Star Wars - Artoo Detoo: Droid of a Kind (Volume 1)

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Star Wars - Artoo Detoo: Droid of a Kind (Volume 1) Page 21

by Mark A.J. Cristobal

  “So behind all that cold savage bravado of his, he was a real patriot after all.” Alle said in amazement.

  “His dedication to our group pales ours by comparison.” Sheeana admitted.

  “Gantu and I have had long talks about such matters. I am beginning to see things differently now.” Monchar lowered his voice.

  Alle and Sheeana looked at each other.

  “Monchar, are you trying to say what we think you’re trying to say?” Alle asked.

  “I do not wish to get entangled by this scheme the Viceroy is getting himself into. This is too risky and beyond the scope of business. Droids are being produced in greater numbers every month. There are talks that the heads of the biggest business empires in the galaxy are starting to secretly meet each other. Something is wrong here and this is more than just simple taxation disputes. This is war, a galaxy wide war.” Monchar said.

  “That’s just crazy, the galaxy is too big, the Republic is too powerful and not to mention there are practically thousands of Jedi protecting its sovereignty.” Sheeana said.

  “The Dark Lords of the Sith are behind this plot. They intend to expose themselves once the war began.” Monchar explained.

  “Impossible! Come on Hath, don’t talk nonsense on us.” Alle shook his head.

  “Look at this.” Hath Monchar has taken out a small palm-sized pyramidal metal relic.

  “Is that made of gold?” Sheeana gasped at the gleaming object.

  “This is a Sith Holocron.” He revealed to them.

  Alle and Sheeana both leaned forward to get a closer look.

  “Looks expensive,” Sheeana gawked in awe.

  “Looks dangerous, don’t do this Monchar, the Sith, if they do exist, will hunt down and kill you. You don’t stand a chance against their kind.” Alle shook his head.

  “Imagine how much people would be willing to pay just to have knowledge of the return of the Sith.” Monchar argued.

  “If you do this, you will have the Sith, the Trade Federation and the Republic plus the Jedi Order breathing down your neck. They will be out for your blood.” Alle said dissuading him.

  “Not even the entire forces of the Chommell Patriots could even protect you against such adversaries.” Sheeana added in concern.

  “I have made up my mind, my friends. I will sell this Sith holocron to the highest bidder. I will go on hiding for the meantime. I will contact you the moment I sold this.” Monchar said with finality.

  “You’re sealing your fate Monchar, I strongly advice you not to do this.” Alle shook his head.

  “Thank you for your concerns but I have made up my mind. I must do this.” He said and started to get up.

  Alle stood and walk to him and held his arm. “Last advice Monchar, don’t do this.” He said to him. The Neimoidian shook his head and left.

  “Escort them to the shuttle and have them landed safely back on Kardara.” Hath Monchar informed the Battle Droid before he left.

  “Roger, roger.” the battle droid nodded.

  Chapter 23: The Calm before the Storm

  In the following months the tension between Trade Federation and the Naboo halted into a stand-off. The report submitted by Queen Amidala about the suspected involvement of the Trade Federation on falsifying records in the Capital in regard to the alleged clones of Alle Vomm and Sheeana Fley occupied the attention of the Trade Federation as Senator Palpatine and Jedi Master Mace Windu pursued the investigation on that matter.

  The Chommell Patriots deserted their third base on Naboo and their main headquarters on Kardara. Despite the concerted efforts of Naboo and the other worlds within the Chommell Sector, they never found any trace of the once troublesome rebel group.

  A new batch of trainees from the Order of the Sanctuary was sent to be trained to serve as Royal Handmaidens.

  Captain Panaka and Aluva D’asima headed their secret program while Sabé became the permanent decoy for Queen Amidala. In every public event the decoy Sabé portrayed as the Queen. She and Padmé developed a code-talk and hand and facial signals in communicating with other in public, especially when Sabé were put on spot where she must issue a statement or a decision of matters of the state.

  Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas returned to Coruscant after making sure that the threat to the life of Queen Amidala was finally gone and that the Lady Sarc Crimos has truly died during the destruction of the plasma mines on Kardara.

