Forbidden Arcana: Morgana

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Forbidden Arcana: Morgana Page 9

by Tamryn Tamer

  “How you felt?” Talia snapped angrily. “How about how I felt? You could have told me that Eberis would only let you marry if I gave him my soul! But you decided to hide that little fact!”

  “I wasn’t hiding it!” Morgana yelled back. “It was obvious! I am the Herald of Eberis! You were training to be a priestess! I didn’t think it needed spelling out! But no! Because of your jealousy you had to run off with threats of becoming a goddess and taking my soul back by force! You didn’t even ask what I wanted!”

  “Oh!” Talia shouted heatedly. “What you wanted? I wasn’t aware you wanted to be stuck in this temple training new priestesses for eternity! Forgive me for thinking that you wanted more from life!”

  “Of course I want more!” Morgana stomped. “But I made a deal with Eberis! How was I supposed to know I’d meet you! Not all of us can just rewind time for a do-over!”

  “You know damn well I can’t rewind time or else I would have gone back and undone your stupid mistake!” Talia screamed. She grabbed Jericho’s arm and squeezed. “But I guess it worked out in the end anyway because I have Jericho and you have your precious Eberis!”

  “I can’t believe you!” Morgana grabbed a decorative rock and tried to throw it only to end up failing due to Eberis’ barrier. She chucked it into the water. “You’re the one that left me at the altar! You have no right to make me the bad guy here! And really? A mage? A human mage? You can add all of the titles you want to him but unless one of them is god then it doesn’t matter!”

  “Should I be jealous?” Jericho glared at Talia. He was feeling kind of jealous which was a bit unusual for him. Maybe it was the way she tried to puff him up during the introduction. Maybe it was the fact Talia clearly had unresolved feelings. Maybe it was the fact Morgana was just ridiculously beautiful. But he was definitely getting jealous. “You still love her!”

  “Don’t you look at me like that,” Talia snapped furiously at Jericho. “How many women do you love? You’re really going to complain about me loving one other woman before I met you?”

  “You do love too many women. Cheater. Cad.” Jinx said judgmentally.

  “I love everybody,” Ariel said cheerfully. “Do you get jealous of me for loving everybody?”

  “That’s different,” Jericho said while leering at Morgana. “She was going to marry her. If she’d married her, she never would have met me. I was the second choice.”

  “You were not the second choice!” Talia stomped. “If you were the second choice do you think I would have brought you here?”

  “You mean you prefer him to me?” Morgana scoffed. “He’s just a mage. I am the herald of a god! What does he have that I don’t have?

  “A soul for starters,” Talia said snidely as Morgana’s expression filled with rage. “And he built me a statue! He doesn’t talk down to me or treat me like I’m lesser than him! He spends time with me and takes me out! Oh, and he’s better in bed!”

  “Ooh,” Ariel cringed and slowly moved behind Jericho. Even Jinx looked shocked by the severity of Talia’s tone.

  “Damn,” Jericho winced. Although he was admittedly becoming less jealous. “You’re really going for the jugular, aren’t you?”

  “Shut up!” Talia growled. “You’re the one that wanted to come here to find a god!”

  “Is that why you came here?” Morgana raged. “You didn’t even come here to see me? You came here because you wanted an audience with Eberis? Ha! Too bad, so sad! Maybe if you’d been a little nicer! Now run along!”

  “You can’t just say no!” Talia yelled. “You have to ask Eberis!”

  “Fine,” Morgana smirked. “I’ll process your request. Why don’t you come back in five years for an answer?”

  “This has gone awfully sideways,” Jericho grumbled. “We need to meet with him. It’s important.”

  “How important is it?” Morgana gestured at Talia. “Important enough for you to give me Talia? She’s your familiar so if you command her to join me, she’ll have no choice.”

  “That’s not the way it works,” Jericho said. “Nobody who serves me needs to listen to anything I say. They all have complete autonomy. I’m a master in name only.”

  “And this is who you leave me for?” Morgana snarled at Talia. “He doesn’t even command his familiars!”

  “That’s why I love him!” Talia shouted. “He doesn’t look down on me or anybody else! He treats us like people!”

  “I never looked down on you,” Morgana hissed. “I looked up to you! I love you!”

  “Aww,” Ariel said. “That’s beautiful!”

