could discover about the evil that had been hunting them.

  “I’m gonna take a cold shower to wake up. What y’all doin’ over there?” Malik asked.

  Latrell didn’t want to bring up the evil that had followed them back to the apartment. He didn’t want him to know how close they had gotten to being attacked again. “Just got back from a walk. It’s nice outside.”

  Malik sighed. “Yeah it looks nice. I’m gonna take a shower and then me and Kia are gonna take a walk. Hopefully that’ll make me feel better.”

  “Alright man, well maybe I’ll hit you up a little later.” Latrell said.

  Malik yawned again. “Alright bro.”

  Latrell hung up the phone.

  “You’re still thinking of going back to that forest?” Trisha asked standing next to him, her arms crossed in front of her chest. She tapped her feet anxiously.

  Latrell looked up at her. “Yeah. I want that thing to go away. So instead of just sitting around waiting for the next time it attacks us. I say we go back and see if we can destroy it. I can’t lose one of you guys to that thing. It’d be devastating.”

  “What if you guys get killed this time? What if you break more than just a leg? What if I never see you again?” Trisha asked.

  “You will. I won’t let anything happen to us. Aren’t you tired of running from that thing?”

  “Yes I am tired of that fuckin’ thing but, I don’t want anything to happen to you guys.” Trisha put her arms around Latrell.

  Latrell knew all this talk about going back to the forest was upsetting her but, he didn’t know what else to do. That’s where everything started. That’s where it would end.

  “I love you so much Trell.” Trisha said sniffling.

  “Don’t cry baby. We’ll be okay. I’ll come back to you. And then this will all be over.”

  Latrell hugged her back tightly. He kissed her on the cheek.

  After a few minutes of holding each other, Latrell let her go.

  A loud boom of thunder shook the apartment building.

  Trisha jumped.

  This would be the perfect time to go to the forest, he thought. Rain is the only thing that seems to be able to slow that thing down.

  A flash of lightning outside and another loud boom from thunder.

  “I don’t think Malik and Kia will be going for a walk out in this shit.” Trisha said. Her face looked scared. Thunderstorms always made her look like that. Made her be on edge.

  Well I know one thing for sure, that evil is long gone from here, he told himself. It doesn’t like the rain or the thunder.

  He smiled. I found your weakness, he told himself.


  The next day….

  Latrell had just woken up. Everything in his body felt sore, especially his legs. He rolled over and saw Trisha had her hand still wrapped around him.

  She looks so peaceful when she sleeps, he thought. She looks like an angel.

  He kissed her on the forehead and got up from underneath the sheets.

  The time was six thirty AM
and he had to get ready for work. He headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

  He adjusted the water so it was a little colder than warm so he could wake up.

  The strong stream of water felt good splashing on his skin. He instantly felt rejuvenated.

  His mind began to wander off as he stood there washing his body with his washcloth.

  Thinking about how many times the evil had gotten so close to them. Yesterday was really close, he told himself.

  Too close. That thing is something else.

  He thought about running down the street. The evil cloud hot on his and Trisha’s trail. But this time it caught up with them. It jumped into his body.

  He stopped running. Stopped moving. Just dropped to the ground. And then he stood up and his eyes now were white all over. Glowing white.

  Trisha stood looking at him strangely. Wondering why he fell to the ground.

  Then Latrell focused all his attention to Trisha. It was something about her that was drawing him to her. Her sweet face, her pure heart. Something he just felt like ripping out of her.

  “Why are you staring at me like that?” Trisha asked taking a step back away from him.

  Latrell couldn’t answer her. All he could do was stare at her. All he wanted to do was hurt her.

  No! You have to fight it Latrell, he told himself. Not her. You can’t hurt her. You love her remember?

  But everything inside him was pushing him towards her. Forcing him to grab her. He raised both of his hands up to her throat.

  She looked so surprised. Her faced was in shock.

  Fight it Latrell! But it was a losing battle. No matter how hard he tried his grip around her throat only grew tighter.

  Trisha wrapped her hands around his and the look in her eyes spoke volumes. They were so sad. So hurt he was doing that to her. But then she looked deep into his eyes and realized it wasn’t him. That something was inside of him.

  She swung her knee up and it hit him in the groin hard.

  Latrell released his grip and dropped to the ground, laying on his side. All he could see was Trisha taking off down the street. She was running so fast.

  Yes! Get away from me Trisha. Run as far as fast as you can away from me.

  That’s what Latrell told himself but, the evil now inside him wasn’t giving up that easily. The evil wanted Trisha. It was drawn to her. It needed her.

  Latrell stood up and started running after her. He ran down the street so fast. Like just a couple of steps and he was already right behind her.

  Latrell could feel the evil surging through his body. He could feel all of his strength increase and his speed. He felt so good. Like nothing could stop him.

  He grabbed Trisha’s ponytail flying behind her and pulled her to a stop.

  Her face was so terrified. He had never seen her that scared before. Even when her ex boyfriend used to beat her.

  He was right in front of the apartment building. He walked with her inside holding the back of her neck.

  “Latrell if you can hear me, you have to fight it!” She said staring at him now turned around. He had let her go. She was on the ground now, scooting away from him.

  Latrell started walking towards her slowly. His fists were balled up. He took deep slow breaths.

  Trisha backed up to the nearest wall behind her. She placed her back firmly against it.

  Latrell stood right in front of her now. He bent down and wrapped his hands around her throat.

  He could hear the voices in his head. “Kill her!” It was so loud.

  “La….Trell!” She tried to scream out under his crushing grip.