  The clones met a questionable accident a few weeks after the incident of Kardara, having no other leads to pursue the investigation the matter was dropped out from the Courts.

  Captain Malo Teros retired and Queen Amidala promoted Captain Ric Olié to become the Captain of the Royal Starship.

  Captain Ric Olié chose Lieutenant Hoff Siege to be his successor on Bravo Squadron and made him Captain.

  Junior Palace Guard Gregar Typho was promoted by his Uncle Captain Panaka due to his exemplary service and made him lieutenant.

  Artoo Detoo was given permanent duty to the Queen’s Royal Starship due to his innovativeness and efficiency during their last mission to Kardara.

  Under the care of Captain Ric Olié, Artoo Detoo found a home with the Olié family and forged a bond between Rinn and even with Thea. Captain Hoff Siege visits Artoo once in a while and sometimes even take him to the hangar to assist in repairs and reconditioning several astromech units to peak performance.

  Naboo settled down and lapse into peace time once more even though the Trade Federation still make regular attempts to persuade Queen Amidala into signing their proposed treaty.

  * * *

  Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas was reported to have perished in his last mission. Master Dooku and his former apprentice Master Qui-Gon Jinn led the funeral for the fallen Jedi.

  Queen Amidala came to Coruscant to attend the Jedi’s funeral and the whole of Naboo grieved on their hero’s death.

  Darth Maul has returned to his master after he acquired all of the items in the list given to him. Lord Sidious was pleased with his performance but sent him once more on an errand.

  Darth Maul came to Coruscant to hunt down the traitor Hath Monchar.

  Back in Naboo, Aluva D’asima resigned her post as Royal Handmaiden and focused on training new ones.

  Dané was added to the Royal Handmaidens while a new batch trained under Aluva, they were Dormé, Cordé, Versé, Moteé and Ellé.

  Captain Panaka decided to place them as reserves and arrange them temporary duties for the palace once they finished their training.

  * * *

  A hooded figure stood on the far end of the long abandoned cathedral deep in the low levels of Coruscant.

  Another figure in black cloak knelt before him below the steps.

  “You have failed me, do you expect mercy?” the man standing rasped at the other.

  “I beg for retribution.” A female voice spoke.

  “Against whom? The Jedi who were known to have killed you has already perished, under the blade of his own trusted friend.” Darth Sidious asked.

  “I wish to kill the Queen.” She said.

  “Any moment now the Naboo will be invaded and the Queen will be forced to bow to our wishes. She will be of no use to me once she signed that treaty.” Lord Sidious explained.

  “Then I shall be free to slay her.”

  “Rise Lady Crimos. You will have your revenge.” Darth Sidious nodded and Darth Maul appeared from the corner and snarled at her.

  “Hath Monchar has been dealt with. Bring me the heads of Alle Vomm and Sheeana Fley.” Darth Sidious commanded.

  “Yes my master.” Darth Maul and Lady Crimos both bowed and left.

  Chapter 24: The Raltosan Enterprise

  Hath Monchar had left a million credits to the account of Alle Vomm the last time they saw each other and five more million was transferred to their off-world account by the InterGalactic Banking Clan after the Neimoidian’s mysterious death on Coruscant.

  When Alle and Sheeana were escorted back to Kardara that time,
they quickly called for a grand conference and addressed all of the generals and commanders of the Chommell Patriots.

  Alle Vomm gave the orders to vacate Kardara as soon as possible. Sheeana dispatched several teams to search for their next base of operations, somewhere distant and uncharted.

  Alle and Sheeana then led the evacuation of Kardara and transported their followers on the Roche Asteroid field while they await the reports of their scouts.

  When the scouts returned, Alle and Sheeana reviewed the various worlds suggested to them by their men and they both chose GC8482 a lush uninhabited world in the Wild Space. They purchased the rights to inhabit the planet for a million credits, an under the table deal with the Supervising Officer on the Galactic Mapping Committee.

  The group migrated there and Alle and Sheeana began using their credits to change their name and establish a legitimate business empire.

  They created the Raltosan Enterprise in honor of their friend Gantu Onu Raltos. They divided the company in three branches, the Space Casinos, the Loyalty Security Firm and the Hybrid Trading Industry.