  “Sarcasm?” Morgana glared at the fairy. “Really?”

  “That wasn’t sarcasm,” Jericho shook his head. “That’s just how Ariel is. And I’m inclined to agree. But if you really love her then you would help her.”

  “You mean help you,” Morgana scowled. “She wouldn’t have come here if not to help you.”

  “Quit being petty!” Talia snapped. “You always bragged about being the Herald of Eberis, so just do some heralding already!”

  “Really?” Morgana said angrily. “You want me to do some heralding? Fine! Well, I don’t commune with Eberis without an offering. And today the only offering I’m accepting is flesh. How’s that?”

  “Seriously?” Talia sneered. “You’re going to use your position to get me in bed?”

  “No.” Morgana pointed at Jericho. “I want his flesh. After all, you said he was so much better than me in bed.”

  “Goddammit!” Jinx roared while stomping angrily. “You’re always sleeping with new whores! Bastard! Gigolo!”

  “That’s a good choice,” Ariel said completely misreading the room. “He’s really good in bed! Oh! But be sure to tell him what you like! Like I love it when he licks my…”

  “Don’t give her advice! Bigmouth! Gossip!” Jinx snapped.

  “It’s up to you Talia,” Jericho smiled anxiously at his blonde familiar. There were definitely some lines that shouldn’t be crossed and he figured fucking the ex of one of his familiars was probably one of them. “Given the circumstances, I’m fine leaving if that’s what you want.”

  “No,” Talia said with almost frightening tranquility. “That’s what she wants and I’m not going to let her win.”

  “Really?” Morgana chuckled. “You’re just going to give him to me? You know how amazing I am Talia. Do you really want to imagine him enjoying me more than he enjoys you?”

  “Jokes on you,” Talia said. “I already know I’m not my master’s favorite. Jinx is wilder than me. Ariel’s more innocent than me. Mirage is more deviant than me. Theia’s more submissive than me. Luna puts on a better show than me. I’m tied with Sable and she’s at the bottom. I’m already used to being overshadowed.”

  “Aww,” Ariel hugged Talia. “Don’t be so down on yourself. You’re still new. You’ll get better with more practice.”

  “See,” Talia pointed at Ariel. “I have to compete with this!”

  “Well,” Morgana turned to Jericho. “It seems it’s up to you. Are you prepared to offer your flesh up to me in exchange for an audience with Eberis?”

  “If Talia is actually okay with it,” Jericho looked at his familiar who nodded approvingly. “Okay. Seems we have a deal.”

  “Good,” Morgana glared at Talia then back at Jericho. “Then follow me and we’ll see if you’re as gifted as she claims.”

  Chapter 8

  The Herald's Offering

  Morgana’s bedroom was surprisingly demure for somebody in her position. His own bedroom was lavish beyond belief while hers simply consisted of a king-sized bed, a wardrobe, a few plants, and a vanity. All of the furniture was also surprisingly minimalist.

  “Stop judging,” Morgana said as Jericho scanned the room. “Less junk means less to keep clean. Now, which one of you is going to please me first?”

  “Which one?” Jericho glanced at his familiars. “I thought you wanted me.”

  “Obviously I want you,” Morga
na smiled as she dropped her robe revealing her stunning body. Jericho’s eyes immediately gravitated to her plump ass. She must have noticed his fixation because she quickly leaned over the bed as if testing its firmness before sitting down. “But if you’re all meeting Eberis then you should all place an offering.”

  “Then I’ll go first,” Talia said haughtily. “After all, I know what you....”

  “Oh,” Morgana interrupted while seductively tracing her nipples with her fingers. “I meant everybody except you.”

  “Excuse me?” Talia scowled. “You just said…”

  “I know what I said,” Morgana smiled arrogantly and pointed to the chair in front of the vanity. “You’ll have no part in anything. You will sit and watch. Now thank me for letting you watch or else I’ll have you wait outside.”

  “Excuse me?” Talia clenched her fists like she intended to throw a punch. “You expect me to…”

  “Fine,” Morgana interrupted again. “Wait outside.”

  “I don’t want to wait outside,” Talia growled.

  “Then you know what I want to hear,” Morgana said smugly.

  “What’s going on?” Ariel whispered at Jericho. “Does she hate Talia?”