  But he was too gone to listen to her. The evil was too strong. It had taken control of him and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

  He squeezed tighter. Tighter. Her neck felt so soft in his hands. Like if he squeezed any tighter he would snap her neck.

  Trisha tapped the back of his arms with her hand. Her eyes were bloodshot red now. Her face was losing color. It turned to a pale brown.

  “Kill her!” The voices repeated. “We want her….”

  “Soul!” Another deeper voice said.

  Latrell felt so bad staring down at Trisha. It was like he could see and feel everything that was going on but he had no control over his body.

  Fight it dammit! Fight Latrell or, you’re gonna kill her. She’s gonna die.

  Her hands started tapping him less and less. Her legs stopped moving.

  Latrell could feel the evil winning. No matter how hard he fought. The evil was too strong.

  Trisha’s pupils dilated. Her hands dropped to her side. Her whole body grew cold. Like she was sitting in the freezer.

  She was gone. He had killed her. He let the evil win.

  Latrell could feel the evil leaving him now. It had gotten what it wanted.

  The cloud exited his body from his mouth. He coughed it up. Pure black smoke.

  Latrell was bent over. His chest hurt so bad. The cloud finally came all the way out of him and hovered over Trisha.

  Trisha’s whole body had a blue light around it as it lifeless on the ground. The light rose up from her body and entered the cloud.

  She was now apart of it.

  Latrell looked up and saw all the blue orbs swimming around inside of the cloud. All the pure people who had died were now apart of it. That’s where it got its energy. That’s why it wanted Trisha, he discovered.

  So many blue orbs inside. Too many. Surrounded by the deep blackness of the cloud.

  Latrell backed up and blinked several times.

  What have I done? I can’t believe I killed her! He stared down at Trisha’s limp body on the floor.

  He dropped to his knees and put her head in his lap. Tears formed in his eyes. Even in death she still looked peaceful and beautiful.

  “No. Please don’t leave me Trisha.” He cried. “I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you.”

  The cloud hovered above his head a moment before sliding under the door outside.

  That fuckin’ cloud! Latrell thought angrily staring at the door. It has to be stopped.

  Latrell felt like he was being sucked away. Like he was being pulled from there back to reality.

  He landed back inside his body. Everything seemed blurry for a moment. He put his hand on the shower wall to hold himself up so he didn’t fall.

  That dream was too real, he thought. But what if it wasn’t a dream? What if it was a vision of what would happen if that thing got inside me? There’s no one here but me and Trisha, she wouldn’t stand a chance.

  Latrell turned the water off and grabbed a towel from the metal towel rack just outside the shower. He started patting himself dry.

  He felt sick to his stomach. He couldn’t believe he was seeing images and visions of him killing Trisha.

  I would die before I do something like that, he told himself.

  He slipped on his clothes after drying himself and then brushed his teeth at the sink. He looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes were wide open. The vision really did a number on him.

  His mind began to wander off again. Thinking about Trisha’s pretty face. Her limp lifeless body on the floor.

  First Malik attacked Trisha then, Kia. Am I next? Am I the one who’s gonna finish what they couldn’t?

  No! I can’t let that happen. I have to stop this before it goes any further.

  Latrell set his toothbrush down on the side of the sink and splashed some cold water on his face. The water sent a chill down his spine as soon as it touched his skin.

  I can stop this, he thought. I can put an end to this once and for all.

  He exited the bathroom and went to his bedroom. He slipped on his work clothes.

  Trisha was still peacefully sleeping under the sheets.

  Latrell went and sat down on the bed and stared at her. She looked so beautiful sleeping. She had a slight smile on her face.

  She must be having a good dream, he thought.

  He bent over and kissed
her on the lips.

  She shifted a little on the bed, her eyes stayed closed.

  Latrell kissed her again, this time he pressed his lips up against hers harder.

  She blinked a few times and squinted her eyes before opening them. “Hey Trell.” She said sleepily.

  Latrell sat there quietly staring at her pretty face. Just a few minutes ago, I saw you die, he thought. I saw you die by my hands. He hovered over her and hugged her tightly.

  “Somebody’s happy I’m awake.” Trisha said hugging him back.

  Yes I’m happy your awake Trisha. I’m also happy you’re not dead.

  Latrell knew that the image of her getting killed by him would stay on his mind all day. He knew that no matter how hard he tried to think of something different it would still control his thoughts.

  She smelled so good. Like a bouquet of flowers.

  Latrell decided not to tell her about his dream. He didn’t want her becoming scared to be around him.

  He kissed her on the neck.

  She jiggled around in the bed. Her neck was her sweet spot. It was so sensitive. He could always tease her just by softly kissing her neck.

  “I love you.” Latrell told her seriously staring into her eyes.

  “I love you too babe.” She said yawning and stretching her arms out at the side.

  “I don’t know what I would do without you. You’re my world.” He said.

  “Awww. Thanks Trell. I feel the same way about you.”

  Latrell stood up and helped her out of bed.

  Trisha stretched her arms out again. “I’m gonna hop in the shower.” She said.

  “Yes ma’am.”

  She turned and started walking towards the door. Latrell slapped her on the ass playfully.

  She turned around. “Owww!” She said smiling.

  Latrell made the bed and fluffed up the pillows. He smoothed out the wrinkles on the sheet when he was done.

  It was now seven o’clock. He could hear the birds chirping out the window. He could also hear a car alarm going off.

  I guess I better make me something to eat, he decided. He headed for the kitchen and took out a skillet to make scrambled eggs.

  He cracked a couple eggs in a bowl and whisked them together. He then added salt, pepper and , cheese.


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