  They filed a petition to the Galactic Star Maps to renamed GC8482 to Moviana. After a week of legal campaigns and more credit transactions, the petition was approved in record time.

  They changed their name to Movi and Ana Yelf and got officially married. They also had their facial, retinal and finger print patterns surgically altered with the help of one of their Hutt connections.

  For the past three months they finally experienced a normal life. Their people loved them and they started to build towns all over Moviana. They granted lease for some to start their own little business life shops, clubs, hotels and markets.

  They estimated that within a year if their profit margin continues to grow and their people continue to expand they might end up ruling their own little world.

  Movi Yelf was even more overjoyed when Ana told him she was pregnant. The couple went to Alderaan for a special dinner date. Movi even arranged a scheduled private tour to the Aldera Royal Palace to personally meet Queen Breha Organa.

  * * *

  “Isn’t this fantastic? This planet is so beautiful.” Ana exclaimed looking out the view on the lake outside.

  “We should have done this a long time ago. So much time has been wasted…” Movi sighed.

  Ana placed her hand on his and looked at him in the eyes. “Hey, it’s in the past. We’re a completely different person now. We’re doing our best to atone for our sins, we employ people regardless of species, we provide them security for their hard earn credits and we are now their protectors.” Ana assured him.

  “That’s the idea isn’t? Why do I still feel haunted?” Movi said.

  “It’s because you are a father now. You are finally seeing things the way you’ve never thought of before. So am I.” Ana leaned back on her chair and rubbed her flat belly.

  “Is he growing now?” Movi asked.

  “Inside yes, but it won’t be evident until a couple of months from now,” Ana smiled at him.

  The waiter came and placed their order at their table, poured the wine and left the bottle on a pail of ice.

  “Anything else Sir, Madam?” the Caamasi waiter asked.

  “No, thank you.” Movi smiled and gave him a tip.

  “I got to admit, this is way better than old times.” Movi said and they both ate in relative silence, enjoying the view, their meal and each other’s company.

  After they changed on their hotel they took an airtaxi to the Aldera Royal Palace. The place was majestic and utterly clean. Ana closed her eyes and felt she was being taken to the heavens.

  The couple approached the Sentry and showed him their schedule card.

  The Sentry sent for a landspeeder driven by another Caamasi and opened the gates for them. Movi and Ana hopped in and the vehicle took them around the palace so they could see the castle in every angle before stopping to where they started.

  “We are now entering the Royal Lawn, this serves as the garden and outer perimeter of the palace.” The driver explained.

  “Are we allowed to record?” Movi asked.

  “There are places in the tour where you may take pictures and holorecordings. This is one of those places.” The driver nodded.

  Ana moved the driver’s side and placed an arm on the Caamasi as they both look back to face Movi, “Smile!”

  Later in the tour they were led to the veranda overlooking the plains of Aldera. They were on the upper levels of the palace.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Yelf, meet Queen Breha Organa.” The Caamasi announced and a very beautiful and regal woman gracefully glided towards them.

  Movi and Ana gaped in awe. Her presence was so powerful they felt unworthy to stand before her. Ana’s thought flew when she first saw Queen Amidala during the coronation. Then she remembered when she slapped her on the mines of Kardara and how the goddess beauty became a deadly warrior that almost killed her.

  Could Breha be as deadly as Queen Amidala? Ana shook her thoughts and realized the Queen was offering her hand. She felt honored and ashamed but she took the hand and shakes it in fear to offend the Queen.

  “You are most fortunate today Mr. and Mrs. Yelf.” The Queen was saying.

  “Thank you Your Grace, but may I ask why?” Movi asked.

  “I have a guest and she was kind enough to allow others to share our dinner. Will you join us?” Queen Breha offered.

  “We just…” Movi started to say but Ana spoke quickly.

  “We are most honored Your Majesty.”

  “Very well, follow me.” Queen Breha returned inside.

  The Caamasi walked beside the couple, “You are truly most fortunate, tourists are not allowed to dine with the Queen when another Queen is present.”