  “No,” Jinx answered knowingly. “She’s teaching the stupid crone a lesson for leaving her. Bug. Insect.”

  “Fine,” Talia said through clenched teeth. “Thank you for letting me watch.”

  “Thank me properly,” Morgana smiled as she sat at the edge of the bed holding out her hand. “Make me believe it.”

  “You’re really…fine!” Talia approached Morgana and took the naked woman’s hand in both of hers and lovingly kissed it. She let rested her lips on it for several seconds like she was praying and then flashed Morgana an adoring smile. “Thank you for allowing me to watch.”

  “That’s better,” Morgana beamed. She glanced at Jericho and her smile widened as her eyes fixed on his pants. “And it looks like your master enjoyed it as well.”

  “Seriously?” Talia glared at Jericho’s cock outline moving down his trousers.

  “It was really beautiful,” Ariel said in defense of Jericho’s arousal.

  “That’s not why he’s hard,” Jinx grinned wickedly. “It was because of how demeaning it was. Moth. Pest.”

  “You know what,” Morgana grabbed Talia’s arm before she could walk to her seat. “You were going to say earlier that you know what I like, right? I want you to tell your master what I like and ask him to do it for me.”

  “Shit,” Jericho mumbled as Talia’s face turned bright red. “Talia you don’t have to…”

  “It’s fine,” Talia insisted as she walked toward Jericho. “Please, be sure to spend time kissing and appreciating Morgana’s beautiful hips and her thighs. She enjoys it when you nibble her, not bite, just nibble like you…” Talia paused and gulped, “Like you can’t control yourself. Like the only thing you can think of is the feeling of her supple flesh between your teeth and marking her as yours. She likes to be reminded that she is yours and you are hers.”

  “Talia…” Morgana’s mumbled under her breath without realizing it. She shook her head as if she was coming out of a trance and glared at Talia. “I mean, good. Now you can sit and watch.”

  “Talia,” Jericho grabbed the beautiful blonde’s arm. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

  “Jericho,” Talia grinned malevolently. She leaned in and whispered in his ear. “If you wish to please me, please her. Please her so well that she can’t get the thought of you fucking me out of her head. When you finish with her, I want her trembling with envy. Understood?”

  “Understood,” Jericho smirked as he stared at the naked woman. Talia sat down at the vanity and crossed her arms. “So, Morgana, which one of us do you want first?”

  “On second thought,” Morgana looked at the three of them. “I’ll take all of you at once.”

  “Are you sure?” Ariel said while removing her skirt. “Speaking from experience having both Jinx and Jericho at once can be really rough on the body.”

  “Quiet bug,” Jinx’s eyes lit up and she licked her lips while removing her assassin’s garb. She was wearing a black thong and a lacey black bralette. “You heard her. She wants us all. Dummy. Dolt.”

  “Such confidence,” Morgana laughed. “I certainly hope you can live up to the hype.”

  “Ariel,” Jericho gestured toward Morgana as he unbuttoned his mages coat. “You heard what Talia said right? Why don’t you get her started?”

  “Really?” Ariel’s eyes lit up. She eagerly rushed over to Morgana while removing her top so she was only in a pair of lacey yellow panties. She stopped in front of Morgana and smiled. “You’re so pretty.”

  “Thank you,” Morgana said while stroking Ariel’s arm. “You’re very pretty too. And soft.”

  “That’s so nice!” Ariel practically tackled Morgana with a hug and barraged her with kisses. The slender fairy stopped and made a face as her knees almost slid off the end of the bed. “Can you scoot back onto the bed a little more? I’m falling off.”

  “Okay,” Morgana laughed at the carefree fairy as she scooted back until she was fully on the mattress. “Is this better?”

  “Yes,” Ariel said while straddling Morgana’s waist and squeezing her large breasts. “Ha! I love your breasts! You can feel mine if you want.”

  “Alright,” Morgana reached up and rubbed Ariel’s breasts as the slender fairy drew Morgana into her pace. Ariel squeezed Morgana’s breasts and tugged on her nipples playfully as Morgana rubbed Ariel’s soft chest and gently pinched her tiny pink tits. “Wait, you’re supposed to be pleasing me.”

  “Oh! Right!” Ariel said releasing Morgana’s large breasts. “Sorry, you’re just so pretty I forgot.”