  Movi and Ana halted in surprise, “Another Queen?”

  “Queen Amidala of Naboo and her Royal Handmaidens are here for a trade venture and to celebrate the appointment to the Galactic Senate of the Queen’s husband, Prince Bail Prestor Organa.” The Caamasi answered and opened the door to the Royal Dining Hall.

  Movi and Ana looked at each other and paled but the Caamasi was oblivious to their reaction and he firmly led them to their seats. There were other people but by the look of their clothes the couple knew they were part of the palace.

  Queen Amidala sat on the other end of the five meter long table while Queen Breha was seated on the Head of the table.

  Ana shyly glanced at Queen Amidala and noted that she was as regal and as majestic as ever. She looked around at the Royal Handmaidens who remained standing on each side of their Queen. Ana felt nauseated remembering the last time she saw them. She felt Movi squeezing her hand in assurance and whispered.

  “We have changed our faces remember, calm down. It’ll be alright.” Movi gave a light kiss on her temple.

  Queen Breha introduced them to Queen Amidala as her guests and the Queen of Naboo smiled and nodded at them politely, other than that the conversation dwell on casual sharing of news from each world and several political issues and their expression of joy, expectations and excitement at the appointment of Prince Organa to the Galactic Senate.

  After that tensed meal the pair was finally escorted back to the outer gates where the Sentry took the liberty of summoning an airtaxi.

  * * *

  “I told you she won’t recognize us.” Movi said as he steps in the shower.

  “My heart was pounding so loud throughout the diner I thought they would all hear it.” Ana exclaimed as she dropped her dress on the floor and admired her well formed nakedness in the mirror.

  “You know what, with all that tension earlier, we need to unwind, come in here my love and let’s share the cold water.” Movi teased.

  “How could I ever say no to that?” Ana grinned and joined her husband and the two engulfed each other with their kisses.

  “Touching.” the low dispassionate voice startled the couple as if their skin had just jumped out of their body.

  Movi peere
d out of the shower and saw the tattooed face Zabrak bodyguard of the late Hath Monchar.

  “Step out or I’ll drag you both.” The Zabrak purred like a deadly feline predator.

  The couple draped themselves with towels and moved out of the bathroom. The Zabrak’s back was on them and he flatly told them to stand by the wall and remove their towels.

  “Excuse me?” Movi croaked, he intended to sound flabbergasted but the shaking of his muscles made him only sound like a whining kid.

  “I don’t repeat myself.” The Zabrak hissed and unclipped his long lightsaber.

  Movi and Ana dropped the towels and stood by the wall, the felt completely helpless and vulnerable standing naked before a menacing creature.

  “I see the credits didn’t make you fat like most rich people become.” Another all too familiar voice spoke from the other side of the room.

  The Lady Sarc Crimos stepped out of the darkness and into the brightly lit room. Her pair of lightsabers was already on her hands.

  Darth Maul slowly turned around to face them.

  “I am having a little dilemma here and I’d like to ask your help.” Maul snarled.

  “Anything, we’ll do anything, just don’t kill us.” Movi begged, Ana was now crying and hugging herself.

  “Ah the woman is pregnant, congratulations!” Crimos grinned.

  Maul briefly glanced at Ana’s belly. “I really need your help.”

  “What can we do?” Ana’s voice shakes with fear.

  “Which one of you wants to watch the other one die first?” Maul said.

  The couple embraced each other and cried and begged for their lives.

  “Oh stop it you look pathetic, is this what has become of the fearless founders of the Chommell Patriots? Reduced to a stupid pair of cry babies?” Crimos spat.

  “Disgusting isn’t it?” Maul glanced at Crimos and ignited his lightsaber.

  “Very.” Crimos ignited her pair of lightsabers.


  Chapter 25: First Move

  Padmé Naberrie sat by the terrace overlooking the calm lake before their villa. Eirtaé and Rabé were sitting by the garden having tea with Jobal and Ruwee.

  Sola leaned on the railing beside her.

  “I haven’t seen you, as yourself since the coronation.” Sola smiled.

  “Things have been tough for our world lately, mostly on galactic matters.” Padmé nodded.


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