  “Thanks,” Morgana blushed as Ariel continued to compliment her. The petite fairy moved surprisingly quickly down Morgana’s body, stopping to lick her nipples and squeeze her breasts until she reached Morgana’s flat stomach. “Huh?”

  “Your belly button is so cute,” Ariel beamed as she explored Morgana’s flat stomach with her tongue. “Do you mind? I can take my time, right? You’re just so beautiful.”

  “Yeah,” Morgana’s face was completely red with embarrassment as Ariel playfully poked and prodded every inch of her. Finally, she started working her way further south to Morgana’s inner thigh and began kissing it incessantly. Much like Talia had recommended she completely ignored Morgana’s pussy. “That feels so good.”

  “Thank you,” Ariel said as she kissed Morgana’s thighs. Jericho watched as the fairy masterfully teased Morgana, alternating nibbles and licks as the dark-haired woman writhed in her bed. Finally, Ariel moved toward Morgana’s glistening pussy like a bee drawn to a flower and started licking her. “Oh, wow.”

  “What?” Morgana looked down concerned but instead of responding Ariel just buried her face in Morgana’s pussy. “Holy fuck.”

  “Yeah,” Jinx smiled wickedly as she climbed into bed naked. “The insect is absolutely amazing at that, isn’t she? Bimbo. Whore.”

  “Bimbo?” Morgana glared at Jinx as the tigress pinned her arms above her head and went in for a hard, passionate kiss. She bit Morgana’s lip as she pulled away. Morgana let out a soft whine as Ariel continued to rapidly lick her dripping pussy. “Fuck. She’s so good.”

  Jericho climbed in behind Ariel and gripped the fairy’s tight little ass while she licked Morgana’s pussy. He ran his hands up and down her slender thighs and then right up the middle stroking the center of her soft panties. He pulled them down exposing her perfect bare ass and ran his thumb along her asshole causing her wings to flutter excitedly.

  “Jericho,” Ariel giggled as she came up for air. Her face was already covered in Morgana’s juices as she pointed at Morgana’s pussy. “Come see! She gets so wet!”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Morgana asked self-consciously as Ariel quickly demonstrated sliding four fingers into her pussy. Ariel giggled as she pulled o
ut her drenched fingers and licked them clean before putting them back in. Morgana moaned, “Fuck that feels nice.”

  “Oh,” Jericho smiled excitedly as he watched Ariel play with her. Morgana’s pussy was already wetter than most of his familiars after they came multiple times. Seeing that welcoming sight made his cock twitch with anticipation. “That is so fucking hot.”

  “Really?” Morgana looked down as Ariel scooped up Morgana’s juices with her hand and rubbed them on Jericho’s thick cock. He shivered as her soft hand stroked him. “Fuck your cock is huge.”

  “So, it’s an acceptable offering?” Jericho smiled playfully at the curvy beauty.

  “Yes,” Morgana mumbled as Ariel helped line up his cock up with Morgana’s drenched pussy. “It’s more than acceptable.”

  Jericho easily slipped his cock into her pussy thanks to the senseless amount of lubricant inside of her. He smiled as each thrust of his cock caused juices to flow out of her and drip into his cock. He loved knowing that she couldn’t help but show her pleasure as he fucked her gorgeous cunt.

  “Ariel,” Jericho grabbed the fairy’s head and pushed it down on Morgana’s clit. “You know what to do.”

  Jericho’s cock tensed as he felt the vibration of Ariel’s supersonic tongue on Morgana’s clit from inside of her. There was no way the herald would be able to last long with that type of intense sensation.

  “Fuck,” Morgana whined as Ariel obediently targeted her clit.

  Jericho mercilessly fucked Morgana’s dripping cunt as Jinx tonguefucked her mouth and roughly squeezed her breasts. They were relentless in their attack on the herald and before long Morgana’s body tensed up as she squirted all over Jericho. She panted as Jinx pulled away, “Fuck, wow that was fast.”

  “Fast?” Jericho smiled. “That was only round one.”

  “What?” Morgana asked as Jericho went back to fucking her, this time Jinx and Ariel toyed with her breasts, biting them and squeezing them as they saw fit. Occasionally Jinx or Ariel traveled up her neck and then to her lips to kiss her passionately. “You don’t have to keep going…”


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